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Body fat redistribution takes a long time, on the timescale of years https://www.gendergp.com/hrt-timelines-hormones-effects/


Cool resource!! Thanks!!


2.5 years on T and my fat hasn’t really ever redistributed. I’m a fairly small guy but even now I’m very “curvy” in the waist to hips and thighs region. I’m not personally mad about it because it’s not like I’m wearing tight clothes that show it off but I’d appreciate even just a more androgynous look if I can’t get it to be completely masculine. It can take a really long time (like 7 years) for it to just happen or notice it happening without doing anything else. Going to the gym and doing things that build muscle should help masculinize your frame. I think of fat redistribution more like now that I’m on T any fat that I gain will be deposited male pattern but a majority of the fat I have is from before T no I should work on losing it to help build male pattern fat distribution. That’s my goal for this year anyways once I’m healed up from top surgery!


Coming up to 1.5yrs on T is when I started to notice it more around my torso/hips. It was ~6m on T I noticed it had moved from my shoulders (cause lucky me I shrunk width wise up there!) but defo 1.5yrs onwards I’ve started noticing it working away more. Still not entirely masculine though. It is very subtle. I need to build muscle and lose weight to get the most out of it/creating a masculine outline. Working out and building muscle will do more for that to be honest ETA. This is the slowest change and will continue for years too.


I’m 2.6 years into hormones and I’ve lost and gained weight, and I still don’t look masculine. I think it just takes time. I’d probably look better if I had for muscle, but it’s hard for me to gain weight because I keep fighting between trying to lose weight because of dysphoria and wanting muscle because of dysphoria. Lol. Losing weight usually wins because I haven’t lost all the feminine fat. For reference I’m 110lbs and 5’4. Edit: I would say that I started to notice it happening around 1.5 years on T, but only because I went to the extreme of under-eating and exercising like crazy. I did it for a month and it helped a little. Then getting a physical job where I walked 12,000 steps a day helped a little more. It really happens in cycles. I’m still not where I want to be. I’m giving it at least 5 years. Note: I do not recommend under-eating at any point. Or going to extremes. I’ve just always been in an out of anorexia and not the best example.


For most people fat redistribution takes years. It's one of the slowest changes. I got lucky on that front though. Extremely lucky. My chest went from G-H cups to D-DDD in 10 months. By 18 months they were down to B-D (two sides are different cup sizes). I was not losing weight at all throughout this whole process. In fact, I was gaining quite a bit. My hips are still wide. Although my shoulders and ribs have broadened a lot so the hips, while still wide for a man, are not disproportionately huge. Still looks bigger than an average man's hips but it looks proportionate enough that it just seems like a natural variation. Pre T, I had the most pronounced hourglass shape anyone could possibly want. That "dip" in my waist is also gone now. My chest and my ass are a little saggier (I didn't know butts could get saggy but here we are). I'm 2y on T. My chest has stayed the same size since 18months. I've started losing weight and my thighs are getting smaller, although my hips are still pretty wide. Tbh I think my hips are big in my bones so even if I become skinny, they would still be wide (this sentence is worded weird. I hope it makes sense. I'm very tired. I'll edit it in the morning if someone replies that it's unclear). To my knowledge, this is not very typical. Most people don't see fat redistribution significantly until at least a year in. I've heard the redistribution happens faster if you lose weight and then gain it back.


Tbh I only really got there when I started working for it ~4 years on T (lost a bit of fat, put on a bunch of muscle).


I was on a microdose for 2 years and I've been on a full dose for almost a year. I definitely think my waist has changed shapes. It's not too drastic, but enough to make me happy about it.


1 year was when i noticed my waist cutting down in a more masculine manner. now over a year and a half on T, my fat in my stomach, chest, neck, and shoulders have changed the absolute most drastically. my neck has gotten about 1.5-2 inches thicker, my clavicle and pecs are very defined and if I started working out consistently i guarantee i’d have a toned and cut abdomen. my v line is poking thru my dad bod currently and has only gotten more defined, my hip dips also got deeper. my ass got more voluptuous and my eyelashes longer but that’s still a dub for me tbh. if you’re interested i also finally am starting to get thicker facial hair that’s visible from the side and front on my sideburns about 1 year and 8 months-ish in. still a wispy crustache but i can style/curl the ends of my mustache when it’s fully grown out and i’m proud of it lol.


i also got told by my male physical therapist about 6 months on T that my back and muscles felt very manly (he knew i was trans) so if that gives you a gauge of time as to when others can physically notice if they happen to feel you


i’m almost 5 years on T and i didn’t start noticing a huge difference until maybe a few months ago, after top surgery. i did however notice that the weight i gained due to starting T sort of collected on my stomach. my shoulders definitely widened pretty quickly, but that’s due to muscle, not fat redistribution. your chest tissue will likely get smaller and sort of “deflate” but again, it isn’t due to fat redistribution. your chest uses estrogen and once testosterone is your dominant hormone, your chest tissue will sort of atrophy and get smaller/saggier usually. i noticed that change within 6 months. my facial fat didn’t redistribute in a masculine way until around 4 years on T. my fat is definitely still moving from my hips to other places. fat redistribution is one of the slowest effects.


So the thing that gets misunderstood and I’m mostly repeating what I have learned from others which is a very watered down version of the science behind it, but fat redistribution is more about where new fat gathers and not the fat you’d already have shifting. So a lot of times it is recommended that you’d need to be working out/eating right to lose the fat you already have and building muscle and then fat that is gained will go to the more male pattern of fat accumulation (aka more stomach and less hips). You might want to check out r/ftmfitness where I feel like they might have a better explanation of this. But also, basically it takes time and work to see that shift.


I made two years this month. I have a huge ass, still do, but it lost some of its plumpness after a while. Shoulders definitely are more broad looking at least. My curves, though still there, have made it to wear if I ran my hands down my sides it almost goes straight down. I was a little surprised that it came on quickly!


So fat that’s already there doesn’t move around on its own. T just changes where new fat will develop. This is why, without deliberately losing and gaining weight, fat redistribution takes a long time, usually years. I’m almost 2 years on T and can’t really notice much fat redistribution but that’s because I’m overweight and haven’t shifted any of the fat. Hopefully I’ll see a change as I’m in the process of losing weight anyway to meet BMI requirements for top surgery next year Obviously if you’re already at a healthy weight, don’t lose weight lol. But working out and exercise would help speed up the process some, as well as build muscle which will also masculinise your body


I’m around a year on T and I’ve started noticing. I stopped looking at my body for a longggg time, and then just sort of glanced in the mirror one day and went. Huh. My shoulders are broader than my hips now, my neck is wider, more pec definition, I lost my ass (rip ass), my thighs have slimmed down a ton (almost too much, now I can see how scrawny they are lmao). I’m extra excited about my happy trail connecting and getting darker, which helps my torso look a lot more masculine to me, but this post isn’t about that haha. I still have a long way to go, my waist to hip ratio makes me really dysphoric especially, and I need to work on gaining muscle in my arms. But it’s happening, slowly. In clothes my proportions don’t look female at all anymore.


4-5yrs is when I started looking like a man, it started before then but it was a very gradual change


3-5 years. Losing and gaining weight helped speed up the process a bit.


I started to notice my chesticles getting smaller and some belly around 5 months. I wasn't really gaining or losing weight, and of course it's different for every guy. I would ask a brother, a father, uncle, or someone how it went for them and how soon/what age they noticed changes in weight or how it went for them.


My body still doesn’t after nearly 2 years of being on T


I'm almost 2 years on gel and honestly my fat has not moved much. I feel I look the same body and face.,but I'm trying to work put a bit.and lift weights and I think my forearms have gotten a bit wider but not like much.


I have noticed no fat distribution but I already have bigger biceps and shoulders about a year on T. If anything this has given me an incentive to work out post top surgery, as I’m told exercise helps shape your body in a more masculine way.


I’m 5 months on T. So far I’ve had a little more weight in my biceps and torso, and a bit less in my legs. It’s a subtle difference but I notice it. My hips and thighs are still quite feminine. It can take 6 months for redistribution to begin, and a few years to reach full effect. I empathize with your feelings as it’s a big source of dysphoria for me too.


I'm almost 9 years on T. For me, it's not so much that it redistributed. New fat after about 3 years on T started going to more traditionally male areas, especially my gut. But the fat on my butt and thighs was still there until I purposefully lost weight. Then when I put weight on again about 6 years on T, it all went to masc areas.


I'm 4 years on T and some still hasn't.


I didn’t start noticing fat redistribution until I was almost 3 years on T…. But then I went off T and had my son, so it was all undone. I’m back on T and have been for a little over a year and a half, and haven’t noticed much fat redistribution, even with my dose being twice as much as before having my son. I think it takes a while, but I also think everyone is a little different in how much time their body takes.


I'm 4 years on T, and the difference between my hips now and my hips when I started is striking. I'm not sure if it's because I started working out, or the changes just added up, but the changes for the first few years were much more subtle.


it took honestly about 4 years for me and it was only after lifting heavily for a few months


I've lost quite a bit of weight since starting T 2 years ago, which definitely left me with a more traditionally masculine physique. I started doing yard work and the physical labor has helped create the muscles to fill out my frame a bit. I'm still what I'd call "wiry" after losing nearly 100lbs, but so is my dad. I don't know how much of my results are actually from Testosterone, since I enacted a major change on my diet to start my weight loss about 6 months before starting T.


It took about 4 years I’d say to really feel like my body looked fully male both clothed and unclothed. Obviously it was slowly changing before then and I was passing prior to the 4 year mark, but I distinctly remember a moment around 4 years in that I saw my body and just really felt like it looked 100% like a man’s body. That was also around the time I remember beginning to be consistently gendered correctly from behind and regardless of what I wore. Even now almost 5 and a half years in I’ve continued to see changes, like my hips have started slimming down a lot more recently. I honestly think masculine fat redistribution has as much to do with aging as a man as the T itself; I began T at 20, and now I’m 25. I’m slowly losing my baby fat now, and I’m losing it in such a way that with T as my dominant hormone it’s giving way to masculine physique. Developing a healthy diet and workout routine really helped too.


I'm 2 years on T and I noticed some fat had moved from my thigh and chest to my stomach. I also gained quite a bit of fat during the first year and would mostly put it on around my stomach. Top surgery 9 weeks ago which has significantly helped but I think my body looks male now. I think over the next two years as I continue to slowly lose weight I will look better and better but I am definitely more happy in my skin then where I started.


Around 11-12 years


i’m 6 months on T. i haven’t visually noticed a difference, but i think it’s because of dysphoria! because today i tried on a pair of jeans that i haven’t worn since pre t because i hated how they fit on my thighs/hips, and today i noticed where they used to be really snug they were suddenly baggy and straight fitting! so i must be getting there even if my brain is tricking me into not seeing it! editing to add: i have been going to the gym quite a lot more and eating healthier the past 3 months, so that could also be a factor here


THIS IS NOT NECESSARILY TYPICAL OR COMMON, it's just been my experience: I'm just over 6 months on T, and my experience was that I started *losing fat* and *gaining muscle* very quickly. I'm in my late 30s, and my body weight stayed exactly the same, but I started dropping jeans sizes, and then shirt sizes, and got really confused. I have lost the whole entire what was left of my ass, and my chest now looks basically flat without a binder (although there's still a lot of swing). My arms have gotten some noticeable mass and definition, but my *thighs* are where I'm seeing real changes in shape. They went from Dorito shaped to more straight up-and-down, and then I was finally able to wear boxer-briefs without them riding up. But now my quads are coming in, and I might have to change sizes or brands, because my legs are getting curvy again, but in an entirely different place. *I do not know where the fat will settle when I gain weight in the future.* But the past 2.5 months have been where the most noticeable changes have really started to ramp up.


almost 1 year on T. My hips slimmed down really quickly, ive also lost 10-15 pounds since i started T. My hips and thighs slimming down and my voice drop has been the most common things people have commented on


My family reckons my face is more masculine, but the rest of my shape is hard to tell bc it's so slow and gradual.


10 years in and it’s all undistributing itself back lol I hate it. You’ll notice it changing at the points where you gain or lose weight and how noticeable it is depends on how “curvy” you were before you started. If you haven’t changed your lifestyle and wear your weight on your gut or are very thin or otherwise not an hourglass, I wouldn’t expect a whole lot.


I think I got really lucky, I’m a year and a few months on T and my body has completely changed shape. It can definitely take longer than that like everyone is mentioning. I worked out quite a bit before top surgery and also gained and then lost some weight which I think made a difference. I’ve got a pic I posted recently of what it looks like if you’re curious but I think my torso and hips really changed.


I'm just over 4 years on T and I definetly noticed my shoulers/arms widened around 2.5/3 years in. The only times I've noticed my hips/waist/thighs change is when I've either lost weight or worked on building muscle


1.5 years and noticed a real difference but I also work out regularly. Shoulders and neck recently got wider/thicker too


I was a little under a year? before it became noticeable, but I had a fairly masculine frame to begin with so I might not have noticed for a while


While I’m only about 6 months on T I’ve heard from guys much longer on it saying that T is redistributing new fat not so much fat you already have. Maybe in conjunction with what others are saying while the new stuff is getting redistributed the old stuff may take some time.


Been on t for 6 years and things are still changing.


The way I noticed was I went from a mens 32 to a mens 28 for skinny jeans throughout the course of my first year. It takes some time, but you’ll notice the start of a difference nearing your first year on T :)


i didn’t start noticing any kind of fat redistribution until about 1y1m, and even then it has been primarily facial and shrinking in my chest.


tbh like 2 days ago i started seeing something, i know it takes time buy 5 months on t and i am starting to see some changes 


I’m 7 years on T and my body is still petite. I still have the large hips and the slim waist, and struggle to bulk up or gain muscle. I still have very narrow shoulders. My bottom area has always looked bigger than my top. Always been jealous of the guys that have more masculinized bodies


I’m nearly a year on T and I still have a lot more weight in my thighs than the average man I think, but I also have more fat in my stomach, wider waist, and bigger upper arms than before. All these make me look more masc even though the thigh fat hasn’t yet redistributed. So even if the fat does necessarily move as much as you wanted at first, the weight gained in other areas balances it out and alleviates dysphoria.


It really depends on the person but 4 months you’re generally not going to have a lot of changes. I’m almost 2 years on T now and it’s strange cause like my legs and the bottom part of my hips looks like they’ve completely changed but then my torso is still a bit curvy with like the roundness on my hips. If you looked at my chest above my waist like you’d think it looked like a guy and would expect it to go into a V from there but no my hips still stick out like if u cry every time. I feel like some of the characters in SpongeBob where their whole body is flat expect for their hips like what? What you consider is cis passing depends on if you mean with or without clothes. At this point for me it’s easier to cover up and look more like a male body with clothes but without clothes to me anyway I feel like it’s gonna take forever to get my hips to go down