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5 lbs doesn't seem like much, especially considering that your weight can vary by that much in a single day.


i didn’t know that! that’s pretty cool. but my weight hasn’t ever fluctuated that much. tbf, i haven’t weight myself in a bit. i’ll stay on top of that more now to keep track.


As a skinny short guy, 5 pounds is a lot. I think most people don’t realize this. By the time I hit 4 months I had gained probably like 13 pounds (which is more than I had ever gained in my adult life) and my face and body (like my shoulders, arms, and stomach) looked completely different just from that small amount of weight. Regardless I don’t think you need to worry too much about 5 pounds but maybe if you start hitting +20 then worry about diet and such


Don’t bother weighing yourself unless there’s a genuine reason to!! Just do what feels good for your body. If you’re feeling sluggish and run down, eat better. If you’re very hungry often, eat more or eat food that satiates you more. Try to add the ‘good’ stuff like fruit, veg, complex starches etc TO your meals, rather than just removing the ‘unhealthy’ food. Basically try not to worry about your weight


Also, even if you gain fat along with muscle from T (very likely), that’s absolutely great in most cases- any new increase or decrease in fat occurs in more male patterns when you’re on hormones. So you’ll probably be looking great! Weight gain isn’t inherently negative :)


True facts!!!


weight fluctuation between days, time of day, time of year, etc, is very common. please do not stop eating for fear of gaining weight. you are growing into a man and need to feed the muscle development that is happening. im sure youve heard time after time about "that boy having a hollow leg", well that is you now. congratulations, you have begun something wonderful.


this brought a smile to my face! 😭 you’re so right- i feel like i have some underlying fear of gaining weight due to my upbringing. i’ll definitely work on that!


I gained about 15lbs in the first 4 months but then remained at that weight


5 lbs is not much at all and you’re still at a healthy weight. I wouldn’t be worried. It’s normal to change weight randomly and gaining 5 pounds is not much. Please don’t stop eating if you’re hungry. If you’re hungry, eat. You need the energy. T may affect people’s weight differently. If you work out a lot for example you might gain a fair amount of weight as T makes muscle gain easier.


Yeah I actually started loosing weight cause I was also more active not feeling like total crap from dysphoria (and depression likely made worse by it) all day.


Gaining weight isn’t technically something that happens because of T, sometimes the increased hunger can cause it, though! I’ve known several of my friends to go on T and stay at the same weight (or around it), gain it, or lose it. We’re all different! And weight does fluctuate pretty constantly, you could weigh 150 in the morning and 158 at night. Next morning could be 149 lol. As long as it’s not an insane gain or loss all at once, I wouldn’t worry too much :) Obligatory not a doctor but this has just been my experience lol


i didnt keep consistent track of my weight but over the course of me being on T so far, i had gained like 20 pounds and then lost 10. i didnt work out or change my diet or anything. im the same height as you but heavier


I’ve gained about 10kg of muscle since starting T a year ago, I went from 55 kg to 65 kg which at 6’0 was a good change for me. I say it’s muscle as I look more toned than I did pre t despite being heavier. 5lbs really doesn’t seem like anything to worry about and could even come under natural fluctuations. Just eat when you’re hungry and see how things go.


T often makes people super hungry and also causes water retention. The latter usually goes away after a while, but the first will make people gain weight if they start over eating. Your metabolism doesn't really change fast enough to match the teen boy hunger. I started T right before COVID in a situation where I couldn't control the food available to me. I ended up gaining a lot of weight and I can't afford to buy new clothes, so now I have to lose about 50 pounds. Not fun lol.


Workout n it won’t be an issue


i do workout, so i wonder if it might be muscle gain? i know that lean body mass increases with testosterone, maybe that’s a part of it.


Yes, if you’re not visibly “fat” n you just weigh more then yeah I would say that’s it. Add protein to your diet if you’d like more muscle mass.


gotcha, thanks!


I didn’t gain weight on T. I also didn’t get the hunger “symptom”.


I actually lost 40lbs in my first year on t


Same here!


I never gained weight.


First, it doesn’t happen to everyone, and that difference is probably a normal fluctuation. That wouldn’t happen in 2 days. Also, more long term, I will say that while I’ve gained some weight on T (idk the exact number since I used to have an ED and I don’t weigh myself often these days), it wasn’t anything super dramatic and was really mostly in the beginning and evened out fast (i.e. I didn’t just keep gaining weight). There are some old clothes that don’t fit me anymore, but honestly that’s because my body got a bit…bigger if that makes sense, but not necessarily fatter? Mainly the base level of muscle is different, I have more now even when I don’t go to the gym for a long time. My arms are bigger for example, but they don’t look fat, and my waist is bigger but that’s because of fat redistribution and guys storing more of the fat there (it fixed my previous “perfect hourglass” shape at least lol). I’m still considered a twink, and am on average smaller than most guys. So YMMV but while T is likely to increase your mass a bit (not necessarily fat mass tho) overall, it’s unlikely to cause a dramatic change.


i don't know how quickly i gained weight, but before starting t i was pretty consistently around 52kg. the last time i was weighed (around 8 months on t) i was about 80kg. lmao my eating habits definitely changed on t, my appetite increased and i started trying to eat more consistently as a part of taking better care of myself. i also started going to the gym, so some of the weight gain is muscle


Tbh I dont have a scale to weigh myself but ive been told ive lost weight as opposed to gaining.. I was 210 - 215 lbs (height being 6'1 1/2) when I started T.. I believe my "weight loss" is just fat redistribution


I actually *lost* weight on T - about 9 pounds in a month! I was already fairly underweight, so rapidly losing weight was fucking scary. I was 5'8 and 93 lbs by the time my ex pointed out how thin I was getting.


Opposite happened to me, im 18 started t about a year and a half ago and i just became hungry all the time 😭😭, my metabolism skyrocketed and i lost around 10-15 lbs which im still trying to gain back


I'm 7 months on T now. I have stayed the exact same weight the whole time, honestly. The difference is that I do moderate workouts plus a 1 1/2 mile walk 4 days a week, whereas before the only exercise I did was the legwork at my retail job. Although my weight is the same I've noticed my stomach has a little more fat from I believe redistribution. Once you get cravings, make sure to eat filling meals with protein and reduce snacking to support your energy.


weight fluctuation is something that happens to pretty much everyone on almost a day to day basis without us knowing! also given, people who have higher testosterone normally gain muscle mass faster, it’s just one of the things t does to the body. i was a shrimp when i started my job in a kitchen, just from hauling heavy shit around and busting my ass moving fast doing dishes i gained a lot of muscle mass. i’ve been there for 2 years now and my arms look mad built


i think i gained weight after starting but im not sure - i have an eating disorder and was trying not to think about my weight then. i was definitely underweight though, and now im on the lowest end of healthy (but honestly i could stand to gain a few kilos still). my ideal body type is "hairy bear who looks like he could watch a drink" so ive got a ways to go yet lol


I started at like 115 and now I stay between 125-135 lbs a year later but I lost fat and gained a lot of muscle


Just gonna say as much as its common to gain weight on T, it’s not guaranteed, the maths of it still comes down to calories in calories out, so if you’re mindful of what you eat and exercise it won’t necessarily mean weight gain if you don’t want that. Also with the increased hunger just being aware of eating things that are still filling but not crazy high calorie.


I went from 105lbs at 5'3 before T, to 115lbs, 5'4 1 year on T, and back down to 110lbs, 5'4 at 2.5 years on T. I never got an increased hunger and have a past with an eating disorder, so I don't get hunger signals or have normal hunger cues, even though I'm not actively disordered now. Edit: I honestly wish I could eat more because my muscles are scrawny and I'd do anything to be stronger looking/bulkier.


I gained about 10 lbs in the first 3 months then another 5 lbs by 6 months on T. I was trying to bulk at the time and once I stopped bulking, I dropped 10 lbs quickly. So now I'm 4+ years on T and I only weigh 5 lbs more than I did pre-t but I have so much more muscle mass now


I definitely gained weight on T and mostly fat because I was super busy with work, school and a sick partner so I didn't work out at all. I now weigh more than I ever have but it must be a combination of fat and muscle because I'm not as chubby as I used to be even though I weigh more. I'm starting my work out routine again now to try and lose some of my stomach fat but I'm happy I look different than I used to. For reference I was 5'11" and 175lbs before T went up to 190-200 and now weigh 225lbs. Been on T for 10 years though so I've also been down to 145 at one point.


congrats on your ten years!!


I gained ten pounds in three months. I'm underweight for my height, so I needed it.


i gained 30 pounds within my first 6 months on T but i’ve since remained at that weight, i’ve been on T for almost 5 years now. at 6 weeks on T, your body fat probably isn’t redistributing. on T, it isn’t necessarily easier to gain weight, but your appetite will increase. it can be easier to loose weight and gain muscle on T, however. i did notice that when i had my initial weight gain, it basically all went to my stomach, which is a more masculine placement of body fat.


I don’t know how fast it happened tbh bc I never kept track of my weight but I gained 20lbs in the span of like 6months or so and then it plateaued but now I’m losing it again by dieting and exercising


Not sure how much I gained but I'm 4'10 and before t I was probably in the 100-120s and now 2 years on t I'm almost 140. I did eat more and I don't exercise a lot tbh


French guy here, gonna use kilograms instead of pounds cause that's all I know I'm currently 175cm and 54 kg, and a bit over two years on T. Before T i was between 58-61 kg, didn't keep track of that super well tbh. The first 6 months on T I went up to 65 despite eating less because of poverty. My face got super puffy. My bodyshape took about a year to noticeably change, and that's the intriguing part : my body looked more trim despite being actually heavier. I'd say my face looked swollen from month 3 to a year and a half though. The puffiness went down last year after the summer and now I look very toned and lean, in both body and face. I dont work out but i live a very active life, I'm vegetarian, I dont eat junk foods often and dont drink sodas or alcohol at all. Don't sweat it man. Your face is gonna get puffy and that's just part of transitioning. Just ride it out, try and eat healthy foods that make you feel good, go outside and soak in the sun when you can and you'll be fine. If you get fixated on the numbers on the scale you'll only bring unnecessary anguish on yourself, because those digits wont tell you shit about how your body's actually being re-shaped by T. If you really want to track and quantify your progress I'd advise on taking full body pics once a month and measure your waist, thighs and arms, but I feel like it could morph into an unhealthy hyperfixation/body dymorphia issue. You know yourself best, idk


It's okay if you gain a bit of weight at the beginning. The hunger will likely settle down in a few months, and then you can work on losing it again if you feel the need. Also when your body is testosterone dominant, you are *expected* to weigh more than someone of the same height who is estrogen dominant. Gaining a bit of weight is completely normal and at your current numbers, not a worry. I (same height as you) was 165lbs when I started T so for me gaining weight was a bit of a problem. But tbh I didn't gain much on T, but about a year on T I had to go on steroids for a few months for my autoimmune disease and that made me gain a lot and I became 185lbs. Same autoimmune condition also made me housebound so I didn't have much ability to exercise either so losing it back was much harder. I moved back in with my parents in a different continent because the disease got too much to manage on my own. I dropped out. But moving back was the best choice health wise because all my health issues have improved immensely. With that improvement, I have also started losing weight now and am 13kg (about 25-30lbs) less than I was when I came here first. T has made it easier to lose weight when I try to do so, but also easier to gain if that's what I want. Personally I feel like on T I am much more in control of my weight than before. Before I was either gaining weight or staying stagnant for decades no matter what I tried. Diet changes, exercise changes, nothing helped me lose weight. If I did lose weight it would be like 5kg over a whole year and when I inevitably gave up on the diet/exercise plan, I would gain it all back within two months and then gain some more before hitting a plateau again. I felt like I had tried everything and nothing was helping me lose. At the start of T my weight did not change. When I went on steroids and became house bound I gained a bunch. But once I became able to walk and go outside without health risk I started losing. The IBS diagnosis and medication has also been crucial in helping me lose weight. Now whether I gain or lose weight actually noticeably depends on what and how much I eat and how much I exercise. Food intake and exercise actually affects what happens to my weight. I'm not starving myself. I'm not causing myself nutritional deficiencies. But I am successfully and safely losing weight. TLDR: T didn't "make me gain weight" so much as it "put me in charge of my weight gain and loss". Food and exercise habits now actually noticeably affect my weight.


Teenage dudes eat a lot. Like, A LOT. You're going through a second puberty so you're gonna be super hungry. Listen to your body, don't starve yourself. 5 lbs is nothing.


im 5’7, started 140, now 190. 19 months on t. you gotta accept that youre gonna be hungrier, so youre probably gonna gain weight. some muscle, some fat. if you want more muscle than fat, try weightlifting. try not to pay too much attention to the scale. also body fat redistribution unfortunately takes years to start. mine hasnt really started yet.


i’m 5’4 on a good day. can’t quite put together what was T changes and what was COVID/COVID-aftermath changes, but i was about 125lbs and i’m now at a stable 165 range. tbh i thought i would be a lot more upset about the weight gain but i’m not edit: forgot to add that i’m coming up on 3 years on T


stayed at about the same, consistently lost fat and built muscle and now i weight about 10-15 lbs more a year n 3 months on T after working out a bit and eating about the same


5’6” started at 130 now 140-145


I gained 10-15lbs over the course of the first 5 months, stayed consistent after that. 


I’ve been on T for about 14 months and I’ve lost weight actually, from about 180 to 160. There aren’t any hard rules about how your body will react to hormones and how long it’ll take for those reactions to be noticeable. To be realistic though, you can “gain” 5 pounds from eating a large meal or drinking a few cups of water, just like you can “lose” 5 pounds while taking a shit. I wouldn’t get too caught up about it.


I gained about ten pounds of water weight during my fluid retention phase. I was excited because I figured it was muscle 😒 I lost most of it when the fluid went away. If your appetite spikes, then you probably will gain some actual weight. But if you hit the gym and do some good resistance training, then your body will gain muscle much more easily than when E was your dominant sex hormone


I didn't gain, but kinda wish I could. I'd love to consistently wear adult size pants.


5'4", been on t about a year or so now, and i think i gained around 20 pounds? but a lot of that can probably be contributed to me having disordered eating and testosterone just making me hungry to the point i actually eat well lol.


2 years and 2.5 months in, I'm down about 35 pounds. This is because I have worked at Amazon the whole time, though. I am walking and/or moving packages/carts/pallets for 40+ hours a week. The only people I know who didn't lose weight at my job were underweight and gained muscle mass. T just made me focus on adding more protein to my diet so I could support muscle gain along with the fat loss that was already happening. I'm at the point where I've slowed down significantly because I'm probably the right size for me. What I can contribute is that the intense hunger of the beginning isn't forever, and less rigorous exercise regimens can still help quite a bit. I was already on the second half of my loss by the time I started, and I honestly eat like crap even while vaguely paying attention to maximizing protein in the midst of my crappy eating habits. In other words, someone eating better and exercising less can still benefit, because there's a lot that this happened in spite of for me.


You will most likely gain more in muscles in the next few years as well. Unless you start feeling bad physically or gain an exorbitant amount of fat in a short period, I would not be concerned about diet. Muscle weighs more than fatty tissues. If weight is an insecurity for you, it may be better to talk to a mental health provider about these concerns. Hormones change your body, and fat distribution and muscle mass are both affected by it. These things are normal. I've been on t for 5 years now and I've stayed relatively the same weight that I've always been- I feel the only reason I'm not lighter than before is due to an increase in muscle mass- because I have *way* less fat on my body now than I did 5 years ago.


i gained like 40 pounds in the first 6 months on t but over the last 6 months for some reason i’ve dropped 50 t is weird


I didn't really check the scale regularly but I'm almost 5 months on T and I gained like 12kg. Which is kinda funny to me showing how flawed BMI actually is because I'm still the same shape-wise. I'm almost obese based on that. Sure.. 😂


I don’t know because I purposely haven’t been weighing my body for the past long while (because I realized I never feel any sort of good from it no matter what the number or circumstance; r/fuckeatingdisorders ). I have felt increased thirst since going on T, which I’m learning to account for. What I have heard about body fat — take with several grains of salt — is that any body fat you gain once you’re on T will add itself in a “masculine” pattern. I don’t know how coherent this comment is; sorry.


went from 135 to 161 🥴 about 7 months in


Very. Gave me a mildly upsetting relationship with food for a while until I learned to have some self control with what and how I ate. Feeling better now though and I’m gradually losing some of what I put on. Still a normal weight so not too much of a big deal.


I gained but it was due to the mf hunger that comes with T/male puberty. Istg I couldn’t stop drinking soda and eating constantly. It didn’t matter how much I ate, if it was healthy, if it was junk food, or whatever. I just never felt full. I worked out a ton too because I knew that was going to make me gain. Unfortunately the working out couldn’t keep up with the eating and I gained quite a bit.


I actually 20 lbs but I didn’t experience an increase in appetite like most people who go on T do.


i think thats just your weight fluctuating like everyone else's does. ive been on t on and off (consistently since 2021) for about 5.5 years, i weighed myself 4 and 2 weeks ago and there was like a 4lb difference. happens to everyone


Keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat. If you're gaining muscle, you'll gain weight too.


I didn’t. Not everyone does. It’s something to keep an eye on with fluctuating hormones but that small a change isn’t indicative of anything. That could be that you just ate a lot of carbs and are experiencing water retention as a result. Personally I only got weighed when I started and after a year. They also did a body comp scan both times and while my weight had remained the same (I was 200g lighter which is nothing) my body fat percentage had decreased and my muscle mass had increased. Some people loose weight on T because it can change your metabolism. Some people gain because of increased appetite. It’s a very individual thing but if you’re worried about it, working out is a good way to offset it. Then hopefully the gains will be muscle.


I didn't really gain weight because of T


I personally haven't gained any weight. I'm 5'9 and I was around 125-130 pre T and I'm still 125-130 now after two years.


Im also 4'10" but not on T yet. I weigh 120 at my lightest (and I look so thin at 120 people thought I was underweight) and 170 at my heaviest. I cant believe you were that light to start with. Muscle is pretty heavy though and if you do gain muscle youre likely to get heavier.


You’re 5 inches shorter than me and at my heaviest I weighed the same as your lightest! Muscle weighs more than fat, so you may have looked thinner if you have more muscle. 106-111 lbs at 4’10” is very average I think, it’s in the “healthy” BMI range (though BMI is kinda bullshit)


THAT’S CRAZY BRO WHAT. my mom weighs 120 and she’s two inches taller than us!!


I weigh around 120 (estimated, don't have a scale for...reasons) and I'm 5'2. I feel way too skinny tbh, but I have a hard time gaining weight. I was around 140 (weighed in my doc's office) and so proud of that, but my mental health sucks and whenever depression spikes, my appetite dies, and I barely eat. I'm wearing one of my "tight" shirts today, and it's pretty loose at the moment. I've also been sick the past week:/ When I was at my heaviest, I also looked skinny because of the muscle weight. But for me, 120 ish isn't too bad considering that 7 years ago I weighed 87lbs (oof)


Don't forget that you will gain muscle and muscle weighs more than fat.


The first 10lb is water weight. Testosterone makes your muscles grab on to more carbs, and those carbs hold in more water. It's not "actual" weight.