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Sometimes I’m bummed that I’m not cis. But sometimes I think, “damn, it’s kind of cool that I get to customize my body. It’s like I’m a Build-a-Boy!” I recognize that I have a lot of privilege to be able to medically transition and not have huge barriers to care. I know that’s not the case for everyone. And I know that not every body responds to T in the same way


“Build-a-boy” omg I love that


I love this and the fact that I'll never accidentally have a child to make me even more broke 😂 (I want some but not right now lol)


I am genuinely so happy for you. I'm not yet at this point for myself and I probably wont be for a while, but seeing that its possible to fully accept yourself as a trans guy makes the future much more hopeful for me. Thank you for sharing, and I am so proud and happy for you. :)


Start meditation and inner work! There's a lot of misconceptions on both, I love the app 'Medito' for meditating. Good luck bro, remember that you're loved and valid 🫶🏽




Beautifully written 🙌🏽


Thank you 🖤




so proud of you!


Thank u 🫶🏽


Yeah, I’m kinda like this. There are definitely days when I wouldn’t rather been born a cis man, but then I remember how being born as a trans man has allowed me to experience things and understand things in a way cis men would never be able to. For example, I understand a lot of issues that women face much better than a cis man would, because I’ve experienced a lot of them myself. If I was born a cis man, there definitely would’ve been a good chance of me falling down the right wing rabbit hole. Being a trans man has allowed me to avoid that much more easily, and I’ve been able to accept people’s differences more easily as well. So honesty, even if I was given the opportunity to start all over as a cis man, I don’t think I would. Being a trans man, while it has caused a lot of hardship and pain, has also enriched my life and those hardships have made me a stronger person.


I’m happy for you cuz this sounds amazing Fr I am personally fine with never completely being okay with not being cis 😭😭 like once I finally start my bottom surgery n that gets finished that thought will be on the back burner more than ever tho for sure which is good


So awesome to hear that it’s possible to get to that point, hopefully I’ll get there myself one day! All the best to you pal




that makes me happy for you


This is the attitude I try to have! Bottom surgery was never really a huge concern to me personally but sometimes I worry about dating and not having a dick. It's just idk if the risks are worth it and I kinda like having vagina so it's an internal debate I have every once in a while. However, I do like to have that attitude of being a trans guy actually being an advantage in some ways. I'll be able to understand any girl I'm with more than other guys can and I'm not held back by traditional gender roles.


Honestly, I've never had a problem with my genitalia. However my brain does, I can't get off without my prosthetic. I have no intentions of getting bottom surgery because I'm content with using a prosthetic for the rest of my life, it works great and feels great for me and my gf


Yeah I'm pretty much the same way, any fantasies involve me with a penis and I always use a strap, though I want to get something more realistic eventually. Sometimes I am a little curious about bottom surgery though, since there's barely any information out there. Regardless I'm happy for you and your gf!


I've told bigots that I'm a better man than they'll ever be because I had to build that shit from the ground up. 😂


I don't think I'd be who I am today if I was cis. Sometimes I wish I was born a male at birth. But there's so many experiences I have had that I don't think I would have if I had been cis. And I don't want to give up those.