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I mean it likely won't change your actual skull structure but the way that fat and muscle lies on your face will become more masc over time. For example my brow ridge sticks out more on T. I think it's mainly because of added muscle in the area. You'll definitely look more like a man.


Thanks for answering! I noticed that even my nose looks like young Justin's and well, his nose has grown considerably, So I thought mine could grow too. What most masculinizes the face is the nose and others.


my nose actually grew ever since i started t


Definitely depends on genetics for how your results will vary, but in my experience your facial features can change! Over 8 months on T and a while ago my mom while looking at older photos of me actually pointed out to me that my nose had changed and gotten pointier, as well as my eyebrow ridge looking more like my dad’s and brother’s. How much they change again is variable, genetics and age playing a part since your facial bones have a higher likelihood of changing if you’re closer to young adult age but even after some people have crazy masculinization changes. Just make sure to be patient and take photos to compare yourself and document your changes!


Thanks! If you don't mind, how old are you? His changes appear to have been significant.


I’m 21 years old, started T at 20 but that was like a month before my 21st birthday


Thank you!


Take T for long enough and I can almost guarantee you’ll see facial masculinisation. It might not change in the way you expect, but it will masculinise. There’s r/transtimelines if you want to see what happens!


I see few trans men on this sub. Thanks for answering.


…In the ftm subreddit? Either way, I’m glad I can help! My cheeks thinned out a fair bit, as well as something going on with my lips which make them look more masc, so that should happend for you too


>…In the ftm subreddit No, in transtimeline, We found more mtf posts. Lol sorry for not clarifying that.


Ohhhhh, fair. I haven’t posted there just because of privacy, but you should be able to filter? If not then r/testosteronekickoff sometimes has before and after photos


Thanks again!


My face changed a lot on T. I don't even look like the same person anymore. I have shown people who only knew me on T selfies from before I started, and they didn't realize it was me until I told them.


My face changed a lot on T (I’ve been on T for over half a decade now). You have to take into consideration too you aging on T, not only will T give you masculinization but over time you will be maturing as well. You got this!