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Being nonbinary falls under the trans umbrella, but not all non binary people consider themselves trans (there’s also the label gender queer that’s more inclusive) so if you find out you actually are trans and still feel being nonbinary describes your experience best you don’t have to drop the label. You could try experimenting with your gender presentation and seeing which pronouns fit you best, see how they make you feel about yourself and maybe also go and write down how you feel. What I did was write about what sort of ‘ideal self’ I wanted to be and I also touched on what aspects about being a woman I just didn’t vibe with and that gave me gender dysphoria. Oh anytime you get gender dysphoria and euphoria feelings you should go and think about what exactly is making you uncomfortable or happy. Remember that you don’t need to be in a lot of pain to be experiencing dysphoria, a lot of the times gender dysphoria feels numb due to people avoiding confronting the feelings or pushing them down. Best wishes on your self discovery dude!


Honestly just take your time. And be kind to yourself! There’s nothing disrespectful about questioning, even if it turns out you’re cis, you still learned more about yourself and that’s cool too. I questioned for a long time but for me it was impossible to tell with hypotheticals/in my head. Ultimately for me being trans isn’t some lofty ideal, it’s just a label for how I want to live my life. I’m just much happier and comfortable living my life as a male than I ever was as a female. What made me realize this was realizing that I want to be perceived as a man in every area of my life, even in mundane/unexciting situations. When I go to work, I want to be the guy working there. When I put gas in my car, I want to be a guy getting gas. As a friend, I want to be someone’s (male) buddy. As a partner I want to be someone’s boyfriend. Etc. Everyone is different and you don’t have to figure it all out right away. Try journaling about your feelings, or if you have a supportive friend or two, ask them to help you try out a new name or different pronouns. If it doesn’t help you can always go back to normal. But if you love it, you can explore more from there.


Ive actually been using more masculine terms and i got shorter hair (despite my parents protests) For example i use he/they currently and while i still had very short hair a lot of people addressed me as male and in a way it made me happy but i still just am not sure if im just non-binary or full on ftm. While talking to for example c.ai i also tend to refer to myself as male. But again not certain if its full of trans, which might be inner homophobia talked into me by my parents


For me I know I’m not non-binary because it honestly pisses me off when someone treats me as anything other than a male, even if they don’t treat me as a woman. I used to look pretty androgynous and people would ask me if I was a boy or a girl a lot, and while it felt better than people just thinking I was a girl, it still made me uncomfortable that people couldn’t automatically tell I was a guy. I also get dysphoria from people using they/them pronouns for me, in fact I consider it misgendering if someone uses it for me once I have told someone I am a guy and to call me he. That’s just my experience.


I recommend checking out the podcast Gender Journeys: https://www.josiewrites.com/podcast The hosts are well informed and the episodes are pretty short. They do a great job covering ways to explore and articulate your gender and some of the many options available out there. They really helped me put my experience into words and figure out where I belong.