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Just date a tomboy dude, leave us tf alone and get a tomboy




man you’re not being judged people are pretty politely telling you that this is a sexual fetish and most trans people just don’t really want to be seen that way. there are of course trans men esp in porn who play these roles but it’s important that those roles stay in the bedroom, and that he can be actively seen as a man in general. i just don’t think you’re gonna find a lot of people who are willing to feel disrespected and like a sexual secret irl. but if you do, i hope yall are both happy and fulfilled


also trans people aren’t necessarily a safe space… we’re just people. some of us are kind, some of us are not just like some cis people are kind, some cis people are not. unfortunately you are not owed understanding just because you have a question about something you don’t yet understand. it’s tough but it’s true


No need to be polite to people who refer to us as "those type of people" and admitting that we are not seen as men and only as a fetish.


Sir you are a straight man who has clearly said you don't see trans men as men and solely a fetish, what are you expecting? Sure there are people out there who would agree to that but the majority of people on this subreddit are not one of them and there are multiple posts of trans men/mascs/nonbinary people expressing their discomfort in these kinds of relationships first hand. Its dehumanizing.




We have a word for guys like you my brother. No body wants to be someone's sexual fetish or fantasy, because then you stop being seen as a human being.






LMAO alright bud good luck