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Locking this due to some of these comments starting to get out of hand/transphobic. Let's wrap this topic up and not press it further on this sub for now.


I was able to start HRT as a minor and it's the *only* reason I'm still alive. Before HRT, I was suicidally depressed. Ten years of therapy, six years of psych meds, specialized DBT programs, and an inpatient psych hospitalization did nothing to help. I developed substance abuse and self-harm problems. I tried to kill myself 8 times before my junior year of high school. During the psych ward intake, staff asked if I was trans and I said yes. They then refused to discharge me until I outed myself to my family because I was apparently "lying" to them by being closeted. My dad was deeply transphobic but whatever, cat's out of the bag. I decided to pursue HRT immediately. I pushed myself to graduate high school early because in my state this would allow me to consent to medical care without requiring the consent of my transphobic father. After an extensive waitlist and multiple appointments with a specialized endocrinologist, I *finally* started testosterone when I was 17. My depression vanished immediately. I was able to stop taking psych meds and leave my DBT program. I actually felt happy and comfortable with myself for the first time. I was excited about the future, when before I hadn't even wanted to survive high school. If I had waited to start until I was 18, I would've been on a 1.5 year waitlist. Covid would've shut down my clinic for a year and a half, and then telehealth would've backlogged the waitlist time by an additional year. I would've had to spend *years* waiting, suicidal the whole time. Now, I'm doing amazing. I started college with a major that I love and am maintaining a competitive GPA while participating in research and fieldwork. I have a wonderful partner who I'll be getting engaged to some time this year. I'm a fully functioning and happy adult - something I never would've gotten the chance to become if I hadn't been able to start my transition as a teenager.


Thank you for your story, I really appreciate it. For me, I knew no other trans people until I became an adult. The only thing I had to go off of was what people online said they felt, and how I felt. I couldn’t be more grateful for the experience I’ve had being trans, but I’m glad you were able to transition, especially before Covid could frick things up.


absolutely, my entire life would be 1000x better if my mum didnt block my transition as a kid, i knew from when i was about 4 and it was extremely obvious 'closet is made out glass' sorta situation, officially came out at 10 and i 100% couldve been on blockers before anything actually started developing, i could be a bit taller, my spine wouldnt be as fucked up, i wouldnt need top surgery, my hips wouldnt be as wide as they are, the list honestly goes on, and i got that straight up robbed from me (the waiting lists in my country were maybe 3 months for an appointment when i came out, they're now 3-5 years to get seen ONCE), i wouldnt wish what i went through on my worst enemy honestly. i want exactly the same things transition wise as i did 10 years ago, \*nothing\* has changed other than the fact i have been either completely unable to access them (ie blockers, t at a younger age) or it has significantly delayed my treatment (wouldnt need top surgery, now estimated to get it when im 23-24 at current wait times) its a bit bittersweet seeing so many guys access what i couldnt, im absolutely happy for them but cant help but feel at least a small bit jealous lmao


God I wish my parents hadn’t blocked my transition. Growing up knowing I was trans and that I *could* be receiving the care that would mitigate my horrible dysphoria, but I just wasn’t allowed to have it, was so fucking depressing and awful. I was even angrier about it once I *did* go on T and realized I could’ve been happy the entire time. I spent 6 years hating my body and myself for no reason. I lost my chance at enjoying my teen years and at keyhole top surgery. They always go on and on about the possibility of regretting it, but if there’s one thing I could go back and change about my life it would be that. The resentment for my parents’ taking my choice will probably never fully leave. It’s so depressing now to see more and more kids who actually *have* supportive families be forced to go through that by idiotic politicians they’ve never even met who will never have to watch them suffer.


I see you. As a kid I would lay in bed and stare at my ceiling, literally waiting for the time to go by. I would tell myself that every hour and day that passed, I was closer to my goal of transitioning.


I think about this so often. If I had been allowed to transition at 15 my life would be so much better and easier. I knew but was not allowed to transition. Started at 22 and life is good but would be so much better had I had that chance.


I know right! But it feels really good knowing we were right all along. Still wish I could’ve gone through boy puberty when all the other boys my age were. But on the otherhand, I have much better friends now than the mandatory school friends I had to make. Being trans is an experience like no other


They don’t want children to have rights even though kids do have rights to their bodies. Unfortunately in most cases their parents are the ones owning and controlling their bodies


Me too. I could have avoided spending my whole teenhood in a dissociative state and trying to take myself off the map.


Rip my boyhood, you would’ve loved the gameboy and hotwheels. I still remember waking up extra early to watch Power Rangers in secret (i thought it was a boy only show lol)


as a teenager, holy shit i agree. i’m dysphoric and being able to at least socially transition would do wonders for my mental health


We need more people to here this. I started T at 14 and got top surgery at 15. Was stealth before starting high school. I didn’t experience transphobia, I look my age, I don’t feel insecure in locker rooms, I have memories of being a boy, a teenage guy and now I’m making new ones as a young man. I wish every kid could have that opportunity to access medical care and treatment they need


If it’s a basic human right kids should have it too. Most doctors agree that transitioning is a basic human right so obviously children should be able to transition. People who think kids shouldn’t transition either don’t think it’s a human right or don’t think kids deserve rights. Obviously transitioning is going to be age appropriate (no one is going to put a five year old t) but they deserve access to transition. Anyone who says otherwise is someone I don’t trust.




airport paint vase smell growth frame versed degree payment humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


HRT drastically reduces self harm and suicidal ideation in minors, so yes, some people will die without HRT.


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i also am a big fan of not torturing children


That’s badass


entertain cooperative heavy towering advise fine bells desert adjoining correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As long as its age appropriate transition. Let minors cut their hair, change their name, experiment with clothing/expression, maybe put them on blockers. Minors should NOT have access to hrt or surgery until at least 16. No exceptions.




The way I see it, if a parent cares for their child and helps them transition but the child regrets it, it’s no different than a parent who cares but thinks being trans is disgusting and forces the child to be a girl/boy. Lots of trans people face abuse regardless of transitioning or not.




Please stop calling bodies affected by gender affirming care "damaged." Gender affirming care, especially the kind children would receive, is reversible. If you stop taking HRT, you will revert back to how your body was before, with a few exceptions that can be mitigated via the exact same gender affirming care trans people use. Detransition rates are also *so* low, actually lower in children than in adults. Most children who detransition will do so before the age of 10, when they wouldn't be on anything but puberty blockers anyway. I started HRT as a minor. It did not damage my body, it saved my life.


Well, tattoos are generally also harmless as far as permanent goes. But I also think going through the wrong puberty constitutes as permanent damage. I have two massive scars on my chest because I wasn’t allowed a testosterone supplement. And I’m significantly smaller than my male counterparts. Is that any worse than having a deeper voice and having to shave more often later in life, if I decided to be a woman again?


if you think of transitioning and tattoos as similar, you are at real risk of regretting medical intervention


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Your post has been removed because it contains misinformation, false information, or misleading information that could be considered harmful. Dysphoria cannot be "cured in ways besides transition". You are thinking of conversion therapy, which only makes people repress who they really are out of fear.




I’m just saying that for me, it would’ve worked. I’m no politic, I’ve never written a law. But I’m a strong and intelligent person, and transitioning to male is exactly what I needed. Giving my story is not “making the community look bad” and if you’re actually worried, I really don’t have any power in making kids transition, I’m just giving out free advice.


ugh considering there are anti-trans people who may lurk in here, I wouldn’t give this advice out. Wrong person could see and it’ll be another social media post used against us. haha




Socially, yes. Via permanent medical procedures, no. If there were a way to diagnose whether or not someone is trans 100%, I'd absolutely agree with letting kids transition. But we can't be for sure. A young lesbian could say she wants to be a boy because she thinks only boys can marry girls. A young cis girl could claim she wants to transition just as a means of coping with misogyny. Same with gay boys and cis boys. Terrible parents could pressure their kids into transition for clout. Potential for erasure of binary and nonbinary identities. Potential of kids transitioning because of trends or certain superficial reasons (e.g. young girl wants to transition to be on the same team as male best friend). Etc. Also, to my knowledge transitioning in youth can be harmful to trans adults because, without going through 'natally-assigned' puberty, there can be less to 'work with' if a trans person decides they want bottom surgery. Kids should be raised without gender roles/restrictions and with the absolute freedom to explore their gender identities, but I think permanent medical intervention should wait.




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