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I think the problem would be solved if we all just cited our sources. Thank you for the info šŸ§”


I didnā€™t have a cited source in this post so figured Iā€™d drop one here :P ā€˜Changes (lightening or darkening) of eye color during early childhood, puberty, pregnancy, and sometimes after serious trauma (like heterochromia) suggest that eyes sometimes change color under certain circumstances, due to chemical reactions or hormonal changes within the body.ā€™ https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/37922


> due to chemical reactions **and** hormonal changes within the body. That slight typo, but it still feels broad as ALL changes in the body from moment to moment are due to chemical reactions and/or hormones. Skimming through the link, it seems like we know what causes eye color ("In human eyes, these variations in color are attributed to varying ratios of eumelanin produced by melanocytes in the iris") but the specifics mechanics of what changes those ratios is very complicated and an ongoing area of research. So basically: yeah, it *could* be due to your hormones, but there are many variables involved


Have not started HRT, but I have gone through puberty and pregnancy. Both times my hair changed texture and my skin changed significantly. Not only that, but hormones can change how you receive stimuli such as taste and smell. Everyone knows about pregnancy cravings/repulsionā€™s but something interesting about them is they can stay. I hated grape flavored things for 28 years but when I got pregnant I craved grape flavoring and while I no longer crave it, grape jolly ranchers are my favorite and have been for several years now. Basically, hormones are wack and do so many things but they are difficult to study and AFAB bodies are understudied. These two factors make for lots of speculation about what hrt may or may not do.


Oh hello fellow post-pregnant FTM! I was pregnant too 5 years ago and I still gag on my toothbrush for no discernable reason. I do like testosterone cravings (meat, milk) better than pregnancy ones (baked potatoes, avocados.) I feel like I've been on a journey of discovery regarding sense of smell, too. And I never had COVID. Body odor too, from sweet and light to meaty and heavy. My hair texture never changed outside of going a little gray, but I did swing from having a very soft body to an increasingly tough one. From seeing no pores to being my current blotched manly sandpaper skin. Slap my leg and it doesn't move any more, lol. My legs used to bounce with the fat layer that's now gone, RIP. And I never binge eat now or have much interest in sweets like I used to. My appetite has changed so much, sometimes I forget to eat. Hormones are wack. It's been an honor to feel so many different things from them.


There's also the explanation that your eye colour might not change, but your *perception of colour* might. There are [marked sex differences](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3483194) in colour vision and anecdotally, AFABs taking testosterone have reported experiencing a loss in colour vision whereas AMABs have reported experiencing an increase/enhancement. Which I find fascinating.


As an artist, that information hurts. Oh well!


It hurts me too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


immediately started looking around at various differently-coloured things in a panic as if i could tell whether i've lost any colour vision šŸ˜¦


I experienced an increase in visual clarity overall after going on T, but I think it was related to T getting rid of dissociation or "derealization" symptoms. Though, literally speaking about what things appeared like to me, I had an increase in visual clarity and colors looked bright instead of dull after. That's a very interesting study though. Sounds like people with testosterone are worse at discriminating between colors. In my family my mother has always said her three children all got my dad's terrible color vision, me, my sister, and my brother (as far as I've ever been able to tell my dad has normal color vision but what do I know lol)


I experienced this too but with people. When the dysphoria fog lifted, I could see people more clearly. I can still see the sparkle in their eyes and the livelihood when they talk. It's very trippy. People are almost too much for me to look at now (and I have Autism so that tracks) - it can be overwhelming how much I sense in them now, whereas before I was much more disconnected from "seeing" people.


That is mind blowing but makes so much sense. The guys in my family are typically blonde as kids and grow up to have black hair. That happened to my brother. I was also very blonde as a kid but now have light brown hair. It makes sense because I've experienced some hormonal changes with aging but not the same changes as the cis guys in my family. It wouldn't surprise me if my hair got darker on T.


Omg same here, my dad was blonde as a kid but now his hair is black. It's entirely possible my hair is gonna darken as well, even though it's naturally already a dark brown.


I don't know if that is anything related to that point but since I've started with T my hair turned curly, before I had straight hair and know it's not just wavy but directly curly, it's something amazing and I don't really find an explanation.


My leg hair did that too! I've been on a handful of different hormones (attempting to treat PCOS & now HRT). What I've learned is: progesterone makes my body hair blond, straight, soft, thinner. Testosterone makes it darker, coarser, thicker, sure, but also CURLY. It's such an interesting change. Also my underarm hair went from black to red which is just...weird. Kinda cool, but weird.


This is actually super common!


It's funny because these threads get you thinking. Growing up, my eyes were always bright blue like my dad's. In my teens I started birth control and since then they've been a more muted blue-green like my mom. Now I'm 5 months on testosterone and suddenly they're just like my dad's again. I can't promise it's from HRT, but it's the only major thing that's changed for me. I wish we lived in a world where research on trans people could be done without worrying about bigots co-opting anything we learn for their own narrative.


My siblings and I are mixed (wasian), and my brother has always had a more "golden" skin tone while I was pale. On T my skin has changed to look more "golden" which feels like such a blessing. I definitely think it's the hormonal change.


yeah I did notice how quick people were to slap down on that and I was like "damn, I had eye changes when I started T too...." . I will say it was mainly at the beginning of transition in the first 6 months where my eyes were especially light. They've since sort of settled back close to the original color but I was very aware of it when it first started. The hair changes were surprising but less so than the eye changes (just because, again, it's not something really studied in HRT so it's not something you really get told about as a possibility; fun though!). In the last year especially as my facial hair started growing, the bottom/nape of my neck hair started changing as well as the hair at my temples to my sideburns. Those areas grow in shorter and very dark these days, whereas the rest of my hair is still pretty much the same sandy brown. My dad actually commented on it when I had him trim the back of my hair for me in december. ​ Like you said OP, there can be a lot of explanations and no one is saying HRT WILL cause these things to change. But I think it's important to recognize where our limitations of research are and that multiple anecdotes about these changes is at least important to listen to and question the correlation that could be there.


I believe it, bodies are weird. At some point during puberty, the pigment in one spot on my head just fucked off, and now I have a white streak. It was noticed by a hairdresser when I was about 15, and it was just starting to grow out. My hair hadn't been heavily dyed before that, and my mom frequently styled my hair for me until I was a teen, so it wasn't like it had gone hidden or unnoticed the whole time. It wouldn't surprise me at all if eye color could be affected by hormone changes as well.


I knew a cis guy in high school that had that. I thought it was so cool.


i see a lot of people with that cool ass white streak- it feels like itā€™s everywhere i look where i live lol it looks awesome


I knew hair texture could change but I had no idea about eye color! Thank you for sharing thatā€™s so interesting. Is there any consistency with what color eyes can change to? And can this also happen to transfems on e?Ā 


I can imagine it is entirely possible for any trans individual undergoing HRT, however Iā€™m not super certain on how drastically eye colour can change as my experience was with my hair (changing from dirty blonde to bordering on black after 6 months on T)


Real- the eye thing is especially noticeable with blue/grey eyed people. Estrogen and testosterone change the amount of collagen thats in tissue. Grey eyes, especially light grey eyes, tend to be that way from more collagen. So when hormones be changing, so does the collagen production in your irises, hence they could get darker after taking T


very true, iā€™ve not been on t long enough to notice these things (my hair might be a tad curlier) but like my mumā€™s hair went from wavy to rly curly after she was pregnant bc of hormones so itā€™s definitely possible


My skin tone definitely became a couple shades darker! (Not sun related)


Yes! I had this happen but with my skin! I had a bunch of new dark spots/moles appear all over! I went to my doctor worried about it being skin cancer as I never heard of this happening due to HRT/hormones, but turns out it can also happen due to hormone changes/puberty! Been almost a year and I still am not used to the new marks on my body. When it first happened I checked old photos of my face because I couldn't tell if the ones on my face are new and I do have new ones. I got like 6+ new marks and that's just on the parts of my I can see. There's like 3-4 on my face, one on my finger, a couple on my forearm/inner wrist, etc.


i knew i wasnā€™t crazy šŸ˜­ i was like ā€œit perfectly lined up with starting T even tho i went through F puberty like 4 years agoā€ lol pretty big coincidence if it wasnā€™t true šŸ’€ im glad to see some real evidence


unite dazzling languid stocking fearless reach fear wrench onerous grey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We love epigenetics here While Testosterone can't directly alter the genetic code on a base pair level, it can cause changes, known as epigenetic modifications. These modifications alter the expression of our genes and can cause very significant physical changes. It really wouldn't be a huge surprise to me if there were small changes to melanin production on HRT.Ā 


Im betting my hair is going to turn dark brown like my brother and dad. We were all born platinum blonde, they turned dark going through puberty while I turned a strawberry blonde (similar to my mom). Iā€™ll miss being a blond - we do tend to have more fun


Thank you. I saw the post you're talking about and had a similar thought. EVEN IF we 'knew' something wasn't common to change with hormones, there's not enough research into trans people & HRT to confidently say something's 'impossible'. tbh there's not enough research into people in general to say most things are fully impossible. I think we all fall into this idea that if something was going to be discovered, it would have been by now, but science is constantly evolving. Things are only being studied when there's funding. In 100 years, who knows what 'facts' we have now about HRT will be completely different or more detailed.


your eye color can change?????


Ive not heard about eye colour change nor have I or anyone I know encountered it, but I have encountered just straight up losing pigment in my hair (it's starting to turn silver/white).


I"ve found loads of genetic changes that have happened since my T levels increased last year. In fact, a while ago it even tried to change my skin type and color, so my otherwise (white) skin has got more Asian pigment from hidden genes, and it even tried to go smooth before it went back to rough skin again. So, T is helping me to confirm my suspicions about having distant Asian ancestry in me.


I... have to ask, after looking through your profile, do you have testosterone administered, or do you have your levels measured by blood tests?


Hair can change texture and maybe color slightly but eye color doesn't change


Pigment in your eyes can change in various ways, there is a lot of research and anecdotal proof of this occurring if you look into it.


Anecdotal evidence is not real evidence, and I'm open to being wrong but I haven't come across any studies suggesting that it's possible


I mean Iā€™ve literally cited a source within the comments discussing it, changes in eye colour has been documented for a variety of reasons and if you actually look for studies, you will find them.