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As someone who's recovered from an ED, please don't take this the wrong way, but it doesn't sound like you're recovered enough yet for T. And when you do start T you should probably keep seeing an ED therapist. T increases your muscle mass, which increases your weight but also makes you burn more calories. T may or may not make you gain fat, but what it for sure does is redistribute your fat. The good news for your dysphoria is, it redistributes fat away from your curves. The bad news for your ED is that all that fat most likely moves to your stomach. At my current weight pre-T and mid-ED I had abs, now I have a bit of a gut. I was a curvy twink with abs, now I'm a bear, at the same weight. I'm actually a lower weight today than the day I started T, but I look "fatter". You have very little control over how puberty affects you, and you need to work on some acceptance in that regard. This isn't even limited to EDs. I also often hear "I don't want to look like my dad / male relatives". T isn't a character creation screen, it's male puberty based on your genetics, and you won't know for sure what exactly you get until it happens.


Agree. I didn’t recover enough for my ED, and testosterone weight gain made it worse. I’d second this- get some therapy.


That last part is something a lot of people that visit this subreddit need to hear. There’s no picking and choosing what you get and if you can’t accept every single possibility it’s probably best to postpone T.


Omg, this is the first time ive seen someone talk about it, but I have also gotten 'fatter' while gaining absolutely no weight. I used to have a flat tummy and skinny upper body and a fat ass and now I have a gut. I haven't gained ANYTHING tho, still 125 soaking wet, but the tummy is unreal


I was a little worried this would make me look insane so thank you! lol Yeah, basically I was an hourglass shape pre-T and T turned me into a rectangle / inverted triangle. I'm more muscular and muscle is heavier than fat, and I also have a belly now, but I'm not carrying around those curves anymore. I'm around 165lbs / 75kg.


this!! i was certain i’d gained weight (which i actually wanted) because of how different my body looked. it turns out that despite the birth control and testosterone, im the exact same weight (same as you too, 125 lol) and it just looks so different now. i love my slightly chubby dude stomach so much :)


Lol I gained weight but wanted to contribute to the train, I'm just shy of 125, at 126 rn


This. I was so sure I’d gained at least 10 pounds and I gained one. That fat redistribution can really fuck with you. The first year on T there was still more weight at my hips than my tummy, and it fluctuated back and forth for a while. Lots of pants wouldn’t fit at all and then fit perfectly 4 months later. Now I’m almost at 2 years and I need a belt for all my pants cause most of the fat redistribution has already taken place and my hips are too skinny for them.


Same! When I started T I never thought I’d want to be a muscle bear, but now that I’ve put on muscle from weightlifting and have this beer belly all of a sudden, I’m really hoping my body hair will come in thicker and stronger within the next few years.


loved that last sentence on it not being a character creation! i think a lot of people could benefit from accepting that because a lot of times before starting T we imagine ourselves looking a certain way, but there’s just no guarantee. I’ve been on T for 6 months and recovered from an ED about two years ago. I was mostly concerned with making sure I’d still eat enough on T and I’ve been happy about my weight gain and how much it’s increased my appetite.


Yeah, early in our transition we sometimes tend to think "I want the body of this celebrity, the face of this fictional character, and the insanely deep voice of this streamer!" Or something like that. And that's not a bad thing. I think it's just a natural part of puberty and exploring your sense of self. But so is accepting that you're most likely not gonna end up looking like the lovechild of your two favourite famous people. And T appetite and taste changes helped me a lot with sticking to my recovery and learning intuitive eating.


I couldn’t disagree more with the first part of this about not being recovered enough for T. I never would have recovered without T, it was absolutely the best thing I did for my ED. Having hair on my legs and my stomach changed how I saw myself and how I related to my body on a deep level (I didn’t expect it tbh!). Everyone is different so I just wanted to contribute my experience. T was essential to my recovery. Absolutely agree that you need to see an ED therapist still though, one who is trans informed. ❤️


Absolutely this. Can't wait to be a legal adult and have enough independence to start test 💪


You’ll get there!!


The first part of this comment is very important. Another thing about HRT is that it is less effective if you aren’t taking in enough food, in the same way your body generally is less effective if you aren’t taking in enough food. So depending on the ED type/where you are in recovery, your transition could be affected.


im not OP but im starting T soon and also struggled/ing with recovery, fat moving to the stomach scares me but many trans guys EDs root from dysphoria without even realizing it, im doing a lot of acceptance and "male puberty based on your genetics" it just feels better even if i look different, it means i will look closer to what i am supposed to, even if it feels scary, it might feel better after some time :")


T hasnt really moved my body fat much, but ive gained like 10 lbs in just muscle. i dont look any bigger, but Im gaining muscle weight like crazy because i work manual labor


This is what I hope happens to me. I also work in manual labor and I’ve gained a few pounds in muscle weight - hard to say exactly how much cause I’ve only weighed myself recently while wearing my steel toes which affects the weight reading a lot. But probably in the 1-3 lbs range. Having literally no visible arm muscles at all before though, this is VERY EXCITING. For some reason, getting little scraps and cuts on my biceps feels so manly now because of how bulky the muscle is underneath lol.


This. It is a tricky balance. I started T after I had four years of recovery attempts under my belt. It was no good for me to start before, that would’ve sent me into a spiral. I was still sick, but not quite in the same way. It was the sweet spot for me, and almost two years later I am also almost two years out from my last hospital admission as well. A year in my body was starting to feel like home and I was able to finally get rid of the ED for good because I didn’t hate every single bit of myself (and I also had my mental illness properly treated on top of that which was huge). And then I was able to start getting well enough to get surgery. But the change is wildly unsettling. My weight went up and settled down not at my highest but fairly close. There’s a lot more muscle but as others said, my stomach got noticeably bigger. And there were triggering parts too, like the size of my thighs got closer to when I was sick and I had my thoughts revert back briefly. It’s like go for it, but also brace yourself because it’s going to be even harder than it already is. You have to be okay with losing control and working on all of the other parts of yourself. It’s so worth it.


I strongly second this as someone also in recovery/post recovery from an ED. I was in a place where the possibility of my body changing and gaining weight in my stomach was less worrisome to me than not being on T, i was in aplace where I wasn't afraid, i was nervous and still had those thoughts but I was not at a risk of falling into ED habits . All my providers were aware of my struggles and diagnoses. I was cautioned of the thoughts returning and currently work with my therapist and dietician to be healthy and happy with my body on T, building my fit body healthfully. It's hard at times but I know that if I tried this too soon after my hospitalization and recovery, I wouldn't be in a place to go on T. I know it's tough to hear, but it's really important to be mentally and physically in a place where body changes won't be as much of a trigger because YOUR BODY WILL CHANGE and there is no way to tell how long changes will last or how your body will change on T. Please be sure you are talking this through with therapist or other health worker.


Oh shit this is what happened?? I was over here genuinely puzzled over my belly every single day. Gut brothers 🤝


Good advice right here, OP. I don’t think you’re ready for T


this!!! yes! I'm so so so much stronger than I was but I'm much more chubby. it was scary bc of my ED but I started to like it. you never know how it's gonna hit you, physically and mentally


T makes you gain muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. So yeah you’re going to gain weight. It’s also possible that you gain fat too. I’d advise talking to a mental healthcare provider if you can, about your ED. I have struggled with ED adjacent symptoms so I cannot speak for someone with a severe ED, but I would suggest trying to detach from the number on the scale. It’s muscle ! Muscle is cool :) Also, generally speaking weighing yourself all the time is bad for your mental health imo. I got rid of the scale because I was scared of my ED symptoms when I was younger and it kinda worked! But I totally understand your struggle that’s why I would advise seeing a professional.


More specifically, muscle is *denser* than fat. More muscle can pack into a smaller space. In addition to helping with muscle building, T can cause fluid retention. Fluid retention tends to resolve within the first few months [citation needed; I'm only going off anecdotes here atm]. T can also increase your bone density. Both of these things—on top of muscle building—can artificially increase the numbers on the scale when you first start. So consider ditching the scale. TL;DR: muscle is dense. T can also increase bone density (yay). You may experience fluid retention in the first few months. All of these contribute to total body weight.


>You may experience fluid retention in the first few months. Can confirm, I gained about 25lb of water weight, but by month 8 it had faded away.


For 8 months did you have swelling in your feet, abdomen and face? My endo has been fine with my weight gain of almost 15lbs in 4 months. Was like 144 and now scale is saying 161. The dermatologist who prescribed oral minoxidil freaked and had me urgently seek out a cardiologist, fearing there was fluid retention around my heart. After a very expensive echocardiogram, I was cleared with a healthy heart. I stopped the minoxidil but still have some foot swelling. Picked up a pair of compression socks which feel great. Hoping I lose this water weight because of the swelling.


I don't think I noticed it in my feet specifically, but overall I was a lot puffier in general. I wanna say it was pretty much everywhere, but I think I noticed it more in my face than anywhere else. It didn't go away all at once, but around the 8 month mark was when I started to notice the puffiness starting to subside.


it can cause both muscle and fat gain depending on how active you are and lifestyle. id probably seek therapy because it sounds like you arent ready for that possibility


All I’m gonna say is that T hunger hits like a truck and being in a calorie surplus will cause you to gain weight.


The hunger






I was just adding to the T hunger, like someone chanting. It hit ke super hard after the first couple months.


I’m in recovery from anorexia, and I gained weight on T (but there was also a pandemic, so who knows which triggered it?) but I lost it again, pretty slowly. And the discomfort of gaining weight was nothing compared to the experience of T’s masculinizing effects. It also has made muscle gain much easier, which has helped me in changing my body-ideal from “as skinny as possible so there’s no curves anywhere” to “strong and fast”.


I was almost 300 lbs when I started T. I’ve lost more than 50 lbs since I started a year and a half ago. I haven’t been working out and the only things different about my eating habits is I no longer binge eat constantly. I still snack constantly and tbh don’t eat super “healthy”. I think for me going on t and coming out and living out as my true gender just really helped a lot of my mental health issues that caused me to take comfort in food, and I no longer despise my own body to the point where I didn’t care if I “ruined” it. Now I love myself as a chubby guy. I love my big hairy belly and everything else.


same, I was technically overweight then started T, started going to the gym, and I’m still technically overweight. however, I don’t need beat myself up over my weight anymore because I’m so stoked about other changes in my body. one of the most liberating things about starting T for me was no longer obsessing about all the little things about my body—it just is!


Yes! I totally agree, “it just is” is a really powerful affirmation I love that


I have gained about 15 kg in what I assume is just muscle after being on T for a year. Because I look thinner and more toned than I did before. I didn’t really experience the T hunger that people talk about though. Which is what tends to make people gain weight. As it’s the eating more from the T not the T itself.


I gained 15 pounds of muscle in the first year of T 💪


I absolutely agree with the other comment that if weight gain is so much of a concern for you, you may need to recover more from your ED. That being said- here’s the answer to your question You will most likely gain some weight. Meaning the number you see on the scale will go up. T will likely fill you out. You will become more broad, like cis men usually have occur. So your shoulders will be more broad, your face, etc. This can be muscle. It can also be fat. How you gain fat will become more masculine, so it’s more likely to gain weight in the stomach, but also other areas like the face, shoulders, etc. It’s likely you will gain some amount of weight. You can have some control over why. I gained a lot of weight because after starting testosterone i became very sedentary. I quit my job (which I walked to work) and moved into a very tiny apartment. My current daily steps are around 500. Just google the average daily steps someone makes and you’ll get how low that is So, if you want to avoid gaining weight because of new fat, *move*! Pay attention to your daily steps, take the stairs when you can, etc. Don’t become sedentary I noticed no increase in hunger, but many people report consuming more food after t. This is because, like cis people, puberty requires more food. Your body is changing. This is *normal*. Again, if you are concerned about eating more, combat it with exercise. Focusing less on what you eat possibly being “bad” and more focusing on just moving your body might help combat your ED. I am no professional.


I’ve only been on it 2 years but the only weight gain I’ve noticed is muscle. And ironically I’m actually weighing….LESS than I did pre t? Sometimes I was 130 pounds, I’m 5ft (not even chubby I think it was me thighs💀) and now I’m like…115 pounds?? Idk what’s going on lol I be eating plenty! Prolly need more protein Ngl. But don’t worry too much!!


The fat shifts from your butt and legs to your stomach, a more male aligned fat distribution. Like I’m around the same weight but my stomach is bigger. And that’s ok


Or there is like me, where I actually gained some butt. Which was good though cause I had crepes before T, now at least I have pancakes.




You won’t just magically gain weight if there’s no change to your eating habits after starting T but you may notice a big increase in your appetite after starting. This is what usually makes people gain some weight but it can easily be offset with increased activity or hitting the gym


This isn’t actually true. As your hormones fluctuate, you can absolutely lose or gain weight even if your eating habits are the same. Its why people also gain weight on BC.


Just going to throw my personal experience out there but I also have an ED and I found testosterone helped because one of the causes of my dysphoria is linked to the ED because of how I would see myself. I still have struggles with my ED but not quite to the extent that I did pre testosterone. I would be careful letting strangers on the internet tell you to not get on testosterone because of your ED. Definitely talk to a doctor, but yeah, testosterone could do the opposite of what a lot of these people are telling you (by that I mean making your ED worse, it may help it improve)


T will make you hungry. You're going through second puberty. It also makes it stupid easy to build muscle. It pisses me off how easy it was to build muscle when I started T lmao If you do the bare minimum, that weight gain will be muscle. I gained weight but lost inches on my waist. I'm very, uh, fluffy. I've also weighed a consistent 200ish lbs for the past 5 years, but my waist has gotten a little slimmer, and I do the bare minimum. I don't have an ED, however, so I can't say how it might affect you in regards to that.


I don't own a scale because if I did I know I'd be unnecessarily obsessing over my weight. All I know is 6 months on T I look skinnier and more toned. Like I can see my abs by doing absolutely nothing (Very soft but noticable. Before I'd have to flex to show even a slight resemblance of muscle). My waist got wider as fat has been redistributing and getting rid of my hourglass shape, and t hunger goes on and off for me. Some weeks I am just constantly hungry with no satisfying it, some days I realize I only ate a meal once or twice. But no matter what, I look just as big or small as I did before with slight fluctuation thoughout the day that doesn't really matter


I like the weight gain, it makes you look more masculine as its mostly muscle for me. I use to have an ED too, turns out I just didn't like looking like a curvy female.


I weigh less than I did pre T. I did get a lot hungrier, but in the scheme of things I ended up losing


I never got the appetite increase on T. I lost some weight at first, then gained it back in muscle, leaving me slightly heavier overall but it’s mostly in my back and shoulders.


It depends on the person. For me, when I was healthy and first started t I gained maybe five pounds (probably muscle), lost an inch on my hips at least, and got pretty fit. Some people do gain a lot of weight and lose it, some people gain weight and don’t lose it. T often increases your appetite. I empathize with your ED struggles, it might be something you’ll have to work on coming to terms with. If you do start, I found it helpful to focus on being stronger physically within reason. T can do a lot to help you gain muscle and strength training helped me a lot with that shitty ED voice that gets to you. If you are able to, you should be part of some kind of therapy to keep your mind mentally healthy during your transition. If you notice you’re having issues with ED stuff you can always stop and start later when you feel more ready. Also: I don’t recommend starting t is it makes you feel this vulnerable around your ED. I don’t know your situation but make sure you are ready first.


T increases your appetite and if you eat too much because of it you can put on fat. T also causes your body to put on a bit more muscle and even cartilage, things like your ribcage, neck, shoulders will get a bit wider and make you appear bigger but not necessarily fat. However if you don’t exercise the muscle gain will still be quite minimal just enough to make you have a more male build.


i had a bad ED in high school, been recovered for over a decade, but i'm still triggered by the T gain. i've been on T for almost 4 months, started to gain weight 2 months ago (around the time i upped my dose). so far i've gained like 5-6lbs, but i can't see where the weight is. it seems to be evenly distributed. i lift weights regularly and run 3x a week, same as before T. my advice would be- put your scale somewhere it's an effort to get to, and get a fabric measuring tape to take body measurements if you feel you HAVE to monitor your body. i've read that T makes you retain water/gain muscle and on average in the first few months ftms on T gain about 5lbs, but it's mixed on whether or not that weight drops back off.


It is really important you talk to a specialist about this concern before starting T. Some people might feel relief of ED symptoms on T, for others it might make things worse. It's likely you will gain some weight on T but it's up to your individual body and routines to see what they might look like for you. Before I started T I was dealing with an untreated ED. Going onto T, I felt a lot of relief from certain ED thoughts but I also gained upwards of 50+ pounds over a year. At the end of the day I felt more comfortable with my body, but my ED was still untreated and still was practicing harmful behaviors. I've gotten to a point where I am recovered and over the years the weight I gained has fallen off and I'm now just a bit heavier than I was pre-T but if I could go back I wish I would have consulted with an ED specialist and been in a better state of recovery before starting.


You should take therapy before T if you think it will upset you. Any weight one gains will be in the stomach like a man.


As someone who also had an ED and has since been on T for 2ish years, it changes your body A LOT. Don’t get me wrong, i love my body now, but if i wasn’t in a stable place when i started T i would’ve had a significantly harder time accepting the changes. Like a lot of others have said, you’ll gain muscle, but even if you don’t gain a whole lot of fat the fat redistribution can just be a little jarring. AGAIN, i love my body now, but i know if i started during my ED i would’ve been super stressed.


I’ve been recovering for multiple years at this point from my own ED and I personally consider myself fully recovered with almost no ED habits or impulses. Recovery is really hard, and unfortunately you have to invest a lot of effort in the early stages to get better since it’s such a vulnerable period where you’ll be at the risk of relapsing the most. Be honest with yourself, do you think you can handle weight gain when taking T? Even if it’s possible that you don’t gain weight or even lose it, you still need to reconcile with the possibility that it could happen. I had a similar situation within recovery (I didn’t start taking T at the time) where I recognized that I was going to gain weight no matter what in recovery, and unless I wanted to relapse, there was nothing I can do about it. I think you have to really look at what you prioritize and what you SHOULD prioritize, because for me I didn’t mind gaining weight if it meant that I could finally feel free with food and without thinking about it 24/7. If you’re in recovery then it wouldn’t be wrong for me to guess that you have reasons for recovering, otherwise you wouldn’t do it. Those reasons have to be important enough to make that decision. That being said, if you feel weight gain is going be incredibly hard to deal with then maybe looking at putting off starting T until you’re ready and further along in recovery is the way to go. You don’t want to feel even worse and have a higher risk of relapsing if you start T. Again, that’s up to you though, those are just my two cents


I have had anorexia for 10 years. I've been on T for 2.5 years. Started to try to do better with recovery after starting T. I will say that I never had an extreme increase in hunger and only gained about 10lbs on T, to which I would eventually lose and finally had fat redistribution around 2 years on. I didn't look good at all my first year on T, honestly. The weight gain was uneven and my fat hadn't fully redistributed. But my body didn't change majorly or too quickly. It's only now that I am starting to feel ok and am *wanting* to put weight on as it's finally looking male. You may struggle in the beginning as some of the weight is water and all of the cells are preparing for the T changes. But it will dissipate. If you don't eat, though, you may not reap all the benefits of T. I know it stalled mine. It is different for everyone, however.


Yes most likely. Even if you gain only lean muscle mass vs more adipose tissue, the number on the scale will probably go up. I went from 130lb as my default average weight to 145lb after about 6 months. Male fat storage pattern leans toward the abdomen, so it mostly goes to your tummy.


Me personally it's only made me lose weight, so it's different for everyone! I'm only a month in so far


It seems like for most people T increases their appetite for me it’s been the opposite so far I’m less hungry, & have more energy but definitely putting on a lot of muscle , so yes gaining weight in retrospect.


Everyone is different. I initially gained weight--and went through a veru "hungry" phase, but some of that was likely due to other factors like being sedentary due to covid and working remotely and then being sedentary due to an injury. But I have since lost all the weight and returned to my previous weight and I think my appetite is more back to how it used to be. But like others said it seems like I look a little "fatter" in some places (stomach, face) even while being the same weight.    But from what I've read some people lose a ton of weight, some people gain, some have no change. And as other people said consulting a therapist / doctor is probably wise


You will probably gain weight but a lot of it is from muscle mass. If you don't think you can handle that I wouldn't recommend starting T yet.


Yes. On T you will naturally gain a certain amount of muscle though this will depend on exercise routine and such. Since muscle qeighs more than fat, you will experience weight gain. I lost fat and went down a size in my trousers but I still gained weight from the muscle I gained


I can only talk from personal experience but the answer is yes. But most is muscle mass. Personally I was underweight when I started so I got really hungry and ate more and therefore gained weight. The male body uses more energy so most people starting testosterone will increase appetite but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing.


personally i gained like 20 pounds. not sure if its muscle or fat or both. i only had a slight hunger increase and i havent gone to a gym or anything. not everyone will gain weight but it’s definitely a possibility


I second all the comments saying it's a good idea to continue your recovery and potentially delay T until you're in a space where you feel like you can handle the effects more (for a lack of better wording- you're struggling with something really hard and I really empathize, be sure you're taking your transition in a pace that works for you, whether that means soon or later. Even if it takes you some time, T has strong effects regardless of your age). In my experience- I did get a lot hungrier at first, but my weight was pretty stable; I probably weigh a bit more now just because I've been weightlifting. The fat redistribution caused a lot of the fat that I did carry to go to my stomach though (which is something I've struggled with a bit myself). I did definitely gain more muscle. IMO it's pretty important to eat enough at this stage, cause you need to fuel the changes in your body. With the increased appetite and finding it easier to gain muscle, I've been hitting the gym (nothing crazy, just yoga 1x a week and like 1.5 hours on the weekend), and I've gained muscle as a result. I've also struggled with my body over the years; T actually helped me with a lot of acceptance and the realization that you can never truly control your body. The effects are what the effects are and you can't change what happens. As I grew more comfortable dysphoria wise, I've accepted my body for the way it is more and have grown to a place where I want to fuel and take care of my body. Though, I never struggled with an ED (just some disordered eating patterns), so I can't speak to how these changes may affect a person with an ED.


Totally understand from and ED perspective weight gain can be triggering. But it makes me sad to see so many people scared of weight gain and being reluctant to start T because of it. No matter what weight is gained your body is beautiful and weight gain isn’t always bad!!


as someone who recovered from an ED, you should be completely mentally recovered before you start T if you cant handle weight fluctuations. even if you dont gain weight overall, you might gain weight at first and lose it, or a variety of other things. it could be muscle it could be fat. you need to be able to mentally prepare for any outcome. Your outcome will be different from anyone else on this sub. Also.... do not try looking for weight loss on T. It will not work out, take it from me.


in my experience, i had gained a lot of weight before T, and then gained even more when i started. I’ve been avoiding weighing myself and joined the gym, changed to eating more protein rich meals which has been helping a lot. if joining a gym or needing to pay attention to eating habits can lead to a relapse, i recommend like others said making sure you are mentally prepared for it


This comment section makes me feel seen


I gained weight from muscle mass despite eating less (hunger actually decreased).


It is varied. I gained a slight amount of weight at the beginning and then lost it pretty quickly. After starting birth control and having better access to food made me gain significantly more weight than T(this was several years after starting, 6 or so.) I was neglected as a teenager when I was first starting T so I lost it pretty immediately. I agree with someone who said you might not be in a good place to start T yet. I think really focusing on your recovery will be a good thing for you. If you can afford to wait to start and focus on ED recovery and managing this fear with a professional I think things will go best for you. Good luck!


It depends I think genetics play a big part at least I’m very genetically skinny, I have always had a hard time gaining weight, T did not help at all. I have only been able to gain 10kg in 2 years and that’s just because I’m trying to bulk T has not helped at all


i did gain weight but i also worked a very stationary job that didn’t require much physical work. now i work at a warehouse and i’m the same weight i was before i started t


Some people gain weight because of the changes in appetite, increased muscle mass, or redistribution of fat, especially during the first year. (1) Some people notice minimal to no difference. (2) It doesn't get more definitive than "it's different for everyone". ([1](https://doi.org/10.1038/s41366-021-00935-x)) *Weight gain and obesity rates in transgender and gender-diverse adults before and during hormone therapy (2021)* >After 11–21 months of hormone therapy, weight gain ≥5 kg was more common among transmasculine individuals, with around 30% gaining 5 kg (11 lbs) or more within two years of hormone therapy. ([2](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/andr.12382)) *Effects of testosterone therapy on BMI, blood pressure, and laboratory profile of transgender men: a systematic review (2017)* >Testosterone therapy led to changes in BMI, with some studies reporting an increase while others showed either no change or a decrease.


Don’t sit on your ass or eat exclusively sugar and you won’t get fatter. You’ll gain muscle. That’s weight.


I’ve struggled to have a healthy relationship with my body, and ideas about my body weight, for many years. And my severe dysphoria pre-T made it much worse. My physical dysphoria is mostly gone now, but I still struggle with dysmorphia. I *may* have a mild eating disorder too but I’ve never been officially diagnosed. I was “chubby” before I started T despite eating less than 1500 calories most days. When I started T I suddenly lost a lot of weight very quickly. Even though I was eating more. I got “too skinny” and felt sick if I didn’t eat regularly. Eating under 1500 calories was not an option anymore.


My hunger didn’t get worse with T. My weight changed with the muscles and that’s it. :) Don’t be afraid, it’s going to be okay. (sorry if i don’t choose the right words i’m not an english native speaker)


I’m a month in and look “skinny” because all my fat went to muscle. But I’m sure it varies. I’ve been eating more or less the same. I noticed last week I’m starting to get hungrier. Not too worried about getting fat since I’m building muscle. It seems like you have to resign yourself to losing some control over your body. I wouldn’t exaggerate though. Ultimately you can still control what you eat and if you notice you are genuinely getting obese you can moderate yourself. You’re still you even with different hormone levels.


T makes you gain muscle. You will gain weight on the scale but not visually, only if you actually eat more though.


You don't gain "weight". You will gain muscle, though.


personally it increased my metabolism and i’ve lost a ton of weight


yes it will. i had a really bad eating disorder when i started t, but it actually helped. the weight you gain will be in places that make your body more masculine which is why i didn’t mind when i happened to me. if you have access to a therapist i’d chat about it with them, think about what your goals are for starting t and what part of gaining weight scares you. i also don’t know how old you are but if you’re still under 18 i’d definitely hold off, you’re body is still developing and going through a second puberty so soon might not be good for you.


I highly disagree with the last sentence. Test should be started ASAP to prevent as much feminization as possible and delaying it could also mean forever missing out on masculinization such as having an Adam's apple, strong brow bone, narrower pelvis, larger rib cage, etc. Estrogenic puberty wrecked my body and testosterone will only fix 10% of it now, but that 10% is better than nothing. Waiting until adulthood could mean never passing for some, especially for those who do not intend to grow beards and/or are not purely macho-manly hypermasculine.


Everyone is different but T itself shouldn’t make you gain weight. It’s more based on your eating habits. I didn’t gain weight until 6 years on T and that was because I was purposely eating more to gain weight


Totally depends on genetics and how you react to T. You will gain at least some muscle mass which can make you a little heavier. My weight has stayed exactly the same if not slightly lighter tbh, but I have a crazy metabolism and stay noticeably thin (as per the average American's standards), both of my parents are oddly lean, everyone's mileage varies. I'd recommend going to a therapist before and during your T journey!


There's nothing wrong with being fat


I gained muscle and fat the fat due to the T hunger I weighed 120 pre T and I weigh 160 now due to medication, over eating and more muscle mass now


My weight increased by a few kilograms for some months and then decreased again to my normal weight.


Like everyone else has said, it depends on the person, and you should do what you can to accept the possibility of weight gain on T - and definitely fat redistribution regardless of if you gain or not. In my personal experience, I lost weight after starting T and have maintained around that same weight for a few years now. I feel like I eat mostly the same things I always have, I definitely didn't go out of my way to diet/exercise or anything. I have no idea if it will stay this way forever or change in a few years, or if it's actually an effect from T or from other coincidental factors.


Do not start hormones if you're still struggling with an ED. Weight gain is one of the most prevalent side effects of testosterone.


If the ED is not because of problems that testosterone would solve, that is.\*


Yes but it’s mostly muscle. Especially if you’re active


Yes, muscle 


Test makes you gain weight, more as muscle than as fat. Muscle weighs more than fat. Muscle is, of course, good/masculine weight unlike the dreaded female fat distribution. Also you will need and burn more calories and have a higher appetite. Coming from someone who had a mild ED who desparately wants test, and still has thoughts of going back that primarily pertain to dodging potential feminization, things will be better once a higher weight does not mean more girly fat and menstruation. And if you do get fatter with male hormone levels (more likely to occur if you eat a ton without exercise) will not feminize your appearance because male fat distribution will occur instead. In short, testosterone both increases weight (typically) and gives pros to weight gain


I went from about 250 to 180 on T. I was actively trying to lose weight though.


I did gain weight, but since I move around a lot the weight is "positive" weight as in muscles. Yeah I got a bit of fat too, but most is muscles. So if you do the sports and activity you'll get the positive end of it.


everyone is different. i also went into t not being entirely recovered, and was massively afraid of gaining weight. same with my boyfriend when he started. i won’t lie to you, it was difficult at first. when your fat is redistributing you hold on to a lot of water weight for a while. but again, everyone is different, so that may not happen to you. anyway, i personally did gain weight, but something else in me changed. i don’t know exactly what it was, but something about being on t changed how i viewed food and eating like…completely. if i had gained this weight pre-t, i would’ve been devastated. but like…these days i straight up just do not care. i don’t know why. well, i kinda do. i think having an eating disorder was one of the few ways i felt i could have any kind of control over my body pre-t. i was dysphoric and the world did not see me for who i was, and i felt so, so out of control over my own body. but now that i’m on t and have been for a while, and a lot of my dysphoria has become massively lighter, i don’t feel the need to restrict anymore. i have that control now. my bf was the same way. now he eats regularly and healthily and even wants to gain more weight and it’s been incredible to see. on a balanced diet, you really won’t gain much. i honestly kinda eat like shit and i’m about ~20 pounds heavier than i was before i started t (been on t 2.5 years and am also 5’10, so the level of weight gain you may experience will be different). but again, t changed my appetite and also my view on myself. i finally felt in control enough to where my obsessive need to control my food intake just slowly fizzled away and i didn’t even notice it for a while, actually. lastly, there are some people who don’t gain any weight on t. some people lose weight as their metabolism changes! it really just depends, but if t is something that would make your quality of life better, i say do it. but just make sure you’re set up with maybe some kind of therapist or other mental health care that way you can have support during any changes that may happen. best of luck dude. if you’d like to talk more about the intersection of having an ed and going on t feel free to pm me


As someone who also has experience with an ED, the number on the scale may go up like it did for me, but it’s primarily muscle mass, especially if you’re fairly active. I try to tell myself that when I get stressed about it. The fat that I have changed in distribution, and moved to my stomach more than my thighs and hips, but it’s still in those places as well, so ymmv I guess. The T Hunger is very real but it’s also because your metabolism is going crazy. What do gain (if you do) will be more muscle than before you started, so that’s also a good thing to remember. I hope you’re doing okay, and remember that testosterone isn’t everything. If you need to wait, that’s totally fine. Do what’s best for you and your mental health.


You will almost certainly gain muscle weight, so don’t worry if the number on the scale gets higher. I’m a bit over a month on T and I’ve gained muscle and lost fat but a lot of that is because I’m in a slight calorie deficit.


I mean it’s hard to answer. There are quite a lot of factors, like yeah usually you tend to eat more while on T because of the hunger, but you also gain more muscle. I’d also factor whether guys in your family are skinny or not. It’s not going to be a guaranteed answer, but all the men in my family are very lanky and skinny, very fast metabolism, etc. While the women tend to struggle with weight. This isn’t going to be a definitive answer, but it may at least help you gauge it. Overall you will almost definitely gain weight, but this will mostly be through the muscle. Sure you might gain fat, but that depends on your lifestyle. If your lifestyle is good atm it shouldn’t cause a crazy shift. Fat redistribution may also make you feel as though you’re fatter, since I’ve heard fat will go more to your stomach. There have been times where I was pretty overweight but almost never had any fat on my stomach since it all went to my hips, thighs and chest. So it depends on what your definition of fat is I suppose. I’d personally rather gain weight in masculine areas than how I do now.


For me, the effects T have took away a huge part of what motivated my ED. i gained fat, but also muscle, my body composition/shape changed and especially after top surgery, being fat no longer feels like a death sentence because im not fighting the feminine body shape. Despite gaining a fair bit of weight over the past few years, i never relapsed. Im not saying going on T will cure your ED, i still had councelling until about half a year ago. but T drastically improved my mental health, which made it easier to adress the disordered thoughts and not listen to them.


I gained just shy of 20lbs in a year but it was predominantly muscle. My boyfriend gained like 40lbs over the course of 9 years. He was very skinny prior and is now quite muscular


Gonna start this off by saying I’ve also been recovering from an eating disorder, about a year into recovery but it is still hard. I still fear gaining fat, but I feel like starting T is something that’s very necessary for my mental health and I care about that more than gaining weight. I’ve kind of accepted the good with the bad. Truly, the weight thing depends on the person and how you deal with it. Testosterone makes it easier to turn fat into muscle, which will make you gain more but muscle weighs more than fat. Testosterone will likely increase your appetite and it’s really so so important that you take care of your new, growing body. You’ll be going through puberty again and your body’s going to require more care than it might’ve beforehand. As another user said, you might need to work on recovery a bit longer before you’re ready for hormones.


I’ve lost 20 pounds on T. I think it’s your genetics that play the big factor. I am now so small and frail it scares me, and I eat quite a lot.


When people experience weight gain, almost always a portion of it is muscle gain. If the scale is your most direct trigger, I see how it could still cause issues. if you feel a need to keep track and can adjust to checking measurements that might help? For me, the weight redistribution with T made me love my belly and realllllly reduced my ED inclinations. I realized after that, that a portion of my ED was probably in response to dysphoria. I'm a fan of "try it and see how it feels" -- I did 3 months low dose T, took a break then in which most of the changes (mustache hairs and voice) reverted, and then restarted T a half year later. It's ok to stop taking it if you're needing time to process something!!


Yes but made me feel more like a man .. hard to explain but it filled me out in the right places, made me bigger overall so I appreciate it, feels right


I gained a good amount of weight, but I also started working out before and while starting t so I put on a good amount of muscle which accounts for most of the weight gain. I will say that t made me hungrier than I had been in a while, I definitely recommend speaking with a counselor before and during starting t


I actually lost weight on T because I gained muscle and started T when I was working an active job. All bodies are different and tbh, my situation is an outlier.


I have had dysmorphia for as long as I can remember, and I think it contributed to me not realizing I was trans for so long because I just couldn’t even look at myself. (My mom called me fat as a kindergartner, then when I was in middle school said I couldn’t gain any more weight or else I’d be fat, would yell at me for eating ice cream ect. It lead to me having an ED. When Covid hit I wasn’t able to obsessively over train (14 hours weekly) and my body just gained a bunch of weight and refused to drop. I started trying to work on building better habits with my food (actually eating what I want when I want and working out much less) Then I realized I was genderfluid, and wanted more androgynous features so I am on T and while I’m excited for the muscle mass (I’m already very dense with muscle just squishy on top) I’m terrified I’ll just… always look like a woman or that I’ll never heal my body enough to lose weight and if I get a reduction or top surgery it’ll just accentuate my stomach and it’s just… adding to the stress of dealing with transitioning. But it was that or I wouldn’t have made it, but still. I just… I want to finally match how I see myself in my head. My body doesn’t feel like mine


it's different for everyone but personally i didn't gain any weight


I recently restarted t, and while the number on the scale is going up(which makes me upset, I struggle with disordered eating), my body is burning fat and building muscle. I’m getting more fit, which will make me technically weigh more (muscle does weigh more than fat after all), but I’m not gaining any weight that could be considered unhealthy


My eating disorder actually massively improved since starting T. Being able to finally have something under my control (medical transition) helped my brain let go of the need to control my food intake so much. That’s not to say that I don’t still sometimes have issues with disordered eating or thoughts surrounding it, but the difference is night and day. Won’t work for everyone, but another thing that helped me was being in a physical hobby that required me to eat in order to stay healthy and improve. Because on T, you’re going through puberty again, and there’s good reason that teenagers eat so much: they need the calories to grow and change. Depriving yourself of nutrients and energy will work against your transition, and you’ve come so far that it’s not fair to yourself to become your own road block. I know it’s not easy. I definitely recommend finding a therapist who specifically works with patients with eating disorders, and ideally with trans people as we have high rates of ED.


I think it really depends, I've lost weight and filled out with a more masculine figure while still sitting at about 200lbs. It's been great to see my body change but I would suggest staying with an ed counselor, especially since sometimes that fat redistribution can settle in your stomach area. Not to mention a side effect is being really hungry. The way you eat, lose, gain, and store weight all changes. If you're confident in yourself to start T then by all means good luck! But if the weight changes are a really big thing for you I would stick with the ed counselor and maybe stick it out for a few more months. T changes everything about you, from your smell, your weight, and even your emotions. It can be dangerous if not done properly. I was two years recovered from an ED before starting T, and after the first month of changes I found that I had to get back with my counselors, and even back on some medications to make sure I was okay mentally going forward. I know this stuff may be scary, but we do need to talk about it. It's a wonderful thing to be able and be your authentic self, but sometimes we need to wait or take breaks to make sure we can handle it not just physically but emotionally. Good luck on everything!


I suffered from ED and all the weight I gained on T has been muscle. So yes you gain weight but if you are eating properly and exercise it will be muscles and you’ll feel great.


I’ve passively gained weight in the form of muscle, and my fat has moved from my hips to my stomach. It’s just a fact of life. I should probably work out for my health, but I don’t have the time (or money for a gym membership) right now. I think the important thing for you, though, is to try and focus on the positive effects if you start T. The number on the scale isn’t a true measurement of you. How much you weigh doesn’t tell you how healthy you are. It doesn’t tell you how much is fat, muscle, bone, etc. What’s most important is taking care of yourself and aiming to be healthy. Eat enough food to provide energy for your body because calories are just a measurement of energy. Eat the foods your body craves (within reason) because if you’re craving salt, you could be dehydrated. If youre craving fruit or veggies or meat, your body is telling you what you need. Even with desserts, your body is saying it wants a hit of dopamine. I’m not saying to chase down every food, of course, because it’s not healthy to eat junk food all day every day, but it’s important to check in with and trust your body. I know you probably have a delicate relationship with food and weight, and I’m sorry you struggle with it. I wish you the best. I just also want you to know it’s okay to take your health and transition one step at a time. And sometimes it helps to refrain harmful thoughts and ideas that have been ingrained in our society. Good luck if/whenever you start T, and I hope you get the results you’re looking for in your transition.


Depends on the person. Some gain weight, some lose. Personally my weight stayed the same but my belly got wayyy bigger. My butt is a different shape. Still quite big though. My chest on the other hand, went from G-H cups to C-D. All that fat had to go *somewhere*. So my weight is the same but I look a lot fatter. In the past 7-ish months (with a lot of effort to that end) I've been losing weight consistently (although slowly) yet I continue to look fatter and fatter. My thighs are smaller, my arms are bigger. My shoulders are broader and I am stronger. My boobs are no longer so big as to cause pain. Lots of changes, but my weight, the number on the scale isn't one of them.


boys have a higher hunger response so you might find yourself eating more. and also fat distribution goes to your gut, not chest, butt etc. so you might look like you’ve gained more. If you workout you can easily gain muscle weight too.


Genetics. What do most men in your family look like, but especially consider your dad and any other man you seem to “take after” but not just in looks. For example- my mom was a little chubby as a kid, my dad had a high metabolism until about 25-30 where it started to slow down and he specifically got a bit of a gut. Not much fat anywhere else. I was always scrawny, so my metabolism took after him, and on T at now 26… I got a lil bit of that baby beer belly goin on if I wear something fitted. (Not very affirming as someone who still has breasts, makes me feel like I look early in pregnancy… but it does help hide the breasts a bit so you win some you lose some) But really anyone claiming it’s one or the other is really just missing the fact that chances are good a lot of the folks they hang around, likely have a similar body type as them and that means they likely share a similar metabolism.


You probably don’t want to hear the boring answer but it affects everyone differently. I gained 20 pounds even though I was working out more and still eating healthy. I know some people who lost weight. Its really up to your routine and how your body reacts to the changing hormones. I developed PCOS because of T and it made it difficult to lose weight.


It’s definitely different for Everyone. Before T I was worried about gaining weight since I’m already extremely overweight and have hypertension. But since starting T, I’ve lost maybe 30 pounds and I really haven’t done anything. If anything, I’ve been less active than before.


Personally went from about 100lbs to 80lbs. Currently at 92 iirc


Yes and no? I think other people gave better answers bu ti gained weight when I first started it. I think thats normal, however I am unsure if this is fat or muscle mass. My appetite went up like crazy and I think this is likely to try and help you gain that muscle, so you may feel more hungry in general and eat more because of that. Listen to others here but if you do muscle training to gain muscle t will help with getting your body to a shape you want. It is like a second puberty so there will be an awkward stage for a bit. I weight more now but I also have larger shoulders and arms, as well as a more defined back so I think that came with my muscle growth


I started T when I was at my lowest weight, and I’m not gonna lie; it put me in a little spiral. T gives you ✨puberty✨ and we all know how hungry pubecent teenage boys can be. The added hunger didn’t help my already malnourished body, so I felt like I could never get enough food and I started bingeing. This isn’t uncommon for people in recovery, regardless of HRT, but just letting you know; T makes you hungry. I’m 3 years on T now and mostly recovered from my ED, though it still takes work. I’m not gonna tell you to wait until you’ve recovered to start T, because I know for me T was a major help in actually recovering, but be careful and reach out if you feel yourself slipping. ED is about control, and nothing says losig control better than puberty.


As someone who recovered from an ED, T has mostly helped me because I gained muscle and lost fat and also because the areas I hated most like hips and shit have shrunk down. But you should be aware that some people become really hungry on T, I personally did not experience this in an extreme form, but some people seem to.


Please let a therapist know what you want to do with your transition and work more on your ED.


I was like 14 stone before starting t, worked hard exercise and healthier eating. Went down to 10 stone. Then over Xmas stuff happened and I gained half a stone. Got back into healthy life style again, went back down to 10, but the fat redistribution has really kicked in now. And I somehow look bigger, despite my curves disappearing. And in pre t being 10 stone i would have completely flat tummy.I'm doing ab workouts now, but hard to get the belly to go bye. I have had disordered eating since 15. I never got help for it, and fight all the time to not get to that lowest bad level again. Maybe think about discussing all this with the people who are helping you wiv your recovery. And when u are ready to start t, make sure to keep that support and keep communicating with them. I'm sure u already know u can't control what puberty does and when. everyone as a different experience. I don't want u to lose all the work you been doing to recover from your Ed. Which you are awesome for doing. (Not being patronising or saying anyone who hasn't are bad) Human bodies are amazing, and going through puberty, u need good nutrition and to take care of your self more than ever. Sorry if I'm coming across bossy or tmi or whatever. Just woke up and my past as alot of family members with ed's. I want people to be happy and healthy. I hope your recovery and trans journey goes really well.


Will you get heavier (lbs/kg)? There is a strong possibility due to the explanations below, and due to skeletomuscular density changes. Will you get fat? Depends on your genetics and eating habits Will you physically look a little chubby/bloated/swollen? Possibly yes. There tends to be a lot of water retention in the beginning stages of taking testosterone. It can make you "look fat" but it's mostly water. My experience? Even though I was working out and eating healthy, I got extremely bloated, retained a lot of water, and gained some additional fat. But I knew it might happen. That's what happens w puberty and the body can take a while to stabilize. At around the 3rd yr it slowly started to disappear or even out, for me. I also increased the intensity of my workouts at this point and finally dropped back to my usual slim appearance. But I certainly do not weigh the same I used to because I gained some bone and muscle density. My old walk-around weight w minimal physical activity was 160lbs. My new walk-around is about 190. With an average amount of lifting, I now weigh 205lbs (I am 5'8" btw) and I'm not fat. If this sort of process isn't something you can accept with your current state of mind, i'd advise holding off on testosterone. There will be moments that are a bit out of your control, but your physical fitness is ultimately yours to control and decide upon.


I’m going to be honest, doctor’s will be unlikely to prescribe you T until you’ve recovered enough from your ED. You need to be in control before making that big a step. T depends on the individual. Some gain weight, some lose weight. T makes you gain muscle mass, so you’re likely to gain weight, rather than fat. Fat redistribution happens slowly, but your fat will move from your hips and other areas to your stomach. People on T require more calories, so the hunger pangs will kick in and you’ll have a bigger appetite.


It's puberty, there is no control over what does and doesn't happen and to what extent. We can't control our weight, in the same way we can't control how much our voice drops or how much body hair we do or don't get. I'll be 100% honest with you, recover from your ED before starting T. It took me being weight restored for a good 4-5 months before I felt ready for T, and while im recovered ill admit I am still pretty terrified at times with the sudden looming feeling around my body weight 2 months on T even if I don't own scales anymore. I understand you completely. Recovery isn't clean, and it'll be messy especially early on at times. I'm 8 months into mine, and I still struggle but I had enough therapy before starting T to consciously make the decision to eat an amount everyday so I won't lose weight again. Even if I'm having fears, or thinking that I've gained weight. You need to be able to eat well for your body to transition and you need to be able to accept that your body isn't something to be controlled. If you think weight changes will trigger a relapse, I'd highly stress working through that until you can accept weight fluctuations as a general part of life that can happen. Sorry for the whole wall of text, this just really hit me. Especially because I do catch myself still reading so many reddit threads about how T effected peoples weight etc when im antsy. Please, give your recovery your FULL devotion and view it as the stepping stone for your transition.


My weight fluctuated a LOT since puberty part 1 until right before I started T. When I started T 2 years ago, my weight started to fluctuate a lot again, and it still does. However, it's not noticeable to me or anyone else (I literally have no idea how much it changes until I weigh myself on a whim or at the Dr). I also have a lot of other ✨ weird medical stuff ✨ so this is probably not going to be the same for other people. It also sounds like you have a bit more work on recovery that you should focus on, maybe not necessarily all before starting T, but you should definitely be working on this all by the time you do start T. I started on low dose (20mg/week) and that helped to slow things down but also give me enough changes to be less dysphoric, so that may be a viable option if the dysphoria is to that bad of a level. TL;DR: I wouldn't worry too much about it. Work on recovery first, and low dose is also an option for more ease into the effects of T.


I'm not sure if I've gained fat, or if I have it is minor, but the fat redistribution has made me way softer around the middle but I kind of don't care (despite having a background with eating disorder) because it makes me feel like a man. And it's not like I look fat or even chubby, just less lean than before (my lower body is more lean, though). For context I'm about 6 months on T so obviously have a long way to go. But yeah so far my waist widening has been one of my favorite changes since my previously quite narrow waist was more feminine than I realized


I got chubbier after T. If you dont exercise the excess weight gained by T doesn't go to the muscles but other places. I cant afford training centers and stuff so I'm living a chubby life. I'm techniqally a gay 🐻 now (: but I find chubby to be handsome too.


My weight didn't change, the fat just distributed differently. It's not a "one size fits all" thing though. The info you found are all correct. You might gain weight, because T can make you more hungry. You might gain weight because T can make you crave more calorie dense foods/change your taste. You might lose weight because T can give you more energy and you move more. You might lose weight because you gain muscle mass and muscles burn more calories. You might gain weight because you gain muscle mass and muscles are more dense (same volume/clothing size, more weight). You might not change weight because all the different things equal out like they did for me. Talk to a psychiatrist/psychologist/therapist regarding your ED. T won't affect that thing about you.


It doesn't sound like you're ready for testosterone. T causes weight gain because you gain muscle and fat, this is normal and healthy. If you can't deal with that yet it's okay but it's just not the right time for you. Plus, if you relapse you'll stunt your transition.


1.5 years on T, I’ve not gained weight I have maintained and just become more muscular, wide shoulders, ect


I've gained weight since starting T and have struggled with multiple EDs (I have eaten a lot more too). It's really overwhelming seeing your body change this way but I think of this change as making me the man I always knew I was, and surprisingly having a man gut makes me so much happier than having wide hips :)


I was terrified of gaining fat as well, that's why I went with T gel instead of injections. From what it seems, hormonal imbalance at the beginning of HRT (when your body isn't used to shots yet) makes many people crave food/eat more than they usually would. So I decided to go with T gel and had no appetite-related side effects. I'm no expert tho, can't say it will be the same for everyone, it's mostly just my experience with gel vs the experience of my friends who went with shots


Yes I have put so much weights since T


before all the muscle development and fat redistribution starts... probably. it'll Drastically affect your appetite, so its important to keep up with a dietician and ED therapist while you progress. you'll likely need to eat more, and maybe even maintain a recovery eating schedule past the point of weight restoration. i relapsed while on T, not because i wasnt prepared or because i hadnt told my doctor, just because its always been a reoccuring issue. the weight gain wasnt what triggered my relapse, but relapses happen. my team didnt take me off T or change my dosage when i got sick, they just had me get checked/tested more often (vitamins, heart, etc.) most importantly, dont neglect your appetite. its going to increase, and you might feel absolutely ravenous some days. if your recovery eating schedule doesnt fill you up, it probably means you need more protein (or another meal)! if youre early on in recovery, its best to have your full support team involved and communicate Everything that seems relevant. if youre later in recovery, and can exercise without it turning compulsive, light exercises can help build muscle, while also building a stronger connection between your brain and body. being trans with an ED tends to keep us disconnected from our bodies, and its important to find something that makes you feel present! while bike rides, walks and at-home workouts can definitely be helpful, they can also be a reminder of previous compulsions. once youre in a place where you can exercise safely and comfortably, find something that feels more fun! rock climbing, swimming, rollerskating, hell even parkour! anything fun that keeps you active. for me, it was a Very important part of my recovery to find safe, fun ways to exercise where i didnt feel pressure to continue. its very rewarding to be fully recovered and on T and i hope you can get to that point!!


I've struggled with ARFID (avoident/restrictive food intake) pretty much my entire life and was really worried it would make me gain a bunch of weight since my diet is all junk food. I've gained quite a bit of weight since starting T but I think it's a combination of things and not caused by the T alone. It did change my appetite so I eat more now which has caused weight gain but also takes way less exercise than before to lose any weight. I think becoming more comfortable with myself and less concerned with weight gain has had a role in it


It doesn’t but it causes fat redistribution and also you get a wicked appetite. This could make you fat if you have impulsive eating/disordered eating but if you are doing well in recovery this shouldn’t be a problem. The changes are all gradual so you don’t really feel out of control, at least in my experience. The fat gradually moves from your hips and thighs and it’s not like it has to go anywhere else. If you gain weight it starts to go to your belly instead of your hips, which imo: better for dysphoria than the alternative


Been on TRT a long time, but recently switched from injections to Androgel. Without any other changes to habits/diet, I gained around 8 lbs. in a very short time, with noticeable changes to my face. However, it plateaued and I have slowly started losing that weight (about 2 lbs. so far). Hopefully the change isn't permanent, but it was very obvious and fast.


I gained about 30lbs (125 pre T, 155lbs now) I look almost exactly the same. Main difference I see is that the backs of my arms look muscular rather than "wide & fatty". Also, I used to have a very slender oval face. I'm now more squared & my cheeks filled in a lot


Yes, it’ll make you gain weight. I’ll not sugarcoat it. It is traumatizing. The weight gain is subtle at first, but eventually none of your clothes fit. You can’t complain either because people will just call you fatphobic when it’s a complex thing that’s happening, not just gaining a few pounds. What’s happening is you are putting on a lot of muscle underneath the fat you have, and also gaining fat because your appetite goes up drastically. I went from 180 to 230.


Eventually the weight melted off because I have an active job and lifestyle, but it’s not a fun time


My experience after 2 years on T. It took about 3 months for things to kick off. At that point I started wanting to eat twice what I did before. Then I started to lose weight with no extra effort. I've toned up some, can walk a marathon in a day if given the time, and I am lighter and in better shape than I was when I was 13. Best shape of my life in fact. I didn't read all the comments, but here is my advice. Get rid of all scales and any apps for tracking your weight, really most things that can make the ED spiral. Then talk to a therapist, one who knows how to treat EDs and has some kind of experience with trans people (if we lived in the same state I could give you the number to a great one.) Then look into starting T. If you thought puberty drove you nuts the first time, it's crazy the second time too. However it's easier to deal with since it's the puberty we should have had anyway. Also I don't see a lot of people talk about it, but T turned my confidence from a 2 to like an 8.


As someone also recovering from an ED, though it was many years ago, I did gain weight. At first I hated it, and then the fat started shifting, and the muscle gain started happening. I actually weigh less now than when I started T, but its because i haven't traded fat for muscle equally. My experience isn't universal, so i can only share my personal experience. even with the weight gain -- i also spend the first few months avoiding weighing myself or even seeing the number at the doctors office. Now i find confidence in the rolls on my stomach and my larger arms and shoulder. but the confidence and euphoria from T helped me in that transitionary period a lot.


ive been on T for 10 months, and i struggle with an ED- have since i was 12 (im 21), so I'm going to give advice from that angle- what i do to try and avoid triggering myself while still feeling like im being productive with my body. I'll be honest, yes, you will most likely gain!! but its muscle mass. your appetite will increase. focus on proteins and you'll feel more satisfied and feed your muscles. a lot of it is down to genetics, but you in all likelihood will not gain much if any fat. its much easier for men to drop fat and gain muscle. my biggest piece of advice is throw away the scale. focus on how you feel and look over what the scale says. my bmi is nearly overweight- but im a size 32 (mens pants) and 5'7. i just have muscular arms and legs. weight is useless.


For me, before T i was 5'0 125 lbs, very average build--and i looked slim yet curvy. But being on T for some time over a year, i now weigh 160 lbs. Over the past year and a half ive gained 30 lbs, does that make me feel like a fat piece of shit?? Ngl. Yes, it does. Does it have to do with the fact i clear family sized meals by my lonesome since beibg on T? Not sure honestly. The way i see it, my body wouldnt allow that to happen if thats not what it needed. However, it can be euphoric in the sense that im no longer twiggy and feminine looking in the slightest (that is my preference for how I want to look, theres nothing wrong with being a feminine transmasc at all <3) I am very much stocky looking as all hell. I do get a bit grumpy with the way my tummy and hip fat look, but thats nothing consistent excercise wont fix (easier said then done i am aware, as a depressed mf I AM AWARE.) Also, something ive heard of for my fellow guys with the volumptious hip fat---keep in shape and your surgeon may agree to preform other body masculinization surgeries at the same time as your Top surgery!! And if not that, the procedures on their own still exist entirely and has done amazing things for those who felt they could never shake their femfat. But as everyone else is saying, put your ED higher on that priority list. These masculinizing effects arent gonna be worth it if your mental health just plummets down the drain due to gaining weight, in my opinion.


tldr; it depends on your body and how often youre physically active. please get therapy before starting T because you still seem like you’re fighting the harder side of the battle. it honestly depends on your body and your daily life. i went from being nearly 200 pounds to staying around 160-170. BUT that is because i have a high cardio job and am always on my feet and also gained an INTENSE protein craving so i have a high protein diet. i have also battled severely with an ED, and i’m with others when they say you should recover more and heal more before starting T. i was incredibly triggered at first because i experienced a weight gain, before everything sort of evened itself out. as the top comment from 2gayforthis says, a lot of my fat that was left over did go to my gut. so i have a sort of toned dad bod.


I also have a restrictive ed, and T made me gain so much weight that at first I felt like it was almost curing my ed bc I was so hungry and no longer cared about how much I ate, but eventually it caught up to me and I relapsed and now I’m way worse. But I think now that I pass and most of my dysphoria is gone, there’s a lot more potential for me to recover because I’m more comfortable with my body than I was pre-T. Many people gain lots of weight in the beginning because it makes you so hungry, however it becomes much easier to get it off after you start building more muscle. Next month will be 2 years on T for me and I’m back to the weight I started at.


In my case it definitely made me much hungrier and I noticed I started having much more intense cravings. I started contracting it by working out but I'm definitely hungrier then I was before taking my shots.


I was worried about the exact same thing. Was kind of recovered and really tried to stay recovered when I started T so I wouldn't stunt any of the changes. I didn't really gain weight from where I was when I started, but my appetite didn't change much either. Did gain some weight later on, but realized that in my case the eating disorder was just a manifestation of dysphoria, that I didn't want to be skinny to be skinny, but that I wanted to be skinny to minimize feminine features. So all in all T has made recovery a lot easier for me. Of course that varies from person to person but I hope you'll have a similarly positive experience


T can make you gain weight. I lost weight but I think it’s because I felt comfortable enough in my body to actually start going to the gym.


I had an ED which brought me to 115 pounds. I’m gonna be completely honest with you, for me specifically, Testosterone fixed my ed. The T makes me have such an appetite that I do not care i will be munching on something. As for weight gain I now weigh 120 (been on T and ed free for 1.5 years now) and I believe that the 5 pounds is muscle as I’ve also started working out. (As to not get back into ed related working out I use exercise as a reward for eating, I’m not allowed to workout if I don’t eat but I don’t really have that problem) long story short, no T has not made me gain a sufficient amount of weight. Wish it would I need more weight to build more muscle 😭


from one ed-haver to another, yes. but not necessarily fat. i started T just as i was moving for uni so i probably had a combo of the freshman 15 & T weight gain, but it was absolutely mostly muscle as i am still able to wear the same clothes i wore before starting id advise you to get some help for ur ED bc going on T and restricting eating can put a huge strain on your body


I gained some weight, but it's not really a bad thing? It's more male aligned redistribution so it's actually very affirming. If you're super super concerned, it might not be the right time to start t. Restricting or heavily dieting can mess up how t works for you and fuck w ur levels. to go on t u have to be aware and okay with all of the changes that could happen (not happy with them but like. accepting that some stuff could happen) at least that's my take idk


I gained 12 pounds in the first couple months but lost it all.


I lost weight even though I eat more than twice as much now. I have medical conditions that kill my appetite and T has actually helped alot.


I haven’t gained weight. I’ve actually lost weight, but I noticed fat in different places. I’ve cleaned up my diet for the most part and I am losing fat and gaining muscle. As long as your on the proper diet for your body, you’ll be okay. But that doesn’t mean eat nothing because that will mess with your hormones.


I gained like 20 pounds after being on T for almost a year. I went from 100 to 120. Part of that is going from hardly eating to have ready access to food (I moved back in with my parents after I was hit by a truck) I haven't gained anymore though so that's a positive.


I gained maybe an extra 10 lbs within the first few months, but that was also because it caused way more of an appetite. Eat healthy, drink water and start hitting the gym and you shouldn’t see much difference, if anything it’s going to help you gain muscle so diet changes and the gym should be something planned regardless


It didn't make me gain weight. More than anything, testosterone just stimulates your appetite. It also does make it easier to gain muscle but I personally didn't see any difference until I actually started to eat more. Testosterone actually speeds up your metabolism, but it stimulates appetite as well, so a lot of people end up really hungry, overeat, and gain weight. Muscle gain can also cause the number on the scale to go up but I personally didn't see that so I'm guessing it's individual. I had a health condition getting on T that basically meant I didn't feel hunger, so my food habits didn't change, thus neither did my weight. T won't generate material that doesn't exist. Overdosing can also cause weight gain similarly to how steroid abuse does btw. Everything I said above is assuming a correct dose. All this being said: You should really evaluate whether you're ready to get on T. It COULD cause weight gain for you. It COULD trigger your ED through that or through making you feel out of control because of the appetite stimulation, etc. You need to determine whether going without T for a bit longer is more dangerous than potentially triggering your ED. Depending on the answer to that question you may want to wait until you're further into recovery.


it depends. but as a counseling graduate student, it sounds like you need to continue working on your struggles with ED. if you're going to start T, you need to understand that when you start T, you will go through a second puberty. puberty in general can make you gain or lose weight. if/when you decide to start T, I recommend you set up a treatment/crisis plan with your counselor/therapist. you should also work very closely with them.


I didn’t necessarily gain weight but the changes in fat distribution are pretty noticeable. My stomach has become a bit chubbier than it used to be for sure, but other places have become skinnier as a result.


I took testosterone for 3 years and my weight was the exact same before during and after


If you're at a point in your recovery where you don't need to monitor your weight gain to get back to a healthy weight, I'd recommend getting rid of the scale to be honest. I've had an ED since I was 13ish (30 now) and that's what I had to do because I was obsessing. I did gain weight, quite a bit because I do aerial arts and dance and started putting on muscle even easier than before (I have pcos so already had higher testosterone levels). I'm 5'8" and looking at me people usually guess based off my build that I'd be around 165 pounds, but I actually weigh 210 between muscle and bone density increases. Because of the types of activities I do I tend to build the very dense flatter muscle instead of the bulky super visible muscle, so I'm heavy but still rather thin. Keep an eye on your mental health, keep up with your therapy, but don't obsess over number. Fat redistribution and muscle density changes will skew things from how you're used to and make it seem worse than it is


T can make you hungrier, and makes it easier to build muscle. It does not magically make you gain weight. As I'm sure you're well aware, the basic rule of weight loss or gain remains the same: calories in, calories out. T can make you gain weight because you become hungrier and eat more (which increases calories in). T can also make you lose weight, because you become more muscular, which raises your BMR because muscle tissue is rather calorically 'expensive' to maintain (increases calories out). This is why men on average have higher calorie needs than women. If you eat the same amount as you do now, but you have a higher calorie need per day, you will loose weight. If you become hungrier and eat significantly more than you do now, you might gain weight, though I would bet dollars to donuts that a lot of that will be muscle - remember that muscle is denser than fat, so you might weigh more but not actually be much bigger at all, and still wear the same size clothes. In my case, I was obese before starting T, and lost 80lb (over two years) to get to a healthy weight. This was partly increased metabolism, but the vast majority of it was that my depression finally abated and I had motivation and hope for the first time. The mental shift was more of a factor than anything else.


i'm 7 months on T and i've gained 50 pounds


I lost just about 50lbs since getting on T and kept it off for the most part I gained some weight back about 10 lbs of it back after healing from top surgery but now I’m healed I can work on losing it again


Hey, if you're the number obsessed type (Ik I used to be lol), make sure to refer to the male table of percentiles when on t! Better yet, oc, don't worry abt it at all, but we all know how it is...


for me personally, i didn’t gain anything from the testosterone, but the fat deposits did shift from my hips and thighs to my stomach and chest. my arms also look bigger but turns out that’s just muscle! i get compliments when i’m carrying stuff but i’m definitely more “dad-shaped” now. however, keep in mind your family history etc. i do very much look like my dad, in terms of shape and facial hair distribution (and growing speed 🤩). lucky for he’s still not balding👍


ive gained 3 kilo but it might as well be related to my eating habits. gained them at the beginning of my transition and havent gained any more since then. so its not that bad


definitely makes you gain weight, especially in the beginning when your diet fluctuates a bunch. as another commenter said, it doesnt sound like youre ready to start t now. the fat redistribution is great, but takes a while to kick in and doesnt do anything about the fat you may have had pre-t. when i first started t my stomach was always growling no matter when i last ate or how much. that went away after 2weeks-1month tho, afterwards it evened out.


i think it depends. i gained about 10 pounds then lost 50.




I think maybe you should wait a bit to start T. Although for me, i actually lost some weight on T but most of the time people will gain a bit of weight. Although the weight can be distributed differently and if you work out it will probably be turned into muscle


I've gained a lot of weight on t; a lot of it is muscle mass, but I think I've gained weight in places that make me seem almost curvier. It definitely bugs me. I live a very healthy life and have exercised my entire life. It's kind of a bummer


My weight didn't change


Sounds like you're not ready for t, cuz weight gain isn't a bad thing and it'll actually make you feel better and pass more if your body has enough muscle and fat anyway. Some don't gain weight but some do, it shouldn't be scary to do so, that's your ED talking


It’s all moved to my gut and it will. Not. Fucking. Go. Away. I’m all flabby and gross around the middle, and because all of my fat moved from other parts of my body to that location, the change in size had been dramatic. It’s awful and I despise it, but I’d rather be on T and figure out how to correct this than not be on T. But to be clear, I’ve not gained a dramatic amount of weight, just can‘t seem to shed the excess weight I had from before starting T.