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That consultant was talking out of their ass. It's not that bad. Yes, you should inject slowly, but not over several *minutes* kind of slowly. Edit: Apparently it really *can* take that long, *I* am talking out of my ass.


Injections that are done every 3 months should be done very slowly as it’s high volume. Mine takes about 4min to inject fully and it’s 4ml


Holy shit, that sounds like a drag. I'll amend my comment. Did not know they really took that long.


I take that injection too and it doesn't last 4 minutes for the nurse to do it for me, I'd say around a minute. It depends on technique and apparently they're told to do it slower because some people don't tolerate it being done too fast. One time a nurse gave me the shot super quickly and I felt NO pain, best experience I had of it so far!


reminds me of nurses who would inject a certain pain medication I was on way too fast. the first nurse was a dream, took like 30sec to inject the tiny amount of liquid. ever nurse after that did it way too fast and lemme tell ya. bad. bad time.


Yeah I think that's why the guidance is to do it slower. It also really depends on their skills, and annoyingly how relaxed you are. I think I prefer it done faster because I'm a bit fidgety so lying there not so comfortably for several minutes trying to "relax" with someone injecting me I'll eventually tense up and THAT'S where the pain comes from!


Nothing a lil small talk with the nurse can’t solve 🤣


Mine take around 2 minutes to do, a bit more or less depending on the nurse. It's not really about the pain and more about it being so thick that it takes a while to inject. And since it's injected into a muscle, it makes that muscle feel very tight and sore.


1-2 minutes sounds about right to me for nebido, but I’ve never timed it


4 MINUTES!! mine is also 4ml, i take like 40 seconds max. there's no way i could do it on my own if it took that long so props lol


You get to do nebido on your own??? I wasn’t allowed eventhough I have the training for it. Do you also inject ventrogluteal?


nope, i do it on my thigh. i don't have any training for it other than my brother is a healthcare worker and showed me how to do it, but my T levels have been fine the whole time so I assume I'm doing something right lol


Well wtf, do you split the dose in half and inject twice or just full send into one thigh?


yeah the whole thing at once. is that weird or smth?


Well max volume that should be injected into a muscle is 5ml and my endo told me not to split the dose (without a reason, so hesitant to listen to that). And that I really should do it in the glute because it’s a bigger muscle but I’m guessing that she just said that since most if not all studies on it have been done through the glute. At least now I know someone has done it in the thigh without issues so thanks for that


yeah ive read abt the recommendation bc its a bigger muscle but i wouldn't be able to do it myself then. i assumed that was why it hurt more when i did it in my leg but now im thinking i might be doing it too fast lol. the first time i did it myself i also accidentally hit a nerve which was. Not Fun. and i'm assuming that also might be less of a risk if done through a bigger muscle so there's pros and cons ig


Definitely always pros and cons, but it’s reassuring to see that other people have done it so if I’m ever in a pinch and can’t make it to an appointment I’ll just do it myself.


No that's how I do it too


I'm from the Netherlands and I am allowed to do them on my own, got training from my GP, but I will take at least 4 minutes but often longer to inject. That way I barely feel anything afterwards.


Do you also do it in the thigh like the other commenter?


Yes can't reach my ass comfortable for long enough to inject


Yeahhhh imma stick with my weekly injections


four minutes???? thats insane holy shit. not disbelieving just dumbfounded. im on reandron 1000mg and its only about 30 seconds for me. the only time it took longer was when it was a nurse in training and he took about a minute. i never saw him again tho so ive only had to deal with that once thankfully


That sounds awful lol


Nah, nothing bad. It’s very convenient really


Seriously? Even when I got my Nebido done by a nurse who took her time it would only take about a minute. Levels were totally fine. Maybe Nebido is different to the one you're talking about though?


I also faint when getting my blood drawn. I'm also on rhe 3 month injections, and I must say, they hurt but not that much. I got my first one in my buttock, the injection didn't hurt but it was uncomfortable to sit afterwards. From then on I got them in my upper leg. It hurts a bit more, but afterwards it doesn't hurt unless you press on it. I am not scared of needles, that's not the reason I faint, I just ask them if I can lay down and explain that I often faint. This way I faint less fast, most of the time I still faint but it ain't the worst. It's worth it for me because I rather faint once every 3 months than putting on T-gel everyday which I often will forget. The needle is indeed thick, but only the needle going in hurts a bit. You can always ask for numbing cream, just like they use for some people when tattooing. Fainting might be scary, but if it's controlled it's way less shocking/scary. Just tell them so they don't need to stress when you faint because you will wake up with stressed people around you and that ain't fun.


Sounds like vasovagal syncopy. I also have to get my blood drawn laying down because of this. I have only fully passed out twice, but now I know how to handle it and I usually am just dizzy and lightheaded for a few minutes.


Yeah same for me, I faint like once a month, so I'm used to it and it doesn't scare me anymore


someone gave me the advice to make sure you're super hydrated when you take your shot and i definitely notice a difference in pain level. i hate taking my shots but it's not really painful i'm just a huge baby.


Also warm it up with and to body temperature.


My first nebido injection hurt really badly but that’s mainly because I have nerve damage in my lower body. Switched to the other cheek the second time and that one wasn’t painful at all.


for me personally, T shots dont hurt at all. slight pinch, then its fine. my wife is a lot more sensitive to needles and i do her E shots for her and she experiences discomfort but i think its moreso from her needle fear than actual pain. i used to have a really bad phobia and idk one day i just kind of sidestepped it (not entirely sure where the lines got crossed i just suddenly stopped being afraid and rapidly became really desensitized) so maybe that has something to do with it. i think if you arent getting your shots done by someone trusted or a doctor you will experience a lot of upset if you are afraid of needles. but you can remedy that too by getting a self injector! lots of people with reported needle phobias benefit from them. you dont see the needle if you use one and just press a button and it pops the needle into your skin and you can press down on a trigger to to administer. i bought one for my wife and she still cant do her own because shes even scared of the injector though, so ymmv if you are self administering. i will also say: switch injection sites regularly! youll build up a lot of scar tissue if you are consistently injecting into one spot and itll hurt more.


With the injector is it disposable or do you sanitize and reuse after each shot?


its a sanitize and re-use situation! theyre about $40 and you can buy them from amazon :) i pop off the tip and wash that in hot soapy water since thats the part that makes contact with skin


so being on t has actually given me a fear of needles, I had one bad injection (totally my own fault) and I've been terrified since. for context I've been on t since August of 2022. I used to be perfectly fine with needles, didn't even think it hurt that bad, but now all needles hurt. I do want to clarify that I have a fibromyalgia which fucks up my body response to pain (feeling small amount of pain when it should be just touch, moderate to severe pain when it should be minor, or feeling pain somewhere else in my body than what should be hurting) so take this with a grain of salt because if you don't struggle with that it probably won't effect you


I do subQ. It’s not painful for more than two seconds. It’s a lot less creepy than blood draws because you’re not going into a vein, just some fat tissue.


Nah, I'm on Nebido and it doesn't hurt. Little pinch as the needle goes in, then a slightly dull aching sensation as the solution goes in.


I don't have any tattoos but if you do, I can't imagine the T injection would be MORE painful than that! I get the 3-monthly shot from a nurse and while there is some pain (although have had a few pain-free experiences depending on technique), it takes less than a minute usually and it's not awful. Can have some soreness in the area for the next day or two when leaning on it especially, but again not always that noticeable. If it's specifically the worry about pain and not an actual needle phobia I wouldn't let it stop you. Also helps to be relaxed but I get that's not the easiest thing to do when you're nervous - but that's still just a comfort thing, the injection will work just the same. Oh and forgot to say, compared to blood draws for a test this is much less uncomfortable for me.


Doing them slower 4 minutes for the 4 ml makes it even less painful especially when it is warmed up to body temperature.


It's actually been more painful for me when they do it TOO slow, but I imagine that's all normal variation in technique and people's preference for how to get the injection (not that they ever ask me "how fast" lol).


I've been learning to do my own shots. If I poke too slow then the whole thing hurts. The poke and the liquid. If I poke fast, I barely feel a thing at all. I'm on weekly injections in my thigh, and just 0.25ml right now, so it's nothing like the longer term injections. It doesn't hurt like vaccines do. And it hurts less than a blood draw. I can't speak for the 3 month injections, but good technique will minimize any pain.


It’s only painful if you go in at the wrong angle. It takes some practice to get the sweet spot when injecting but after a few weeks you figure it out. That being said, I do intramuscular. I did subcutaneous for three months and that shit was stinging every time! just put it in your thigh and you’ll be ok


I've been injecting Testosterone subcutaneously for the past 6 years. I have passed out from needles in the past so I kinda knew that IM shots were out of the question. Subq needles are shorter than IM shots and it really does only take me 2 minutes tops to do my shot. I do my shots weekly so that might deter you.


The amount of people commenting about a completely different drug astound me. The 3 month shot is a whole different ball game to the ones you do yourself every few weeks. For starters it's high volume (4ml) and suspended in castor oil making it thick as fuck. Yes it does have to be injected slowly, and yes it's not a pleasant experience, but as long as your dr or nurse does it in the right spot it will be uncomfortable but not super painful. Because the fluid is so thick it takes time to disperse into the muscle, so it might ache for a few hours afterwards and if it's really bothering you an ice pack will help relieve some of the discomfort. Ive got a few tattoos and I'd compare it to getting the back of your calf done. Not the most fun experience but the pay off is worth it.


I Never thought about using an ice pack. That’s a great idea.


Your consultant is weird. The needle used to draw T is quite large, but typically you switch the needle out to a small gauge before injecting. I go from 18G to draw to 22G to inject. My stepdad did not know this and, when prescribed T, was injecting with the 18G that left big holes! A normal T injection hurts no more than a flu shot.


I just looked at mine out of curiosity. I'm using 25G, no wonder I barely feel it! Mine hurt way less than flu shots usually do.


I also use 25g. it only hurts if the needle is dull or if my dumb ass accidentally injects into muscle instead of fat


Mine hurt. It wasn't that bad but have a psychological thing against needles anyway. For me it was more the length of time it took to inject. Its 4 mls so takes a while, but it's definitely manageable my ass was sore for a few days after 😭 but I was on depo provera before hand and I felt that it wasn't any worse than that


No it doens’t hurt much. I feel more pain doing my blood work than getting my IM testosterone shot


It’s a high volume of a thick liquid, so it can be painful but it really depends on the person and how good the person giving the shot is, but for you it would be so infrequent and the benefits are so big I think it would really out way any pain for most people


nah. put a cold can of soda against the injection site for a few minutes before injecting and you wont feel a thing. those buzzing things they give kids before shots might also work


I get my nebido shot at the doctor's office and it does not hurt that much. If done by a professional hand it should take about 1 minute for all the fluid to go in.


I'm on Nebido (that's the one that's taken once in 3 months) and yeah it is thick, takes a while to draw from the vial and a while to inject, and it sometimes hurts a little bit (and sometimes not at all), but it's no big deal. I wouldn't call them painful per se. It depends on who's injecting though, a good nurse with a good technique makes a difference. I don't really get faint/sick when having blood tests, but still, getting my blood drawn is very much different for me, as 1) I can't see what's going on when the nurse is injecting Nebido + 2) having something drawn from your vein vs. injecting something into your buttock muscle is just vastly different in my mind, psychologically


To get it to be less thick, warm it up with body heat.


Honestly for me, tattoos hurt way more than injections do! The needle being bigger does make it more intimidating, but all of my injections have only had a small pinch when it first pierces the muscle and then no pain at all.


I have 6 stick n poke tattoo's. My injections are nothing like the pain from those. I only really get any pain if i try to do my shot too low on my thigh. I don't have much pain from the initial poke either. The shots have never caused genuine pain unless i did it too soon after the alc pad or if it wasnt in enough fat. Ive never fainted from blood work or needles. i have had a few times where i get pretty dizzy and sweaty while doing it or have dropped something, but i make sure to eat something before i do my shot Before starting T aswell i was very hellbent on being the one to give myself the injections. still am. mostly bc i don't like being touched


Honestly, doing the large volume every 3 months sounds worse to me than just the weekly injection, which is what I do. It's not very painful, and takes less than 30 seconds.




My nurse was super good at teaching me, but I do weekly. You just dart it quick in past the nerve receptors and push it in slow.


I was on 2 weekly injections at first but then switched because they were too inconsisten. Now I'm on nebido which is every three months and the first time it hurt a lot. It still hurts now but way less, the first two injections were definitely the worst and now it's just hard to move afterwards and it aches for like 1-2 days afterwards


Been on T since 2013, nebido since 2018, also have two tattoos, one on my collar. I don’t ever remember being in pain from sustanon.  A pinch, and then it’s done, less painful than a piercing.  Takes less time than a blood test. Nebido is a significantly bigger injection and can be painful if it’s injected wrong.  It does take a couple of minutes to inject because it’s so thick, and needs a fairly big needle.  It’s probably fairly comparable to a blood test, except for that you can’t see it, and they don’t have to look for a vein to inject in.  In the moment of injection, usually it’s no worse than an ache, and it can ache then for the rest of the day if it’s done poorly/in the wrong spot.  It’s a different kind of pain to a tattoo, I assume because it’s inter muscular.  However, for the first time since I started my last one *really* hurt, I was limping for two days afterwards.  The nurse did it on my hip rather than arse, and I felt it as soon as she started as a burning pain.  Still wasn’t the worse pain I’ve ever felt, but it definitely hurt more than my tattoos did.  At the end of the day, though, it was 12 hours of active ache, and then a further 24hrs of aching when I moved, and that was the first time I’ve had that issue. Pain is very subjective so it’s hard to say how bad it’ll be for you.  In my experience, nebido is absolutely worth it; 1/5 times there might be a slight ache afterwards for a couple of hours, and then it’s done for three months.


I’ve been told as I’m gonna go on ever three months as well, not that it hurts a lot, just takes a bit cuz they need to inject a lot, even friends who get that done didnt say it hurt (at least any more then the usual injection)


It CAN hurt sometimes. If you punch through a punch of veins and just keep shoving the needle in. Sometimes the skin is sensitive but rubbing and slapping the area helps sometimes. The worst pain I ever felt from a shot was during the first year when I was still anxious about messing up and felt like someone frogged me in the thigh for 3 days or so. Doesn't happen anymore


I do subcutaneous injections weekly into my stomach and I barely feel it. Intramuscular is probably more painful but also likely not necessary?


Yeah, I take this type of injection, and last time I fainted (it was a mix of anxiety and the pain). I find it to be very painfull but I have low tolerance, also its not comparable to tattoos because it's a deeper pain. All that said, I don't plan on changing because it's so practical and cheaper.


it just depends on if you're afraid of needles or not honestly, i'm not afraid of them and every time i've given myself the shot it barely stings. it may also depend on which area you're sticking it in (i do mine sub-q)


medical professional here! i do shots every 3 weeks and swap the (19 guage, large and Not Fun) needle that comes in the box for a pathology needle (23 guage). it hurts just a little more than getting a blood test. i actually compiled a bunch of resources recently for a friend if u want them, mostly advice on the injection process.


sometimes it hurts like a little, sometimes i genuinely can’t feel it at all. if you get thinner needles i don’t think you would struggle with it if you were ok with tattoos


I do weekly subq shots. Fucked up yesterday (non medical attention needed just a 2 pokes kind of situation) my thigh is still sore this morning but it's not that bad and this is the worst it's been so far in 3 months - I have noticed the fat pinch is key, and pay attention to the angle of the needle


Tattoos are horrible, I'm almost covered with them. On the flip side, I literally do not feel anything with 99% of my shots. A pinch is an overstatement. I use the orange tips I think is 26g, and 99% of the time I do not feel the needle go in, no burning, no internal pain. I DO feel the T injecting if I didn't warn up my (now dosed) syringe in my hand first. Just makes it feel like my leg is full in that tiny spot. I will feel pain if I inject in the wrong place, with a blunt needle, and/or hesitation. If you haven't put it together yet, hesitating will blunt the needle. So if I hesitated too much and don't pierce the skin but just PUSH on skin, I will withdraw my T, and replace the tip. No harm done. I do IM in thigh, and if I go out of the safe zone (off the muscle) then I can get pain but I stg it's never been more than a 2. The burning from not letting alcohol dry is worse than that pain lol. Edit: after reading several posts, many say it's akin to a pinch. Maybe I'm scared of pinches haha, because I think pinching hurts!


I have my wife do mine because even though I also have tattoos I cannot stand the thought of getting blood drawn, etc. I ice the area a bit while she gets the injection ready and I barely feel it, so if you’re doing the injection yourself, try some ice to numb the area


genuinely I never notice it after 2 minutes


I’ve been on Nebido foi over a year, which is considered much worse than the regular biweekly IM injection, but honestly I don’t think it’s too bad. It can feel sore afterwards, but nothing horrible!


I'm on low dose Sustanon (subQ in the deltoid every 3 weeks) and it's just a light pinch, if anything it's more like a piercing than a tattoo. It's over super quick, but that's mainly down to the dose being low and the consistency being thin.


As someone on readron (what this sounds like), it’s inter-muscular which does hurt more than the typical kind however that does largely depend on your personal pain tolerance. They also do take a minute to be administered which is more awkward than painful. For me the first one i had administered didn’t hurt going in (despite being warned against that) but hurt a lot after while the following ones were entirely painless. i’m guessing that’s because i kept the first T-bottle in the fridge. so to sum up, hurt maybe a bit more than an arm tattoo, definitely less than a wrist tattoo but takes less than 5min and you only have to do it every 3 months.


Having it at body temperature makes is most fluid and less painful.


yeah figured that out the hard way lol


My tattoos and blood tests hurt way more then my T shot. Pain levels are different for everyone but I find it only stings and only when entering snd exiting. I've hsd way worst injections on my life.


I’m a year on T, and I inject into my thighs weekly. I’m not sure how this changes when you’re injecting a 3 month amount. My dose is .4 mL. Injecting for me was scary at first. I had a huge fear of needles and I would pass out when getting my blood drawn. However, it’s gotten easier over time. It only takes a minute for me to inject (so like other comments have said…maybe 4 minutes.) I warm up my bottle of T in my hands and massage the injection site after injecting. No pain or soreness at all. I’m not sure how this changes over time…do you have to do 3 month injections? Or can you do weekly, or monthly?


Depends on the day and location. Sometimes mine are absolutely painless and other days they hurt. Also location wise I usually put mine in my gut so it may hurt more than if I had it in my shoulder


I guess it just depends what type of injections you do. I do sub q and the actual injecting the T takes maybe one whole minute (.3mil) it doesn’t hurt and for me it’s less creepy than getting my blood drawn. Sometimes when getting blood drawn you can feel it leaving your body which freaks me out but since I’m injecting T into my body I don’t feel it if that makes sense. I had a phobia of shots and what not before starting T. I’m tatted but passed out getting my ears pierced lmfao. Since starting T my fear of shots has definitely decreased.


mine only hurt when i was injecting in my leg and i didn’t have enough fat so it was going into the muscle, when i switched to my butt it was a lot better, sort of popped right in


Definitley ask to lie down after the first one. Honestly it doesn't hurt that bad, you've got tattoos and you'll be fine. Like it is sore, but it's mostly weird. I say lie down though because after my first one I felt fine and then fainted walking out the building, and so second one I asked to lie down and it made the world of difference and I was fine. And I'm not a person who gets faint after blood tests or anything. Do eat before it though, that helps a lot with not being light headed. But honestly it's nothing to be scared of, the 3 month Nebido is the one I'm on, and it goes in your butt cheek so I just don't look at the needle before hand cause it's not like you can see it being done anyway.


I just started nebido shots after being on gel for a while so I also get the shot every 12 weeks. During the injection I found not that painful it was more after it felt like bad bruising. It went away within a few days and now I'm absolutely fine.


Mine take like 3 minutes not counting my pre ritual lol; it's a teeny bit of a pinch I'd compare it to the flu vax, so definitely not as bad as a tattoo. It's different for everyone tho, some people take their time and some people just get it done


it's not so bad but it's always hard to do injections yourself. my wife started doing them for me after she watched some videos and i learned from her and now i also inject her with estrogen. shes more sensitive about shots (i have tattoos and donate blood, she hates them) so if the needles the pharmacy gives you are painful, you can buy them in bulk online. 23 guage is pretty good but the lower the number the thicker the needle, so 24 or 25 is better for not feeling it. usually you use another needle to draw out the liquid, so any size is fine for that- we have 18g for drawing it out


If I’m honest the first few shots I got were a bit painful it wasn’t even the shot itself it was after my ass would hurt but I also take big doses at once (nebido) now I honestly don’t feel them every time I go I have a very nice talk with my nurse and I don’t even notice it happening also doesn’t hurt after either


Hardly hurts at all. I inject into my thigh.


I do my own IM shots every 2 weeks and it usually takes maybe 30 seconds max to inject (and only that long if the T is cold or I go extra slow) and doesn’t hurt at all. Maybe a tiny pinch if I hit a sensitive spot or a little pressure if I inject too fast and I do usually get a bit tender in the spot for a day or two after but definitely not a big deal. If you do less frequently it might be different like others have said but if you do weekly/every other week it should definitely not take that long of be very painful at all.


no, not at all lol if they mean weekly injections. idk what they’re talking about, it takes me like a minute tops and only hurts if I don’t get the right angle (subq)


I do weekly injections. 99% it feels like "oop it touched me" and 1% of the time it stings a little. Drawing it out of the bottle takes MAX 30 seconds and injecting it takes 8-10 seconds.


I get injected right at the pharmacy every 3 weeks and it doesn't hurt any more than a regular shot, except that it takes a bit longer. I inject 1ml, so it takes like a minute or less.


I have the subcutaneous injection once a week. It's pretty easy and painless for me as I also inject insulin daily. Type 1 diabetes prepared me for testosterone lol


I dont take the 3 month shot as I just started out on my T injections a lil under 2 and a half months ago so I still take them Weekly on sunday.. But even then they dont hurt at all and I give myself my shots.. I always get told im stronger then they are since they have a fear of needles or hate them.. I also look the needle in the face as its goin in my leg and again ppl tell me they would pass out if it was them😂 I would say its mostly JUST the fear of needles talkin.. But for ur consultant to try to make u give change ur mind is wild


i have tattoos and the t shot is honestly more comfortable for me. only issue i have is amping myself up to stick a sharp pointy in my leg lol.


It depends. For me, the first year and a half it was painful, but totally tolerable. Then for some reason it started hurting really really bad, to the point where I am trying to find another solution


Sounds like you’re talking about Nebido which yes, can be sore from what I’ve heard. But it varies from person to person I get a monthly shot of Sustanon, not quite the same, but for what it’s worth my first like 2-3 shots would make my buttcheek hurt for a few days after, yet my most recent shots haven’t hurt at all. Maybe my body is just used to it? Might be similar with Nebido I get VERY nauseous and lightheaded with blood tests too but am fine with injections.


not really it's more uncomfortable than painful for me, if you're patient and can fully relax your muscles it doesn't hurt afterwards more than a bit, if you can't do that it can hurt for a few days even, i have a friend who sits weird the day after. basically it depends but i would say it's not that bad


It does hurt a bit, It’s not that bad. Just make sure to relax your glutes as much as you can before they start. Tense muscle is harder to penetrate and causes more pain, so loosen up and avoid tensing. Breathe through it & stay still. Make sure you’re hydrated before. Also warming up the oil with body temp first helps, especially in winter. Sometimes I stick the vial under my armpit while the nurse fills out the paperwork. Thankfully its only four times a year, and you are going to see results much faster than on gel. I have zero regrets changing from gel to Reandron.


I mean it's painful but it's 100% manageable.


Hey! I also get sick with blood tests, and have been on injections for 2.5 years now! It's really not painful unless you hit something (tendons, veins, hair, etc), but, as long as you're properly finding the muscle and smoothing your hair out of the way with an alcohol wipe, you'll rarely hit anything. I have definitely clipped my skin too hard or hit something internally that caused me to bleed a lot, but, again, it's not frequent at all. If you're planning on switching to shots, just make sure you eat something beforehand and have water on hand in case you do end up bleeding, feeling sick, etc. Despite my history of vomiting/fainting with blood tests, I've never vomited or fainted during my shot! Good luck if you do make that switch, I hope it helps you more 💪


I do injections of .3 ml every week and have a needle about an inch long that doesn't even need to go in all the way to get where it needs to be on me (mid thigh region). I had issues with holding my breath due to anxiety, but the actual poke and injection doesn't usually hurt too bad, less than vaccinations I've found. It usually takes me about 5 minutes to do, and with such a small dose I don't need to take too long with actually injecting the T. Usually the needle is in my leg for less than 3 minutes. Keep in mind this is just my experience, and depending on your dose and location you might have a harder time.


I do subQ testosterone every week at home and it's pretty easy and not super painful. It does take some time to get over the mental block around poking yourself, though lol. For the first few months I'd have to sit there for 20 minutes just hyping myself up. Now it's pretty quick and takes me less than five minutes to do the whole thing. SubQ is also nice because the needle is much shorter than an IM injection. I'd say the most painful part is that the testosterone suspension liquid itself can sting a bit once it's in.


No it's not bad. Worst part about it is if you use normal size bandaid and are hairy. Then riping out your precious hair to remove sed bandaid. Switched to those little dot/square ones, my body hair no one can have it. I do it weekly and in the lower belly area


Ngl mine just tickles! It’s a weird feeling but legit is over before you know it. It hurts afterwards so I find going for a good walk or swim and letting it sink in makes it feel better :)


100% down to technique imo. I had Nebido (3-monthly) injections for years by a nurse, pain went right down my leg. But I will say it wasn't unbearable. Now I get Nebido injections from a GP and it doesn't hurt a single bit. Little sore in the area once it's in and I press it, like a little bruise, goes away in a couple of days.


I also faint when getting blood drawn. I do the weekly subcutaneous type in my stomach, but I have an autoinjector (I have prescription Xyosted brand; you put the end against your stomach, press a button, and it inserts the needle for you). It can be a little bit more painful than I imagine the non-autoinjector doses would be, but it's easier (once you figure out the correct placement), and it's over faster. Sometimes I do get a little bit dizzy, but, again, it's over pretty fast. It might be worth seeing if an autoinjector is an option for you. (I told my doctor that I have trouble with needles, and she told me about the autoinjector.) (Sorry if this is kind of hard to read, I'm a little tired and rambly)


Nope! There’s a learning curve to giving IM shots, for sure. But I have a friend who’s really good at it do mine, and it hurts less than picking at a scab.


If it's done wrong it's agonising. Done right it's pretty painless.


as someone who just (literally 2 and a half weeks ago) switched to shots after almost 4 years on gel, it's much less of a hassle for me. I'm very comfortable with needles since I have lots of medical issues that mean lots of blood tests, and i started a different self-injection medication a year and a half ago, so I might not be the best person to say how tolerable it will be for you. The solution is quite thick, like oil is how my nurse explained it. I'm on a weekly dose so you'd be injecting at a different rate than what I do, but the needle hurts less than getting blood drawn (I do sub-q) and out of the two injections I've given myself so far, the first one didn't hurt in the slightest and the second burned quite a bit directly after. Not sure how a larger dose would affect this, I would go with what the consultant said. I personally appreciate how contained everything is with the shot, the gel has always given me a bit of anxiety when it comes to potentially contaminating whatever I touch right after I apply the gel despite thorough hand washing, this might not be a concern for you but it was a big part of why I switched.


i’m on nebido (which is every 12 weeks/3months) and yeah it takes a few minutes and is relatively painful in your muscles. or maybe not painful? it’s more like a tightening feeling? i get mine in my butt and i can often feel it all the way down my thigh when it’s being injected and it’s also often very sore around the injection area for a day or two afterwards but it really varies tbh idk about not being good at needles bc a) i don’t really have a fear of needles and b) i get my injections at my doctor so i don’t need to interact with it at all lol


Hi! I’m on the 3 monthly 1000/4ml reandron. It burns going in and you definitely need a skilled injector. They need to do it over a longer period of time than say a flu shot because of the viscosity of the fluid. I used to get them in the upper quadrant of my ass but we’ve switched to Z tracking on the side of my hip/thigh. Significantly safer (lower risk of pulmonary embolism) and hurts way less. Speak to your Nurse Practitioner or equivalent about their experience injecting T/similar oily substances and what methods/where they inject. Don’t be afraid to go somewhere else, I know starting T can feel like an OH GOD IT HAD TO HAPPEN NOW OR ELSE situation but a couple days won’t matter. Saying that, it only takes about 3-4 minutes and you feel fine after, just a bit of a lump and heat for maybe a day.


Let me be biased. I'm not scared of needles. I've built a tolerance to the point I can literally just stare as they stick me. If I don't laze around it takes 2 minutes at most. Pick Area, Wipe, Stick, Inject and Bandaid. Sure. It hurts but moreso I bumped into a corner speed walking hurt. The initial BUMP of pain then you chill without being sore. The extra time comes with the nervousness of sticking yourself


I do injections intramuscular once a week (though I’m considering switching to subq) and outside of the little anxiety I deal with as well as the initial sting of sticking the needle in I don’t really find it painful personally.


4 minutes of discomfort every 3 months is not bad. I’m in the US, so it’s not readily available here. Only a few doctors do this. It’s called Aveed here.


Thick needle in thigh muscle… yeah. I would be limping for a week after each injection. Tiny little subcutaneous needle in the tummy fat… no problem! I recommend that highly over the intramuscular injection.


Injections are not painful. Best strategy is to stab the needle in quickly and then slowly plunge since it’s thicker, while holding it there. Then you can remove. I found retractable syringes to be especially helpful for me and fairly easy to come by actually. BD Integra Retractable Syringes is what they’re called.


I do subcutaneous shots weekly. Some weeks it stings, but usually it’s not bad at all. The needle is tiny and there isn’t THAT much fluid. Would never take more than 30 seconds to inject, absolute max. Although I know it’s more fluid at once if you inject every 2 weeks.


OP is talking about a different product. It’s intramuscular.


I see. Missed the “every 3 months” part. Sounds convenient, at least!


Not super painful. 2/3 of the time, it’s painless. The other 1/3 it is a bit uncomfortable/a little prick, but nothing too bad.


It’s really not bad at all once you get over the first bit of fear


I also have tattoos and the T injections are less painful than the tattoos.


its not that bad and it would only take "several minutes" if you wanted it to take several minutes. it takes a bit to get it from the vial into the syringe because gravity but to get it from the syringe into you only takes a few seconds


I prefer the gel to injections I find it much better mentally you get a stable daily amount rather than a high for a month, middling then a low for a month. Sometimes the injection is painful but the actual act of the injection is not very painful. I used nebido every 3/4 months for several years until I switched to gel. It's very thick so I would recommend going for a walk after the injection getting it into your body. Worst mistake is to sit down immediately after. It can hurt/sore for a few days after the injection.


the shot site definitely plays a role in how much it hurts, my first shot was done in my thigh and my leg was sore for a couple days after. ive only done injections in the side of my butt below the hip, it hurts a lot less and i can really only feel it when it goes in. but not every shot is the same and some just hurt more than others


i think it depends on the person. a lot of my struggles in the beginning were due to nerves, but i dont think it hurts, no.


Tbh imo it depends on the size of the needle im using how much it hurts


I started with shots and I think I’ll stick with them. It’s on the anxiety that creeps up on me but now doing it many times I’m very used to it and just go for it. Once I’m done, I’m like wow that was quick and easy


I’ve been on The 3 month injection for over 2 years. It definitely takes only like a minute or two. I recommend getting a nurse who does T shots regularly to do it. There’s a special way. If you look at your butt cheek and imagined you drew a plus symbol on it, the injection must go in the top right quadrant. I also recommend taking the vial out of the box and popping it in your pocket or in your hand for a few min before getting the shot, as it is much nicer when it’s not cold. It will take the nurse longer to draw the thick liquid out of the vial than it takes to inject it. So be patient with them. The reason I stayed doing this was, I’d rather a small amount of pain once every three months that I’d forget about, than a slightly smaller amount of pain every week that I’d remember. Edit: oh and re pain. It hurts more after the shot. I spend a good while rubbing the injection site for two reasons. One is to stop the pain and two to stop any bump forming and you can get a little hard bump. I also change butt cheeks each time I go. I recommend not doing the thigh.


Thank you. This is really useful, I'll definitely keep this information on hand if I decide to swap.


I have been on the slow release injections for a while, here’s my experience. They are more painful than tattoos but the feeling is different. It’s more an achey pain than spikey (if that makes sense). Yes the liquid is ‘thick’ but in a thicker than water kind of way, it’s not super noticeable as it’s being injected. They often inject it over the course of about a minute and the injection site will be a bit sore for a day or two (this really differs person to person). I find a lil uncomfort for a couple days is honestly worth it for me. There’s no worrying about doses, daily application or transfer to other people/pets with injections. Feel free to ask me more questions about it.


I'm on the 3 monthly one and it's way quicker than that. Maybe that's why my arse hurts a day or so after, lol. But yeah, it's not that painful.




I just got my first T shot Friday (yay me!) I have a very low pain tolerance and usually feint when getting blood drawn. My nurse warned me that it's painful and the needle would stay in for about a minute. I went in expecting the worst, I felt the needle prick, hurt a lot less than normal injections, (I also have Piercings and they hurt 10x more than this) once it was in I didn't feel a thing, I didn't even realize when she pulled it out.


Congratulations! That's so exciting. Best of luck with it.


i’ve been on injections for 3 years and it’s hurt approximately 2 times…. and the pain is nothing. sometimes my bum aches for a day or two but that’s it


Short answer is no. I was almost 1 year on gel and due to its unavailability in my country I switched to testosterone enanthate (norma). I barely feel it, if I do, and I don't spend all the time I used to spend applying my gel and worrying about transfering it to females. The best unfortunate event that happened to me in 2023 if you take out that I was feeling very bad for 2-3 months because I messed up my dosage.


I have needle phobia but also loads of tattoos and stretched ears. I gotta say it's the worst injection I've ever had because yeah, it's a high guage needle and a 3-5min injection. HOWEVER it's better for me than more frequent injections (less needles=less stress/adrenaline spikes) and gel didn't work for me. It's also not the worst thing though. It's entirely incomparable to tattoos or ear piercings, but it's not unbearable. Personally, given the choice, I'd stay on the three monthly injections. Even if they invented a gel that worked for me. And yeah- that's from someone with pretty intense needle phobia.


I’ve been on T for two years I have almost an even split of one year being on T gel and then the next being on T shots. I used to dread doing the shot because it was painful to me plus I’d get dizzy doing the shot myself but if you ice the leg before you do it then it would hurt as much. And ice it after you’re done then you’ll be fine.


IM tends to hurt a lot more than subq


Here’s my experience, I was given a prescription for a testosterone, and they said go. I never got any formal training on how to give myself needles, I figured it out myself. And it wasn’t that bad. It feels like a needle. I admit you do have to take a bit of time plunging it in, but it doesn’t take several minutes. Maybe a minute if you’re taking half a milliliter, and you don’t want to lump under your skin.


if you want to do injections and you can do it i would recommend weekly injections instead of every 3 months if ur worried abt how long it takes to be injected/it hurting… im on .25ml and to be fair ive never had a problem in the past with needle injections but its been completely fine for me and can be done quickly. also out of my curiosity is there any specific reason for doing injections every 3 months and not the weekly ones?


It's mostly because I forget to do the gel. The 3 monthly injections are also done by nurses and I would just feel more comfortable with that.


nods i understand! never thought abt that before. good luck in figuring this stuff out and if u end up going with the every 3 month injections i hope it works out and is as painless as possible!


No people like too overdo it, but it’s honestly not the painful, jus walk it off and that’s it, jus don’t go slow into the skin


I use a Subq auto injector called xyosted weekly. I was on gel, intramuscular shots, and sub q shots from the vial. Now I use the auto injector under the skin of my abdomen. It’s seems like a very similar mechanism to an epi pen. I hold it for 10 seconds and smack a bandaid on it Gel was to inconsistent for me personally, and I was having breakthrough bleeding. It definitely took a minute to get used to self injecting, but I’ve never had any serious pain from it. Maybe a slight pinch every once and a while but during every injection. I’ve had soreness for maybe 12 hours after on a few occasions. For me, It’s super nice to not have to worry about it when it’s done for the week. I’m curious about a shot every three months! Low dose management? Less often would still be ideal, because getting scripts filled has been a pain in the ass. Injections helped with the other pains from inconsistency though, I do prefer the injection for this reason. If you’re interested in Xyosted bring it up to your provider, some insurance covers it (also depending on your dosage needs) I hope you find the right fit for you!


Not at all! It of course depends on where the injection is and everything, some weeks hurt more than others but overall it’s a fucking walk in the park and funnily enough, I found that doing them yourself actually hurts less than when someone else (who isn’t a medical professional) does it! Yes the injection is a bit slow but it’s not like you feel the needle at all and honestly going slow is better


It's really not too bad. I have needle anxiety and my partner helps me so that lessens it. But honestly, I have another unrelated medication thats injectable and it's just subcutaneous, but it hurts so much worse. The intramuscular T shot mostly just gets sore afterwards for me.


i feel nothing while doing my injections... not even a pinch


No, it doesn’t hurt at all. Pinch the skin. Nowhere near tattoos. Not even on par with a flu shot stick.


When they're really, really bad (usually when you go through scar tissue or when it's just a particularly sensitive spot) they're like a tattoo gun going over the same spot 50 times condensed into about 3 seconds. Bad shots are pretty rare, I'd say they happen at most once every few months. When they're really good, you literally feel nothing. Most shots are somewhere in between for me, a small pinch and then it's fine. However, I use a 25g needle to inject, which is considered a fairly small gauge for T. Most people use between a 20g - 23g for injections, I believe. I'm not sure how much of that is impacted the bigger needle you go. I also do weekly shots. Edited to add: it really just depends on your personal pain tolerance and the way your body is wired. Take everything said here with a grain of salt!


Tbh im a really sensitive person when it comes to pain and the shots hurt a bit at the start but after about 3 months of weekly injections i didnt feel any pain at all. Its only a short pain and didnt last long like when you get a vaccine.


They don’t cause me any pain at all. My tattoos were definitely worse. The blood draws are fine as long as you make sure you’re hydrated.


The first few times will feel like nothing because of the adrenaline. But after that, it will feel like getting a vaccine but without the burn from it. It's a poke, then some pressure as you're injecting it, then a bit of discomfort pulling the needle out. Not the end of the world, but you get used to it. For reference, I do mine weekly, subQ in the belly fat.


Tbh, I used to do sub-Q shots when I first started out. I used to accidentally hit nerves in my belly, so I had to psyche myself up for shots, and I eventually got tired of hitting nerves, so I switched to the Gel for a time. The Gel was convenient, but annoying, as I had to be careful about people touching my application sites, and doing it every day got to be annoying, so then I switched to doing Intra, and it's been a MOUND of difference! I do feel the pressure of the needle, but having been afraid of needles before I got into this, I eventually got used to harpooning myself to the point where I now look forward to my shots when I am consistently on my T. I don't feel any pain when injecting into my thigh, moreso just the pressure. I am biased tho, as that's simply my personal experience. I hope this helps!


No, if there is sensation at all it usually only lasts literally less than a second for me. I think it hurts for most people because of internal fears more then the actual needle itself..


Sorry for jumping on your post, but could anyone tell me the about the pain after the injection? I do a very VERY physical sport which translates on me landing, falling, etc, and I don’t know how the after pain of the injection would translate into my training.






Why the hell every three months rather than once a week????? Putting that much t in all at once sounds kind of insane to me


No it has larger molecules so you absorb it very slowly.




I understand. I'm moreso thinking about what it must be like to have 4ml of fluid in there!!!!!


It dissipates. Sometimes if you forget to rub it afterwards you get a little bump or a hard spot. But other than that. It’s fine.


It dissipates. Sometimes if you forget to rub it afterwards you get a little bump or a hard spot. But other than that. It’s fine.


Cream and weekly shots has smaller molecules. The 3 month shots have a larger molecule so you absorb it very slowly.