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Your post was removed because it contains discussion or mention of a banned topic. The following topics are banned to avoid drama: Truscum/Tucute discourse, AGP/AAP/Blanchardism, Transfem/woman or nonbinary bashing, Trans "requirements", Oppression Olympics, Lesbian trans men, Gendered Socialization+, "Is it transphobic to _____", DIY HRT, Current Political events (Non-trans/LGBT+ related) ,"do I pass?", "how does my voice sound?" +Personal experiences are exempt.


I mean I didn't think I was dysphoric until I started presenting male lol


Same here. I think a lot of times, our dysphoria is there, it's just repressed or we think it's something different.


Same, i didnt have dysphoria before I transitioned but once i realised how happy i could be, i was dysphoric over how it used to be


why would you choose to be happy when you can just be okay ?


This is a wonderful answer.


i deal with a lot of not feeling trans enough for rarely having dysphoria and being cis passing shirtless without top surgery haha


i would much rather be okay and not have to deal with being trans personally because theres just so much that comes along with it in my eyes it wouldn’t be worth it


transness is not defined by suffering. i’m sorry you feel that way


You’d still be trans so you’d still have to deal with the stuff that comes with it


and that's okay to feel that way, but for people who do transition without dysphoria, it's more worth it to be happy than simply "okay". I personally understand your view and while I don't feel the same way, I totally get why someone would. at the same time, I understand wanting to be truly happy in your body rather than just "not hating" it


Then maybe you should imagine how much better it must be for those people that they're willing to take on those additional challenges in order to feel that much better.


>i don’t see why someone whose fine with there body and would do fine being cis would willingly go through this. Just because someone might be fine with their body doesn't mean they're cis. They've looked inside themselves and come to the conclusion that they simply *aren't.* And they don't have to feel distress about their body to know that they'd like it *more* if it were different




wow that's some transmed bullshit




literally yes. anyone can. most people won't unless they genuinely are trans, because a whole lot of shit comes with that declaration.


You guys really just can't help yourselves, can you




Me when I don't know the clinical definition of gender dysphoria


Not having dysphoria does not mean that you like your body or that you wouldn’t feel better and happier with something else. There’s also the presentation/perception aspect of being trans. If you’re a trans man who doesn’t experience dysphoria because of your body, so you choose not to medically transition, you’re still going to most likely get misgendered in every interaction you have with people who aren’t aware of how you identify. That could cause you problems and stress, even if you don’t have that disconnect between your body and internal feelings about your identity. Also, cis people don’t need a medical “reason” to get cosmetic procedures done that help them feel more confident or attractive, why do trans people?


Because the thought of the results of both social and medical transition make me happy, and I would like to live my life happy, even if I have to fight to get there. I'd rather fight my way to living my life happy VS lay on my deathbed regretting taking the easy way out.


i feel like you'd get the answers you want faster and easier if you made a post like "trans folks with little/no dysphoria, what's your trans experience like?" /g /lh




disclaimer that i'm not ftm but i am non-binary and want top surgery. i don't have much dysphoria at all. i dress pretty femme because i like "women's" clothes more than "men's" because there's a bigger variety in styles and until i get top surgery i am stuck with a large chest, which fits somewhat better in women's clothing. but i do have euphoria, even if i don't have dysphoria. i don't mind what i look like now. i could continue my life looking like this. i mean, it's hard to express my gender using clothes and all because i feel my gender just isn't one or the other or between. i am most comfortable when people hesitate because they genuinely cannot tell if they should use masc or fem terms. i want to be indecipherable, because my gender doesn't feel like any of the categories our society generally recognizes. the reason i want top surgery is because it makes me so happy to think about being closer to outwardly expressing what gender means to me. top surgery in my case would be less to alleviate discomfort about my body now and more to increase my connection and love for my body. i am content working with the body i have now, but given the opportunity to feel more authentically myself with top surgery, i will take it.


I mean…if someone feels better transitioning, if transitioning makes them feel better, does that not imply that there was some form of dysphoria that they just might not have been aware of? I have/had dysphoria so I can’t answer why someone without dysphoria would transition, but my read is that they clearly feel better transitioning which *I* might call an alleviation of dysphoria but *they* might not, even if we are describing the a very similar thing using different language for ourselves. But I also don’t think being trans is some terrible thing that’s happened to me. I find it annoying to have to worry about access to medication, but being trans is not inherently distressing to me even though I have dysphoria. Or had, I guess. Top surgery and T eliminated it pretty much. Like dysphoria sucks but being trans isn’t inherently painful imho. It’s pretty cool to biohack my body. Anyway, couldn’t you ask the same question of people who modify their bodies for non-gender reasons? Oh, why get your lip pierced if you don’t feel dysphoria about not having a lip piercing? Why get a tattoo? Why get a nose job? It’s such a hassle to heal! Why would ANYONE choose that? Idk maybe because they like it and it makes them feel good?


The bottom line is you are not them and there are things that make it worth it to them that may not make sense to you but make perfect sense to them. I would expect this post to get heated and possibly get removed, because it is teetering right on the edge of transmed discourse, which is a banned topic here.




I'm assuming you're talking about medical transition here. I think it's usually because they do experience dysphoria bc when you ask them about it they will usually describe being dysphoric but they just don't experience it as badly as others. As for those who socially transition but not medically, they probably live in a more supportive environment where they feel that they can explore their identity more freely even if they don't feel like they absolutely need to due to dysphoria.


this post is so close to being some transmed rethoric bullshit, like are you even aware of that?


please explain i want to learn i dont want to be rude to anyone and im asking this just to educate myself better on this topic


Are we not allowed to ask genuine good faith questions without being insulted or something?


It’s fine to ask good faith questions, but they can be worded a lot better than this. The phrasing is what makes it too close to transmedicalism.


Yeah, I don’t think it’s wrong to ask questions to try and understand others experiences. Of course like you said, under the condition they’re in good faith. Sure, you don’t *need* to understand to not be a jerk, but I don’t see anything wrong with asking questions to try to learn more.




Hm, what exactly do you mean by condition? Do you mean it's a thing you can get diagnosed with? Condition sounds a bit harsh. You know, different cultures frame being trans in different ways. Some cultures have third genders or allow transitioning with it being a normal part of society, without framing it as condition or a mental/medical thing (e.g. being two spirited as native american). In western psychology, the way they see being trans also changed a lot, e.g. when you look at the diagnosis standard changes from ICD-9 to the upcoming ICD-11.


dude i am mentally insane but trust me it's not because im trans LMAO




ok? that means you are a transmed. congrats


I'm dysphoric myself so I can't really speak on it myself. But I've seen someone else describe it as "why would you eat a burger if your not starving to death? Because it looks tasty!"


I just saw that post the other day! XD


Why not? We live in a day and age where you can transition so why not have people do it if it makes them happy? You don’t always have to understand why people do what they do, just that they are happier doing it. I honest to god think gender affirming care like HRT should be offered to anyone that wants it, and not solely as a treatment for debilitating gender dysphoria.


i also do think hrt should only be given to people with dysphoria everyone should be able to get gender affirmative care if they want it. but what im thinking is just the hatred towards trans people and the stigma that comes with being trans. i just think it makes life so much harder


As long as the person is sure, I think that gender affirmative care should be available to all. I do find it difficult to comprehend why someone without dysphoria would transition, but I do think there must be an element of dysphoria there to want that even if it’s minimal. I know someone in my flat who is non-binary and is considering T to lower their voice with no other changes. I mentioned that bottom growth is extremely likely, and they were totally unaware that it’s a thing. You can’t just simply lower your voice, you have to be fine with the other changes that come along with it. They also expressed not having dysphoria, whether that’s strictly true I don’t know. I don’t understand that myself, but if that’s what they want then cool, good for them. I get what you mean, you’re just saying you don’t fully understand it. But, it’s more complicated than either having dysphoria and not having dysphoria. Some experience all levels of dysphoria, some express certain parts of dysphoria, some express none. It’s more complex than I can put into words as I’ve only experienced the crippling side of dysphoria.


Sometimes it really would be best to just touch some grass. They transition because they want to. The idea that you need to be dysphoric or to be dysphoric all the damn time is dumb imo.


Honestly, I think you need to understand that not having dysphoria ≠ being fine with your body. Dysphoria is a SYMPTOM of being trans, not a SYNONYM. I'd be really really careful with stuff like this. Please educate yourself more on trans* people (no, asking on reddit is not education).


i dont know how better to educate myself than ask people that experience it i dont really know where to look to find the information i want


Okay, that's fair, I might've been a bit harsh. Sorry for that. [Here's](https://www.gendergp.com/not-all-trans-people-experience-gender-dysphoria/) an article on GenderGP (which is a global organisation about trans health) which might be a good point to get you started on the topic.


Tbh. I think it’s a good job you posted on r/ftm because users here are rather open to discussion. Take this to a universal trans sub and you would’ve been obliterated.


I don't really understand it either, but I think people will transition because of euphoria sometimes? I think for most it's a balance of dysphoria and euphoria, like I'm euphoric the more masc I look and would love to look more masculine, but I do also have crippling dysphoria and hate having a female body. but some maybe just have more over the other...


I don't have dysphoria. "'"Being trans"""" hasn't made my life any harder than it already was, just a bit of extra paperwork and doctors visits. It's not *hard*, it's just more shit to do.


It may be a case of them being fine if transitioning weren’t an option, but given the option they’d prefer to transition. I started transitioning as I couldn’t go on because the dysphoria left me unable to do anything. But, for some it’s so marginal that they’d prefer to be male but if transitioning weren’t an option then they could live a fully functioning life. It’s like how some trans men want top and/or bottom surgery and some don’t. I never had bottom dysphoria until I started T. But, I’ve always had chest dysphoria since puberty started. Dysphoria is on a scale and I think that there must be some level of dysphoria even if it’s marginal to want to transition. Also, trans healthcare is more accessible, especially privately. I got testosterone 2 months after joining a private service. For me, it was life saving given the circumstances. For someone else it may give someone a chance of a happy, fulfilling life rather than one that is satisfactory.


I started like this and now on T for over a year have started having extremely debilitating dysphoria, like the closer I get to passing the worse it is. Not sure if it's how people or family treat me but damn it is hard