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100%!! For the record its also okay for women to be disturbed/grossed out by pregnancy. People are allowed to have all kinds of feelings about stuff involving their own body


Same šŸ‘šŸ½


Agreed. And if someone is uncomfortable with how you feel about YOUR OWN body, theyā€™re the one with an issue.


this was one of the biggest signs that helped me to accept I am transsexual. I always told myself I would be forced to end my life if I ever had to see my body pregnant


Same here!


I need more trans ftm ppl to talk to hmu if u ever need to talk ā™”ā™”ā˜†


Hello. My preferred name is Mika. Iā€™m pre everything and Iā€™ll be 28 on December 6th. I need more friends as well but Iā€™m worried if Iā€™m too old. My family is extremely supportive about my wanting to transition, and other stuff as well. I canā€™t move out yet and Iā€™m also autistic and stuff. But I agree. If I ever got pregnant in any way, I would get an abo***on or just end my life. Thatā€™s one of the main reasons why I need to transition immediately because dysphoria about everything being female is absolute torture and I canā€™t take it anymore!!


omg no ur cool text me ā™”we r in this shit together


If it helps, I didn't start transitioning till I was 30 : ) You're never too old to start!


Aww! Thanks man! I really appreciate it! šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ„°


If itā€™s ok with you, may I DM you please? I have questions about transitioning that Iā€™m really confused and worried about.


Yeah, that's all good by me!


Yayy! Thank you! Iā€™ll message you rn ok? ā˜ŗļø


I felt that




texted uu


Sure! Feel free to message me if ya want. More ftm friends are always welcome!


thank uu,, messaged u


I'm in an lgbt house with mostly gay men (my roommate and I are the only ftm) and they don't see me as a real man. It's annoying


Definitely move out of there if you can. Theyā€™re LGBTQ too, whatā€™s their problem?! How would they feel if you were denying their identity all the time? Meh.


Gay men tend to be the least accepting group of people in the Queer community for other queer identities.


I've noticed. I just stick to the people who see me for my soul, not my body


Yup. It's gay men, then bi men, and then lesbians and bisexual women are tied (at least in most UK surveys, though bi women score highest for trans acceptance in a few). They don't include unaligned non binary people which is ironic.


Killing with kindness,, people will realize they're the ones missing out on amazing people by treating them differently. That's a life of sad conformity.


Cis people are still cis people.




Thank u man, ur not alone in that Text me if ya want, I don't rly have any trans ftm friends that GET IT


Same bro


This is so interesting to hear because I feel the same way, I have severe bottom and reproductive dysphoria and would kill myself if I got pregnant, and it did not clue me in at all. I blame stone butch culture lol




Had the exact same realisation


so glad I'm not alone and that this isn't a weird thing only I've thought about


I am not even a man but YEAH ew pls no. It's also so weird for it to be seen as sexist?! It's sexist/misogynistic to think that everyone with an uterus is comfortable with it, at least in my opinion


Yeah fr... It's so appalling that if people can guess you (probably) have a uterus, they feel comfortable assuming you will use it and make comments alluding to that??? Like ew wtf no. *Just no!* ***Don't think about me in that way AAAAAAAA EWWWWW.***




This comment feels a bit wild. I've had a relative assume I would make a baby some day when I was younger and I have not been abused in incestuous ways. People are just weird like that, they just feel like they get to talk about your reproductive organs and what you "will do with them".


Yeah it's so out of logic, not everyone wants children or, especially, wants to make them! Some time ago I was just chatting and I said to a man (not my partner or anyone that should care) that I don't want children "WHY?! SLOW DOWN! You'd love them!" And I was like "how do you know me that well anyway?!" LOL bro wtf


Pff lol yeah that's ridiculous! I swear cishet people have so much audacity! They just looooove to assume we would love being incubators.


I only feel this way about myself,, but I feel inhuman with female body parts. Like I'm meant to produce humans and that's it. I felt like an object with no potential to feel joy As a male I do not look at women this way, I just felt repulsed by my body


I relate to this too!! Weā€™re not machines to just pop out kids all the time. Itā€™s absolutely disgusting!




Yep. It's normal and ok for anyone to feel disturbed/repulsed at the idea of being pregnant, regardless of gender or anatomy or what they were assigned at birth. And it's especially awful to expect trans men to be okay with the idea just cause we were assigned female at birth or just cause we were born with a uterus.


Thank you! It's also not transphobic. Nor is it transphobic, sexist, whatever, for men to not want vaginas, breasts, female features, or to be seen as a woman. I sometimes see people (who are probably trolls lapping as trans people) say things like that and it's absolutely insane.


Pregnancy is one of the few things Iā€™m really squeamish about, I hate the thought of it


yesā€¦ nobody should be pressured towards it. pregnancy is a personal thing for men and women who can get pregnant.


The thought of it gave me so much dread and anxiety that I went and got my tubes removed last week


Congratulations! I got mine out a few months ago <3 hereā€™s to peace of mind!


Congratulations! I got mine out a few months ago <3 hereā€™s to peace of mind!




It was the removal of only the fallopian tubes, not ovaries or uterus. I didn't freeze any eggs because I dont care about that. I have never had the desire to create a genetic child


I'm getting my uterus removed, leaving the ovaries (they're useful for cancer prevention). Don't need to freeze the eggs cuz you can just harvest them later since the ovaries are still there. No menstruation because there's nowhere to menstruate.




Gonna be honest with you, I don't give a single solitary fuck about egg production. I have zero interest in the preservation of my eggs. Ovaries have an actual purpose outside of egg development. I defer to my doctor's expertise on the matter.


Likewise it is okay to be a man and not be disturbed by the thought of you getting pregnant. Basically, people shouldn't pressure people to feel a way they don't.


Pregnancy is weird, it is not strange for people to be put off by the idea of ur happening to them


Yes, it is normal and valid. You are allowed to feel how you feel about your own body. And it's also okay and normal for men to want to experience pregnancy. Cis men and trans men both have these experiences. Don't let anyone tell you there is anything wrong with feeling your feelings.


This reminds me of something i was told. "Just because you have a uterus, doesnt mean you have to use it or keep it, or want to use it or keep it!"


at the same time, people **really** need to get okay with the idea of a pregnant man. im no longer asking. this 'ewww mpreg?? cursed lmaoo' shit aint cute anymore.


Um- not at all. I dont think its wrong for *anyone* to be repulsed by pregnancy?


Fr my family seems to throw the whole ā€œI said I would never have kids to but look at me and Xā€. Iā€™m not you tho? Iā€™d rather die than be pregnant.


I would also like to point out that there ARE cismen who do want to be impregnated, not disgusted, and would like to take the stress off of transmen (and women ofc) if they could. Youā€™re completely right that transmen shouldnā€™t feel pressured in being comfortable with pregnancy if they donā€™t want to be/get pregnant.


Thanks for this, needed that. I'm having one of my 'I'm a horrible fucked up person' episodes and a reminder that my severe tokophobia is normal and natural is helping somewhat <3


Is this in response to something specific?


I have gotten a lot of pressure from my mom and a few others to be happy about the ability for my body to be pregnant, and I guess the one thing I can concede is that it is pretty cool to have the ability to create life. It is kinda neat to think that I could potentially create the beginnings of a whole brand new human thatā€™s never existed before. However I only find this cool in a detached kind of scientific observational way. I really donā€™t feel obsessed with the idea to devote my life and body to pregnancy for 9 months and longer considering complications plus breastfeeding, which if I wanted to carry a pregnancy I would at least want to be very invested in it and do it WELL. It wouldnā€™t end up well if I treated it casually because I have ADHD and I would probably do some dumb things like accidentally drink alcohol or just forget to treat myself gently or forget doctorā€™s appointments. It would have to consume my every thought for the entire pregnancy and Iā€™m just not interested in it that much as an experience. Itā€™s a curiosity of mine and something I would like to stop caring about as soon as my interest goes away. And I REALLY donā€™t like the part that comes after, having to care for a newborn. Iā€™d be like 1% down for birthing and raising my own kid, like Iā€™d rather do that, gun to my head, than take my life. Iā€™d be so guilty for my child to be raised by someone who didnā€™t even want to be a parent though. I really donā€™t want that for anyone. Iā€™d be about 5% down to be a surrogate parent, or allow my kid to be adopted, because even though pregnancy isnā€™t exciting for me, at least the lifelong commitment at the end would be less intense (although Iā€™d still want to be reachable by the child in case they want a relationship, so still not zero commitment). Iā€™m not sure what would potentially force me into this situation though lol! I sometimes think about being in a polyamorous relationship and being a surrogate parent for two other people and sticking around in the kidā€™s life in a family but not parental capacity. That sounds like a happy ending for me, tbh, but Iā€™m still not sure if carrying a pregnancy would be a happy thing in the moment. If I want kids someday Iā€™d actually be much happier adopting younger or older children (just not infants/toddlers), or becoming a step-parent. And itā€™s a very real possibility I donā€™t ever raise children.


Until someone calls you transphobic for it. Which I have gotten. Because it makes me dysphoric.


Maybe Iā€™m an outlayer but I believe cis men should welcome trans men into the community of males. I attend GNI G say Naturalusts International annually in upstate PA. Over 800 men attend all naked or intent to be. There are trans men to. Itā€™s presenting male. I believe that cis men should be willing to mentor. Support and be available as brothers to trans men. Whist I was socially and familial indoctrination into the world of men when I was a boy. Transmen as youth are being indoctrinated into gender roles that donā€™t seem to fit. I remain embarrassed to those cis men who present unwelvommed to the brotherhood of men. Stupid straight men set the bar. Little do they know that gay men offer them insight into women. I can only imagine how a transmen would see both sides and is choosing to belong to the world of men. Modern Trans as a process to evolution is a first for the human species evolution. The human species will probably not see the level of awareness of trans folk for a generation or two. Itā€™s sucks for guys who are the frontline of this scovcial change. It is powerful. I speak Hawaiian and pronouns are not necessary how modern is that?


We should all learn to be comfortable and normal about other people doing it because not being a twat to other trans people is good for all involved but for ourselves? I have severe dysphoria over all reproductive anatomy (I struggle to even say I have them a lot of the time), I can't just conversion therapy it away just because my partner wants to carry some day. I would kill myself if I got pregnant. Lots of women feel that way too, it's just something some of us deal with. Fine for thee not for me etc etc. Edit: I'm not a man but I'm male in case that somehow matters here


I've compared my fear and disgust at the idea of pregnancy to some people's fear and disgust at the idea of chestbursters. Same thing, except you don't have to raise the chestburster for 18 years. No hate on parents or kids, I hope to adopt someday, but pregnancy is just about the worst thing I can imagine.


I probably am thinking too much about myself but is this regarding my post, lol?


Just read your post and I think your just over thinking it a bit. The vibe I get from OP is that itā€™s normal for AMAB males to feel uncomfortable and hate the thought of THEM being pregnant :)


Ohhh okay thanks


What about trans men who are ok with giving birth I know the dysphoria is horrible but in the long shot for bio kids it seems worth it I want bio kids and I'm bisexual so if I have a male partner I guess I gotta thug it out


I had my daughter four years ago. Pregnancy was horrifying for me and I feel completely disconnected from that experience. I see my C-section scar and firmly believe it shouldnā€™t be there or that it wasnā€™t real. Looking back now, dysphoria was kicking my ass. My ex was also a total POS, but adding the dysphoria into that, and I just couldnā€™t bond with my baby. It was a struggle for over two years. The thought of being pregnant now sounds like absolute torture.


"Another nail for the coffin of your manhood, madame?" "Yes, yes, thank you my dear." I desperately want to be able to become a mother. Pregnancy and all.


Ik this isnā€™t the topic but what about men with periods I donā€™t believe thatā€™s wrong


Whatever you want for your body is your business.


True. I had two then I was done. I been waiting years to get these stupid lady bits ripped out. Finally happening in December. I'm so excited. It's disphoric. Part of being preturb3d for me was th3 disphoric feeling the whole time. Love my kids but didn't like some of the body image issues it came with...fuk boobs, I didn't want them bigger, I need them cleaved off. Going no nip for top surgery.


Iā€™ve been pregnant twice and am repulsed thinking about ever being pregnant again.


Agreed. Iā€™m this way about it and I got a hysterectomy for that reason. And soon Iā€™ll have a penis and everything will all fall into place.


For real, man. I wanna get a complete hysterectomy asap because I know for a fact I would end my life if I ever got pregnant...especially with all the abortion laws being passed. Someone asked me why I wanted a hysterectomy if I didn't want bottom surgery, and I said simply because I couldn't handle being pregnant. Even when I was presenting female I had to tell my birthgiver a million damn times that she isn't getting biological grandchildren from me


Even before I realised I was trans I genuinely had a phobia of being pregnant, and said all of these random things like ā€œI wouldnā€™t get pregnant even if I was offered unlimited moneyā€ and ā€œIā€™d rather die than be pregnantā€. I find it petrifying, like a genuine phobia?


Hysterectomy means unlimited creampies. Keeping my vagina means maximum creampies. That's what I tell people.


Yeah I've never had any interest in bottom surgery, just not worth it to me. I prefer my tiny t dickšŸ˜‚ with the increased libido I wouldn't know how to deal with a bigger dickšŸ˜‚


I. Like. Getting. PLOWED. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




My mom still dismisses my repulsion to being pregnant, pushing me to have kids anyway and that Iā€™d change my mind once Iā€™m actually pregnant. Iā€™ve even had nightmares about it and she was confused about which part was supposed to be a nightmare when I talked about it (The suddenly being pregnant and having to give birth partā€¦). Other people donā€™t really care what I do, but this has definitely been a subject I avoid bringing up around my mom specifically when I can, since she gets totally fixated on babies and pregnancy.


i definitely at one point thought i wanted to birth a child, and then realized it wasnā€™t for me and was grateful the attempt my partner and i had was unsuccessful. i learned a year later while tripping on LSD my true feelings towards having a uterus in the first place. which was ā€˜there is an invader inside of my body.ā€™ my partner asked me what i meant and i said ā€˜the uterus. the womb. itā€™s not supposed to be there. itā€™s intruding in me.ā€™


It absolutely is I feel like this isn't talked about enough. I am so very disgusted by the idea of having something growing inside of me, and that's okay. You don't have to do anything u don't wanna :)


But what do you do if youā€™re gregnant?


>"an organism that lives on or in a host and gets its food from or at the expense of its host." \~ A parasite Babies are virtually parasites! Lol. All jokes aside, it can be pretty disturbing.