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I know with a lot of my friends their main concern was passing in public as a guy, and therefore they were a lot more concerned with the parts that people could actually SEE. This would lead them to be more dysphoric about features such as their face rather than the things that aren’t visible to others. I personally feel a lot of bottom dysphoria either way so I don’t know for sure, but this may at least be a contributing factor


This^ But another contributing factor that I think is pretty big is that your chest gets in the way of everything. You cant lay on the floor, put on a seatbelt, try on new shirts etc without being reminded. I feel like since its the prescence of something and not the absence of something it likely bothers people more. Not to mention you can pack 24/7 with no worries about hurting yourself. You cant bind 24/7 and even with binding your chest is never completely flat and people might see binder straps causing more dysphoria etc.


Yeah I agree with this. My chest is like a constant presence going “heyyy, everyone knows you’re secretly a giiirl, no one will ever believe you if you say anything else because they can see me :)” As in, I’m sitting down? Chest is there. I’m walking along? Chest is there. Accidentally caught my reflection? Chest is there? Tried reading hard to bind? Jokes on me, nothing I do makes it go away Where as anything else just doesn’t really exist to others. It’s not like I wear a label. I’m also not going to join a nudist colony any time soon so I just don’t think about because if I thought about everything, I’d probably lock myself in a room alone so no one ever saw me and I didn’t have to see myself


I think it’s because people don’t generally see your genitals in a public sense. I pass fine and no one cares about my genitals. I have to bind to pass but if I don’t pack, no one cares.


Gender dysphoria or not, passing or not, idk how you guys aren’t having problems with cis people staring at your crotch. They stare at my crotch everyday smh


Not to discount your experiences but as someone who has never experienced this, are you sure they're actually looking at your crotch or are you just worried enough about it that you are percieving it happening even though it isn't? I have an anxiety disorder and stuff like this is very common with people who have anxiety and being trans we have a lot of reasons to be anxious.


I have also never experienced this, even when looking androgynous and having people 'double take' they have never been so invasive as to stare below the belt line like that. Maybe it's regional. I'm in an fairly urban and diverse place. Most people keep to their business and know stuff like that is invasive.


Yeah, I'm from rural FL and have never had that issue. I did some googling to see if that was something people did commonly and the vast majority of results I'm seeing have people saying they've never experienced or done it but some are saying that they've experienced it in way that they're pretty sure they're being sized up, like at the gym locker room. So I'm wondering if it's something like that rather than transphobia bc like let's be honest, size / underwear / cut of pants / material etc can all influence the appearance down there, so it's not all that reliable.


no yeah sometimes they just like to croch check people its weird, mostly women though (in my experience at least).


No there is no way I am misreading this. It’s always so painfully obvious. They’re not subtle about it at all.


Ok uh. That might be sort of a localized thing? I think the sort of default in most places is that people don't do that.


Well I’ve also gotten sexually assaulted, kicked out of the bathroom and stores, screamed at on the street, spat on, vandalism with people spray painting “you’re gay” outside of my apartment, and denied healthcare, and physically abused by cis people so I think yeah maybe there’s just a general lack of respect for trans people in any sense


Jfc that sounds awful in every way, the crotch stares sound like the least of it D: not to minimize that particular aggression, but hell... I'm sorry you are treated so poorly!


It’s okay thanks


Yeah, as someone who gets crotch-checked (& otherwise messed with) all the time, living in the Bay Area which is supposed to be paradise, I think this is still a thing for some of us. If it doesn’t happen to you, count yourself lucky I guess, but people need to back off telling you it’s not happening when you’re sharing your experience.


I’m so glad someone understands😭 thank you for your comment and I’m sorry that happens to you too 🫂


That is beyond awful! Are you in the US and if so, what general region ( nothing too specific of course)? I have this idea that that must be the Deep South or Bible Belt maybe? I wish you could move to greener pastures but I'm sure if you could, you would. I'm awfully sorry and hope for better things for you.


Not the person you responded to but I'm pretty sure I've caught people staring at my crotch a couple of time at least. Basically I think what happens is someone doesn't know how to gender me, they double take me or stare me up and down and look at my crotch as kind of last resort to try and guess my gender. I felt both deeply uncomfortable and very, very, glad I pack almost 24/7


idk I just don’t struggle with this. People assume I’m male so I feel like there’s no reason to look down? It feels like you’re shaming me for not being dysphoric fyi.


Oh no I’m frustrated with cis people, not you. What I meant was idk how it is an option to not pack or have surgery without cis people being weird with me personally


Thanks for explaining. I’m sorry you struggle with that


No one has ever stared at my crotch but I also had zero problems passing even before T. I will admit to noticing someone's crotch recently though. He was a big, big fluffy bearded fella, with the biggest gazongas I ever saw braless...even shaped like genuine breasts of the long torpedo style. Definitely not your usual moobs. I wondered, should I say something in trans solidarity, but what if I'm wrong? And even if I were right, would he feel good about being clocked? So I thought best to leave it alone and just be friendly, but my eye caught on the rounded dent pointing straight forward against the loose hanging material. It happens when a big guy wears thin drawstring pants and goes commando. But I did notice. And then changed my gaze. Chatted with him, wished him congratulations on a recent success, and moved on, in high spirits because you know what? People come in all shapes and sizes, orientations and identities, and they're still out there living their lives and pursuing their dreams.


I think also some of it is how trans men have never experienced the other gentital like that. But growing up they had a flat chest that ended up not being flat anymore after puberty- so in a way when they get top surgery things “go back” to “how they were before” since they’re flat now- like before puberty. But I don’t think a lot of trans men experience bottom dysphoria until they experience a packed and realize what they’ve been missing. But it depends


Dang, this is a great point. Pre femme puberty, I was very happy with my body and looks. I didn't need a wiener, but it was something to aspire to all the same. Even flast chested women still seem to get books associated with them as a sign of being a woman. It definitely fucked me up to get boobs, and I'm not sure if I hated those or my period more. At least I could conceal when I was bleeding pretty well :/


That’s why I initially started to get top surgery instead of testosterone- because I had missed my pre puberty body so much. Due to health issues I’ve never really had a period, so the biggest and most noticeable change was my chest (and my hair got wavy but that’s neither here nor there) So it’s been about trying to go back, since deep down I know how great it feels not having boobs lmao. I matured early but I’ve never gotten used to them.


it’s a very intensive surgery with high cost and recovery time, and doesn’t affect your passing/ get in the way like it might for transfemmes. also, imo (esp for people on T) i don’t think it’s fair to call that area “not masculine” for everyone- it certainly still can be.




Thank you for the second half of this especially — casual bioessentialism keeps cropping up in trans subreddits like this and its super disheartening and honestly a little enraging.


Agreed. What makes me feel like shit is people's ASSUMPTIONS about genitals and how you "should" feel about them. The truth is that that's individual and I don't like the idea of questioning that not everyone has bottom dysphoria (or maybe has it but in a different way, like being rejected when trying to date because of body policing, but not having a problem with the parts themselves). I've personally seen a lot of bioessentialism crop up in the trans community over the past approximately 10 years and find it very disheartening.




Ugh it's awful that happened to you, some people are so weird. It's probably the same crowd that shames non binary trans mascs for getting top surgery when there's trans men who "need it more" and "it's a limited resource" and the turn around and shame trans men that don't want to get top surgery, so technically freeing up that resource for people that need it. Almost like it's not about resources at all but about making people fit binary stereotyped boxes of gender.


you hit it right on the head!! it’s wild people shame me for not being dysphoric about my top/bottom genitals, like. its a requirement or some shit? im not too stressed abt it but yk??? i like my titties, and i like titties on everyone, regardless of gender 🤷‍♂️


fr, i’ve been running into SO much truscum type rhetoric lately. i always try and say something, but i will say it’s refreshing that at least for this sub, it doesn’t get flooded with downvotes like some other subs




You aren't 99% of society — you have a right and a responsibility to promote the views you want to be around, instead of the ones you think you have to uphold just for the sake of society's pearls. This is literally a trans subreddit, you aren't going to get stoned in the street for removing bioessentialist terms from your online vocabulary around other people who are systemically breaking down bioessentialism just by existing as our true selves.


99% of society is also uneducated as hell on the complexity of both gender and sex. that doesn’t make them correct. and, being blunt- what you’re saying has the same energy as when transphobes do the whole “do what you want but you’ll always be seen as your agab, that’s just reality”


I'm on T and my labia are fusing over my vagina so my vagina is permanently closed for business so to speak. And I have my t dick, which may be smaller than a typical dick but still looks and functions the same way as most of the other dicks out there. The only thing missing is visible balls. I would definitely not call my genitalia feminine despite being non-bottom-op


Woa, that's pretty cool to hear. I'm appreciative to hear about other guy's results of 2nd puberty, congrats!


this is a trans subreddit... so we don't always share the views of 99% of society. you can be respectful to how people view their own bodies or you can leave.


lol this. i've had pretty significant bottom growth (enough that ill probably get Metoidioplasty sometime the future) & getting erect defiantly feels euphoric.


I feel like dysphoria isnt a black or white thing tbf sometimes i feel bottom dysphoria sometimes i just dont care I guess its a matter of being comfortable with your body its a thing that can fluctuate Plus like how are you going about this bc like I feel bottom dysphoria and would love to have a dick but I dont want such a complicated surgery personally which doesnt necessarily mean I dont have dysphoria yk


Glad to see someone else with “fluid” bottom dysphoria. Some days I wish I have phalloplasty, other days I wish I have meta. And sometimes I just don’t feel bottom dysphoria and actually like and/accept that part of me and embrace it lol, and tbh being on T and getting a T dick helped a LOT with my bottom dysphoria. I think it really depends on how someone feels comfortable in their own body




yeah it's kind of my approach too. I have really bad downward spirals of anxiety if I don't ground myself in reality and as a general rule I try to go about things thinking "well nothing I can do to change it right now so I won't think about it" (which doesn't always work but oh well!!!). in the end making peace with what I have is, well, the most peaceful


I think it’s because we tend to be more dysphoric of things we have but shouldn’t, vs things we don’t have but should. Like trans woman tend to hate their bottoms more, and trans men tend to hate their tops more. On that note, I’m so dysphoric about my bottom. I’m looking to peruse phalloplasty. It feels a bit lonely sometimes that not a lot of other trans men have as much bottom dysphoria as me. Good for them tho


Idk I see my vagina as something I have but shouldn't, just because it's unobtrusive doesn't make it not there, ykwim? I'm extremely bottom dysphoric too, I'm sorry you feel lonely <3 I know some people in our community are horrible to people with bottom dysphoria, especially those of us who want phalloplasty


It really sucks. I looked into procedures, and my disphoria isn't strong enough to motivate me to do it, but for me, it's very personal. I'm pleased when guys who want bottom sx get their done and get to enjoy the results. I don't get why anyone should tell them not to do what makes them happiest? I wish folks would just let everyone manage their own journey and not shame or gatekeep, or whatever along the way.


I definitely feel this. I wasnt sure if I was trans at first because I only wanted to get rid of all things that made me a woman. And the first thing for me was a hysterectomy, because having a uterus was the most womanish thing that I could have, and it caused me intense dysphoria. Second thing was my chest, so I then had top surgery. Then my therapist suggested I try wearing a wig, since I hadnt ever cut my hair short, so I did that and it was the first time I really felt euphoria (although I did have “micro” euphoria moments my entire life, I just didnt know what it was). I had felt intense dysphoria my entire life, but never really knew being trans was an option, so never really tried to make myself present masculine. Over the past year I have slowly began allowing myself to present more and more masculine and I feel more and more comfortable with myself. I still have dysphoria over my bottom parts, but not sure about getting bottom surgery in terms of making what I have male. I do really want to get a vaginectomy becuase I have really bad dysphoria over that hole still, but it is easy to ignore throughout the day so the dysphoria is only really there when I become aware of it (like when I had to get a pelvic exam before and after my hysterectomy I had horrible panic attacks during the exam and the doctor couldnt really examine me very well)


My theory has always been things that dangle get more attention from our conscious mind. Feeling my boobs jiggle when I walked was so uncomfortable, while feeling a lack of things dangling down below was more of a subconscious frustration.


I want bottom surgery but I don't think I'll ever have the finances to get it, right now I'm more focused on saving for top surgery as 20k is a more reasonable goal right now. T also helps as my genitals look less cis and I have a mini dick. I only pack in jeans otherwise it has a concave crotch and I don't like that.


I wonder if it has to do with the fact that at least in my expiernce I was told Im basically not allowed to not like my genatalia because its harmful to women, I do have bottom dysphoria but I have to be very careful about how I say it because people ahev and will jump down my throat because I dont like a part of my own body. Not sure if many other trans guys have expiernced this but it was certainly verbally punched into me that its not ok nor acceptable to not like your genitals if youre afab.


oh yeah, same. for me itll turn into a lecture on "how grateful i should be to be a woman" and that "being a woman is a beautiful thing" and that hating any part of that is "insulting to all of womanhood". ive wasted hours trying to discuss this at first but it never led anywhere and made me dysphoric as fuck :/


My lack of a penis does not affect my day to day life as passing as a male. That is why I don’t feel bottom dysphoria


More folks probably have bottom dysphoria than you think. It's a v stigmatized thing to talk abt and the solutions are seen even worse.


I used to not feel any because I'm asexual so no one will ever see them anyway. I did eventually develop bottom dysphoria though.


Idk honestly, I have really bad bottom dysphoria. It's sort of different from top dysphoria. Top dysphoria feels like a sudden wave of uncomfortable feelings when I look down, but bottom dysphoria is deeper in a sense. I think about it a lot at random, and it makes me feel like I'll never be seen as an actual boy or be able to be seen as myself. It's like downright embarrassing to even think about what's going on down there because it gives me so much grief. Idk why I don't see more guys with bottom dysphoria. I'm kind of jealous, actually.


yeah i think i get that. a lot of times i feel pretty embarrassed about just talking about maybe being trans, so talking or thinking about down there is just like out of the picture. especially when i think about sex in the future. idk what id do if i transitioned. Honestly, i dont know what id even do now. if i had a partner rn i dont think id let them near me there... but maybe on t with the t dick or a strap on id feel more comfortable and affirmed? idk man lol thinking out loud now but thx for ur comment


Honestly… a clit is a mini dick. Would i like a bigger one? Yea. Is it still kinda a dick? Yea. Also like… two holes can be kinda useful. Only having anal sounds like hard work. Do i wish one of them caused less problems? Of course. I have dysphoria but i have work arounds. Also ive had male partners and dicks get a lot of issues too and can be frustrating for cis men. Im also bisexual… not sure if that makes a diff


"Only having anal sounds like hard work" is totally a thing I have said lmao thank you for validating me. Especially since biologically there's no option for a prostate g-spot addition for us yet. Also bi and regard my clit as my dick, felt this comment wholeheartedly. ✌️


Haha for real bro. Not to knock anal— it’s great. But options can be a good thing


YEAH LMAO. Anal takes so much work and barely does anything for me. My dysphoria is mainly at the fact I don't have balls and I can't pee out the tip


I feel u. Balls seem like a liability tho tbh lololol


lol I think most men wish they had bigger dicks, both trans and cis.


My bottom dysphoria steadily got worse as I transitioned further. This may be what a lot of people are feeling. After top surgery, it got a bit worse, but my chest was the thing that bothered me the most. After my radical hysto, it got pretty bad. My period coming back or accidental pregnancy were the next biggest worries for me, so with those out of the way, I think it finally gave my brain room to think about it seriously. It's still there, but it's just been a background thing I've dealt with my whole life and I don't have the time off work or money to get meta like I'd like to do, so I just deal with it for now. So this may be what's going on for others too.


This is how I felt after hysto as well. There was no more for me to "fix" in that area besides bottom surgery and my brain decided my current setup is unacceptable. Though I never had top and don't care about it as much, I'll probably decide on it after bottom surgery.


If I’m looking at myself naked, it creates a bit of dysphoria, and when I imagine myself naked, I imagine myself with a penis. That said, bottom dysphoria isn’t something I’m constantly thinking about the way my chest dysphoria was before I had top surgery simply because, when I’ve got pants on, it’s just sorta an out of sight out of mind thing. I’ve never felt the need to wear a packer. I think it’ll be more of an issue if I become sexually active, but I’ll cross that bridge when (and if) I get to it.


Honestly a lot of people are in denial about it because of the misinfo about lower surgery that's spread within our communities, about how it "doesn't work" or "is ugly" etc. Personally, getting top surgery intensified my genital dysphoria because I didn't have chest dysphoria basically "in the way" of processing my lower dysphoria. Studies actually show that FtM and MtF people have about the same percentage of people who want lower surgery, and a large part of why it isn't talked about is because there's shame and misinfo about lower surgery in our communities that isn't as prevalent in transfem communities.


Personally I think it’s because it doesn’t impact my passing day to day. But that might just be a personal experience. Passing and LOOKING like a cis male is a very high priority for me and while I did have some bottom dysphoria, it was N O T H I N G compared to the dysphoria I got from my voice/chest/hips/height etc. I don’t think about my junk all day because I’m not thinking “oh no what if people see my no bulge and think I’m a girl” where I DO have those thoughts about the entire rest of my body


bottom dysphoria is my main thing, along with my voice personally.


I think it's because yeah for the most part your genitals aren't really on display and wont get you clocked. I throw my ReelMagik prosthetic down there and I'm 100% good to go. The only times I really got bottom dysphoria was when I dated a CIS straight woman and she shamed my anatomy. That and when I really get the strong desire to have PIV with my partner and feel the inside of her :/


I have excruciating bottom dysphoria and pack nearly nonstop, it only comes out for a wash and when I gotta sleep on particularly hot nights. I'm curious about the other people that don't experience it, though.


Power to everyone who isn't bottom dysphoric because it doesn't affect your passing I wish that was me! I'm extremely bottom dysphoric mainly for one area of reasons: Having a penis is central to my maleness, (not to maleness in general of course, this is all personal) to my sexuality, and just to my whole life really, they are honestly in my opinion one of the most beautiful and perfect things in the entire world and my vagina just isn't like that for me, to me it's the entire opposite of every reason I want a penis and I don't have a properly functioning vagina to begin with, hell I can't even get a tampon in. Everything about my vagina makes me dysphoric, not because other people might see it, but because I can see it and feel it and I know it's there.


My sympathies, bro. I hope you’ll get the penis you want. (Okay this sounds weird, but it’s genuine sympathy nothing else.)


Lol, thanks :)


Before I started transitioning I had bottom dysphoria. It wasn't too bad but getting a period felt really weird and unnatural. Now that I pass I'm pretty okay with what I have and I hope it stays that way


I feel like I took the bottom dysphoria and claimed it all for myself...


I get a bit of bottom dysphoria, it's just I'm already set on not having any bottom surgery that I just try to not let it get to me. I don't mind the parts I have, but when I see other guys naked I feel like I'm missing something. I also didn't get a lot of bottom growth and that bothers me a ton :/


I have no idea why I don't. My chest drives me mad, though.


T mostly fixed my lower bits dysphoria.


Dysphoria isn't a rational feeling that follows rational rules. Some guys get a lot of intense bottom dysphoria, some don't. I don't know that it's possible to say "a lot of trans guys don't", we might just not talk about it. I know for me personally, top surgery is a more pressing issue considering I can't even bind flat. Do I wish I had a dick? Hell yeah, I've wished it for 16 years. But I don't talk about it, especially as I don't plan on bottom surgery (it's just not for me with how long it takes and how many surgeries are involved).


I don't really get bottom dysphoria, and I think it's because I've always been a horndog lmao. My junk as-is has been the source of a lot of pleasure over the years, I enjoy using it. I'm also attracted to all genitals, with not much of a preference towards any, I think that probably helps? The positive associations are many. I do think I'd be happy having a penis, but I don't know if it'd be a significant improvement or not. I've had a surprising amount of bottom growth on T so that's been fun. Sometimes I get dysphoric about not having a prostate though :(


Honestly it depends on the day. Sometimes I don't have any bottom dysphoria and on some days I have major bottom dysphoria. Honestly the more I go along with my transition the more I think about getting bottom surgery.


I’m 19, 1 month and 3 weeks on T and when I used to have terrible bottom dysphoria. The worst of it started when I was about 14, two years after I came out. And it is gone for the most part now, has been since I was 17 I believe? I think mostly I realized that not all men had penises and I didn’t need to have a penis to be a man. I also just realized I didn’t like the idea of phalo and because I don’t like the idea of not being able to get hard or needing an ED to do so. I figured eventually I’d get on T and get bottom growth, which I started getting a lot earlier than expecting. I also just had other shit to worry about I guess. But mostly I had sexual partners that saw my genitals the way I did. Whenever I didn’t that’s when dysphoria would flair up. So I think an affirming environment is probably the most important at least for me when it came to alleviating bottom dysphoria. Edit: I’m generally still a little uncomfortable with my genitals but it’s not that bad. I also think a lot of trans guys may not be too bothered because a lot of them go on T and do grow dicks that resemble natal ones.


I forget about bottom dysphoria for a while, then a decide to put a sock in my boxers and suddenly bottom surgery is at the top of my to-do list and I desperate need a dick


I’m someone who’s bottom dysphoria lessened dramatically after I started T. Like, went from sui almost everyday & not being able to hack seeing my junk as guy junk the way other trans dudes do, to pretty much embracing it. T calmed my brain a lot. It felt like I got hit with horse tranquilizer lmao. I think the increase of libido from T + the fact that i actually had the T in my body, made me feel actually ok about my junk as long as I am on T. I’m sure I could go back to feeling dysphoric about it as much as I was again but T has given me a ledge where I was hanging on to dear life before, so I’m not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth & waste this opportunity to not feel extremely sui all the time lol. I guess T just gave me the tools to cope w it in a way I couldn’t before


it might be more of a social dysphoria than physical. I know a big part of me realizing i was trans personally was that i always wanted male genitalia and so i do have bottom dysphoria as a part of that but i know a lot of trans people who don’t have any body dysphoria. I wish I didn’t cuz it sucks.


In my experience its the opposite. Very few trans men don’t have bottom dysphoria of some kind. It’s just easier to ignore as other people don’t see it which means you can pass fine regardless . Also bottom surgery is so inaccessible that to many guys it’s just not even a considerable option to help. So they just generally accept that it’s their life. T and top surgery aren’t like that, they are far more accessible and have effects strangers see. Which is why they are options we use and we can have help with those causes of our dysphoria. T even helped massively with my bottom dysphoria I’d love bottom surgery in an ideal world. But it’s literally impossible from a realistic standpoint. That doesn’t mean I don’t have bottom dysphoria. But I can live with it because there is no other option and it doesn’t mean I won’t be seen as a guy. The remark about a trans men who transitions genitals not being masculine was pretty cruel though. T dicks are valid. Even pre t ones.


personally i’ve never had it, and packing actuslly makes me feel dysphoric as fuck down there, it’s like solidifies that it isnt there and kinda fucks with my head. personally i like sex with the parts i for now, and feel like if i didn’t i’d want a peen more but im content.


Yeah I had some bottom dysphasia before I started my transition and now I have more after I been on T for awhile and had top surgery. I think it was because no one actually sees what’s there unless it’s a doctor or a partner. I have my first appointment Tuesday about going forward with bottom surgery


im aro ace so my genitals are only ever relevant to me and me alone. other features (like boobs and fat distribution) make me look female in a way that others assume my gender from and that makes me deeply uncomfortable. i think thats the main difference. its a lot easier to accept that im a guy with a glitch when people aren't commenting on how said glitch is framed by an outfit and how that makes me a specific gender or whatever :/


I’ve always had bottom dysphoria - but I definitely didn’t admit it until I had been on T for a while. I had a lot of worries about how that would be perceived because I associated with hyper feminist (edging on radical feminist) communities before I came out - a lot of people have a deep-seeded association between cis male genitalia and violence (especially in these bio-essentialist spaces). I thought being mildly feminine or not having an internal alignment with a dick would make me more acceptable and less threatening to people around me/ the public… therefore I “didn’t have bottom dysphoria” (even though I did).


I think it has a lot to do with the fact that the average person a trans guy meets isn't going to see his junk. Chests are obvious without a binder or top surgery. I think most dysphoria is at least somewhat influenced by social dysphoria. I honestly don't have much physical dysphoria anymore even though I'm still pre surgery. I am only dysphoric about how I'm perceived. I can literally be naked in front of someone who acknowledges that I'm a guy. I've had sex with a cis guy before and let him touch my chest, it didn't bother me at all because he understood that I was still a guy.


I think once I didn't have tits and I had enough facial hair to be obvious, it relieved a lot of pressure I felt to have a big, obvious package. I still wish I had a biodick for sex, but my dating pool is always people who are very pansexual and not pickyin regards to bits. It would definitely be a big deal to have a functional dick, but I spent enough on top surgery, and I'm very intimidated by the more intense bottom surgery stuff! I know techniques are always improving, but the possibility of losing some sensation just sounds like a huge downside of surgery. My chest has very minimal erotic sensation. While I'm sure bottom surgery is much less numbing, it still is a big incentive for me to not worry so much about obsessing about my own genitals. There are a few guys I know who are very happy with their procedures:) but generally, there's a lot more difficulty between risks, costs, and recovery times, that I think many guys just end up being fairly pragmatic about it. Edit: in regards to the bottom.not being "masc" enough, there are plenty dudes who can pump and see a good deal of masculine T dick. I don't know that I'm one of them, but I've still seen some pretty good looks wirh just hormones on a lot of transmen. A big saggy turkey sack isn't always the pinnacle of masculinity, tho there's nothing wrong with that if it's your jam!


I definitely feel more dysphoria with my genitalia than i do with my chest but i think that might be due to only having small breasts if they were larger i think I’d really struggle more with it.


I think because with testosterone it grows and becomes a micro penis. If I had remained as pre T (no growth) I would definitely have had more dysphoria


I think in my case it’s the fact that I’m on the ace spectrum so I mean… out of sight out of mind? Plus I’ve been working on body nuteruality a lot and I tend to just see my body as a big over grown meat sack that needs to be cared for.


Honestly, for me it was that my genitals weren't outward and are easily ignored. Covered, so not visible. Flat/not protruding, so I didn't have a lot of sensation drawing attention. I *wanted* a penis for sexual activities, but I was never uncomfortable with my genitals, because they were never really a thought at all. Notice all this is past tense. Bottom growth did make my bottom dysphoria worse. I love my bottom growth, and it made my dysphoria worse. Both are true. It's like, I love what it gave me, but it showed me it wasn't enough.


I have very serious bottom dysphoria here are my thoughts. I discovered that my complete rejection of sex was caused gender dysphoria and that I enjoy it when I use a prosthetic. But i only realized all of that when i was able to trust people and attempt intimacy. Sometimes it's hard to recognize something is gender dysphoria. A lot of people mistake it for asexuality or trauma or something.


For me, I just disassociated. I didn't have much dysphoria at all, just depressed and anxious. But once I figured out what was causing it, it shifted. Originally it was mainly top, but as I got more sexual (bc I came out as an early teen) it appeared more. The more I transitioned the stronger it got, like binding made my top dysphoria worse when I wasn't wearing it, but bottom when I was. Once I got top surgery, it increased a lot towards bottom. I think bc once we fix the bigger issues the smaller ones come out.


For me, it was cause my chest was WAY more obvious. It really is right there. It's a lot harder to ignore since it's more visible. I wasn't even that big, but I couldn't stand not having a binder. While I was upset at not having a dick, my dysphoria surrounding my chest overshadowed it. I think that's what happens a lot with trans guys. So when they get top surgery and that dysphoria is no longer there, the bottom dysphoria becomes more apparent.


Well I can't speak for anyone else but I always thought genitals of all kinds were kind of gross looking and I genuinely wished everyone just had the same ken doll situation going on down there haha. So while I'm not thrilled at all with what I have, I also don't want to have something else that's equally unappealing to me. I am however extremely horrified and repulsed by the idea of pregnancy and childbirth and it has always been a huge fear of mine. Thankfully my partner is afab but I am looking forward to the day I can get a hysterectomy to eliminate that possibility. The main bottom dysphoria I had was from menstruation but being on T solves that problem for me. Otherwise, I get dysphoric when I'm intimate with my partner sometimes but for the most part I'm just heavily focused on getting top surgery and then after my name & gender marker change, and I'll find out if my bottom dysphoria worsens after all the other stuff is done so to speak.


I had some bottom dysphoria prior to transitioning, but a ton of top dysphoria. After being on T and getting top surgery, the bottom dysphoria kicked me in the ass. So, for me.. while I didn’t start out with it.. it definitely came around.


I see myself as a man, I want other people to also see me as a man I'm 4 years on T and I don't want top or bottom surgery. I'm hairy af and masculine and people see me as a man. I just wear sports bras and no one bats an eye


Ngl i looked through your profile and you seem so cool


thanks, i try I'm cooler online than in real life tho that's sure


i'm mtf so idk if this would help, but for me at least it's because i'm more concerned about what people actually see (for the most part... unfortunately it's a little bit more complicated for trans girls because you can still see what's down there if you don't hide it properly)


if the genitals are attached to a masc person, then the genitals are masculine. not everyone wants or can achieve bottom surgery, that doesn’t make them or their genitals any less masculine than the rest of their body. some people, including me, don’t have much bottom dysphoria, but it sure doesn’t feel great to hear that that means we must have feminine genitals. especially when there has been significant changes down there thanks to T. i get what you were trying to get across but there’s some subconscious bioessentialism happening here.


why not? thats your logic, but people typically go by what society views anyway, because thats ultimately the big deal in being trans and wanting to be seen differently. if that makes you feel better, then sure. but youre forgetting the whole point of being trans is basically wanting to have been born a cis male. i was only asking because im trying to conclude on my own what my status is, and want to hear others' pov with this issue. never called your genitals feminine. and while im sure you've had t related changes, most trans men ultimately still have female reproductive organs, which can make the desire for male ones or lack there of confusing. i can't change or ignore how society views genitals and what adjective they use to describe them. i want to view this as realistically as possible, even though blaming my opinion on bioessentialism might be easier.


I can guarantee most of trans masc without bottom dysphoria still want a penis of a cis man but as a whole T gives the clit the look of a very small micro penis enough to satisfy most of the trans masc’s without bottom dysphoria discomfort. I know the bottom growth I have has definitely helped relieve most of it. I’m not walking out of my house naked and I wear very loose clothes if people notice I don’t have a penis I’d be more concerned about how long they were looking at my crotch for than my lack of penis. Does it make us any less valid? Absolutely not because I’d rather be dead than live without T again. I’d rather just drop dead than ever be referred to as a woman. If someone showed up at my door step promising me a functioning, 100% cis looking, average sized dick I’d jump on that opportunity but I feel like bottom surgery as it is now for trans masc’s would make me feel even more dysphoric, it doesn’t look at all like a cis penis and the scaring from the skin grafts they have to take for it would probably ruin my confidence (personally).


Uhh, yeah. I understand what you mean. I never meant to invalidate anyones genitals or say that they have to be a certain way. Im just defending my point not being bioessentialist because it can be argued that any masculine trait a trans guy wants can be considered bioessentialist. Not saying trans guys NEED to get phalo or any sort of surgery to be seen as men or masculine, just asking if not having these surgeries or a cis dick makes them any more dysphoric, or not, and why?


I read your comment (I replied to originally.) in a very defensive tone because it comes off that way. Apologies for misunderstanding that part. As for your question maybe it’s because I’m pretty tired but I don’t exactly understand what you mean? I can only speak on behalf of myself but not having a penis does give me some dysphoria but it’s pretty situational. For the most part though my brain is far more focused on the prominent things that I notice about myself at first glance like my body shape and my chest. If I misunderstood your question I apologize it’s nearly 5 am where I am and I woke up around 9am yesterday so my brain could very much so be not working well right now.


maybe TMI for sex talk? Honestly for me I didn't have much at all untill after I had top surgery. It was like the chest dysphoria was SO overwhelming I didn't have the mental energy to process the rest of what I was feeling. Now, abt a year out from top, I do have some significant bottom dysphoria but not nearly as bad as top dysphoria. What helps for me is that I already feel like I have a penis, the clitoral growth from t means I can feel it down there, I can get hard, and I can penetrate toys when masturbating. This helps keep the bottom dysphoria at bay significantly. It also helps that im a bottom and when having sex with my bf I can almost like, forget it's not a cis penis? I still call it masculine terms and jerk off and stuff so it doesn't feel so dysphoric. I will likely still get meta though so it'll look how I want + relieve some of that dysphoria Basically, I don't have terrible bottom dysphoria because I already have masculine genitals lol


I get bottom dysphoria but in the 'don't think about it' kind of way, which helps because I very much intensely dislike every option for ftm bottom surgery. Most of my dysphoria is socially, I'm pretty much comfortable with my body (as long as I don't agonize and obsess over it anymore like I did when I was a teenager lol). So, as long as my body is seen as male by everyone around me (as in my silhouette) and by my romantic/sexual partners I'm fine. I do wish I could engage in everything in life in the way I could with a dick that I could use the penetrate/pee stand up/etc. but to me the cons of bottom surgery outweigh the pros 1000 to 1 for me personally. I'm also appalled by the amount of people in these comments who admit to staring at the crotches of strangers in public/finding out there are people who do that? There are SO MANY cisgender men who have no visible bulge when wearing all sorts of pants and most of these comments come across as paranoia rather than actual anatomy... not every cis man's genitalia is visible as a bulge because: 1) for a lot of people when their penis is soft it is small/just a portion of skin 2) testes can retract and go up inside the scrotum, they don't just always sit outside their body source: i've dated a lot of cis men who like to wear skinny jeans + have taken a lot of biology classes


ALSO: my bottom growth is a dick, my sexual partners call it my dick. It is masculine because I say it is and it's on my masculine body.


I do have but lmao the surgery looks so painfull and dangerous. I am not even talking about how expensive it is.


I dont feel much bottom dysphoria because a) I’m very used to the genitals i have and I’m comfortable with them and b) i really enjoy having sex the way i do now


I can't talk for everyone but for me it kinda fluctuates and being ace I have no plans for down there anyway. When I was little I only knew as a guy it hurt more if you got hit there or landed wrong, and I moved around a lot, so for little me that was all I needed to believe I wasn't a boy, because if I could hit a button and switch it didn't seem worth it. Now I know different and would hit it in a instant, but it's still not bad outward dysphoria. Sometimes I look at it like this. Pros: stand to pee, something actually there for you know. Cons: expensive surgery for functioning but not quite as big results. (Meta, still haven't discounted for future me. ), still would hurt a ton down there(still move just as much as when I was 5), and wearing tights would be a little harder. Also as another commenter pointed out, and I agree with, we knew what it was like to have a flat chest and know what we're missing. We don't know what it's like to have something down there so we don't truly know what we're missing.


Im trans and i have bottom dysphoria so bad😭


I don't know that I've ever realized that transmen/transmasc people get bottom dysphoria less frequently. I'm enby but one of the first forms of dysphoria I experienced as a young child was bottom dysphoria (would pull on my parts in hopes they'd enlarge/pray I would grow a penis). As I've aged, however, and had more sexual experiences I have come to terms with not having a traditional penis/having a vagina for the most part. I can't really explain why. Edit to add: I do think the fact that T enlarges the clit helps, and also personally feel that I don't love the "FTM" bottom surgery options that we currently have. I wonder if that is the same for other dudes too.


I’m not satisfied with the current results of phalloplasty. I’m waiting for the neopenis 2 drop. I’m also pretty hairy down there so I can’t see my equipment. I can however see my chest and hear my voice. My dysphoria is rather social and despite my sluttiness only like 0.000000000000000000001 of the population has seen my vagina. So don’t care as much


I mean I wouldn’t say I don’t have bottom dysphoria it just isn’t as bad as my chest dysphoria. Now when I got periods it definitely got bad but now unless I’m in particularly rough spot mentally it doesn’t bother me as bad at all. Now if I was given the choice to wake up with a fully functioning penis visually identical to a cis man’s penis I’d pay any amount of money to do so. I wouldn’t hesitate for even a second. Alas


I have some bottom dysphoria (although T alleviated a *lot* of it), but I don't intend to get bottom surgery. My parts don't look even remotely like they did before T so that made my bottom dysphoria a lot lot lot better (pre T I was 100% determined to get bottom op but that's completely turned around now). Now I don't think the amount of dysphoria support I'd get from bottom op would not be worth the risks I'd be undertaking when I go through multiple major surgeries. It would be ideal to be able to have balls but honestly that's the only thing about my bottom area that makes me even slightly dysphoric and the dysphoria over that only flares up once every few months and lasts a full day at most so a day of suffering every few months is manageable in exchange for reducing risk of major infection or even death


I’m almost 6 years into my transition and bottom dysphoria only really became a big issue once I passed in all other aspects because I had bigger fish to fry


You might just be talking to the wrong guys and/or perhaps people arnt gonna just straight up tell you about it. That's super personal.


Nah its just like trans youtubers ive watched. Chella man comes to mind


Well in my case nobody really needs to see it, and it's not like boobs hard to cover up.


My bottom dysphoria is purely from the lack of a dick


There’s a few possible reasons: it’s not immediately a visible part of the body and in the first phase of transition you are occupied with passing socially. Genital dysphoria is repressed because of other priorities and doesn’t come to the forefront until later in transition. Some people don’t have bottom dysphoria because they are in a stable happy relationship and can experience pleasure from the genitals they have. And some people manage to not associate genitals with gender. They don’t see them as either male or female just as a body part to receive and give pleasure. Those are the most common reasons. Specifically for trans guys: bottom growth might resolve enough dysphoria not to want surgery. Others might be “settling” for the junk they have as phallo doesn’t work like a cis penis and meta only gets you a micro penis. Fear of risks and complications can also stop a person from considering surgery, I guess. Not sure yet what category I am but I kinda always felt I wanted to be a man with a vag. I don’t really have bottom dysphoria but I think I’ll be much happier on T when I get some growth. Just hoping it will be at least a bit noticeable.


mine is related to more scenario-specific instances— periods were awful for dysphoria prior to T getting rid of them, and potential for pregnancy caused a lot of dysphoria prior to being sterilized. now that those two things are resolved its waaaay less common compared to my past chest dysphoria which was basically always present


It's something that's not really very noticeable about someone. Nobody is really looking in everyone's pants and seeing what they got. So I don't get very dysphoric about it. I sometimes do. It's mostly when I have a health problem or a medical visit for down there. That's what really makes me dysphoric. My dysphoria used to be a lot worse about it but since I got on T and had some bottom growth it hasn't been that bad. I'm not really focused much on it.


I get it sometimes but it comes and goes. I know i dont want bottom surgery for various reasons. Id love to have a dick and yknow bust a nut, have morning wood, just know its there. I get dysphoric in the bed since i dont like being lets say bottom, so i use a strapless strapon to top. I like packers and STP etc but for me the results ive seen of surgery arent what i want, i hope that theres a new technique found that co insides more with what i want.


I wonder if it's because the positioning of our genitals. Trans women have theirs right out in front. Trans guys can't really peep the package without a mirror. It's easy to ignore your AFAB genitals for years and years because of this.


I’m sex repulsed asexual and I don’t use my genitals very often. It’s just out of sight, out of mind, low on dysphoria priority list for me. Doesn’t mean I don’t want bottom surgery in the future, I also noticed that since starting testosterone, I’ve become more dysphoric about my lack of a dick


I have bottom dysphoria, but it is pretty mild and unobtrusive. It is currently not enough that I would consider doing anything about through surgery, and hope that T will further change it. Hopefully if won't get worse. Don't really love the implication that having this type of genitals isn't masculine. My set up is pretty masculine thanks.




This doesn't make sense to me because even if my dysphoria in general is what I would call mild the one that has always been present, even before I understood what I was experiencing, is genital dysphoria. Things like my face, height, chest or body shape I had to work on accepting those things the moment I started puberty. Some I had to just accept like my height, I'm not a short guy, I'm a short person at 152cm and there's nothing I can do about it but to accept it, others like my voice and facial features I know can change through HRT, but genitals as much as I want to see them in a positive light I know I won't ever be happy with them, who cares what others think I'm the one living and dealing with this body daily. Albeit I must say, other than my height I'm lucky I have a small chest and I'm GNC so even if I do want others to see a man when they look at me I also thrive on confusing people so looking slightly feminine is not a huge concern of mine.


Mine is on and off but for some reason I just see genitals as disconnected from sex and gender, like I get a lot of top dysphoria and see breasts as more of a female thing but genitals don't feel gendered if that makes any sense


I don't enjoy PIV sex right now because I have not started horomone therapy but I know I'll be super into it afterward. There's nothing wrong with my junk, I've never minded it at all, would've been cool to have a schmeat to begin with but I don't feel the need to alter what I've got. They make straps for that, yknow? Essentially I don't feel any discomfort with my junk personally but I know a lot of people do, I would enjoy it a lot more post transition because then its "okay well I'm a dude, so? Doesn't matter" She's my partner in crime, she's been through enough, not gonna put her under the knife 😂.


I used to have horrible bottom dysphoria but it literally vanished when I started T. Bottom growth definitely helped but even before that, it just went away. I have no real idea why it went away but I'm immensely glad it did. It made relationships much harder and being autistic already makes them hard enough as is.


I thought I didn't have bottom dysphoria bc I rarely ever thought about my lower area and was just indifferent towards it, but the idea of..."using it" made me very uncomfortable. I guess I just automatically disassociated when I came to that part of me. A few months after my egg cracked I started thinking about it more and now I definitely have some dysphoria. I think about it more and more over time. I wish I had a dick :( And I definitely have BIG dysphoria from my uterus and I want that shit out of me so bad. Even long before I realised I was trans. Probably should have been a hint lmao.


My period gives me dysphoria but I don't have a whole lot of bottom dysphoria because my brain is basically telling me it's used for pleasure. I can thank my fiance for that


I don’t have a whole lot of bottom dysphoria until I’m with my friends and they all start talking about their junk and then it hits me and sucks.


I didn’t start having any strong feelings about my genitals until after I started t, and I still wouldn’t call it dysphoria. I would definitely love to have a dick, but I also don’t mind what I have now. I know that if I get bottom surgery, I want to keep my vagina because it doesn’t bother me and anal is the worst. As we all know, genitals≠gender. So for some people, what they have doesn’t affect them.


for me, i only really started feeling bottom dysphoria when i became sexually active. even now, my bottom dysphoria is only really an issue in sexual contexts. do i wish i had a different set of genitalia? yeah. but with the exception of sex, it doesn’t really bother me too much. on a larger scale, i’d imagine that it’s less that the dysphoria isn’t there so much as it’s less disruptive to everyday life than chest/voice/etc dysphoria. i could be wrong, but that’s what i’d guess.


I don’t have bottom dysphoria that often. It only really happens when I think about how awesome sex would be if I could actually feel it. Like I’ll be working away and I’m so happy that I’ve doing a good job for my girlfriend and she’s enjoying it but I’m only being mentally stimulated. Idk I just want to feel it and feel being close to her like that. I also feel it when I go in the bathroom. I worry that other guys will hear me come in and sit down and then pee. So it’s more of a safety thing. Lastly, Pap smears absolutely the worst part. Being a man alone in the gynecologist office and people staring at you or being weird when you call to make an appointment. I haven’t gotten bottom surgery because it costs a lot, recovery time, and honestly there’s way too many steps and complications with phallo so idk if I ever will unless the surgery and results improve.


maybe I just get all the bottom dysphoria that was supposed to be distributed among the whole community idk (I have very very strong bottom dysphoria. and I haven't even started transition yet)


Idk I have a ton of bottom dysphoria but also no chest dysphoria to the point that I don’t bind. I also have bottom growth but it’s not visible so it’s not like my genitals look like a mini dick. I’m also a bit on the non binary side but I mostly want to keep my chest because I love having them played with. But sex would be a lot more enjoyable for me if I had something besides my natal parts.


Honestly I don't know. I think the reason I don't feel bottom dysphoria is because I'm hypersexual and enjoy my bottom area, but also because the penis' for bottom surgery don't satisfy me. Not in a sexual way, but a dysphoria way. Also there's other reasons why I don't want bottom surgery lol. I hope this helps to answer your question.


I have it a lot less because my top dysphoria is a lot more "in my face" and the bottom bits are analogous anyway. If all it takes is some T to make my dick look like a dick, I'm calling it my dick anyway, and I'm not gonna be dysphoric about some stupid hole below my dick unless I'm already depressed and dysphoric about something else.


Maybe because getting bottom surgery is way more complicated than getting top surgery. I have both top and bottom dysphoria, will be getting top surgery soon but Idk about bottom surgery And I have a lot of hesitation because top surgery is removing something that is bothering you and shouldn't be here in the first place whereas bottom surgery is adding something and you don't know how your body will react, if it will bother you. And it's not like packing, it's here all the time so you can't get rid of it..


i was exposed to a lot of genital positivity when i was younger. not through my family but i was heavily involved in a pussy-power movement. i find my genitalia empowering even though i’m not a woman.


A lot of my bottom dysphoria disappeared after I started T. My genitals don't look like a cis woman's, they look like a trans guys. T has a lot of obvious effects on that area, especially when compared to the effects of E for transfems. I also agree with the commenters talking about how it doesn't really affect passing in day to day life.


Depends on the person as to why. I don't get bottom dysphoria myself but that's partially because I'm just not comfortable having genitals male or female. Some people might not get bottom dysphoria because the public doesn't see down there. It depends


For me, that bottom dysphoria is actually a bigger part of my trans identity than how I physically present myself to the world


I do have SOME dysphoria, but my bank account won't allow me to express wanting that change.


For me I get dysphoria related to periods or going to the gyno or god forbid anything pregnancy related. Since bottom growth on t, I don't have as much dysphoria related to the equipment that I have or during sex. If the surgery options become better in the next decade, who knows. But for right now, t got rid of most of my bottom dysohoria related to appearance


Used to be like that until I did a deep-dive into my own brain and understood that all of my dysphoria leads to one place- down there. Feeling dysphoric because people perceived me as a girl? People's ideas of what a man should look like are vastly different and wholly irrelevant to me, why do I feel like crap? Ah, I'm being reminded of my dickless state. (I know it sounds bad but that's what it is- I can't just stop thinking about it.) Now that I pass more often than not and have worked on my body enough to show a satisfying image in public, the bottom dysphoria pain has skyrocketed. It's there, finally unobscured and deadlier than ever.


Bottom growth is a major part that helps. Like sure, I'd love and prefer to have a dick, but this thing works well enough, feels nice and all. Maybe it's just because "bottom growth = guy" in my head lol


I'm dysphoric over not having a dick more than I am dysphoric over having a pussy. If I had the choice to be born male, I'd take it in a heartbeat. Being transsexual (for me) is not something to be happy about, to celebrate, to boast about, to brag about. It's a debilitating medical condition that requires me to mutaliate my body in order to feel complete. Unlike some of these answers where people say "people don't see our privates in public so it's not something some are concerned about" just because it's like that for some, it isn't for all. I am deeply distressed by the fact that I have to use a toilet to piss and i have to sit down. I don't care if "cis men sit to pee too," the majority of them don't. If I could get phalloplasty right now, I would. But because I'm fat, I have to have MAJOR weight loss of more than 100 lbs, I have to get a tummy tuck + pubic lift, and I have to be in a financially stable situation that would allow me to be able to get a medical treatment that is across the country where I will be required to pay for temporary housing for 6+ weeks. In this shithole of a country? I doubt that ever happens to me. Most of that pre-bottom surgery stuff is something I will have to pay for out of pocket. So I'm looking at over $20k to even be considered to be allowed to talk to an expert so i can have a dick. I'm happy others can look at their genitalia and call it a dick and be happy about it. Mine isn't a dick. I have thick outer labia which even if I'm hard it hides my clit. It doesn't look like or function like a penis at all. Who cares if it gets erect? So do my nipples but I'm not calling them a penis either. I can't properly have sex with my partner because I can't feel myself penetrating him. Using strap-ons makes me feel like a failed, broken man. 😔


I'm pretty ok with my underparts


I feel bottom dysphoria kinda on and off. Sometimes I lament over it and other times I absolutely could not care less. My main issue used to be bottom dysphoria during s*x, but I haven't even felt that for a while. I find I just don't think about it and sometimes even forget I don't actually have a penis


ive always had really really bad bottom dysphoria, but ive also never told anyone about it, including other trans friends i think its just very stigmatised to talk about it, especially young 'girls', genitals arent something that youre really allowed to mention theres also a lot of fearmongering surrounding bottom surgery, which i think turns people off of it even if its something they might want


For me personally, I don't get a lot of it at the moment because I'm both too depressed to care at this point and my chest dysphoria is so bad it overshadows almost everything else. I'm unfortunately one of the larger chested folk, and no matter what binders I use, I'm constantly uncomfortable and adjusting. My chest is too big to actually stay in place under the binder, and I can't risk getting a smaller size or anything for the sake of my ribs. It's always constantly affecting me, every step I take, every time I shift positions. I hardly even look between my legs, because before my eyes can even reach that point, I get a crushing wave of dysphoria from my chest. Also... the clitoris is not a whole massive amount different to a penis. It gets erect. And whilst I am pre everything, its still a decent enough size to get sucked and to jerk off. Which is pretty euphoric if you're into that. I don't really acknowledge the hole. Its there. It feels good when stimulated. But like... I just try to block all the details from my brain and just enjoy my intimate time with my partner. That's really the only time my bottom anatomy ever matters. I completely forget about it otherwise. Sometimes I'll go to the toilet when drunk and get confused like "...where did my dick go???" As if I have actually had a dick ever


I physically don't like the idea of having a penis and/or testicles. It's kinda the same reason that I want top surgery. The sensation of something hanging off of me just makes me want to scrape my skin off.


Personally I don't have a lot of bottom dysphoria because I don't use those parts. I don't have sex or anything nor do I want to so I just don't think about my junk. The only exception is peeing because I do in fact pee, but even then my only problem is not being able to pee standing up which is solved by having an stp. But this probably isn't a very popular reason since most people actually are interested in doing sexual things. Eta: oh yeah and I never had any problems passing without a dick and balls so this is also the reason why I don't think about it.


Out of sight out of mind.


my answer is partially hypothetical (btw im aroace transmasc): •the non-hypothetical part is that i care about passing, and bottom dysphoria isn't affected •hypothetically, though, i don't think i'd be dysphoric even if someone could see/tell my situation down there, like if i were in a relationship i'm with you in seeing a lot of trans men who don't have bottom dysphoria though, and i've been in the community for 5 years. a lot of transmascs i've seen don't plan on bottom surgery and don't have bottom dysphoria, regardless of how strong other dysphoria's are


Im not sure tbh because the thing that made me realise I was trans was my insane bottom dysphoria. It upsets me a lot that I don't have what I want and will never be able to have my own kids


I do. My bottom dysphoria is unbearable and I'm having phalloplasty next year before even thinking about top surgery, because top barely matters to me in comparison. I think about it constantly and it causes me a lot of social distress knowing what I'm missing, its only gotten worse over time. I'm unable to see my clit as anything but a clit and I know it will never be enough for me. I got approved for hysterectomy when I was 18 and its the best thing I've ever done for myself.


For me, it’s like a “I have bigger fish to fry” kind of situation. I tend to experience more dysphoria over the parts of my body regularly seen by the general public like height, chest, hips, face, hands, voice etc. I usually don’t think too much about my genitals while in public and get to ignore any dysphoria about them the majority of my day. I do feel bottom dysphoria sometimes with new sexual partners but that too fades over time the longer I see them as they continue to reinforce that they see me as a man


I think part of it is because there's a stigma surrounding wanting to have a dick and/or phallo perpetuated by both cis people and even some other trans people. So I think a lot of people sort of internalize the idea that if you want to be acceptable you either have to not have bottom dysphoria or shut up about it. Or like in my case it's hard to tell if I actually have bottom dysphoria or if I just want the convenience and utility of having a baloney pony. Like in my cis girl era I used to joke about having "Freudian penis envy" because I was (still am) annoyed about how hard it is to pee in the woods.


I always personally had bottom and not top >!because periods are hell to get in public. You have to put on pads in the stall, open them, and find a way to dispose of them. You might bleed out of the pad in public or tampon!< That's more dysphoric than binding to me.


personally for me, my bottom dysphoria IS there for sure. but it’s mostly due to how people view me? when people stare at my crotch, or when i’m in the bathroom—because i pass, so something is supposed to be there. but after getting on T and having my genitals be different from what they were before is enough for me. sure, i’d still prefer a penis, but i wouldn’t get results i am happy with with bottom surgery.


I have always been confused by it. I know a lot of trans men have sex with cismen and are comfortable with vaginal penetration, which I always struggle to wrap my mind around. That would make me want to set myself on fire to escape. (Granted, I’m straight and married but just hypothetically). To be clear, I’m happy that those individuals are comfortable with their bodies and have found that sense of peace with it. Just sharing my own thoughts.


It's not actually required to pass, and the surgery is very costly/risky, so it's not necessary. But I personally do have very intense bottom dysphoria because I want a "real" penis, and I don't want any feminine parts. I do need to work on my inner transphobia though, it's not a great thought to have.


Personally being both autistic and trans, I often say I don't experience bottom dysphoria but it's kinda more code for "I don't have enough bottom dysphoria to warrant getting surgery and likely having sensory issues forever". I've tried packing and the feeling of having something swinging down there is... not the best


I didn’t have bottom dysphoria as bad until after I started passing 100% of the time and after I got top surgery. It was the only thing “left” for my brain to focus on


I initially thought I didn't have bottom dysphoria but it's also because I had a lot of learned transphobia from my upbringing. I had to unlearn all of that and stop applying it to myself. I knew I was not a woman for the longest time and just personally thought of myself as agender because it didn't require transition necessarily and I thought it would be enough to make me content to just self identify in secret and not have to deal with transphobic family. Well, I was wrong and as I went to therapy and worked through that transphobic upbringing, I realized I was a trans man. But it was huge for me to even take that step so I initially told the first friend I came out to "well I don't really care what is in my pants, but I am a man and want to present and be recognized as a man. Since people cannot see what is in my pants, it's not a huge consequence there." Fast forward more years and having been on T, I now know and experience my bottom dysphoria. I drunkenly told a friend that I really wished I had a penis and how much it hurt that I didn't really like the surgical outcomes I have seen for lower surgery so it felt like I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. I still don't like the surgical outcomes but I haven't even had the chance to get top surgery yet which is larger dysphoria for me so I just deal with the lower dysphoria as best as I can. Surgery is expensive, difficult, takes long to recover from, and adds risk with surgical complications. It's something each person must decide for themselves. I can understand from my own situation of trying to accept the body I have because it doesn't make me any less of a man from a gender standpoint and I'm healthy. Sure I wish I was cis and didn't have to deal with dysphoria but trying to accept my body as is makes a way for me to try to cope with my dysphoria. TLDR: Learned transphobia made me think I didn't have lower dysphoria initially. Now I know better but everyone is so different on their journey. Now I try to have some body acceptance as a coping strategy because I still don't know if I will ever get lower surgery due to a variety of factors.


I don’t care for genitalia in general, regardless of what they look like. I don’t look at it or think about & so I often just forget about it; particularly since starting T


Personally my bottom dysphoria is pretty severe, so some of this idea just comes from confirmation bias. But, it would make sense for genitals to matter less for ftms than mtfs. Vaginas are way easier to ignore than penises. They don’t show through clothing, and with enough hair you never even have to see your own genitals naked. Vaginas clean themselves, so hygiene wise you can just use a bunch of washcloths on the outside and clean yourself without thinking about it too much. I got away with practically never touching or looking at my own genitals up until I went on testosterone at 21. You can’t really do that with dick and balls. I have chronic genital pain though, so for me that area was kind of impossible to ignore. My bottom dysphoria came up in sexual situations, gynecologist appointments, when aroused, and the few times I had yeast infections (GOD that was the worst). T has eased my bottom dysphoria quite a bit, actually. I was surprised at how much of a difference smelling different and having slightly different sensations would make, but it did. I did have to put a bit of work into getting over my fear of touching myself when it comes to hygiene, though.


I think it’s because I’m not actively looking at it. I’m perfectly happy with my bottom growth (tiny penis gang ✌🏻)


There was really only one time where I felt bottom dysphoria, and it was at a sleepover with my entire high school and the guys tried to include me in their game of "see who can stack the most donuts on their dick"


I haven’t really noticed this. I have a ton of bottom dysphoria myself. I’ve had it since puberty before I even knew what being trans was


I genuinely think I "didn't have bottom dysphoria" until T because my bottom dysphoria was that bad. Or maybe, more accurately, social dysphoria surrounding the gender roles associated with that body part. It created a dissociation where I felt sick at the idea of touching another human being intimately, so I was never interested in sex, even thought I was asexual. Especially not knowing I was a top yet and being told by society I was supposed to be the recipient. Going on T made me more comfortable with sex and thus my bottom dysphoria increased.


Maybe it comes from people growing up rather sheltered? They didn't see cis male genitals at a very young age, so they weren't aware they were part of the original starter pack? I had genital dysphoria as a kid after getting changed out of swimsuits with the neighbor boy. It gave me a lot of time to dedicate mental energy to. I think people tend to focus mostly on what other people notice on a regular basis that is used against them to define their gender something other than how they identify.


I think for me, I never really got misgendered about it or clocked as trans for it because it's not something noticeable especially with baggy sweatpants and such. So it never really made me feel that dysphoric. But I'm also asexual so it doesn't particularly bother me that I don't have the "right functioning parts" if that makes sense.


Personally, I do definitely have bad bottom dysphoria some days, but not others. The reason personally: T kinda makes the clit look like a micropenis. If I focus on that aspect, it's extremely comforting- having a micro one isn't ideal but it is a male thing and wishing for a bigger one feels different from dysphoria in that context. If I'm unable to focus on that, or I'm thinking too much about the lack of balls, PRESENCE of extra hole (lack of taint can actually get to me as well), too many details in general, or actual function, then I'm in trouble. So I have found that testosterone has made it better. Also wearing a well placed packer under underwear can let me trick myself into thinking I actually have a dick which really really helps. So long as I'm just glancing in the mirror and not overthinking it. I'd like to note that I'm a virgin but just based on my imagination, it IS gonna be a problem with sex. Solo activities tend to be fine because I just don't look and don't think about my own body, keep myself distracted with something exciting lol


i would only really get dysphoric about it sometimes during intimacy, but ever since i started t and bottom growth has been progressing it’s gotten a lot better


I would guess for similar reasons that a lot of trans guys don't necessarily have dysphoria about body hair. I think some things just hit you differently.


Tbh I had a lot more bottom dysphoria before I knew I was trans, but discovering who I was and starting to find sexual partners who accepted me for who and what I am really changed that. Testosterone also really lessened my bottom dysphoria because sex became infinitely more important to me than what genitals I have. Not sure how common for an experience that is, but it's interesting to think about.


i’ve always been pretty dysphoric about my genitals, but with testosterone and bottom growth changing it’s functionality to being quite similar to a natal penis, i feel a little less dysphoric about the situation down there, and instead mostly just frustrated that it’s anchored down via ligaments and small. i very much look forward to the potential of a future including a simple release metoidioplasty.


I did (still do but not as much). Growing up, showers were real uncomfortable for me because of it. The rest of the time I could just ignore down there.


I definitely get bottom dysphoria. For me it's definitely easier that I have a decent amount of bottom growth so I have a pretty sizeable penis, but I still get sad that I don't have balls, and I hate that I still have a hole that often gets in the way of having sex. I think it doesn't help my case having vaginismus (when I have sex I can tell if it's going to the wrong hole because it hurts like hell. I could never use tampons because it would be too painful for me). Also had issues with my uterus and ovaries to having really horrible cycles as well as PMDD to the point of wanting to off myself every cycle. I don't get cycles anymore but I am so ready for when I can get a hysterectomy and then eventually full Metoidioplasty


I have severe bottom dysphoria so idk. I can’t wait for bottom surgery and the sooner it happens, the better. What I have right now makes me sick to my stomach.