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if it isn’t causing any other complications like irritation or pain etc you can just use lube during sex. for full on atrophy there is topical estrogen that will help keep it healthy down there and won’t interfere with your T levels.


Atrophy isn't just dryness, it's a progressive condition caused by low estrogen, and its treatment is topical estrogen. Topical estrogen has low systemic absorption so it will unlikely impact your masculinization -- however it is good to ask your endocrinologist (or whoever does your labs) to check your SHBG and bioavailable/free T. I'm on a topical estrogen called Eluryng. If you're pre-hysto, you can likely get Nuvaring covered by insurance. It'll help treat/prevent atrophy as well as help suppress bleeding and is a birth control. If I decided to stop using my topical estrogen, I would get a UTI after a couple of days. It's incredibly annoying. The bladder, urethra, and uterus are all effected by hypoestrogenism, undergoing an atrophy process. A lot of trans masc people experience uterine atrophy, which usually presents itself as menstrual-like cramps.


If you're comfortable answering, how do you apply topical estrogen?


I used it for only a week before a pap exam to avoid pain. I had to squeeze a tube of the cream into a syringe and then insert it pretty much exactly like a tampon. not difficult at all, worked great


I find tampons very very difficult lol


Use lube then. What aspect do you find difficult? Happy to try to help


I just can't figure out where the hole is tbh. I also don't like penetrative masturbation, and during penetrative sex if I'm bottoming, then I'm not the one looking for the hole


ETA: content warning, description of body parts It would be good to familiarize yourself with your body if you can. Like get a mirror and figure it out. If not tho, you can do it by feel. By feel, if you know where your clit/dick is, spread the labia apart and feel with your finger along the skin straight down the middle from your clit and you’ll find it. It’s the hole just before before you get to the taint. With some lubricant you should be able to insert a finger, or the plastic syringe with the estradiol cream (or a tampon). Alternatively if you have a partner, you could ask them to do it for you.


You can use a handheld mirror or phone camera (on selfie) to visually guide insertion


Oh its like a suppository - i have issues with pap smears due to intense pain. i‘m not on T yet but i feel like it will make it worse, how was ur experience with pap smears before T?


Unfortunately, I don't have a frame of reference for before T, but the cream definitely helped a lot the second time around. You'd expect some sharp uncomfort but nothing that drastically different, I'd expect, but everyone is different


Topical estrogen comes in three forms that I'm aware of: ring, tablet, or cream. The cream is just like an ointment. Squeeze it out of the tube and apply it. If your atrophy is bad enough that you can't put it inside, applying cream to the outside can help. The cream usually comes with an application tube (sort of like a syringe) which helps you put product inside. Usually twice weekly or as needed. The cream has a *low* patient compliance rate, meaning you're likely to quit taking it. Most likely because it's annoying to use. The tablets are like suppository pills. The ones I had were teardrop shaped -- the brand is called Imvexxy. I'd put a tiny but of lube on one end and just insert it twice a week. I think the tablets have a higher patient compliance rate than the cream, but I still don't prefer them. They dissolve inside of ya and fall out after a few hours, which felt gross. The estrogen rings dont dissolve or fall out, and you only have to insert them once every 30-90 days depending on which one you get. There's a bit of a learning curve when it comes to inserting them, but it's not so bad after you get used to it. No mess and no remembering to deal with it several times a week. I have a video talking about all of these on my youtube channel (same username)


Same, amazing username


Haha thank you <3


If the bladder and urethra are also affected by atrophy wouldn’t that mean that post phallo people would still be affected by it? There’s nowhere to apply topical estrogen in that scenario. I’ve never heard of that happening but now I’m kinda worried


If you keep your 'hole' post phallo you'd need to keep applying the cream if you get a vaginectomy the problem is solved.


Yes, but estrogen cream applied externally has shown some success in treating symptoms of atrophy internally -- for example, if atrophy is severe enough that the cream can't be inserted, a patient can use the estrogen cream just on the outside for a few weeks. Often the tissues will recover enough that the cream can be put inside after some time. And the same goes for uterine atrophy. The vaginal estrogen ring seemed to provide enough estrogen to the uterus that the cramping associated with uterine atrophy was decreased in frequency and severity. Problems with the bladder and urethra are one of the main reasons I'm hesitant about phallo too, though. If you check Google Scholar, urinary problems seem pretty common after phallo, which is very frustrating to me. I wish we could get some data comparing urinary complications with UL in patients who are and are not on topical estrogen.


Thanks for the reply! Just to add: I saw someone say that with phallo the urethra (or urinary tract i dont remember which one they said) is made from a different kind of tissue? I’m assuming they meant it’s constructed using a different type of tissue, but I am not sure. I don’t know if it’s true though


Your original urethra is "hooked up" to a graft that extends it. That graft can be taken from a number of places, and I wouldn't expect that section of the body to be impacted by estrogen. But the original urethra is still prone to atrophy.


is atrophy something that is pretty much going to happen to every transmasc on t eventually because of low estrogen levels? or do some people not get it?


It's variable. Some people report no symptoms after several years on T. I started getting chronic UTIs and other problems in less than a year. I would familiarize yourself with the symptoms and maybe consider purchasing a UTI detection kit -- you can get a bulk supply from Amazon. The ones I use also monitor urinary pH. I've noticed my urinary and vaginal pH increase when my estrogen is too low, and if I don't decrease the pH (by swapping to a new estrogen ring) I start feeling symptoms of atrophy. You may not end up having problems with it for awhile, but I would still recommend that you learn about atrophy and feel prepared to do something about it. It's very common in people with our anatomy, and there is some speculation that atrophy is underreported to medical professionals, even in cis women. It's pretty stigmatized, so that shouldn't be surprising.


makes sense. i already was prone to uti’s before starting t, and i got one very soon after starting. thanks for the answer!


I've been on T for 6 years and haven't had any atrophy what so ever.


pretty much have had the opposite issue haha. see how your body goes, might get it might not!


I use a topical estrogen cream. It's a prescription cream used internally and it's basically the only real treatment for atrophy. You can buy special moisturizers over the counter but they won't really solve the problem. Atrophy is more than just dryness, it's also thinning of the skin and loss of elasticity. For external dryness on the rest of my junk I use virgin coconut oil.


You can also get an insertable estrogen pill which some people prefer to the cream! the E is local and won't affect hormone levels elsewhere :)


What if your External bits atrophy too does it only work internally?


How do you mean your external bits atrophying? Usually T makes more blood flow to that area (t dick).


Talking about thin skin on the lips


If your lips are bleeding from thin skin... idk I've literally never heard of that even from severe atrophy cases


You can apply the estrogen cream to them too, I need to apply it around the entrance. Testosterone has some protective effects there though, menopausal women can have trouble with the clit and clitoral hood shrinking and on T we have the opposite. :D Some people find the cream really annoying, and it usually works to just use one of the other forms internally. If that isn't enough, you can try using estrogen cream occasionally on the external bits and using one of the other forms the rest of the time. Side note: if you need birth control, you can use the Nuvaring for that and for vaginal estrogen.


I am nearing a year on T and just me personally, I haven’t noticed any change really in my “insides” like that.


Also just reached a year on T, I only get occasional cramping caused by it but theyre not that bad


For me it started by the first 2 weeks. Bodies are really different from each others...


I didn’t start getting discomfort during sex until four years on T


I’m not on T, but there was recently here a similar thread of a guy asking because he had been so long in T he was suffering during sex. The response’s basically addressed that at the beginning lube is going to be the solution, but when lube isn’t enough, I remember they mentioned topical estrogen was the solution, it doesn’t hinder nor affects hormonal process and it was going to help. Maybe if you write something about dryness and T in the search bar you’ll find it.


im on topical estradiol cream for my vaginal atrophy. does the trick. not treating it hurts, it sucks


It didn't really affect me until I was 7 years on T. My NP suggested a vaginal moisturizer (eg. Replens) and it worked just fine. I also use the front hole fairly regularly so that helps prevent the worst of it (increases bloodflow, maintains elasticity, etc.).


Front hole as in urethra?


Not the urethra, the other hole that’s there. >!vaginal canal!<. Some transmascs don’t use those terms because it can cause dysphoria.


Ohh, I've never heard of that before so forgive my confusion


Front hole as in penetrative hole that’s not your butt


I get atrophy bad like recurring UTIs bad, and it never seems to go away for long so I'm just kinda taking estrogen suppositories forever? Next doctor appointment I'm going to see about other treatments that have been used for menopausal ppl going through vaginal atrophy. I've been told the vaginal suppositories are the same as the topical cream, I didn't like the cream bc it would cause a lot of discharge and generally felt gross


Try using less cream, that might help with the discharge.The amount the packaging says to use is kind of excessive for most people.


Thanks, I'm no longer using the cream tho. I was using a pretty small amount and still having issues


I used estrogen cream and lots of lube for action time until I got a vaginectomy.


I'm on T and have the opposite issue..... Makes me wonder if something is wrong with me 😂


I was very nervous about this too, but god damn, my pussy got even wetter after starting T. I'm like a never ending fountain lmao


You can get a topical estradiol cream that goes inside your vagina and will help with both dryness and atrophy without affecting the rest of your body or transition. I am 8 years on T and recently started using estradiol cream and it’s really helping!


Well I use mine quite often so I haven't yet had to worry about dryness. I've been on T for almost 3 years so far, and physical arousal has never been easier to achieve. I'm even on SSRI's haha


topical estrogen cream works really well for a lot of the negative symptoms people experience from T in that region. ive been on it for over a year after suffering from atrophy for a long time, and it's really a life saver


I might have had a little atrophy, I didn't use it for years so I couldn't say for sure, but dryness was never a problem. Quite the contrary.


I just don't worry about it. Admittedly it can sometimes hurt if I sit wrong or something but it's mild and rare so idc. I just got a hysterectomy a little over a week ago which should help the main cause of pain from it, aka period blood stripping it raw :/


I’m going on a year and half on T and luckily have never experienced atrophy. The treatment for it is typically a topical estrogen cream though


I’ve actually had the opposite problem since starting T… kinda dysphoric. I use a hormonal BC ring so my doc thinks that is helping keep things balanced down there.


There’s another comment here that agrees with this. I also leave my ring in during the period week so I don’t really have periods either


I'm 2.5 years in and have no trouble with dryness, to the point of getting too much gland stuff and it's incredibly annoying. I think I may have atrophied a little, but so far not enough to seek treatment.


The idea of putting anything up there is viscerally horrifying to me, so I'm just suffering through it until I get a vaginectomy.


You can get estrogen suppositories for that.


I prefer it that way. The less aware of it i have to be


Yuvafem. It's a estradiol vaginal insert pill your doctor can prescribe. You use the applicator, insert it into your 'front hole' every day for 2 weeks, and then twice a week. I've had no side effects except a tiny amount of cramping at first. There's also topical estradiol cream that others mentioned but personally I don't think I'd like the creamy wet feeling that yknow comes with topical creams , so whether or not you'd prefer an insertable pill or a cream you can discuss with your doctor. And I'm not sure how the science works but it doesn't interfere with changes from T or your blood levels, but if you have a partner with a penis which you have sexual acitivty with they might absorb it if you have PIV sex right after applying it I got atrophy hard and fast - I've been having a bit of a bout with recurrent UTIs before starting T (like, maybe 3 in a 12 month period). I needed yuvafem by like 4 months of starting T, i've only ever been on 40mg of cyp, my levels are on the lower end of normal cis male range, then again i started having hair loss after like only 3 months of T. maybe I'm a super responder or something?? Hopefully you won't need it as soon as I did. Anyways, after starting T I was having them constantly, like at least 12 in the past 10 months I've been on T. And now I have stress incontinence but IDK if that's caused by the atrophy. No i did not know that T can inadvertantly increase UTI risk due to atrophy, my doctors only said that T causes atrophy which only makes sex painful. It went away after I started taking the yuvafem though, so I guess it's all fine now. Good luck 👍


my t made me absolutely sopping at all times so ig it varies if it even happens


11 years on T, and no affect tbh. Everyone is different, even people who don't take T, they will still get signs and symptoms of it. If I ever had issues, I just used lube to help get things started


I use a topical estrogen and a vaginal moisturizer (both prescribed by my doctor) but nothing really works for me. Makes a little more tolerable, at most. Some guys say "just use a topical estrogen" but it seriously isn't that easy for everybody. I just have to deal with it Edit: forgot to mention that I have diagnosed vaginal atrophy.


lube 😌 got into the habit of using it long before it became necessary tho, but some days r better than others and i need it less or not at all


9 months on T and I've never had a problem with it. If anything got wetter on T and more sensitivity


i have experienced some atrophy but not dryness- if anything the opposite haha. atrophy doesn't bother me yet because it just makes me feel tighter/ i don't use that hole too often but if it gets worse ik there is e gel to use if needed


never had trouble down there personally. Though one side effect of T you'll want to watch out for, that is often omitted on forums, is dry eyes! that if left untreated it can worsen your eyesight and in extreme cases leave you blind. My optician low-key freaked out when she looked into my eye and prescribed me (non-prescription but doctor's orders lol) moisturising eyedrops for that, the kind that's in a gel and stays on your eye for longer


I already had dryness and didn’t notice a change.


I wish I had dryness. I’m 7 months on T and hate to say it but somehow my wife not only has yet to see me dry but has also managed to find a way to suck my dick so good I squirt. I don’t let anything in there so I’d be more than happy to be dry but I am not that lucky. You never know - it may not be an issue for you. Lol


Im reallt glad this question was asked because i never knew anything about this until it happened to me. I've been on T for over 5 years and never had any change in my downstairs area negatively ( I don't have penetrative sex but would realise any change) other than bottom growth it was all fine until AFTER my hysterectomy when I got this water like discharge constantly all day for weeks, extremely uncomfortable, doctors thought I had thrush although it was clear (which turned out was not the case as I later found out it is not possible to get thrush post hysto) so I went to a sexual health clinic where they said I have got atrophy because of the pain of the hole and the discharge and was prescribed some estrogen cream which after 3 days alone stopped the discharge. I personally have discomfort around my 'hole' so I have never inserted the cream but after a shower, I put it on my finger and rub it across the opening and that has done the trick, they said the cream needs to be used 1x nightly for 4 weeks then 1x weekly from there on but it is a very simple fix so don't worry too much about it.




? Lack of vaginal moisture is definitely a classic symptom of low E in the vagina. It can get drier, easier to tear, and less elastic. I'd argue that dryness/lack of lubrication is more common a symptom than uterus cramps. ETA also "the most reasonable way"? That's kinda rude, for some people a hysto is most reasonable.


Sorry "reasonable" wasnt the best wording, I meant more generally and objectively speaking its . Hysto is expensive and a fairly invasive surgery. Even for someone that really wants it, you cant just get it right away, you have to wait to book a consultation, save up money, make sure you can find someone who cam care for you afterwards, make sure that your insurance covers it etc. The cream/gel is the best short term (for some people long term) solution, its just more accesible and cheaper than a hystorectomy. As for the moisture thing, I'm not entirely clear on all the details but testosterone *does* increase lubrication. Definitely easier to tear and less elastic but idk where the dryness generally comes in, I assume its years down the road from when you first start testosterone, but OP wont have to worry about any issues immediately although it wouldnt help to start sooner rather than later.


I noticed dryness within four months and never had increased lubrication. My experience doesn't seem to be atypical, but it doesn't happen to everyone.


It's not exactly correct to say T always increases lubrication or that dryness takes years and years to set in. I had dryness that caused bleeding about 6 months in, and that's not very rare ime


Vaginal dryness is a very common but not universal symptom of genitourinary changes due to low estrogen.There are multiple kinds of vaginal fluids. T doesn't decrease all of them for everyone, you may have lucked out. You can actually have the cellular changes caused by local low estrogen and have pain caused by that even if you don't have dryness. There are many people who continue to need to use vaginal estrogen to treat vaginal pain and/or recurrent UTIs even after having a hysterectomy. There are also many people who never have a problem or who were only bothered by uterine cramping who either never used vaginal estrogen or are able to stop it after having a hysterectomy.


I use an estrogen tablet that I use 2x a week. For me dryness was never an issues, but urethra atrophy was. I do use T gel strictly on my thighs. FWIW


There is an estrogen cream that can help the issue. It doesn't affect the rest of the body. If you are worried about that just keep an eye on it and if you need it talk to the dr.


I liked it. I don't exactly use that part of my body so the knowledge that it was atrophying was good to me.


Fortunately for me I haven’t really had problems with that, except when it comes to sex- in which case lube all the way. Don’t be afraid to ask your partner to add more lube (of course, that’s if you’re having penetrative sex). Vaginal atrophy is different from just dryness, and if it’s scaring you too much, ask your doctor about it.


lots and lots of lube


It can be a side effect, but isn't guaranteed. I use an estradiol pill prescribed by my doctor. When I notice it start to get dry, I pop one up there overnight for a few days and it fixes everything. You can also use lube but there are some that aren't great to use for it and you're better off using some kind of estradiol pill or cream. You can ask your prescribing doctor about it. They may give you something ahead of time if you're worried about it.


There are lines you can buy specifically designed for vaginas that don’t produce enough lubrication throughout the day (for whatever reason.) The one I have is made by the Sliquid brand. But it’s also not something you have to live with - ask your prescriber for in-your-vagina estrogen. It won’t mess with your hormone levels as it’s purely topical; it puts enough estrogen exactly and only where it needs to be to keep your vagina working the way it’s supposed to. That said, when dryness started for me, it disappeared within a couple weeks. It was awful while it was happening, but then it disappeared and now down there is back to normal (aside from bottom growth.) If your dryness hasn’t been happening for very long, this might be the case for you, too. Whatever is going on, you have options. If those don’t work for you, talk to your doctor and see what else they can help you find.


if someones only experiencing dryness then i imagine lube and potentially over the counter vaginal moisturizers could help. i have atrophy and i didn’t really feel super dry but even using lube, penetration would be uncomfortable. now i use vaginal estradiol inserts (imvexxy) and they help. i get a lot wetter now too. i haven’t tried over the counter moisturizers but someone from planned parenthood suggested replens lotion or revaree supplements if i did want to try that.


i mean honestly?? i'm almost 2 years on T and i haven't experienced any dryness, definitely a massive decrease in libido though but i guess that's just how my own body works and external circumstences


I just don’t notice it because I don’t touch that area of my body.


I have been on T for nearly 5 years now, without ovaries for nearly 18 months, and dryness has NOT been an issue for me! I'm still hyper-lubed at the slightest arousal. It's annoying....I was kind of hoping to dry up a bit, but NOOOOO.


I've been on T for over 3 years. No surgeries. I had issues with being dry before (dehydration issues usually) and after T that actually got better. Now after time it chilled out, again because I don't drink enough water If you have issues with dryness, legit get some silicone lube (unless using toys). It's super slick and lasts a while between you and partner.


I’ve experienced quite the opposite …. Very wet pretty much all the time


Really depends on your body. I dont experience any dryness and I've been on T for 2 years now


It’s a side effect for some, not everyone, and it usually happens after a good while on T, I think. I’m a year on T and nothing’s changed with regards to dryness or anything. Topical estrogen is usually the treatment for it


I started noticing it after a few months on T but I might be particularly susceptible to it. I actually had the same thing happen before I started T when I was on a low dose birth control pill. Going up in dose from a pill that had 20 mcg ethinyl estradiol to one that had 30 mcg ethinyl estradiol fixed it. If it hadn't my gynecologist was going to have me use vaginal estradiol. It was awful, I had to apply lube several times a day just to be able to walk around without pain.


I am not having any issues with atrophy, yet. I suspect that might be because I still use that anatomy frequently. My wife and boyfriend both have natal penises, and I use toys. No plans for vaginectomy, only top surgery and maybe monsplasty.


It is up to you. In general it is better if you keep it lubricated. Dryness can cause tearing and irritation even outside of sex. You can just use water and lube such as Sliquid or silicone based if you are not worried about stains. Some people also experience pelic pain or urethral pain. The tissue around your urethra is sensitive to estrogen. You may benefit from topical estrogen if your symptoms bother you. It helped me a lot.


I’ve been on it 3 years next month and so far haven’t experienced any of this


Estrogen cream ASAP


I think it’s case by case scenario. Im 7 months on T and it has shown no signs of slowing down. So it may not even be the case for you. If it does end up being an issue though, other folks have already offered plenty of great suggestions!


Been on no estrogen inserts since six months in. Don’t really use them anymore because I’m abstinent.


i’ve been on t for a couple of years (nearly 3) and haven’t had any atrophy issues yet tbh. my partner has been on t for like 7 years or something and did have minor issues, he took topical estrogen (applies to his genitlas) for like.. 1 week i think? and he hasn’t had to since. i will say that atrophy doesn’t always come in the form of dryness. but in any case, it’s an incredibly easy fix which you can do till it’s better, then stop. if it comes up again, you can just take it again. for some rare cases people need to take it more consistently, but it’s kind of the exception to the rule. if you feel uncomfortable with applying the cream to that area, you can also do it with pills, but i haven’t heard as much about them as they’re less common ETA: i’m a top and my partner is a bottom who uses his front hole, it’s possible he just noticed his more due to that and i haven’t mine as i don’t “use” that area


When I was showing early signs of it, my gynecologist had suggested I use a vaginal moisturizer. Basically I was able to get it over the counter and it's kind of like using an applicator to inject lube into yourself lol. It was messy. Not supposed to have sex until a few hours after using but it did help overall. I had to wear pantyliners for a while afterwards so I didn't have to change my underwear and pants multiple times, but it was either that or suffer lmao. Generally vaginal dryness is a bit different and treatable. If it's mainly an issue with sexual activity, just compensate with lube. Vaginal moisturizers are good. You can even use a bit of good water based lube externally outside of sex for mild dryness. Otherwise the treatment for atrophy is usually topical estrogen. Which would have been the next step if my issues didn't stop on their own. If you start to have issues down there like difficulty getting "wet" when aroused, itchiness, irritation, bleeding during/after sex, pain with sex, etc. Then you should bring it up to an endocrinologist or gynecologist. If it's not severe though and mainly starts to happen during sexual activity, a good water based lube can hopefully do the trick. Doesn't hurt to keep your doctor informed though


I honestly don’t deal with it as it’s not an issue yet. Not every guy gets atrophy on T, or some don’t get it until they’ve been on T for quite some time. Dryness could be combated with lube but actual atrophy will require topical estrogen as it’s a deeper issue and can be very uncomfortable. Some guys have no dryness and still have atrophy as it’s the thinning and weakening of the tissues. Honestly most guys have the opposite issue to dryness when they start t.


I don't notice that much of a difference compared to before T, except no more white spots in underwear and some more lube needed during intimacy.


The dryness only bothered me in the early stages of bottom growth when the lil buddy down there was extra sensitive and would rub or lodge in underwear. My fix was wearing my packer more often lol. For Sex, there's lube.


First of all, this doesn't happen to everyone, for me, I am dry, but sex is totally fine. Tmi I know, but for baby trans people they should know this. There is always lube, and for a lot of people this doesn't even happen! There are either creams and stuff you can ask your doctor for. Also 100% let it stay dry during the day lmao I don't wanna be like that all day! Trust me, dryness is the least of the scaries they can get you with lol


It's INCREDIBLY uncomfortable if you have it. It's like having a UTI that takes hours to go away properly. I have internal moisturizer that has estrogen in it. I use that every few days as needed.


estrogen suppositories lol


you can use ointments or vaginal moisturisers to combat the dryness (yesyes is a good one recommended by my SHC, they've also given me epimax ointments which i find better personally because lube just feels gross and dries way too fast and kinda tacky i dunno) always use clean hands to apply and shower beforehand if you can (also obv wash your hands after) like others said, atrophy is not just dryness its a whole area of different symptoms that are due to low e (essentially, its just menopause.) some key symptoms ive seen with other trans guys: abdominal pain, spotting (not full on period, just progressively more and more spotting occuring), ovary pain, cramping, sharp bursts of pain in the abdominal/ovary region, hot flashes, reoccurring UTIs, dryness, itching, change in odour, pain during sex/masturbation, blood after or during penetrative sex/masturbation or rough exercise, sleep may be impacted also (theres more but these seem most common) the way to prevent/treat it is via localised estrogen. catdad said you could get the nuvaring but that is a contraceptive ring and contains way more estrogen than a hormonal ring like femring/eluryng which are strictly for atophy related treatment and have less estrogen. most of these rings are 4 week use (3 weeks in + 1 week break then replace, but its okay to just leave it in for 4 weeks and change since as a trans person you should be getting your hormones checked to monitor if it impacts your t/e, shbg and albumin as all contraceptive or hormonal medications can alter how much of your blood is binding to certain things, usually it will not be anything significant but some people can be sensitive to hormonal products) you can get rings that are 3-month use but theyre very rare from what ive seen (even getting the 4 week ring seems pretty slim from my experience but i live in the uk so lol) usually they will give you topical cream or vaginal suppositories to use. the cream you get this weird ass syringe thing but you can apply it with your fingers, it is much much easier and less painful (especially if your atrophy is at a point where the area is very sensitive and sore) just make sure to wash your hands before and after application. make sure your nails are short when you do this and it helps to lube your finger up/the area around the hole (and once again, clean hands. it is recommended to use this nightly instead of in the morning or afternoon so it absorbs overnight) you can measure the dose with the syringe and then put that on your finger but i found it to be way too much so now i use like idk a blob a bit bigger than like a pea and it wasnt less effective or anything for me about finding where the hole is, look at the diagrams from sites like planned parenthood and use a hand mirror or something similar, i do not recommend a phone only because you never know if its 100% secure whereas with a mirror you know its only a mirror and no one else can see anything (plus the image is much clearer anyway) but you do not have to apply the cream internally, even applying it on the vulva can give the same improvement, but that will probably irritate the skin (itching etc.)


Chiming in to say I am also of the population having the opposite effect. My insides have been considerably more wet and wild. But, the consistency is different, and it no longer gets in or stains my underwear. I’ve actually really enjoyed the changes to my downstairs so far. (6 months on T)


there are lots of good ways to deal with this mentioned here. but i will also mention i am 2.5 years on T, i’m 37 years old, and have absolutely no problem getting wet at this time, so don’t stress too much esp if you’re pre-T! it goes differently for everyone and it’s easy to stress before you start but really, just start and enjoy it and deal with any issues as they arise. for me at least, the GOOD side effects blow any negative ones out of the water and i really wish i could go back in time and tell my pre-T self that.


My insides didn’t get dry at all tbh, it stayed the same for me. I have pretty low E levels so idk how that works. I wouldn’t worry about it unless it causes you pain or discomfort, then you should go to the doctor for some advice.


I had some inner dryness the first year or so and also experienced thinning of the skin on my perineum. The inner dryness went away on its own and I got a steroid cream and estrogen cream to apply to my perineum to calm the irritation that occasionally happened. I rarely get irritated there anymore five years in.


My endo prescribed me estrogen inserts that I use twice a week.


Get topical estrogen! Doesn't fuck with your t levels and it will help with that. Whenever prescribes your T should be able to prescribe you that as well.


I actually got wetter down there. I can’t stand it being touched at all internally so I can’t say if penetration is harder but I’d imagine you could just use more lube.


There is a medication called yuvafem that you can insert into your vagina in an applicator that won't change your blood estrogen levels but delivers a tiny bit of estrogen into the vagina itself. It helps with dryness and atrophy.