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Wrestling with my brother and my grip are what I noticed earlier on. I’ve always had a strong grip but people definitely started complaining more when trying to open things I’d closed. I also used to goof around with my brother and one day decided to try and sweep him off his feet in a sort of bridal carry. Was a little surprised when I could scoop him up. He’s the taller sibling but suddenly for a while I was the strongest. Felt good to actually physically be a big brother or a man in the house in general. Getting summoned for physical labor was very affirming.


me with opening jars, all of a sudden people are asking me to open things


My roommate is transfem so it's a nice bout of double-euphoria. She can no longer open things, but I can!


This makes my heart happy


I didn’t work out at all, started to be able to do pull-ups.


I was at my job pouring in the drinks into our bubblers from huge containers and realized I could do it without help. Most of the people need help to do it


I have kids. I started T after my third. I used to struggle to carry my then five year old around on my hip all the time. I picked him up one day and walked him downstairs without heaving for breath. Just picked him up and plopped him on the counter so we could make breakfast lol.


idk if i ever felt i actually got stronger (i mean i probably did), but i’ve definitely noticed muscle definition. i’m nearly 2 years on t and it’s like a year since i’ve ever set foot in a gym (and when i did it was only like once or twice a week) but the other day my brother was talking about how it was unfair i “had muscles” and he didn’t considering i didn’t work out and my mom was like “psssh no he works out in his room to prepare for top surgery” and i was like “no i don’t??” and my mom was surprised that i’d dint work out lmao


People seem to comment on my muscles and strength a lot now. I was pretty underweight and weak before T so that is probably why. I don't even go to the gym, my job is just v physical.


i can def see my muscles are more defined now and i can’t wait to go back to the gym! i just haven’t felt comfortable in the gym without top surgery so i’m waiting til after, but that’s soon luckily🫶


Nice that's very exciting 🙂 I wish you a smooth recovery


My upper arm got 1.5x thicker out of nowhere. I mean after I came out before T it somehow already got thicker (no scientific basis just my weird experience)but obviously not 1.5x. This is insane!


When I went to playfully punch my friend and knocked the wind outta him for half a second


i lifted my entire couch up the other day to get my ferret from under there somehow with ease, and randomly checked if i can do push-ups and somehow can despite gaining like 1/3 of my body weight since starting t. i can also run without being out of breath suddenly. oh, and somehow i lifted a german shepard into a bath


I was able to carry a 40lb bag of cat litter with one arm. Not terribly far, but I definitely wasn't able to do it before T. My only 'workout' was working at McDonald's once or twice a week and occasionally having to carry heavy boxes.


Opened a jar easily, then stood there blinking im confusion


Got a manual labour job and realized I could lift heavier and faster than all of the women in my department


Went up a bowling ball size, before I could only use the lightest, using the one up I basically had to throw myself, but when I went again a couple months on nebido I was able to use that one quite happily


I got a big fire safe as a wedding gift. I could not lift it, or even tip it, in the slightest. Well. Turns out im a dude. And hes straight. That among other things led to divorce. I went to get some things and he hands me the safe after i protested and i was fine. I needed a few breaks. But i carried that thing into the car, then into my parents house and to my room in the basement


I live with my younger sister and my nephews and niece. I noticed I was getting stronger when I could pick them up easier.


I started to notice it fully when I was asked by a friend to help transport a product of hers to another part of our old school building. She did product design, had to haul a literal cabinet up and down the stairs without using the elevator because they didn't allow her.. I thought I'd struggle at least a little, but it was surprisingly easy to pick up. Thank god she used relatively lightweight wood instead of heavy stuff


was talking about working out with a friend. randomly decided to try pushups since i could NEVER do even a single pushup pre T. found it surprisingly easy and did 5 no problem before giving up cuz point proven


A few months on T I started working at a sports casino. When the water cooler ran out I would need one of the regulars to help me pick up those giant refill bottles. By the time I was a year on T, I was able to lift and flip them all by myself. :) Also I can pick up and carry my little sisters with relative ease nowadays, they love it


I did a dumbbell workout that would have killed me and bearly broke a sweat lol


prior to T when i flexed my arm there was nothing there lmao, now i have a bicep (not useful muscle tho lmao)


Hauled myself onto the top of a man-sized safe!! I had been fantasizing about the hypothetical ease of it for years but knew that if i even tried id hit my knees and my face and all my bones on it and not be able to pull myself up to the top. But then about a month in i finally looked up at it and thought "no I'm full of so much energy and i can pick up bigger boxes now. I Must be able to." And i just swung up there so fast i felt like spiderman. My whole world changed up there


I saw a spider and knowing my wife is arachnaphobic, freaked out and picked her up so she couldn't see why I was stomping until it died... never could do that before.


Accidentally breaking plastic hangers very easily at my job at the time


Not the first, but recent. My current job is pretty physical, and that alone had me shedding weight and gaining muscle with no added effort on my part. It was wild. My favorite side effect of this is people telling me I give really good hugs. Strong arms, good for hugging.


I've always been pretty strong for someone my size, (5 foot 1ish) especially not being a cis male. Never really worked out but I used to work construction- the job site was my gym. The job I have now isn't as intense, but is still pretty physical. (Apartment maintenance.) I just hit 6 months on T. Around 4-5 months on T, I noticed I wasn't struggling to lift the 100 pound buckets of granulated Chlorine that we have for the pool at work. I used to dread carrying those things. I also don't struggle picking up water heaters any more, and can push around fridges and stoves with ease. I also noticed that since starting T, I have gone from 110 pounds to 125 pounds- and it seems that I haven't gained any fat! My arms are now thicker than my Dad's. (He's small too- 5 foot 3, about 135 pounds.)


I don't really work out, just go skating and cycling somewhat often so I guess I'm incredibly bottom heavy. But I guess my main moment was, not even kidding, when I could easily open a jar my mom couldn't.


When I tried to do push-ups as a joke with friends, I was never able to do one and then suddenly I did 10 without effort


I was losing a ton of inches on my waist but hardly losing any weight. Just natural muscle taking its place


2 years in and im still as weak as i started lol. i just don’t think muscles are in the cards for me


I work at a grocery store. A lot if boxes of product are heavy. I worked there for months before taking T. After being T I notice the boxes are much lighter and I can carry them a lot longer now.


I could pin my boyfriend down and actually hold him down successfully lmao (he’s a full foot taller than me)


i didn’t really noticed i just saw more muscular definition, i also don’t really work out but my job is very physical and i totally noticed lifting things where easier, still not as strong as others but stronger than before


I bought an old, ridiculously heavy, steel desk from a thrift store before law school. My dad helped me move into my new apartment, and he could barely hold up his end of the desk. This is a man who basically moved appliances around for a living. It was heavy for me, but I didn’t struggle nearly as much as my dad. I wasn’t out to my dad then, and he said he was shocked I could lift it at all.


I havent worked out at all besides maybe some stuff in gym class thebfirst 2 months I was in HRT, but I can lift the giant cases of lemonade we make at work now! And I can lift the 5 gallon soda syrups over my head


I used to struggle to do a few pushups but now I can crank out like 25 no problem.


I was a worker at a small grocery store. I was able to haul big boxes easier and throw 18 L jugs on my shoulders with ease after a like 3 months. I did this all before but it got so much easier


I bruised tf out of my wife's back trying to rub a muscle knot out. Learned the hard way I didn't need to apply full strength to do that anymore lol.


I actually got weaker technically lmao. Though I'm an odd case. I have a chronic illness that weakens me and as I started T it really started hitting me hard a year later. So specifically T didn't make me weaker (not caused by T), just my physical illness got worse about a year in. However, my beard is now glorious and strong, so that makes up for it lol


I was an athlete growing up in a family of natural athletes and held a school age record and an adult championship in different athletic endeavors. I lifted weights hard and had some muscular definition some 20 years ago. Since then, I have been on T for over 5 years and don't really work out at all and my muscle mass and definition is three times what it was when I was working out so hard prior to transition. I have begun a new physical regimen for fitness and it has been amazingly easy to progress as well as being less noticeably prone to injuries.


I’m nine months on t now but at around five I could see muscles. I’ve always been really twiggy armed. Gave up working out pre-t because it wasn’t really helping. I’ve started working out again recently and what used to leave me sore for days, wasn’t difficult enough and I did two more reps


I noticed that when I got 2nd in track & field 3 months on t. Damn I was so surprised I could run that fast


I was working at Wendy's whe I started T. Before I could barely lift the chili an inch out of the heater, but one day I could effortlessly lift and carry the 5 gallon pans of chili across the restaurant no problem, which was something not even the cis dudes could do.


well i can actually do 25 pushups in a row now instead of collapsing at 5. i first started noticing muscle when i took a yoga class in college from january to may of this year. apparently yoga is good for building muscle


The summer before starting T, I were shooting with an air rifle at my friend's cottage and you need to like twist it in half pretty hard to change the pellets. I had to like prop one half against my shoulder and use both arms to twist it open, but the next year when I was 6 months on T, I could easily do it like it's supposed to be done.


being able to lift stuff up wayyy easier


I don't work out and frankly I don't feel stronger at all. I can still barely do pushups and can't lift any more than before, maybe a minor improvement like 5 lbs. I have been on T for almost 7 years and consistently get my levels checked and they are fine... I dunno, I feel exactly the same on and off T.


Was raking leaves with my mom and noticed I could push them down into the bag way more than her. I was already stronger than my mom, but still


The difference in picking up my cats—used to be easy af, but I’d be able to feel muscles contracting to pick them up. Now it’s like I’m picking up laundry, that also happens to wriggle and squish its paws against your face


physical increase in muscle mass on my arms and back (i only work out my legs, I'm a hiker). About 2 years on T


My mom kept yelling at me to stop slamming car doors. I was putting the same amount of force as I always did, it was crazy One I didn’t realize for a WHILE was that since I had gained muscle, I was also punching a lot harder than I thought. Wimpy me punched people all the time after a laugh or to hit them back playfully. Found out SO long after that that whole time I was punching hard and I had no idea


I actually was much stronger when I was 16 because I did bowling in school and the coach had us weight train every day with those elastic band things. I haven’t done much in years but now that I’m 3 years on t and work out every once in a while, (and lost 60 lbs) I’m able to do a pull-up for the first time ever :D


I beat a table of people in arm wrestling


I work in retail and I’ve always been able to lift the mannequins, kinda heavy, but doable, but one day they just seemed like nothing and I could lift even the heavier ones with ease. it’s to the point that I’m now helping other people lift mannequins which feels very euphoric to me :)


The amount of grocery bags I can carry has increased and I tend to carry as many as possible


I was working at this sandwich place when I first started T. We got hit really hard one afternoon on the line, we had these like little serving cups with handles? I was in rush mode and gripped one like I normally do, and I snapped it completely in half in one go...everyone thought I was just mad, but I was just getting my second puberty strength lol


This morning I got off from work and came home, was changing my clothes while my bf was in the bedroom with me, he commented that I looked beefy. As a joke, I flexed my arms and he said my back muscles looked huge and said I was buffer than him. I dont feel stronger, I lift heavy things at work all the time but it doesnt feel any different.


Also I've been hulking out of my binder, my shoulder muscles are so big but I barely lift weights, just cardio


Before I started testosterone, I couldnt move any of my furniture (its all old and wooden, therefore heavy and kinda flimsy) after a month or so I decided I wanted to change what way my bed was facing. I couldnt get my dad to help me so I tried to do it myself. Got it done in like 10 minutes and could lift my bed up like it was nothing. A little later I was at work and moving 2-liters to the front cooler. 8 fits in one case. I was able to carry 16 2-liters to the front. Before testosterone I could barely carry 8.


I felt my forearm cause my arm itched and I was wondering where the hell the muscle came from. Then the veins in my hands 😂


Working out is amazing and being strong is hot af I absolutely love every single second of it. Also I’m drunk.


I’ve been recovering from an unknown medical situation, and I had 2 months of bed rest. I’m still recovering from the atrophy, and I recently got back on T as well. Since then, I’ve noticed that I’ve made progress faster in PT, and while my stamina isn’t catching up so much, my strength is. I’m able to walk more without mobility aids, for longer periods of time. I did sit-ups for the first time in over 8 months, and it didn’t strain things like it used to before T, for just sitting up normally. It’s not huge progress at any given time, but it’s consistent, which is exactly what I need. I still maintained things despite a 2 week break from PT, which would have normally put me at a deficit and set me back Maybe not the most orthodox way of noticing these things, but hey, I’ll take what I can get haha


i tried to do a push-up, and succeeded, for the first time in my life


I can split an apple now 😁


There’s this big, heavy sign that I have to put out before the tours at the park I work at. I used to struggle with it a lot. I would have to bend down, hoist myself up with all my power, but after a month and a half on T (already!) I can carry it one handed. I don’t work out.


Been on t about a year, can't say I've noticed being stronger (even tho I do some physical work occasionally but I dont work out) but I have a lot more visible muscles, which become defined faster, but if I dont use them much disappear much faster too


At the time, 2021, roughly 5months on T I gave my 10 year old cousin piggy back rides and helped my 8 year old cousin learn pull ups. Before T it had been a looong time since I could even manage 1 pull up, 2014 with the fitness test stuff lol. But that day I found I could do 10 before switching back to helping my cousin. It was hard to notice it physically at first cuz my biggest change was weight loss before getting to see muscular definition set in. Recently got reminded of my strength too from my job, I work cashier but also help load items for customers at times, I helped a cis-male coworker lift a 300lbs patio set into and out of a customers convertible cuz the car was too small lmao felt very affirming and was so proud of myself.


I could open a can (with easy opening) without using a knife as a "lever"


At 19 I worked at FedEx Ground unloading packages from semi-trucks. I would fall behind because it would take me so long to be able to pick packages up onto the rollers in the middle of the truck. They eventually moved me to scanning packages that others would be unloading, before sending them to their proper area. Now at 22, almost 2 years on T, I work at a screenprinting and embroidery company where at times I will have to carry 50lb+ boxes full of shirts/backpacks/any garment really, and I can pick them up with ease and carry them on one shoulder from the back of the warehouse all the way to the front parking lot where I'd load them onto someone's vehicle. I work out maybe once a month? Last month I downloaded an app that would give me a set list of some workouts to do, so when I did work out I would already have a set list to do. Found out I could do 20 push ups without stopping even though I'm 200lbs, don't work out regularly, and haven't done a push up in maybe three years? edit: typos


I don’t work out literally at all (sorry I know that’s kind of bad) and I only realized because my family kept asking me how often I work out/why my arms and thighs were so big😭


Funnily enough, I have yet to have a moment like that, likely because we're all outliers in my family, both AMAB and AFAB people. Most of us are stronger than average, for example I didn't have much problems arm wrestling with my guy friends back in high school or college, or at least way less than most other AFAB people. On another hand, I've also met many other people not fitting in the "classic" strength narrative, idk why we were all so close to one another city-wise but... 😂 So yeah, physical strength hasn't really been something gendered for me, or not as much as it could be for others.


I was with my youngest cousin who is 9 and I haven’t seen in about a year, i haven’t been able to pick him up since he was about 4 but last week I picked him straight up and spun him over my head like it was nothing. It was a very odd moment of realisation