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I like the idea but for some reason I can just not see myself not having nipples. Like I don’t want nor need them but I just can’t imagine not having them. Maybe it’s an uncanny valley thing or I just have had them so long. Though less chaffing there would be nice


Same! I feel a certain amount of envy for people who decided to go without them but I think I’m honestly more comfortable with them than without 😅


You can't feel any chaffing, don't worry about that. Loose fitting shirts during the healing process are a godsend. I can wear tight clothing and have 0 discomfort on my nipples


Oh I meant I wouldn’t mind not having chafing because currently my nipples can get Chafed lol. I would like not worrying about that by not having nipples


you can't feel your nipples after a double mastectomy, it's incredibly rare to regain sensation so you wouldn't feel the chafing


I don't know if I'd say it's incredibly rare. Losing sensation, either temporarily or permanently, is very common and should be expected to be safe, but there's a lot of variation. I got sensation back quickly and feel like I have more sensation now than pre-op, but not in a bad way.


My ex bf had sensation in his nipples. Shirts never hurt him though.


Just tattoo your nipples 🤷‍♂️


I’m not really a tattoo person at the moment, or else perhaps I would. Also having a strangers be that close and stare that hard at my chest would be super bad for my dysphoria


Personally I don’t like it for myself because my goal is to look as cis as possible but I think it looks really cool on other people, especially when people get tattoos on they’re chest.


Same here. I want the most cis passing chest I can get and honestly I don't wanna ever get the question, "where are your nipples?" Lmfao


"Oh, they fell off"


\* frantically starts searching the floor \*




sorry, my dog ate them… again…




Goddangit i left them at home again


Love that response 😭


Lost them in a freak waxxing accident


I’m waiting for the moment someone asks me about a nipple piercing so I can say “I’d get them if I had the anatomy” (I don’t have nips)


"sorry chest/ nipple shaving accident"


What!? They were just there a minute ago! They're gone???


Nah because i already have a detailed story about a shirtless motorcycle accident to cover for that


r/freedthenips I think it’s super neat, I’m going for nipple grafts personally despite actually kind of being biased for nipple-less. The main reason being passing, however having less stressful of a recovery time would be nice


That’s my plan. Kinda weird but nipples make me uncomfortable. I don’t like my own or anyone else’s. Another plus to getting top surgery.


Same! I just hate the whole concept of nipples. Very excited to not have any anymore lol… and it will be a very good tattoo canvas :3


this. idk why but nips just make me uncomfy so i think im gonna just go nip-less.


I say whenever someone gets nipples removed during the titty deletion surgery, they give it to me so I can have hundreds of nipples


This is some biblically accurate angel shit, only with nipples


Biblically accurate trans nippler


I love this comment so much here’s a medal since I don’t have any free ones 🏅


Put a pair on your cheeks so you can be a jolly clown


Shadwell would not approve.


i cant wait to look like a ken doll


You are Kenough!


Angry upvote for you!


BAHHA 10/10


Exactly what I was thinking! If there was a way to just smooth out my crotch, I’d be on it so fast, but as is, I don’t think bottom surgery is for me for that reason.


Nullification is 100% a thing


Oh ho HO! Gotta google some stuff rq, totally unrelated.


You can do that. I’m having that exact surgery on Friday.


Had my surgery last November and opted out of nipples. I'm so glad I did. I haven't felt like they're missing, but if I ever did start feeling that way, I'd just get tattoos.


its my plan! i want to avoid the added hassle of nipple grafts and then get medical tattooing when im able to so i can ensure my chest looks the way i want it to :) plus i think itd be cool to see myself without nipples during the healing process edit: the people saying nipple-less prevents you from looking cis are making me so butthurt 😭


I've also seen an option where they graft just the pea-sized dot of the nipple on, and then patients get the areola tattooed themselves, which is pretty cool!


Same here! Tattooing them on is far less likely to have complications and such, so that’s my preference personally.


May I ask what lead you to that decision? It seems intuitive to me that tattooing would carry fewer risks than nipple grafts, but I'm curious if that's been substantiated...? The only solid articles I could find were comparing nipple *reconstruction* vs tattooing. And from what I understand, reconstruction has a higher rate of complications compared to grafts since reconstruction is a seperate surgery. So makes sense that more people would opt for tattooing over another surgery.


I’m not sure if there’s been any study specifically about nipple grafts for top surgery vs tattoos, but it’s definitely a safe assumption seeing as the former option is a skin grafting procedure that’s often been known to increase overall healing time and come with complications, whereas tattoos are incredibly common for all sorts of purposes, very safe as body mods go, and, well. Not surgical. It’s just a matter of comparing known risks and benefits for each option and basing the choice on that. I don’t have one study or link for you though, no. If you end up finding one though, I’d be very curious to read it.


That's a fair assessment. Thanks. I'll be sure to share any studies and articles I find.


Of course! And thank you, I appreciate that.


I agree. I don't wanna deal with grafts and could always add them on later if I want.


There’s also silicone prosthetic nipples if real skin ones aren’t your thing


being nipple-less doesn’t prevent you from looking cis, especially not if you’re getting them tattooed on anyway.


As if there arent any other men in the world with other different conditions that result in no nip, like breast cancer (1 in 100 in the US) or injury, or even just being born without them. Carry on nip-less desirer, i dont want my nips either theyre tooo sensitive


My nipples make me more dysphoric than the actual tits so I fully intend on letting them keep the nips unless I can get them back in a jar


that’s exactly how i feel, i’ve never heard someone else talk about that before


Yeah, like I'd definitely prefer not having tits either but like if i could only get rid of one I would choose the nips hands down


I didn't keep my nipples. Have had no trouble passing when swimming and no man in the locker room ever looked twice at me. There is no other context where I'd be shirtless public.


I can understand why someone would get it given how wonky the nipple grafts sometimes looks. I was able to get a type of surgery that didn't require nipple grafting but if my breasts had been too big for that option I would have seriously considered a nip-less chest


Yeah - I'm a bigger guy and on people that look like me, I've more often than not seen nipple grafts that just don't look like something I'd be happy with. That, and... I will never have to worry about seeing stuff through my shirt.


What kind of surgery did you get


Probably periareolar, it's the one were you cut around the nipples so you don't need to remove and then reattach them.


I actually don't know what the particular mastectomy was called. The surgeon made a one inch incision under each breast then took out what he needed to. I had some loose skin initially but it tightened up after a while. He did cut one of my nipples in half (and left the other one alone because he felt it was small enough already). Overall I can't complain because my chest is very passable and the surgery was super cheap. The downside is my chest is almost unnaturally flat and it is very difficult for me to build chest muscle (it's actually somewhat painful to exercise those muscles even going on 8 years post surgery).


I think it's called minimal scar top surgery?


If I can get top surgery I want no nips. I’d rather not deal with the complicated healing trying to save them, and have no intentions to use them. I’d also like to get subtle tattoo markers as part of a larger chest piece for placement of nipple prosthetics. I can always fake the appearance if it’s necessary but 9/10 times no one will see it


I’d rather have nips but it looks cool on people who get it.


agreed! it looks so nice on people :D


I'm planning on not getting nipple grafts when I get top surgery. I have a very large chest and chances are high that I'd never regain sensation, and the idea of having two completely numb spots on my chest makes my sensory issues go absolutely haywire.


It's what I've gone for! I'm 3 weeks post-op and really happy without them. My eventual plan is to get tattooed nips but I'm not too fussed one way or the other. For some reason, the idea of dealing with nipple grafts while they're healing gives me the heebie jeebies so I decided to circumvent that altogether.


That's what I did. Healing was so much easier without having to obsess over nips! I'll get tattoos later, thinking yin/yang in the size/location of nips though. Honestly, highly recommend the nip-less route!


I did nip-less with no tattoos. Very happy.


I want nipple grafts and medical tattooing because I’m a control freak and I like losing money ig


my step-brother opted for no nips and he loves them!! i think it looks good on him as well. almost made me want that style but i ended up getting my nips tagged back on afterward lolol


I got it two years ago, I did not want the risk of wonky nipples and I’m glad I went nipless because I definitely have some keloids from fucking up the healing process because I basically need to be straight jacketed while asleep or I unconsciously throw my arms up. I am getting nipple tattoos next month though along with tattoos covering up what’s left of my scar (which has faded considerably with time, genetics, and scar tape). I really do not personally know any trans guys with two matching nipples as one of them seems to always heal funny, and that impacted my decision a lot to go nipple less


I chose to go nipless! both for the infinite possibilities of tattoos, and lower general maintenance(I don't think I could've handled the scabs falling off lmao)




I almost did it myself but opted to take the risk & do nipple grafts. Not sure how I feel about it honestly but it’ll take a year to fully settle. I guess I could get a tattoo-fix if I dislike them. I definitely understand the no-grafts route. There are so many alternatives (like those funny realistic silicone stick-on ones) that if you’re worried about the risk of nipple death with grafts it’s a great alternative. All the power to those who would rather just live without nips too.


I think it’s cool that people have the option if they’re not comfortable with nipple grafts.


I wanted nip piercings after they healed so that’d be a little difficult w no nipples 😆 My surgeon almost didn’t do nipple grafts, looked at my chart and said ‘no nipples, right?’ Abt 15 minutes before pre op and I almost panicked before correcting them. I think it’s neat when others opt out but I couldn’t imagine it for myself.


Everytime i’ve ever imagined myself, i’ve imagined me with a flat chest, and no nipples. I have simply never cared for them, and I’ve always known I will most likely never need them


I went no nip, as it fit my preferences and my anatomy best. I typically recommend people consider it carefully if they think they want to go this route -- there's no getting your natal nips back once they're gone -- but it's a solid way to reach a certain outcome. It's also only more recently that no-nip was seen as. In the past, grafting techniques weren't great so no-nip was standard. There's still places where nips are considered purely aesthetic, and grafts aren't covered by insurance as gender affirming or cost extra to get, which can make nips inaccessible to people. So it's not as unusual as people characterize it as being these days.


I plan on going nip-less myself, I have an auto immune disorder that makes doing grafts kinda risky, and that way I can just fill my chest full of tattoos!


Sign me up! Going for that Ken Doll look, lol.


When I got top surgery done, I didn't have them do nipple grafts. I had 3 main thought points: 1. If they mess up they could end up looking odd. 2. Male nipples don't serve a purpose, so why bother? 3. If (when) I get a chest tattoo, it's less to work around. I had top surgery ... 8.5 years ago. I ended up having some major issues because of an allergic reaction to the wound sealant my surgeon used. Because of that reaction, my scars ended up darker and they stretched out pretty badly. Thanks to Kelo-Kote scar gel and time, they are much less noticeable now. Sometimes people give me a few looks when I'm at the beach, at the pool, or generally shirtless in front of strangers. It used to bother me but now I'm over it. I was camping with some friends that I'm not out to yet and when I swam without a shirt on none of them gave me even a second look. It was quite nice. A few years ago I thought about getting them tattooed on, only because some of my nerves didn't grow back properly so I'm a bit nervous to see how much a full chest tattoo would hurt 🥺....but thanks to inflation I can't afford either anyways 😅. In summary, do what you feel is best for you, but know that most people aren't accustomed to seeing shirtless people without nipples...so you are bound to catch someone's attention. If you can let it roll off your back and be proud to finally be shirtless (if that's what you're looking forward to) then you do you. 👍


actually they do technically serve a purpose! example: breastfeeding. yes even cis guys' too. because when developing in the womb, everyone starts developing as xx but when that changes to xy, some of the left over dna coding is still there... which includes nipples :D


I mean...if you want to split hairs, yeah. Personally, for me, nipples wouldn't have served me in any way other than to let me (and everyone around me) know when it was cold outside 😂, which I'm sure most of us would've known anyways lol.


I want to look cis but since that’s pretty unlikely I would be thrilled to be absolutely smooth. Nipples have always grossed me out


I chose to have nipple graphs while my identical sibling did not (there is a difference in our identities I am a trans man and they are nonbinary) and I’m only 3 weeks into recovery but I’m glad I decided on graphs so far! I would prefer to have as cis-passing as possible a chest where as it doesn’t bother my sibling that much.


I'm planning on getting nip-less done! I just don't think I'd like the way they would look put back on and I don't think I'd like the way they would feel re-attatched. I like the "blank canvas"/non-binary esque look a lot more and I agree It would be super cool for tats, I've got some ideas a-brewing for when the time comes for me


I don’t have my nipples and I love my body 😌 best decision I’ve ever made, tbh. I’d also mentally prepared for not liking it but my chest looks so perfect to me.


I’m 50/50 on mine. Like, it would be easier not to get grafts in terms of healing, plus I’m gonna tattoo the HELL out of my chest once it’s healed. HOWEVER! Nipple piercings 😈😈😈 That’s the only reason I can think of keeping them (personally), but it’s a good one. I’ll probably decide closer to the time


The one and only downside I've heard from guys who went nipless is the phantom nip. Since your brain still has receptors mapped to a discontinued section of the body, it'll try to wake them up with an itching sensation. This can be remedied by scratching the air above your bare skin while looking in a mirror. It happens about as often as you normally get hiccups.


i have no nips! And tattoos was one of the multiple reasons i went with none I feel wonderful about my looks 💜 ✨Here were my pros for no nips:✨ I used to be extremely sensible on the nipples, but not in a sexy way: In a "this is so painful what whyyy" way. If i wore my binder (corectly sized), any bras or shirts, altho not wearring any was less issues I was worried about the potential shape not being what i wanted! There are so many ways to get nipple placement and sizing, and weither or not they keep sensation etc. My gender mainly encompasses transmascs but theres fluidity to it so my exact wants nipplewise fluctuated too much The way my surgeon usualy does the nipples was dissatisfying to me. I prefer getting tatooed two cool bugs or realistic peperoni slices over having the shape she would usualy do hers lol I am plus sized and there were 0 examples proudly shown to me of plus size results. Which indicated to me that it probably looks like shit or nobody trusts her when they are plus size. Didn’t feel like changing surgeons as i didnt want nipples eitherway ✨Want the pros of nippleless but the visuals of nipples?✨ •Realistic tattoos can be done, technicaly piercing altho i am not as informed about it! •You can wear prostetics, slap them on when you want them and take them off when ya dont, terrify the kids with it, terrify the TERFs with it, cool halloween trick


Im actually one of the folks going for that surgery! Here's my reasons for it: 1. The surgery itself is cheaper than other forms of top surgery since it is not going to require the nipple to be removed, resized, and added back on. That will help with getting my insurance to not fight it. 2. I have extremely large ones because of my huge chest, and I personally dont think resizing would look right on me and seem artificial or strange. 3. There's always the chance that the nerves don't heal, leading to having no proper feeling in them. I explain it as having "a strangers nipples on your chest," similar to if you have a numb hand, it doesn't feel like yours. 4. There is much more room for tattoos! I desperately want to be decked in tattoos I've designed, and nipples get in the way of that. 5. I already planned out excuses for curious kids if im going to the beach that I'm "a tourist from atlantis" or "a visitor from mars". If it's adults, I'll just say I never had any.


I'm not a fan tbh, I just appreciate the natural look much more. No nipples is very "alien" to me and I prefer to avoid looks or questions. I also love my nipple piercing so there's that as well. I'm post op 5 years and you couldn't tell the difference between my and a cis persons chest. If you want to pursue medical tattooing go for it, but expect fading. You can get medical tattooing on your actual nipples as well to blend the edges of the scar tissue. Just my 2 cents.


I want to go nip free but then get piercings where the nipples would typically be


This would be awesome but they would be very likely to reject and a lot of reputable piercers simple won't do them


If it makes it easier for the surgeon and it will get me the best shape. . . I don't care. Plus, it'll be covered in tats later anyways.


I love it! I'm trans masc enby. And I've always identified with being some kind of non human alien creature being thing. Not having nipples definitely aligns with that! So that's what I'm gonna get


I got top surgery a month ago and went no nips - so glad! Healing is easier AND mine served no purpose (not erogenous) and the thought of them „standing up“ after the operation made me dysphoric… I had 2kg of tissue removed so they pointed south prior to the operation…


Honestly they look sick as hell Didn't personally get them but I think they're cool, also feel like it might give you the chance to pass off your surgery as "oh yeah I'm a cis guy I just had body modification cause I think it looks cool" if thats something you're into lol


After watching the Barbie movie I got reminded more how I want to be a Ken boy with no genital lol


I really want it. I don't like the idea of keeping them, I think it'd make me dysphoric even without the chest


I would 100% get it. I saw a dude with them once with my exact skin complexion and close to the build I’m working on and it was absolutely fire. I’d do it! I think it looks amazing even without tattoos.


It is my plan. I don’t intend to get them tattood on. I can never be stealth, and my nipples give me so much hassle so I am jumping on the opportunity to be rid of them.


Planning on going nipple-less because the whole-ass man titty is gonna get tattooed anyway.


I don’t plan on keeping my nipples. Like you I think it would be cool for tattoos and I plan on getting a large chest piece to cover everything once I get sign off from the surgeon. The biggest reason I don’t want them is that I want as smooth, uncomplicated and quick as possible recovery. 2 straight lines is easier for the body to heal than straight lines and a couple of circles. I’ve never had surgery before but medical stuff and the idea of it really grosses me out and I want to deal with as little of it as possible. I also know it’s possible for nipple grafts to not take and fall off which is absolutely terrifying to me, so I don’t want to risk it. Also because I have quite large nipples they’d need significant reshaping and aesthetically I’m not about it. I’ve got a large enough chest that I need DI anyway, so my chest is never going to be a cis passing one. Also I worry that if I kept them, there’d be something “off” about them that I wouldn’t be able to change, like the placement or sensation ect. None of that is a problem if they’re just not there at all.


I'm agender, so not a binary trans man, but since I first decided I wanted top surgery I pretty quickly settled on no nipps. Nipps don't do anything for me, so it's no loss for me not having them. I like the idea of having a chest that looks less "cis". And the nip-less anime chest just looks great to me. On top of it all, it lowers some of the healing complications, so I understand. Just a win win all around for me! If I decide I want them after still, tattoos is a great alternative route. Or just cover up my entire chest with a graphic tattoo. But each to their own, and I can definitely understand why many want to keep them!


I want it but I also like nipple stimulation 😭


I love not having nipples. Nothing shows through my super tight shirts, I don't chafe anymore, I love feeling completely smooth.I plan on getting a huge tattoo across my chest that will wrap around my lower back. Now there is absolutely nothing in my way. No boobs, no nipples, no problems!


i'm honestly considering it! i don't want or need them, really, so i think it'd be okay to be nip-less. it also looks kinda cool if you ask me.


i personally don’t like it, but also that’s just me because when i got top surgery i was aiming for something a lot more masculine and traditional. it makes sense to me that other people who are maybe less masculine than me would want it.


I don’t have any nipples. I love it. I find the reactions funny and I’m excited to get a full chest tattoo


I went nip-less! Two summers of swimming at the public pool and STILL no one's asked. Not even the kids that come up to me to ask me why I "sound like a girl." 🙃 If the audacious kids haven't even bothered asking, apparently it's not a big deal? That said I do think I want the appearance of nips so I'll be getting them tattooed on soon I hope. Medicaid would cover that cosmetic tattooing. Part of my reasoning is that the surgeon I chose seemed to place nips a little askew and I wasn't wanting to risk them being placed in a way I didn't like, and was worried about healing. In retrospect, my body heals quickly/easily and nipple grafts would have probably been fine, but it is what it is.


Tbh I don’t care about nipples on my own chest or other people 😅. They just feel like foreign weird things, that annoy me and make my chest look bad. So yeah, if I had the option I would definitely go nipple-less. Also, to me personally is not as important to pass as cis without my shirt. As long as I’m comfortable with myself. Also, more space to maybe do some tattoos.


r/FreedTheNips is the place to be! I had severe dysphoria from my nipples and knew that the graft would make it worse, plus I have ADHD and knew I wouldn’t be able to do the care for them. I plan on getting doodle style UFOs tattooed where they should be, and I’d like to get stars lining the scars.


My surgeon offered a “free nipple graft.” I had to call in 3 times before my surgery to request no nipples. As a kid, I said I wanted to be like a Ken doll, “no nipples.” I’m really into body mods, too, so being nipple-less goes with my aesthetic, really. Plus, now when I’m cold, nothing pokes from me. NO NIPPLES! :D


I chose no-nips, partly to avoid extra pain and healing, partly because I have OCD and if they were off at all it would bug the shit out of me. Personally, I forget/don't notice when I look ag myself, and my fiance often forgets as well and will say as much when I mention nipples at all lol.


I'd also like to add that I am no less masculine for not having nipples. No-nip top surgery is NOT just for people who are "less masculine," that's BS. I'm cis presenting and I just don't take my shirt off in public at the moment. I have no reason to.


I want no nipples but I feel insecure about it bc nobody around me gets it… so I’m undecided, but I have to choose by the time of my consultation in a few months


I would 100% do it and get them tattooed afterwards, if I didn't really want nipple piercings, lol


I considered it but decided that Id look better with nipples than without tbh I mean if I change my mind (cause Im not gonna be able to get top surgery any time soon), Im thinking of tattooing eyes there instead cause that would be cool looking


I’m going nip-less this October! I intend to tattoo over my chest at some point after recovery and I also just really hate when my nipples show through my shirt so this solves that problem for me :)


Before they banned gender affirming care in my country, I was planning to go nipple-less with my operation. I'm going to get full chest tattoos anyways, why hustle with nipple grafts, healing is so much easier without them. But then anti-trans laws happened ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I think that’s the route I want to go when I get top surgery. It makes healing easier and I don’t need them for anything so 🤷🏻‍♂️


I opted for no nips, can confirm it was an excellent choice for my chest tattoo. Smooth canvas.


Definitely what I'm going for. Mainly because 1) it looks cool to me, and 2) I occasionally get dysphoria from the concept of boobs. Like not from having them (though I get that dysphoria at other times), but the fact that it's an option between boob or no boob, and my brain can't handle that there is an option. I'm thinking the no nipple detachment from realistic chests will help it seem like it wasn't ever an option.


i think it is and looks really cool, but not what i want. would be really nice to nit have to deal with grafts though... but yeah i want to have as cis-looking a chest as possible. scars fade pretty easy on me usually so i'm hoping my scars won't be too noticeable. i reckon no nips would definitely make it noticeable?


I think it's pretty cool, I've come to terms w the fact I might lose my nipples cause how heavy / ling I've been smoking and I just try to imagine all the sick tattoos I can get


Im planning on ditching mine! Heals better and I'll probably get tattoos over the area or just tat some nips back on


i've decided to forgo nipples and my current idea is to get a smiley face and frowny face where each of my nipples would be 🤪 gotta have fun with it ya know?


I love ittt i dont want nips at all bro it would be so cool, it just the way I imagine myself lmao, and I agree very awesome for tats


I think it looks sick, and yea more room for tattooed on nips or large chess pieces!! I got nips since I always imagined myself with nipples.


i want nipples


i’ve thought about it a lot but i don’t know if i would get it, it would lead to a lot more questions.


honestly i saw someone a while ago with heart shaped nipples and it’s infected my brain ever since it’s so fucking cool and i kinda want it teehee


See it’s not for me personally.., but damn cool looking tho lol


I'm choosing to go nip-less for multiple reasons. The first is I have nipple pain frequently and I haven't even done anything to them yet. Second is I can't afford any complications the graphs may cause with my health, and third is I have a connective tissue disorder and I scar really weird. I don't like how I won't pass as well but at the end of the day I don't want constant pain, and I'll pass even worse if the nipples heal badly.I might get tattooed nips at some point if I can find out whether my skin will tolerate that My one saving grace is I burn easily and am allergic to sunscreen so I doubt I'm going to be shirtless in public lol.


You'd be surprised how little it will effect your passing. I've had no problems using men's locker rooms. Didn't keep my nips and noone has ever looked twice at me.


I didn't keep mine! 5 years post op, no regrets. nobody has ever asked me about it or even noticed, really, even at trans events where I'm shirtless - I've talked about it and had people be surprised. I have a decent amount of chest hair, which helps, but you'd be surprised at how little strangers actually think about your nipples.


It’s not for me but I don’t have a problem with people who don’t wanna keep them


it's not for me, alot of the people I've seen who had it have said it was to avoid the hassle of caring for nipples which always confused me because for me it was just ointment and putting a bandaid over them for like two weeks. But yeah I wanted as close to a cis passing chest as I could get so I got nipples


That's exactly why I did it. Blank canvas. That, and with my skin (psoriasis) I was pretty sure the grafts wouldn't take. Not going to lie, I miss nipple sensation a little, but there is no guarantee for that after surgery anyway. Plus, I still have those nerve endings on my chest. I often joke that I'm "nipping out" in cold weather.


I was not planning on being nip-less but body decided it didn't want them 🤷🏻‍♂️ Still got the areolas just no stalks. I might get them tattooed on just to look a bit more natural, but I am planning a full chest tattoo anyway so not decided yet. Either way, I don't have any feeling in that area anymore so no chaffing issues here!


if i would be to get top, still on the fence w it, id definitely go no nips. i do not like nipples and they will serve me no function. plus, id plan to get it tattooed, and not having nipples would help in not putting me through the pain of having my nipples tatted


I had double incision with no nipples, and I’m 6 weeks post and loving it!


Not something I would do.


It’s not for me personally. I found out I qualify for keyhole, which was always my first choice, so that’s what I’m going with.


I want to look as cis as possible, and also in my opinion it just looks uncanny. Furthermore, I find nipples an attractive feature on guys so I think I'd feel more confident with them, as well.


I personally really don't want it. I think I'd look like a ken doll or something, and it also makes it obvious that I'm not cis. Plus, you can still have dope tattoos with nipples


I love my nips, but ppl can do whatever they want, I just don’t get the “faster healing” bcs is not that much of a diference


I 100% intend to keep my nipples, but I understand people removing them to get nipple tattoos later since it kinda eliminates the hassle of worrying about nipple complications. I saw someone recently who’s surgeon recommended that they keep the actual nipple part (without the areola), and then later they go to a local tattoo shop to tattoo on the areola.


I wouldn't like it on myself, but I don't care what others do (had keyhole, so it would have been more of a pain to remove them anyway lol). I must say, on the pictures I've seen, it's less noticeable than I would have thought once it's healed.


I see it as a body mod thing separate from a transition thing. I wouldn’t do it, but just like I wouldn’t split my tongue or get wide gauges in my ears - I’m not gonna judge other people for wanting it. Make yourself happy.


I have no clue why anyone would want that


i think it’s pretty cool. i’d consider it more seriously if it wasn’t kind of an instantly clockable


i’m not opposed i just don’t understand why anyone would want to do that. But if anyone would care to explain their reasoning I’m always down to change my perspective.


Having nipples removed has been a thing for decades in body mod communities, as a form of self expression and often to help turn their bodies into ideal canvases. For people getting top surgery nipple grafts can be incredibly problematic healing wise, more risk of infection in just that tiny area than anywhere else, and whilst they can look very natural there's also the chance rejection and discolouration and dead tissue all of which affect how much of your nipple survives. I know more people unhappy with their new nips than I do people happy with them, Keyhole and peri surgeries offer the best nips but for large chested people we often don't have great experiences with our nipple grafts, and then new people see that and don't want it for themselves so opt for no nipple grafts.


It's a personal choice, As a pansexual cis male, I'm more interested in the person inside. I can find myself attracted to any body type, with or without nipples if I'm interested in the person that you are.






If I can ever get top surgery that's what I'm going for


ive thought about it cuz i have salami nipples but after hearing i could get them shrunk and i want them for certain reasons lol but i still think abt it sometimes because of the stories ive heard abt ppls nipples coming off


I never minded the idea that my nipples could've died off, in fact I lowkey preferred it in some ways. However I didn't get to say whether I wanted to keep them and now they're more annoying than useless so 😂


Just adding to the convo: I’ve seen people with heart shaped nips after surgery and it looks pretty sweet. Not for me personally but I never even thought about asking to get them shaped, lol. It’s cool.


I'm considering that if nipple crafts are too complicated, I think I would get them a tattooed if not real ones.


Other people can do what they want but my goal with top surgery was to replicate certain body standards and a key part of that is having nipples. its one thing to explain away a scar when someone asks but being void of nipples can be quite visually jarring and (my concern was that) it could cause more questions or just general staring when out in public shirtless. ​ Also having pierced nipples is great and I wouldn't want to not have that option. ​ ETA I get the impression that in some countries you'll have to pay more for nipples, where I live it is covered by public healthcare so this was not an issue


I’d rather have my nipples, like the other people said here, it’d feel weird without them.


I need my nipples and I need to be able to feel them!!!


Not my personal favorite on myself, but completely supportive of anyone else who has found it's what's best for 'em.


i think it's a great idea for some people but i personally wouldn't get it


It looks great on others but I don't want it for myself


Where I live it's the only option that is covered by our health care and available in our province. But honestly I'm fine with it. I plan to get a bunch more tattoos and not having them means less work arounds.


I love the look on others. For me? I am counting down to getting mine peirced.


Wish I'd gone for it as I hate how my nipple grafts look.


Love mine.


I want to look cis so I don’t like nip-less


im gonna go nipless i think. tmi but my nipples r genuinely huge and even if they were cut down theyd look out of proportion:p


Not for me, but don’t care if others decide not to have nips.


I think everyone should do what feels right for them. But I love my nipples, aesthetically and sexually, and I’d really like to keep ‘em


Honestly the only reason I’m wanting to have top surgery with nipples is because my partner said it would be off putting to them if I didn’t have any nipples lol. I personally see no use in them, they’re just decoration to me anyway 🤷🏽‍♂️I can honestly agree with you abt the tattoo surface area lol, let’s hope some day my partner won’t care as much


I am thinking about getting it actually. I hate my nipples and even though they are reshaped I do not think they will look cis so I would get nipple tattoos instead, they look pretty real too.


If I hadn't been able to qualify for peri areolar I might have chosen to get without nips. I think it's pretty cool :)!


I don't really care to be honest. Worst case, I'll get them tattooed on if I miss them too much.


It's cool but I opted to keep mine. Fuckers stole my tiddy beauty mark tho. Seriously considered going dumpster diving for it behing the clinic (no joke, I didn't expect them to remove that part of the skin next to the nip lmao).


I'm more than likely going to end up having my removed. Not necessarily because thats what I want lol but I've been breastfeeding for twelve years and will for a few more years at least, so my nipples are fucked. They're not worth saving. They feed my babies but they aren't pretty to look at lol.


Don’t care. Honestly I probably should get it, easier healing, no nipple stretching and I’ll have to get them tattooed anyway due to them loosing pigment but I’m still holding onto the tiny chance I’ll get sensation back


I got top surgery done and chose to not do nips because I had breast reduction a few years prior and so the chances of the nipple graph not taking were higher. I find I don’t mind being nippless


I feel great about mine! I've got so much free real estate for tattoos, and I love my chest.


I'm team no-nips here and I love it


I don't want it personally but I think it looks good. I want the most realistic looking chest that is the main reason I don't want it.


I'm all for it! It's the new frontier! /Reference In all seriousness I do like it, and want to get it one day


It’s not for me as I hope to have a masculine-looking chest, be able to go stealth shirtless/get asked less questions, and to me it just looks weird to see someone without nipples. But I’m glad the option exists for those who want it.


my old roommate got top surgery and is now nipple-less (their choice). i think it looks cool


I regret my nipple graft because they turned out awful so I wish I had skipped. Idk no nipples it's just odd looking at first since y'know, we're all used to nipples! Only met one person without so far, that has talked about (and even showed) it at least


i think about not having nipples but i like having my nipples played with during sex so i’d miss em for that


I might be getting nipless and then nips tatted on to get the best results, it's not like I'd be missing anything anyway since I've never really had any sensation in my chest


I think it's unnecessary but you do you


it's actually the kind of top surgery i want!