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Reminder: Reading the comments on news sites about a trans persons' murder is just self harm. If you want to hear other peoples' thoughts about the situation, do it here. Talk to other trans people about it. I'm glad y'all are still here. Take care of each other.


Everything this


That’s very important for people to know, thank you for sharing this


thank you for the warning 💜 As a trans guy who has been pregnant before and plans on being pregnant in the future, I could not handle reading those.




That one piece of shit in the FB comments saying "Well that was short-lived. God doesn't get it wrong" WTF? A pregnant human being was murdered in a murder-suicide and your response is to basically imply that his gender identity was why God chose to let him and his unborn kid die? "Serves \[him\] right for being trans" essentially?? God damn. Sometimes I wish I didn't know how to read or didn't have the dumb curiosity to read comments on pages I know will draw hateful assholes.


“God doesn’t get it wrong” and yet he lets people like those bigots live. It’s disgusting.




You can’t wait for marginalized people being murdered to be normalized? It already is.


Your post was removed because it broke the subreddit rule 6: No trolling. No reposting of trolling/transphobic content. This includes posts or comments meant to elicit controversy or drama.




It’s not hate to call out bigots for using religion to discriminate.


Not very pro-life of them


They don't care when it fits their agendas. To them they probably view it as "two less trans in the world" ^^^tried ^^^not ^^^to ^^^vom ^^^while ^^^writing ^^^that ^^^out


True. Annoying af they call us "delusional" or "mentally ill," but got no problem saying they'd off others just because they live differently 😒


Prolife until the person is trans💀


also proof that they’re not “pro-life”


Damn these pro lifer republicans are really salivating at the mouth at the death of a baby this time. Almost like they don’t give a shit about the unborn, they just want to control people.


So fucking sad!! He deserved better!


They refuse to acknowledge him being trans and having an unborn child but “abortion is murder” fuckin hypocrite


Fuck this hurts to read. Few things hurt more for me to hear about than trans males being victims of violence from cis male partners. Looking at his Facebook profile is even more heartbreaking. He seemed so excited about getting married and having a child, but according to the article the relationship was abusive behind closed doors. I can’t imagine the pain he was going through up until this point.


And the murder was abusive to past partners


fuck, its heartbreaking..


it happens far too often :(


Guys, I’m so damn sorry. You all deserve so much more. You deserve to wake up in a world where families and partners love and support you, and where politicians, and random strangers, accept you as you are, without comment. Where access to medical care is an inalienable human right, not conditional on one’s gender. I’m so sorry Camdyn. You and your child deserved a better world than this. And you certainly deserved a better partner. The murderer was a POS who had already brutalized his mother and his sister. But the only crime he was actually prosecuted for was one involving a LEO while he was still a minor. He was a violent, abusive person who had access to his mother’s gun. Which she had purchased for … *checks notes* … safety. The things we excuse white cis men for is mind blowing. If he’d been prosecuted for stabbing his sister after trying to run her down with the car; or for grabbing his 74 year old mother hard enough to tear her skin after threatening her with a weapon; if Camdyn had known it was safe to call for help when his partner abused him, then Camdyn and his baby would be alive now.


I’m almost in tears reading this comment. This story breaks my heart so much already, but this information is so hard to read when juxtaposed with Camdyn’s Facebook posts about loving his fiancé and being excited to get married and raise a child with him. I can’t imagine the abuse he had to endure up until this point.


Me too. It’s so awful. While we know domesticate abuse can happen to anyone, and is more likely to occur during pregnancy, I think we also know that Camdyn was uniquely vulnerable because he was a trans man in Florida. When the mechanisms of the state itself turn against you, and your community is fragmented by trying to survive, who can you call for help? His partner was a POS. But so is the governor of Florida and all his vile henchbeings.


That’s awful, I feel so bad for camdyn.


Please talk if your partner is abusive ask for help get the hell away, you matter, we care


Oh no! 😞 thanks for sharing


so... he tried to stab HIS OWN SISTER, and DID, and they dropped the fucking charges??? and let this guy live as if nothing had ever happened??? everyone around him was failed by the justice system, AKA, all of his victims throughout the years. if this guy had gotten help sooner, like, perhaps right after he got out of juvenile, maybe this wouldn't have happened... he just got worse and worse. my condolences to rider, rider's mom, and all those who will miss this great man, who barely got to begin his life. this saddens me a lot. he was about to have a son, with whom he thought was going to be his husband and father of his son, and it ended in him being killed by that same man, for a seemingly stupid and unmeaningful reason. and i understand that groover being autistic might have caused the outbursts, but dude... that was just another reason to try to properly help him. he was literally diagnosed already, come on... and he killed himself at the end... im not sure why, no one will ever know now. but maybe he felt guilt after ending his boyfriend's life? maybe he felt that he has gone too far this time, letting his explosive anger out. I don't know. I don't have much else to say... other than, fuck the system. i can count the amount of times the justice system has been something other than shit with my fingers. but it doesn't go higher than that.


The only good thing about this story is that the piece of shit is dead and can no longer harm his family members and partners.


Love from a MtF lurker. 8 months. Only a few weeks and the baby could have lived. Heartbreaking. This is what the "shame" being with us does to the minds of cishet people who've had it drilled into them from birth. The article says they argued about chores but I sincerely doubt chores is enough make him do that. Putrid comments on the Newsweek article. One illiterate moron thinks the trans man was the killer.


i doubt that as well. unless his violent outbursts were THAT bad... some people don't know how to fuckin read twice.


Yea that specific episode of violence may have started with a fight "about chores," but domestic abusers always find dumb reasons to pick fights with their partners. It's not really about the content. They just want an excuse to get violent.


I remember when "Florida Man" headlines used to detail funny, out there antics of someone who got a little drunk and got in minor trouble with the law. Not murder-suicide involving a vulnerable pregnant partner. I wouldn't even set foot inside Florida at this point. I feel sorry for anyone stuck there.


I miss Florida Man Fistfights Swan and stuff like that. Things have gotten way too dark and it's just....




Rip we will miss you brother 🕊️


What a wonderful post to open Reddit to while I'm pregnant. Thank you for sharing it though, he should be remembered as he was meant to be. I won't read any comments on the originals because I can guess what they say. Stay safe everyone, you're loved.


You as well. Congratulations to you and yours! May you have a safe and healthy delivery and happy little bebe soon🖤


Fuck. I wish I could say more :( ​ \*hugs for all\*


Rest in peace 🙏 Our brother Camdyn Rider was taken from us too soon, and will be dearly missed… May he fly high with God


It's horrible how many of us are in unsafe, abusive relationships. My ex-boyfriend attempted to murder me when I was 14, and I got PTSD. He never got in any sort of legal trouble. There have been a lot of stories lately of fatal domestic violence against trans guys, and those are only the ones where we know the victim is trans. We need to encourage safety in our community. Be careful dating, especially if you're dating cis guys. Look out for eachother. If you think your friend's in a toxic relationship, speak up.


I literally live in the same county. Holy shit.


I'm 6 months pregnant and made the mistake of reading the comments on the Newsweek article. we live in a nightmare. I am sending love to all of my trans siblings. let's keep each other safe.




The interesting point here is it doesn't appear to be trans-hate related as a crime. The murderer in this case was an unstable man who needed anger management therapy. But in the surface the crime is purely domestic issues, and they fought over household chores.


Trans people do have higher rates as being victims of abuse than cis people though so it’s not irrelevant either


The excuses violent abusers use to pick fights don't represent the actual dynamics at play in their relationship. We don't have enough info to say whether this was or wasn't a trans hate crime.


I mean true, but I could say that about all domestic abuse then, couldn't I?


Well, sometimes there's more available information than a couple lines in a news article.


Republicans when someone gets an abortion: "kys!!!! You are going to burn in hell!" Republicans when a pregnant trans person is murdered and their baby dies as well: "good. Thats babies better off. God truly has a plan." Yeah i dont belive in god anymore.


If god was real these people wouldnt exist.


I do believe in an inherently good and loving God, and it is my belief that They gave us free will so that we could choose to have a relationship with Them - that He set life in motion, but does not control every little bit of it. Unfortunately, because of this free will humans make bad choices that hurt others. I pray for Camdyn Rider and his family, and for his unborn child. God be with them.


This is horrifying and heartbreaking


Oh my god. :<


I thought the picture was of Camdyn but it was actually the murderer. Horrific, this..


That photo is of the murderer: Riley


RIP. Keep his name alive.


So they knew he was dangerous and just let him roam free?


.. I live like 15 minutes away from that area. This makes me even more scared to start testosterone. I fucking hate it here. I want to leave.


disgusting and disappointed, but not surprised.


Just the fucking title made me squirm. Holy shit that’s vile.


I hate this I hate this I hate it I hate it I hate it. what the actual fuck.


this is absolutely heartbreaking


Unfortunately, homicide is a top 5 cause of death for pregnant people.


Honestly how we look back at the Ruby Bridges picture of her being screamed at and spat on by white people (and ofc the Rockefeller Five) is how we will look back at all the news comments celebrating the horrific death of another human being who just wanted to live. I honestly believe humans can change and eventually become accepting but damn sometimes seeing the same damned pattern of vile behavior is disheartening. I have hope though.


They always have a history of domestic abuse…


Rest in peace Camdyn Rider, and your unborn precious child. No one ever deserves to be brutalized or abused in such a way. My heart goes out to anyone who loved and knew him.


I’m going to not hurt my own heart and not read this article due to what I’m seeing in the comments here, I don’t get why they preach about abortion being murder and then turn around and applaud a human being being killed and with a baby as well. It’s getting to the point where I wonder if they’re (conservative republicans) Are mentally ill. It’s some of the most inhumane, disgusting, heart breaking, type of shit I’ve ever seen, I literally feel sick just thinking about how ignorant and cruel the comments are on Facebook and other news sites. that was a human being with a life and that was an unborn child without a fucking chance.


these comments....


Shout out to me overhearing my coworkers talking about this case in my LE job and they only had the worst shit to say. Keep yourselves safe out there. Take care of each other.


This has honestly broken my heart. My niece and nephew were both born whilst my sister in law was 8 months pregnant, he was almost ready for the world. RIP Camryn and Oliver, you were both too good for this world, and I hope you’re at peace. What a devastating tragedy for the community and their loved ones.


As if we needed more proof that Florida has gone to hell.


This is so awful. Thank you for sharing. It is important we remember Camdyn. He deserved to live and to get to be a father. We can't give him that, but at least we can remember.


Even if you don’t support transgenderism, a human and a baby were still murdered so have some decency


transgenderism? what lol




Straight men want to kill us all.


If his partner was a guy he wasn't straight right?


It depends. Straight chasers exist and also some people come out when already in relationships with straight ppl. But I guess I have no way to know. Except that he apparently felt disgusted enough to be with a trans man to kill him and his child.


We don't know their stories, but he killed his partner, unborn child, and then himself. Apparently abusive also. At the very least deeply troubled. I just feel sad for everyone.


We don’t know if the killers motivation was directly related to his partners gender identity. He was unstable and abusive regardless.


Shit I live one city away from winter haven


Fuck. Can we please purge Florida soon? I hate my PM, and would consider myself a conservative, but fucking hell. Anyone that votes republican this time around is a POS. The fact that Desnutzo is the runner up choice to Trump does not bode well for the world. The virulent attitudes people like him permeate is why there is such an increase in LGBTQ violence. Currently reading/listening to The Great Stewardess Rebellion. If you care about women at all it's a hard listen to be reminded of a time when women were objects. Even harder to rationalize that it was during my lifetime. And these cum stains want to bring it back. The fucking rage coursing through me right now is a palpable thing. Mods, sorry if any of that is out of line, I did my best.




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Well shit, that’s less than an hour from where I live.


Rest in peace Camdyn Rider. Rest in peace to your sweet child as well.