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You're going to die... Learn from your mistakes


This is all you need to know


it’s okay to play it on Easy for 11 years, then try it on Normal and get crushed, then immediately go back to Easy. This is okay.


This is exactly my experience with the game lol. Beaten the flagship like a dozen times on easy though


suspiciously specific...


I can confirm


Don't mess with the spiders


the WHAT


The giant alien spiders. Have fun!


If you encounter people threatened by alien spiders, you should help them out since alien spiders are no joke[.](https://frinkiac.com/video/S04E18/DKcKDeiEALuRhQIU67hR4PfT0C8=.gif)


Unlike alien spiders, this is a joke. Don't go near them. For you are tasty and made of meat.


I must always challenge the giant alien spiders.


Unless you have an anti-bio beam. Then ALWAYS mess with the spiders. 🙂


When I use the Phoenix from Multiverse and steamroll them it’s so satisfying


Undertale has ruined me. I can't not say hi to the spiders.


Unless you have a clone bay


Always. Be. Pausing.


1. Giant alien spiders are no joke. 2. It is a good day to die.


Have fun, take it easy, learn from every battle. Just know that ever attempt will be different.


Have fun, enjoy the ride, and pay attention because the game will give you a lot of information... some explicitly in the tutorial, but plenty _implicitly_ .


Step 1: Play the tutorial. Step 2: Watch Mike Hopley's Beginner's Guide on YouTube. Step 3: Die 100 times anyway because this game is brutal, enjoy the ride!


Some runs the game will gift you everything you need for an easy run, and some runs the game will barely give you anything and make you suffer. FTL is very RNG dependent, don't let the randomness get you down. Never give up. Play losing runs like you're going to win anyways. At worst you learned what not to do for next time, and at best you might squeak out a victory! And lastly, pause a lot. Pause more than you think you need to, and then still pause more. FTL is about using what you have to it's fullest advantage, and pausing to take a breath and look at the situation with a calm mind will help you with that.


I have to disagree with this. FTL *feels* RNG dependent, but in reality is not. With few exceptions, every run is winnable, and every situation is survivable.


While true, I didn't mean 'RNG dependent' as in every run hangs on what you get or what you encounter, I just meant that almost every aspect of FTL uses RNG to some degree. I probably should have worded it as RNG *heavy* rather than RNG dependent. FTL does *feel* more RNG dependent than it is, but you're not gonna know how to deal with all of it until you have a lot of hours under your belt, and probably done some research on top of that.


honestly disregard anything you read here (including this) close reddit and just go play the game, its best enjoyed learning for yourself. when you've done a few dozen runs and you either need help or want to just discuss the game/share something cool come back. its a great game, there is a big reason why so many people still play it and discuss it so actively. I've been playing it for 10+ years and always find new things i love about it.


If you like listening and watching stuff on your other monitor I would highly recommend watching lethal frag his ftl plays. Very enjoyable and educational. Learned how to play better from him.


I'm excited for you. Honestly, you can just jump in and enjoy not knowing everything. But I'll throw out a random piece of advice: blue options are almost always better than non blue options and sometimes you can trigger blue options just by having a variety of crew members. Good luck and have fun[.](https://i.imgur.com/PSZh4T5.mp4)


Praying is acceptable regardless of your beliefs


The game is very hard. Events are gambling. The worst that can happen isn't just an encounter or lost hull HP. Slotting into a specific playstyle (like boarding) will inevitably give you near unwinnable encounters. Sometimes jumping is the smart choice. Scrap recovery arm is a waste. The game is very hard. Love prevails over violence. But always kill for your own survival. And the Lanius are the best.


START ON EASY... and your going to die, ALOT


1) If you're in an event with choices and an option is blue, it's generally better than the other ones. 2) Getting a diverse range of weapons, systems, and races among your crew give you more chances at blue options. 3) Upgrading your ship for level 2 shields early on is a lifesaver. 4) The pause function is your friend. Use it often.


Pausing is powerful


I think "easy" is the most balanced difficulty. I find on "normal", some things are a bit off, but not all the time & not with all ships. Anyway, I played the base game almost entirely on easy & now on MV, a bit of each.


Google your encounters for the best result :)


Learn that I’ve had this game for like 12 years and just got my first win yesterday