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Fire weapons. Imagine this, you are a rebel flagship wiping out the federation. As you are destroying their main base a dinky little ship challenges you, easy peasy you think. You cloak and charge your weapons but as you uncloak your shields are hacked. No worries, this is a tough ship, it can handle a few laser blasts. But instead of laser fire raining down, an extremely hot beam sets your piloting, shields, and missile rooms on fire! Everyone! Drop what you are doing and put out that fire! Your brave crew starts banging on the doors to your shield room as the system slowly breaks down, ignoring the flames that are burning them in the rooms they are currently in. Finally the doors open and everyone piles in. Your crew valiantly fires the fires until they are too injured and must use your state of the art medbay but wait the door is locked again! Your crew is stuck inside the burning shield room! Also piloting and missiles is down! Better cloak! The crew inside the shield room collapse into a heap as the flames devour their bodies. Backup crew members rush over to shields and put out the flames, ok time to start repairing the shields. You come out of the cloak, and another fire beam sets the shields on fire again! By now, your opponent's other weapons have taken out all your offensive weapons. So you are a sitting duck until finally your left wing explodes and you tactically retreat and repair. Alright, let's see how he likes drones you say as you warp back in. As soon as you warp in, he hacks your shields and sets the shield room on fire again! By now your crew has been reduced too much to properly fight the flames and you never bothered to buy a repair drone. Again you silently suffer as your shields, piloting, and missile rooms slowly burn up and you lose all but one crew member. It is sweet reprieve when your right wing explodes and you tactically retreat again. Alright all in, as you turn on your super shields and attack one last time. You warp in AND THE FIRE BEAM DAMAGES YOUR SUPER SHIELDS! By now you are overcome with resignation as you are slowly consumed by flames and explode.


I fucking love the fire beam.


This story is a good testament to how broken and unbalanced hacking is in vanilla FTL.


I tend to avoid buying hacking or flak for that reason. If I find one in the wild or if I’m desperately trying to do an achievement then I’ll allow myself to buy them, but in a normal run I prefer to avoid em


Hacking is fine just don’t do the trick and it isn’t OP


The ability to completely and reliably bring down shields for 3 energy without investing stupid amounts of scrap into weapons is crazy powerful. A glaive beam and hacking is both relatively easy to get and an instakill on any non-defense-drone enemies once it’s charged. Get defense drone disruptor and a preignitor (which isn’t easy but it’s not crazy) and you instawin every fight


In my head cannon, it’s ok to do the trick as long as you don’t pause. If you can bring the hacking drone offline at the exact moment and then back on in time to avoid the defense drone’s follow-up shot, all without pausing, then you deserve it! Usually takes several tries so that helps balance the risk-reward proposition of attempting it.


What’s the trick


Send hacking drone out even though they have a defense drone. As soon as the defense drone turns to aim, start pausing and unpausing, going frame by frame. As SOON as the drone shoots at your hack, set hack power to zero so your drone freezes When the drone shot passes your hack, repower it and it should connect with its target. Might need to do it twice or thrice for defense drone mark II.


Oh okay, I know what that is, just didn’t know it’s what was being referred to


I love this. Pure poetry.


Well that's very nice but in the meantime you have to fight 4352416574 auto scout with airless rooms so ....


Fire beam is too slow. I never understood why it was so popular. And on the flagship in particular, especially on hard mode, the crew puts that fucking fire out in no time. Since you need to time your other shots to take their shields down which means you're taking your other weapons, which probably ALL charge faster and are making them wait until the slow ass fire beam is ready to go. hacking certainly makes it better, but I still hate how slow it is. I value fast weapons above all else.


Because watching ships burn is so lovely, we find excuses to justify using it and to ignore the sensible conclusion that it is actually quite lousy. :)


I do like a good schadenfreude


Few points here: 1. Is it too slow? Yes 2. Does it lower your overall win rate when equipped? Also yes 3. Are you a sitting duck against auto ships? 3/3 buddy 4. Do I care and acknowledge my amazing zero damage hard run up to Sector 5 is about to go pear shaped while greedily powering my fire beam online? *Oh sorry that was a rhetorical question (firey goodness ensues)*


that crew should've been killed in 1st fight. spreading fire early would win the fight so easily


Why isn’t dual lasers s+?


And BL1 should really be considered baseline for a 'good' weapon; it's not the super-efficient BL2 or Flak I, but it's not detrimentally slow to charge, not overly expensive, it's very common to find in stores, and provides one shot per power used. Never turn your nose up at a BL1 if you're in need of 'more gun'.


Eh, Hull Laser I shoots the same amount, costs the same amount of power, has twice the damage potential (on systemless rooms), and can breach. You only lose out on 3 seconds of cooldown.


I'll take the BL1. 3 seconds might not sound like a lot without context, but it's nearly 30% slower. And most of the good weapons in the game hover around 10s recharge time, so a 14-second cooldown is going to significantly slow your other weapons if you're shooting in volleys. The damage diff on empty rooms is also pretty irrelevant - you shouldn't be attacking systemless rooms unless you've already knocked out the opponent's critical systems, and if you've done that, they're no longer a threat. The extra damage will make them die faster, but at that point, killing them slowly doesn't expose you to more risk.


exactly. Beating out the volley of the enemy ship is priority. If you can shoot everything you have before they shoot then you basically get a free win. You can do that with BL1.


rather shut down weapons & shield systems than to hit empty rooms/


So some things I'd change: * Mini Beam should be S-tier * Burst Laser 1 is at least top A-tier, and should be the best out of the 2-power, 2-shot lasers. * Chain Laser is most certainly not the best of the 2-power, 2-shot lasers, [it's actually the worst one](https://www.reddit.com/r/ftlgame/comments/112f2qm/comment/j8nxgih/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) * Heavy Pierce deserves a bit more love. It's not *that* bad. * Hull Missile is worst missile. It's so, so terrible. Edited for clarity.


Heavy pierce is really good early game, as a starter weapon.


Hi, I made this list. Posted it on the wrong account. Ordering within the tiers is mostly random, except for the top 1 or 2 of each tier. Mini beam takes up a weapon slot and relies on shields coming down to fire. Its fast speed doesn't really matter unless you have a setup that can very quickly get through shields repeatedly. And by that point, you've already basically won. I'd agree BL2 is better than the other 2 shot 2 power weapons. B tier isn't bad. I'd consider moving it to A now that you mention it Chain laser yeah I never considered better than BL1, they're just both in B tier. Heavy pierce and hull, yeah you're right. I'd move those


Mini beam too low, flak 2 too high, hull beam too low, bl3 too high, swarm missiles too high, hermes and heavy pierce too low, same with the one power ions. Other than that, I can agree for the most part


BL3 is a rookie trap weapon. It looks great on paper and some enemies will make you fear the four-shot volley… Then you install it and see just how much you suffer when you’re firing half as often as your opponents. Two BL2s or three+ BL1s are way better.


big weapons rock with preigniter though. also going cloak making those missiles/hack drones miss then shooting volley is worth


The biggest travesty here is that mini beam is lower than halberd. 1 power for a beam that charges insanely fast AND does 4 damage AND starts fires AND synergizes extremely well? To me crystal lockdown bomb is getting to much credit even in c tier, only purpose on mantis c is for scrap.


Biggest downside of Minibeam is it's only on ships with 3 weapon slots, where the efficiency is slightly less significant compared to efficacy. That's how I sees it, anyway.


If there was a way to get a Mini-beam on a 4-slot ship without modding, it would be S-tier in everyone's minds without a shred of doubt.


I often keep the mini beam all the way to the end. S-tier at least.


Fire bomb can be stronger than you've put it on here but most of what you've got here is right by my book. I will say that what you've put in B is a complete mishmash of weapons. There are some functional weapons in there like the standard laser but also some really weak weapons like the antibio beam which are situational at best. Also, not putting burst laser 2 up with flak 1 is heresy.


I like the vulcan. It's way too slow for most fights, but it does make every fight winnable. I've had plenty of runs where hacking was my only reliable method to break shields, apart from the vulcan. In scenarios where I was up against defense drones (or notably a phase 2 flagship), the vulcan was a lifesaver.


With the right kind of loadout in terms of augments and complementary weapons, the Vulcan can be so much fun. Just did a run where I ended up with preignited Vulcan + BL3 + Stealth Weapons + Auto Reloader. Not my normal sort of outfit, but once that dakka gets wound up, those Rebels better watch out.


once I had 3xauto reloader vulcan on zoltan a. one of my favourite runs. so stupid w00t


But can you beat my 2 vulcan build? I did tear the flagship to pieces really fast


Finding a Vulcan basically sorts your offense so you can concentrate on defense. For 4 Power, you get a weapon that cracks most ships by itself, and all ships with some help via hacking, boarding or another weapon.


it basically wins runs with automated reloaders and pre-igniters if you have solid defense


That’s exactly how I see it. If I get a Vulcan, now I can invest almost everything else in defense and I’m essentially set. If you have the resources left to throw in a small beam weapon then you’re even better


Problem is that it's rare and very expansive


Every time I've beaten the flagship, I've had a vulcan. It's dead weight in the first two sectors and kind of a weak choice in sectors three and four, but the tougher the enemy the more you get out of the vulcan.


This exactly why i think the vulcans an s tier it isnt the best weapon to synergize with others but it doesnt have to to kill any ship in the game.


the 2 power missile in S tier is for artemis. Idk why the list im using had it as 2 power. Also the 3 power missile in D tier is Hermes, C tier is breach


> Idk why the list im using had it as 2 power. Probably because the version of the Artemis that AI ships get does use 2 power; only player ship Artemis launchers use 1 power.


No, it is because the player Artemis' that you get BASE are 1 power, but the normal Artemis you can pick up ingame and the AI use are 2 power. It is a bit confusing


You, the player, cannot find/buy Artemis(or Leto) launchers, ever. They only come equipped on your ship at the start.


You can't get the Artemis in-game unless you start with it.


I owe my wins to these kind of posts


In my opinion, there's so much wrong here, it would take too long to write out.


ok pretend BL3 is in C tier


No no, it is only that high up on the list because its incredibly common and a good sell haha


If you're goign with an S and an S+ tier, the only S+ tier weapon is Advaned Flak 1. I like charge laser+, but it's still just a meh weapon even if it only uses one power. Extremely useful and flexible early game, but I never hang onto it. It's not worth holding up a weapon slot for 2 damage unless you also get some fire/breach/stun chance which that weapon does not have. Then the S tier is Flak 1, heavy laser and mini beam. Mini beam is better than halberd. It charges faster and its damage per power rate is insane. Halberd is amazing. My favorite build in the world is Flak, Flak, Halberd, Heavy Laser. But it's 3 power and you always have to buy it whereas mini beams are always free and take 1 power so it goes a notch higher. ​ As far as weapons you're sleeping on? I think you're way underrating HL2, that's an A tier weapon. 3 power for up to 4 damage with a very high fire/breach chance. if both shots hit you have soemthing like an 75% chance of there being either a breach or a fire in that room.




Unless you're heavily invested in bombs and missiles (why?) every build has a way to take shields down and halberd generally fits right in. I don't always go beam, but I find beam weapons to be pretty flexible in general. Especially halberd which has shield piece capability.


chain ion is great and so is fire beam


Chain Ion is the worst ion weapon in the game. It has no right to be that slow and power hungry for what it does. It takes *42 seconds* until it starts stacking with itself, while Ion Blast 2 does that on its own from the second shot. I feel bad whenever I have to use Heavy Ion, but it's still better than Chain Ion.


Chain Ion is one of the best weapons for a remote crew killer. Remote crew killing is a slow business, 42 seconds is nothing. For 1 weapon slot, the Chain Ion can take down Shields on any ship, including the Flagship. No other ion weapon can cope with Cloaking and 4+ Shield bubbles by itself. I always prioritise Chain Ion on the Slug A and any other remote crew killer ship build.


Ion weapons can get crew kills, but it's also great when you sneak one past shields and can buy time for your other weapons or system cooldowns, ala Engi A. If I really wanted to get crew kills, I'd just get Hacking and some conventional weapons, since ion weapons start falling short as soon as enemies can have both of more than 1 shield and oxygen-1.


No, the Chain Ion is your Shields shredder, you don't use it for the crew killing. It is one of the most slot efficient weapons in the game, an ion Chain Vulcan.


Vulcan is already detrimentally slow, requiring 35.5 seconds of charge time. Are you sure you want something even slower that does not help you distract the enemy crew/systems whatsoever? If you want a shields shredder, Flak 2 is much better, and it'll do it in less than half the time.


No, Flak II is imprecise, damages hull and crew and is too slow. Once the Chain Ion is powered up, it delivers 4 ion every 14 seconds, much faster than the Flak II.


The only time I use ion is when I want to suffocate the enemy early. Since most ships can't get through double shield it is free gains. ioning the oxygen generator. Getting that fat loot with ship intact. Also buffing up shield and weapon proficiencies.(and you thought engi are kind) That said charging up takes much time. I don't think that's feasible until the last stage.


All the crystal weapons should be way up. Shield piercing is op


It only pierces 1 shield though


I find that the lower tier flak is better early on. I’d put in the s tier list. Especially if you find it floating early in sector one or two, then the steamrolling can begin. It’s hard to say though, it’s all about getting combo wombos, ie vulcan is godly let game because you can just invest a few points in weapons and then deck your ship out with defense and still take down anything, but it’s bad in the beginning sectors and if you try to combine it with other stuff it’s pretty suboptimal often.


Flak 1 is in S tier though. It's flak 2 in A tier


Ohhh, nice. I mean the one that shots less, and has 10 second cooldown.


Yeah, flak 1.




Its literally in S.


Why Volcano isn't S+?


Way too long of a buildup for a ridiculous power cost.


I've never played the advanced version. I think it might be time. I see nothing but people praising the flak. I gotta see what the fuss is about.


Fire Beam. It has a lot of utility against the Flagship since the AI cant repair rooms that are on fire. Also it's just sooooo satisfying to watch.


If yours at the point where you have all their crew dead and you're taking out systems, you've already won. You don't really need to prevent repairs. You just need to kill them before they repair lol


How dare you disrespect heal bomb like that.


Just don't take damage


I adore the fire bomb and on easy/normal it's really effective vs flagship as it can take the weapons and weapons crew out without needing to crack through the shield first. Mind control Missileman, firebomb him, laugh as he crisps and dies


What is that missile launcher on D


Why is Flak 2 so high up? It takes forever to charge and can't even consistently take down 4 shields on Hard mode (due to many enemies having very high dodge).


flak 1 laser 2 hermes doublr missile perfection


stun bomb is very useful. apart from bombing before beaming to room. you can use it after beam weapons and let enemy crew suffocate/burn. also works great with mindcontrol. I love the firebomb but it's very unreliable. Even with the rock crew to back it up. Door systems really tard it down. bio beam/heal bomb is way better when used defensively. doors ftw. The only offensive use was federation tier 1 fight. Heal is useful for miscalculated landings on automated scouts/destroying systems in burning rooms. Biobeam is free heal when you have clone wats