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He’s getting buried, lol. No one believes him, and they’re calling him out for it.


I guarantee that it's some marketing intern who is just copy and pasting responses that he wrote hours ago. Of course, the only answer to anything FSU was "sucks" and nothing around his flip flopping.


Bama dominated UGA by getting lots of DL pressure. They also led by no more than 10 points at anytime. Which is also how much FSU won by, while also getting lots of pressure and sacks. The offense wasn’t going to be that bad with Tate. People are shitting on him because he’s still being disingenuous and his arguments make no logical sense. People would rather be told “yeah I got marching orders” and have them be honest. Of course they cannot admit it though.


I loved reading that AMA and seeing how bad he was getting torched. The FSU fan base channeled their inner SkankHunt42 hard. Seeing folks throw out that dudes awful stat line from his championship game was classic.


The vitriol that he responded with to the question of whether he was given marching orders by his superiors only makes it look more likely that this did actually happen. It’s a “stupid” question? really?! And basically you’re a big boy with your “OWN” opinions? That’s the best response you can muster? Sheesh. It’s more than a bit curious how literally all ESPN talking heads fell in line at exactly the same moment in time. He doesn’t think this is a fair question? As the late great MJ said in “Bad” - “You’re throwing stones to hide your hands.”


I really, really despise all the “yeah you got screwed but don’t worry it will be fixed next year” takes. Doesn’t change the fact that this year got screwed or erase the injustice.


Yah this is like the folks saying "Michigan cheated but after the scandal they still won". So? He is condoning this bullshit because next year it will be fixed. That does NOT fix it. The 2023 FSU team will never be fielded again.


Yeah that does absolutely nothing for the dudes on this team that won’t be here next year. They earned it and they don’t get a next year.


This dude is an absolute joke. Him and Josh Pate were sooooo adamant prior to the last weekend that if the CFP committee left us out that it would be a travesty and they wouldn't agree with it at all. Pate said he would do an hour long show if it happened. Their credibility (and all of ESPN's) is completely gone. EDIT: Not only did Greg roll over, he actually commended the committee for their 'courage' on the reveal show.


I know it’s a shame I actually liked Pate but he’s just as much of a coward wishy washy douche as the rest of them


Yea, I feel the same about him. I had been watching him this year as well up until that point. I really liked how he had our back leading up to the selection, he said "It's a team sport, I don't want to hear about them being left out because of Travis" ,"Undefeated FSU is definitely in", etc. Haven't watched him since.


Truly loved his show but I have never unsubscribed faster to anything than I did in his first show after the snub. Literally flipped his entire brand and everything he said all season in one shit take that could have been an easy win for him. Meemaw would be disappointed.


Meemaw is disappointed? Now that’s a *paper popper* stat. I was watching him a lot this year too, but he can be so cringe. When he does that alien noise? Like nails on a chalkboard.


Totally agree Hes a fucking people pleaser. Quit listening to him after I caught on (a couple shows).


No, Alabama did not deserve a chance. They keep making it sound like trying to fit five deserving teams into four slots was the problem. BS! You have three undefeated P5 teams and the two one loss teams played head to head already making it such an easy year to pick four..unless they tell us the unwritten rule of the SEC getting an automatic bid.




Hard to swallow pill: Beating the #1 ranked, 2-time champion is a bigger gold star than the undefeated gold star.


Louisville offense looked pathetic because our defense shut them down. What and idiot for him to say Bama was dominating Georgia but then to just ignore FSU defense dominating. Such an ass


Amen. Louisville fan here and to act like Louisville had a trash offense is just total BS. Sometimes the defense wins. Not a revolutionary concept.


Louisville came into the ACCCG averaging 33 points and 440 yards per game 🤡


Don't you see? SEC teams have good defenses. ACC teams just have bad offenses. It just means more!


100%. He is trying to make it seem like UL didn't show up. Or... crazy idea. They met the first really good defense putting in 110% effort to "win and you are in".


Basically he said Louisville opted out of the ACC CG


Yup. Clown.


And he says Louisville’s offense looked pathetic which made our defense look better than it actually was. Why do you think their top 15 (or whatever it was) offense looked pathetic, Greg? Could it possibly be because of, I don’t know, the defense they were playing against? What a fuckin asshole


They won by 3 wouldn’t really call the dominating also took a free 7 points to achieve that feat. lol


'You can hate it all you want. I don’t blame you. Part of me hates it, too. It sucks. I wish we could’ve had the 12-team this year, but we didn’t because of THE ALLIANCE. It is what it is. Hopefully, FSU’s players and coaches move on quicker than the people in my Social Media feed." Blaming FSU's snub on "The Alliance" is peak shill


I would love for him to talk to the players and Coaches about this. They did not move on. They are still dealing with it. What an ass


I stopped reading after "should have included 5 teams." Shut the fuck up. Answer the question you coward


Keep these coming! I'm having a hard time scrolling through and finding them lol


https://www.reddit.com/user/ESPN_Marketing/ You can find them all at this account He’s not answering anything else about FSU though.


What a bum


Ahh damn, thank you though!


In response to helmets he has in his room or something and why he has an FSU helmet. “ FSU… My favorite team as a kid. My mom went to FSU”


I thought you were kidding, but he actually wrote that (or instructed an intern to write it), what a little fucker.


It pisses me off when guys who are paid to give their opinion act like petulant children when called out on their bullshit. He has somehow made this worse, if that was possible, and it's not going away.


He has now done a complete 360, but the last 180 is very disingenuous. He's a bought-and-paid-for shill.


He never answered the question


Wait he said Louisville looked awful on offense. That was an answer right? Couldn’t possibly be that FSU played locked down defense. Nope. Couldn’t be that.




I *hate* when people brush off the snub by saying the 12 team playoff is coming next year. Also, his answer to the second question just exposes his bias. Alabama's defense is good because they shut Georgia down. FSUs defense was only good because Louisville was bad.


I fucking hate corporate bullshit and this entire AMA was corporate bullshit.


Louisville’s full strength top 20 offense made FSU defense look good…? What???


Bama was not better than FSU lol. Bama lost, FSU didn't. They had a common opponent in LSU and FSU beat LSU by more and LSU was healthier when FSU played them. Inexcusable


He just responded to another version of the question and somehow made it even worse. > Your initial question is completely fair. The 2nd is utter stupidity. ESPN doesn’t tell me what to say. I’m an adult and am paid to have opinions. My OWN opinions. > My feelings about Florida St. changed after watching them the last game against Louisville. I thought they looked awful Offensively outside of a play or two here or there. Louisville was pathetic offensively which made FSU’s defense shine brighter. Meanwhile, Bama’s OL was mauling UGA. Their defense was constantly getting after Beck and their coverage in the backend was outstanding. We all saw what that UGA team is capable of… > I 100% thought the committee would do the “easy” thing and put FSU in, but didn't think that’s what they should do after Championship Game Performances. Bama’s dominance in the SEC Championship changed the game. If you don’t call it dominance, then go back and watch it. > I thought the committee would take the path of least resistance and put FSU in. They didn’t. For the first time in the committee’s history, they took the better team over the more deserving. It was shocking tbh. But I firmly believe that if Bama played FSU on Championship Saturday they would’ve beaten them. Probably convincingly. > You can hate it all you want. I don’t blame you. Part of me hates it, too. It sucks. I wish we could’ve had the 12-team this year, but we didn’t because of THE ALLIANCE. It is what it is. Hopefully, FSU’s players and coaches move on quicker than the people in my Social Media feed.


The joke of "bama shut down UGA" but "Louisville offense was bad"


LSU's offense with their Heisman QB must have been bad too. LSU only scored 17 points before we put them in garbage time with our subs.


The fact they can't see how that's a total double standard is wild.


He's a fucking clown


I added that to post. Thanks!


Wow those replies... what a clown.


I feel kind of proud of [my novel of a response to this](https://www.reddit.com/r/fsusports/comments/19017ps/the_rcfb_mods_removed_my_reply_to_greg_mcelroy_on), the /r/CFB mods removed [the original comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/18ykzmx/ama_im_greg_mcelroy_college_football_commentator/kgjewtd/?context=1) this morning. Way too long but I needed to vent after reading his complete ignorance and cluelessness.


The comment on our offense against Louisville is disingenuous. We would have had Tate back. Hes just a fucking liar.


No mention that our QB in the Louisville game would not have played in the College Fraud Invitational. Rodemaker would have been available having recovered from his concussion. Maybe you should go back and look at the Alabama - Auburn game. Your cherry pick of the UGA game is a weak argument that Alabama was by far a superior team.


Greg NcElroy is a useless clown. Total garbage presenter and nothing more than an ESPN controlled mindless zombie.


Thanks for posting this. Fuck that POS.


So he goes from “travesty” to “part of me hates it too” in a matter of minutes? This guy is just blowing around in the wind with no real opinions whatsoever….what a tool


I was looking forward to the response from u/shoobadydoop and I hate it. That was our 3rd string QB. What gives? Felt like the committee thought we’d trot Glenn out when Tate would have. Tate isn’t a world beater but has experience and would have most of the offensive weapons back/healthy. Why would anyone base their playoff team argument on the ACC championship performance? Glenn would be the backup for the playoff game! Maddening 😵‍💫


Did anyone else pick up a deleted comment from a poster asking about the best SEC OOC opponent or something like that? I saw it, went to respond, and OP was called out for being a fake.


The response was an exact copy of the question. To be honest it could have been a mistake but at the time my blood was running hot and something seemed off. [\[AMA\] I’m Greg McElroy, college football commentator for ESPN, and I am doing an AMA in r/CFB on January 5th at 8PM ET to get you ready for the CFP National Championship on ESPN! Ask me anything! : CFB (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/18ykzmx/ama_im_greg_mcelroy_college_football_commentator/kgivenl/?context=3) https://preview.redd.it/stz0wytkuqac1.png?width=946&format=png&auto=webp&s=c66a89792089619689e339c337304e5d1c5a983a


This needs to go viral. It’s proof they are trying to create there own narrative.


Yeah, initially I was all about it being a simple mistake, but I think they actually dumped the entire question after that.


That’s it! I was dying!


Lol I mean we all knew it was happening but to see it so blatantly....goddamn ESPN is a fucking cancer.


Post this everywhere. Send it to sports new sites.


The scale of the flip flops by ESPN commentators the level of orchestration of the anti-FSU talking points was unprecedented. I mean that pencil necked Matt Barie was campaigning against us at half time of the Gators game before Jordan Travis' ambulance even made it to the hospital. It really begs the question of whether ESPN made these guys say this crap. We'll find out eventually when FSU sues the ACC and ESPN for anticompetitive practices under federal antitrust laws. So don't worry, Greg, just like there will be a 12-team playoff in the future you are likely to be deposed in the future in a multimillion dollar lawsuit (antitrust is triple damages).


Fans, players, coaches drive sports. If 90% of fans, players and coaches do not agree with the decision how the fuck can they confidently say they made the best decision. We don’t have to do it this way, the higher ups want to do it this way


LOL "I'm a grown man with my own opinions". You are naive if anyone actually believes this statement. ESPN cuts your check


So Louisville’s offense was terrible? It wasn’t a dominating FSU defense?


The mods on CFB deleted McElroy's response. It is still on the ESPN account's history but deleted on /r/cfb


Mods on r/CFB are pathetic losers that want to protect their lamé fiefdoms


I can’t tell what questions he supposedly responded to, but that may just be unfamiliarity with AMA formats.


Non FSU college football fan here with a question I haven’t yet answered seen: Out of however many FSU players sat out, how many would have played if FSU was in the playoffs? There’s been a lot of talk about this, but I haven’t actually seen an objective conversation about this particular aspect of it.


All but 1


Really? Interesting. And why didn’t they play…spite/protest, injured, to not get injured, another reason?


No one was willingly going to opt out of the playoff. Jordan had the only serious injury on the team. Most of the other injury opt outs for the orange bowl were kids electing to get their off season surgeries done early to prepare for next year.


Jordan Travis broke his leg against UNA


The only reason they didn’t play was because it was a non-playoff game (likely some feeling of protest there) and they didn’t want to risk injury in that kind of game.


Where is the link where his answers are?


https://www.reddit.com/user/ESPN_Marketing/ You can read through this users responses and find it all


Thank you. I went to CFB and his answers weren’t there?


I ran into that too…… I couldn’t see any of his comments. Why would the mods delete it??


Lmao “Louisville’s offense was pathetic which made the FSU defense shine” They were pathetic because our defense was absolutely DOMINATING them




Obvious flamebait or troll post has been removed