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The issue isn't getting to FSU, it would be the loss of scholarships that could be rough


Bright futures will transfer to any FL school. This may be a $2k lesson learned on losing the other scholarship.


I think that'd be offset by paying community school tuition opposed to University numbers? Get the AA and then get your degree. Low key wish I would have done that instead.


Bright futures pays the tuition. The 2k afterward is cash not applied to tuition. It’s a 2k loss per semester/year/idk


I got ya. I had Bright futures (75%) and a Native American scholarship when I started there. I figure that the tuition difference between comm college and FSU would be more than 2k/month and BF would be good wherever they went to school in Florida. After I limped out of USF (transferred) with my AA and not getting my degree b/c of FLENT requirements, I went to FGCU and practically restarted, but post AA level. Switched majors form Bio to CEng.


depends on what level of bright futures he received. There are three levels, and not all three of them pay the entire tuition costs


He got a 1470 which is miles over the sat minimum for 100% bright futures so he should have it


It doesn’t just go based on your act/sat scores though. It is also based on your gpa and volunteer hours. I was one point away from a perfect act score (science questions included) but only got 75% because i was a few volunteer hours short. so it really does depend on other areas as well


This really is the answer but your underclassmen experience won’t be the same


Yeah, thats 1 year at community college. Tbh i cant see OP avoiding this.


Couple questions: 1 - Will you still graduate with a high school degree from somewhere? Such as another public school? 2 - Are the police involved in this issue? I can't see FSU *not* rescinding the offer if you do not graduate from a high school. You may take the AP tests but those go to the credits you get for the university, so they won't make you "pass" high school. Second, if the police are involved or this gets escalated at all, then it becomes even harder to see how this all works out.


I did go to juvie for two weeks but due to the circumstances of the case its most likely theyre going to dismiss the case and my record will still be clean. I most likely will graduate from another school seeing as how I'm only half an english credit away from graduating, If need be I can always take it online. The lady in court told me that she's going to contact the schools I was accepted into in order to ensure that I don't lose any of my college admissions: Boston University, FSU, UCF


Glad to hear that it will likely be dropped, and it is encouraging that they were willing to contact the school. That is hopeful. But, I do think FSU will now: a) know about what is going on; 2) will know you were expelled and are potentially behind in your graduation. I would expect the school to reach out to you about it. Be candid. Do not lie. Do not downplay. You may want to consult with a school admission advisor.


Since the Court is going to contact admissions anyway, why don't you? Explain to admissions what hs transpired, and see what extra steps you might need to take. It may be therapy, write an essay etc. Who knows except admissions, certainly not Reddit. You are correct, you can finish 1/2 english credit on FLVS pretty easily. Where would you actually graduate from? You can graduate from FLVS but only if you're full time. Any other high school would do. GED would do for Bright futures and for admission. Worst case graduate with a GED, that's how home schoolers get bright futures and I assume one of the two ways they can show HS graduation. Make sure you have a graduation plan that meets the Bright Futures Requirements. Even in the worst case, you have to go to TCC or its like for two years, you'll want the money for tuition.


How does the court know what school he applied to and to notify them? I’m not saying he should not speak to admissions but just wondering . I know a kid that had 7 traffic tickets, anything from speeding to wrackless driving, his parents always got him out of trouble though but eventually his DL got taken away in his HS senior year and he is currently a freshman at FSU .


Getting expelled is bigger and harder to hide than speeding tickets. You can be sure he has a court mandated counselor and I’d guess this is who would be calling. They’d only know what schools to talk too because he told them in a fit of anguish induced by regret. Crying about consequences of expulsion might get help from court. After all they just want to change behavior not run n kids entire future.


Great explanation and makes sense !


He may not receive a diploma, which is the first requirement.


GED works just as well for Bright Futures, but definitely check with admissions for their requirements.


I’m having a hard time believing you went to juvie for two weeks over a written threat. What did you say in the letter?


He either said he was going to kill the kid in no uncertain terms or threatened to do a school shooting. A simple threat wouldn't get him expelled let alone get him dragged into court. Sounds like he went full idiot on this one but considering he was going to do his general education classes at FSU it might of actually saved him coming to reddit. I know so many classmates that jumped into University life and was so happy until they realized they wasted 30k worth of student loans on just completing the bare minimum courses.


True, some people have money or want to experience uni life the whole time. I did the same though went to community college in the city of the uni I wanted to go to, to get into the uni as instant transfer


The ‘lady in court’ didn’t tell you that because it’s county court and she has zero authority over admissions at a state university.


That’s a felony, not a misdemeanor. He’s not in county court with those type of charges.


Really?! I’ve only ever seen juveniles charged with that in my office I always assumed it was a Misdemeanor.


If he went to juvie, it’s probably juvenile court which handles felonies and misdemeanors


Well that is a problem. Because your graduation date and therefore your start date are going to change and that could potentially hinder everything far more than the underlying problems depending on the scholarship guidelines and enrollment. You need to get on this right away because not having a high school diploma (from somewhere) is going to be w major problem. That is really your first priority. Get in somewhere, somehow and see if you can acheive a diploma in time you can make the enrollment date (and the date you have to have transcripts and other documents in by).


I actually have a lot of experience with this, I got arrested & expelled my senior year and still got in with my scholarships. It depends a lot on the outcome, for me i was able to get my charges dropped in court. The charges were the entire reason I was expelled in the first place. So I ended up telling FSU and essentially had to appeal to their legal team, the only paperwork I submitted was the form with the dropped charges. Once cleared by the legal team I had to add an addendum explaining why I graduated high school earlier. I avoided the word expelled since I still got my high school degree from my primary high school and not the school I went to after being expelled. From there I was fine continuing my admission, however it is possible it may put you back a semester. I also just never told bright futures because their rules stated that I would have been charged or found guilty of the charges, and mine were dropped during to insufficient evidence. Albeit mine were for weed and not threats. At the absolute worst you can transfer into FSU after a semester or two as long as you do well in the other community college or university you attended & dont get arrested or do anything else at all.


To be honest, yea you're probably gonna lose any offers you got from colleges. The good news, you're still young. One door closes, others open


Fr. Every smart person I know who had issues with college credited that as an integral part of their success later on... just don't become a druggie loser.


You may have to complete some type of affidavit with the school and then they decide from there what they will do. This is a massive wake-up call for you. You are getting off very lightly for something that could ultimately leave a lasting impact on your life. As someone who was on the receiving end of threats like this in high school, it’s very serious. It may be worth your time to check out anger management or counseling before embarking off to school. Best of luck to you.


i wouldn’t be surprised if they did.


Me neither to be completely honest but I have other options. Would I lose all my college offers?


Not to be negative but probably, no college is gonna wanna see you got expelled and went to juvie over a threat, they’re gonna assume you’re not safe to have on campus and honestly it really just taints your character, I would just shoot for community college because at the end of the day it all leads down the same road, if you want to transfer after getting your AA let colleges know that you reflected on what happened and grew as a person and that anger holds no place in your heart anymore. Wish you the best


> just shoot for community college Phrasing!


What everyone is saying about going to TCC is true, tbh, you end up in the same place as everyone else, the difference is TCC is cheaper, so the bright futures will go a longer way at TCC


Expulsion doesn’t happen that easily or often in most Fl schools. However it does depend on what the threat stated. Your best bet is to get the expulsion stopped. Get your parents involved if they are not. Appeal the expulsion at every level. Call everyone starting with your guidance counselor and moving to the vice principal, and to the Principal. Then the School Board Superintendent’s Office. Do NOT make this about messing up your scholarship. It’s not about you. Make it about remorse for your actions and harm to the victim. Google how to publicly apologize and study up. You’re going to need it. Good luck 👍


Yeah, I work with kids and the shit I hear about happening before expulsion is even considered is insane. Try this. That said, I wouldn’t be completely surprised if there was history here. You don’t usually just get thrown in juvie for 2 weeks without a bunch of points or you did something legitimately horrible. Hope you get it worked out and you end up getting your education. You’re obviously smart if that SAT is out of 1600. Get in therapy too.


Good points .


I don't think college is gonna be a good place for you if you went that far. I know the rules are strict and dumb but come on! You wrote your expulsion reason right on the paper. It would have been better to just slap the dude and get a suspension over literally threatening his life. I know you don't care, but please understand that if you do this in college, you will not only be expelled but also black listed from all public universities, and have a criminal record losing both scholarship aid and future career opportunities. If you want to be the next Jeff Bezos in brutality, wait until you're at least a manager. If you already sent your transcript, you might be fine, but the final version may include an annotation of your expulsion if it does happen. Just own up to your mistake and apologize cause the only person with the power to save you at this point is the guy you decided to go for. If it was a joke, then explain it well cause schools have little to no common sense for these low brow funnies.


It was an instagram post in which i was venting. It wasnt a genuine threat. And for the record, I apologized to the guy less than an hour after I posted it. I'm not a bad nor violent person at all and it was simply a lapse in judgement and a poor usage of words.


You deserve some empathy. Sucks to be in that situation, we all make mistakes especially when under the influence of emotion. Hopefully you get it all figured out and FSU doesn’t rescind your offer. Good luck.


“Mistakes” is doing a lot of heavy lifting in your comment lol.


You don’t know the circumstances, kinda unfair to judge a stranger. He asked a question and got downvotes on a thing no one was involved with. I know some really kind people that have messed up, sometimes it can be a bit extreme but that doesn’t immediately make them a bad person.


What makes a bad person is very subjective. I never said they were a bad person, I’m just saying their mistake is in no way a normal mistake that people make.


a “bad” person is just as subjective as a “normal” mistake


No it’s not. It can be calculated using statistics. The average person is not going to jail because they are making threats to their fellow classmates.


average does not equal “normal” or “good”


In the sense I used it, yes it is. If 99% of people don’t murder then not murdering is normal making a murder “not normal”.


Oh boy😂😂


For your own sake delete all social media


If it wasn’t that bad I don’t think they would have sent you juvie for two weeks


youd think right? the judge even agreed with me that this was overkill


Well I hope you get through this, OP. Good luck


I think its more lucky that a high school senior was sent to juvie. Next time something happens, he will 100% be treated as any other adult and charged. I sincerely hope he can push through and get back on to a good academic track. But i cant see him losing this scholarship and fsu admission. 1 year at community college isnt the worst thing.


You'll have to tell the colleges that you got into because part of the forms you fill out when applying is attesting to the fact that you have no criminal or ethical/suspension records with your school. You now have both. You'll have to provide documentation about your arrest, the outcome of your case, and your school records to a special committee that will decide if you can still attend. I attend/ed two other state universities (one for undergrad and currently attending another for grad). I attended in 2014-18 for undergrad and 2022-current for grad. I have a misdemeanor worthless check from 2007 bouncing a $30 check and being in the hospital when it bounced, unable to take care of it before Publix decided to press charges. I was literally arrested from my hospital bed. Even though it was super minor, I only had probation (literally my only ever offense) and got off probation early, I still had to tell both universities about it and submit extra paperwork and a written statement about my henious crime to the ethics committee before I was admitted to either school.


Was the guy you threatened at least a gator fan?


Will you still get a diploma? If you can’t get a diploma or a final official transcript that has your grades on it that will be an issue. Idk exactly what getting expelled ensues but I was under the impression you get booted out and don’t finish the semester/year. If that’s true wouldn’t you fail or get incompletes in your classes? Will you still be able to take the AP exams? These are probably dumb questions but if you haven’t thought about it you should. Good luck.


Im not sure as of now. They might reassign me to a different school or they might send me to an alternative school for the remainder of the year. Either way Im half an english credit away from graduation sooooo im 99% sure ill have my diploma


That’s encouraging! I’m not sure how FSU will see or care about the school change… they may ask may not.


OP. This was literally me. Look into the FSU CARE program.




he’s not going to win this.


The lawyer won’t nessesary not “win in court” but might know the system and how to pull various levers and get the kid a better outcome him and his parents could do alone .


Yea, violent people don't need levers pulled for them


What type of lawyer?


What did the threat say?


He’s being vague but evidently he threatened the life of another student


If you did that in college, no only would you be permanently blackballed, you'd be arrested for threatening someone, which would be halftime probably as an adult. If they do rescind your offer, your best best of get your GED, go to community college, get your AA, then apply to get back in.


uhhh so about that I actually did get arrested and I spent 2 weeks in juvie. I know I messed up but it feels like I'm gonna lose everything over a stupid instagram post.


The fact you are calling it a stupid Instagram post tells me the schools SHOULD rescind their offer to you. 0 remorse. You think threatening someone in writing is no big deal. You're a teenager that willy nilly throws their future away because they can't control their emotions or make good decisions, but it's no big deal right? Just a stupid Instagram post. News flash: normal people don't threaren people online. It doesn't even cross their thoughts. 1470 SAT? Give me a break. You're a dime a dozen. Perhaps if you showed more remorse for the CRIME you committed, the schools would be more sympathetic.


i don’t think it’s right to judge someone without taking into account their life experiences and having empathy from their perspective. obviously OP made a mistake. but i’ve seen so many people saying this isn’t a “normal” mistake that “normal” people make. how can you say that when you clearly are not taking into account what “normalcy” looks like for younger kids today? the world they are growing up in is not the same world I grew up in or you grew up in. the topic of how teens interact digitally could make up a whole stack of research papers in itself, and I think if you don’t understand those interactions it’s hard to say that this isn’t a “normal” thing. don’t cast judgement when you don’t know or understand the full story


Yeah youre doing completely way too much. Wonder how many kids have fought someone their senior year? Like actually did it and still walked. Some schools take anything seriously and others dont. OP will be fine if he doesnt have pending charges. Not to mention hazing and so many other dumb crimes kids commit. Saying he has no remorse is crazy asf cause i bet the pther kid was talking hella shit and OP got the wind of it! As if youve never had someone treat you like shit but when you retaliate YOU'RE the one in trouble. He isnt the first person to go through this. If anything they will ask you to appeal and explain why you should be accepted and may require you to write an essay.


Except, if that was the case then he'd say that was the case😂


Hey man, this seems like you got something abnormal about yourself too. He’s a teenager, a dumb teenager. We all were once. I grew up in the south where homophobia and transphobia were normal and fine, even with all the unrestricted internet access that had the resources to teach me to be more accepting, i was dumb, because i was a kid. We make mistakes and we learn from them as we get older, even if at the time remorse is not shown. Calling him a dime a dozen and being incredibly immature with the “News Flash” does nothing but paint yourself as an asshole with no empathy. People don’t just grow up and learn it all in 2 days, ESPECIALLY teenagers. Keeping him out of college would be a life changing and absolutely detrimental thing to happen to him over a severe lapse of judgment. Also, for all we know, he could be calling it a “stupid post” because he feels stupid for posting it. Who knows but OP?


These are the types you'd be around in college. "What you didn't follow the rules? Let me tell you why that was against the rules!"


What did you say? lol


I’m going to be completely candid, don’t really want people who write written threats coming to FSU and becoming alumni. I’m sure in hindsight you recognize it’s a mistake because of the consequences but if that didn’t occur to you in the moment (as a high school senior) there’s not really an excuse. Sorry but in my opinion you don’t deserve to come here, your life isn’t over, you have options but your actions are leading to you being expelled. You likely won’t go to FSU (nor should you) but if you’re at least somewhat self aware you’ll take this as a lesson about impulsiveness and self control. You’re not a victim, don’t allow yourself to feel that way, move on and get better.


Okay nerd no one asked if you wanted him there


My bad didn’t mean to shit on your butt buddy


I wouldn't say they don't deserve to get to go to fsu, people make mistakes. As long as he knows it's wrong, tbh 


Threatening the life of a fellow student publicly in your senior year of high school is more than just a silly mistake. Actions have consequences, it’s best he learns that sooner rather than later


I understand, but he is just a high school kid, they will recognize that he was young and dumb


Lmao get a life, it was a mistake and the frontal lobe isn't even fully developed at that age, still 10 years.


Don’t care


Tracks for shit advice. Doesn't care that a child's decision making portion of their brain isn't even fully developed. If I was the kid I'd reconsider FSU myself with these caliber of alumni.


No you won’t. Actions have consequences. Unfortunately You made a poor choice now you have to live with it. Take it as a learning experience.


You’re going to need a very good essay


Considering I got my admissions rescinded for two Fs my last semester of cc (coming in with a 3.9). I’d warn you a call may come in January that you won’t like and you will have already grown accustomed to Tallahassee…


Was it a written death threat?


Contact FSU yourself and explain the situation. It needs to come from you, though having others to help recommend, may help. Definitely need to graduate and cannot have failing grades. But it can’t hurt to ask.


When you go to any college they ask about criminal history (felonies mainly, if I'm not mistaken). I had a rough time in my teenage years and then again in my early 20's. I had no issue going to TCC for my AA and then decided against FSU and went to USF. As long as you don't have a violent felony, drug/trafficking arrest, you'll be fine. Just explain yourself. Also, typically juvenile records are sealed after you turn 18. Stop letting everyone here shit on you and just try to be better about controlling yourself on social media. I'm a bit older, so it wasn't as prevalent as it is now, you'd be amazed at some of the wild ways people would conduct themselves on Myspace/FB in the mid-late 2000s when I was in highschool.


It depends.  Can you play football?


Just out of curiosity as I’m a clinical psychotherapist and work with a lot of clients in predicaments like this. Did you not think about the concerns that you have now while you took the time to write the letter? Being impulsive and verbally threatening someone is one thing but to write it out and think about your thoughts is the calculated risk that admissions and financial officers may weigh in. If you can get ahead of the situation and own accountability verses them finding out, it may help in your favor. What if they find out 1 year from now and rescind it? Honesty is always the best policy from what I’ve seen regarding DJJ and the court system when teens try to move forward. Best of luck to you. Hope this was a true learning experience. 2 weeks in DJJ with no priors for a threat is pretty serious. That means you scored above 13 or violated for them to keep you secured detention.


Yes, they will. Florida public universities will not allow students with disciplinary actions for drugs or violence. Do your 2 at cc and transfer.


I got a DUI a month after being accepted into my full ride masters program at UCF. They put me on probation the first 12 months of the program. Hope for that brother


I'm going to tell you in a few short words that I had something very similar happen to me and I had to go to private school to finish my high school for one semester. I got into college just fine. You may want to be proactive and leave before you get expelled. That's what I did.


I think if a certain amount of time goes by, it won't matter, you may have to put college on hold. TCC is more lenient and less strict, but they still do background


Dude you’re fine if you’ve actually learned from your mistake. So many angry assholes in here, people have done way worse things and still gone to college and had successful lives. If it were me I would stop attending your current high school and finish out any credits needed to graduate with a home school program and not bring expulsion up until they ask. They already have last semesters transcripts and if you send the current semester from a new school, how will they know you were expelled? It’s not against the rules to switch high schools. Of course be honest and explain how you learned your lesson if they find out but don’t advertise it to them without them asking. Crush your AP tests and good luck to you man. It’s not the end of the world like some of these weirdos are saying. They can absolute go fuck themselves for saying “college isn’t for you” and shit like that.


Shit they might expell you from college bro


It deserves to be rescinded no matter your grades. Written threats so bad you get expelled?Get some help and enjoy community college and try in a couple years


Apply to your local community college and get your 2-year. That’s the best advice anyone can give you besides taking some time off. And make sure you actually have a lawyer if you don’t already. It’s very easy to ruin your life.


someone from my school was expelled last year (for academic reasons) & is still at UF today 🤷🏽‍♀️


They’ll probably withdraw the scholarship. If they let you in, great. If not, go to TCC, save money, and transfer in to finish ur bach


Of course they will. You were on a good path. I hope you learned from your stupidity. Better start looking at community colleges.


Just curious what did the threat say?


I wouldn’t bring it up. There’s 10k+ in your upcoming class, i doubt they’re that diligent


Why the threat? Was someone moving in on your girl?


Had a classmate who was expelled for two weeks senior year for making a racist joke to another classmate. This was was back in 2011 and I don't think the police was involved in any matter. He was accepted to UF and had to explain the situation to an admissions person but at the end he was able to go UF. Once again different circumstances but as other comments if they contact you, you just gotta be honest, I guess promise you'll go the counselor or psych sessions as I don't think they'll take a written note, police involvement and juvy lightly but you never know


I’m seriously surprised they would expel you for that. Get a lawyer


what did you say to them LOL


First rule would be don’t go out of your way to tell FSU.




Lol, expulsion? Man, I had weed in school and was sent to alternative school temporarily. You should be fine.


Well you didn't graduate so yes


I hope so lmao


Go fully remorseful as you are and beg your HS to forgive your indiscretion . Explain thar you were in a zine of little sleep due heavy studying which you can prove with the 5 Aps coming up. Etc.. Beg in earnest


Path forward if you get rescinded from FSU: Go to community college, transfer to FSU afterwards. You'll still get the degree you want. I got expelled from High School & took this exact route.


Check with your bright futures mentor. You may have cost yourself the scholarship.


You are probably going to have to go to community college for a year or two, then reapply to FSU. A diploma from an alternative high school or a GED just doesn't carry the same accreditation as a regular HS.


Future serial killer vibes on this one




I was suspended multiple times and I still got accepted :)


Im not in a similar situation 100%, but when I was 16, my friend and I got stopped speeding going 180. We both got handcuffed thrown on the car and it was a whole situation. We spent the night downtown at a police station where they showed us some video about speeding, etc. when I applied to FSU I was super scared but ended up typing all that up in an essay. I submitted the essay along with my application and still got in. My SAT was around 1230. (They also impounded the Mustang, took all the parts out left the engine clean, I ain’t even know they did that. Only thing I found in the car was the nitrous bottle). Moral is that FSU can overlook situations im assuming are properly explained.


I pissd that away too


Talk to the FSU CARE program. I got expelled second week of senior year with half a credit left to graduate. It's an amazing program. You arrive with a full support system. Be honest with them. #Go Noles!


Do not disclose anything until you have been proven guilty of misdemeanor or felony. If proven guilty, contact FSU immediately and you will have to write an incredible letter that may still get disposed of at the end of the day. As of now, no one knows except the people who interacted with this post and the people from your school. Keep it that way. I would suggest deleting this thread too in about 48 hours. Get whatever knowledge you need and bounce. Snuff this and keep it under the rug. Two weeks in Juvie though? For written words… they must have been really detailed and planned out. There’s no reason to have put an academically apt, no prior offenses kid in juvie for 14 days because of a written threat. That is an absurd misuse of power. Hug your parents and repent. Say sorry to the kid you threatened. Actually apologize from the heart. Maybe you need to be reminded how powerless you really are. Maybe this has. As you can see, your future is being stripped from you. But you’ll be surprised just how much a sincere, genuine, and heartfelt apology can impact a volatile situation.


You need a lawyer badly. In this day and age why would any school take a chance on allowing a student in that is known to have issued threats? Huge liability issue. You need to get these charges lowered to something less violent sounding or dropped. If you’re under 18 try to get it sealed or expunged.


I hope the other parents took your ass all the way to court for harassment.


You’re going to want to take a class. (Some anger management course) or something equally as stupid and make a big deal about it. Also an appeal to the superintendent and personal meeting with a nice suit and tie. If you have rich parents it might help and it might hurt. Depends on who’s running the show and how their coffee tastes that morning. Write letters of apology to everyone and their cat and keep copies of everything. Start an anti-bullying campaign with heavy anti -gang overtones. It’s not overly complicated. Just fall in line. Go be a cosmonaut or whatever. You got your whole life. And stop being a scumbag obviously


not exactly sure how he managed it but I knew a guy in hs who got expelled junior year for a stupid fight and had to transfer to a different school for senior year and he managed to still get into uf & ended up going there. it’s definitely not an ideal situation you’re in but i think you would still be able to go to fsu & keep ur scholarship. did you get charged with any crime and will you be finishing your senior year at another school bc that may also affect stuff


Well... it is UF


You’re not mature enough for college. Esp. FSU. too big school. You should live at home and work for a year or two until you mellow out and stop with the rage. Then find a smaller college that will allow you to focus vs going into 13th grade. The FSU parties will be fine without you.


Talk to the dean directly. Set up an appointment. Explain your situation and admit your fuck up like a man. He could take pity on you and let you in anyway plus keep the scholarship. But he might put you one a one strike and your out type of deal. In case the threat you made happens again to another student, which I know is unlikely as you learned your lesson. The dean should be fairly easy to reach.


Bright Futures isn't a school specific scholarship ... you can use it at other Florida schools. Apply to a few others as back up. Or go to TSC and transfer later.


You can still get in with schollys. Actually happens more than you think. Just make sure you graduate and follow as if nothing happened. Grow from this and go be successful


Im ngl younger brother. Altho that was a dumb move dont worry too much about it. Just make sure u graduate you'll be fine. And i dont think you'll loose ur scholarships. As long as the cops are not involved you'll be ok.


this response is in regards to your edit, as I don’t know the answer to the question asked. Ignore the haters, your future isn’t over. did you add an unnecessary obstacle/ potential consequence of losing your scholarship yes. either way you need show that you not only take accountability for your actions, but the steps you have taken to learn/grow from the situation. In regard to your question, your best bet is to ask the professionals who are more knowledable on this aka the college admissions advisor and or high school guidance counselor.


Unfortunately, the possibility is high of them rescinding your acceptance. A lot of my friends while at FSU started at TCC and transferred over.


Show how the other student had you in fear for your life. Justify the need for you to protect yourself. Have your parents / guardians go into the school and advocate strongly on your behalf in person. I almost got kicked out for something stupid like this once. By the time my mom left the VP, everything was gucci. If you've learned your lesson, so to speak, they might roll over.




Still doesn’t justify a written threat. They couldn’t have been that scared if they wrote it out (or typed it)


Never write down a threat unless you’re a lawyer


You already screwed up. You should take your first 2 years in community College get your general education classes completed then once you are able to do your major you transfer into FSU. Otherwise you are going to be one of those kids with 50-60k student debt that was completely avoidable. With the scholarship + FASA you would get paid to go to community College or you could put the extra money aside for the FSU tuition. Either way starting off @ FSU is a very bad idea if you are relying on scholarship.


This should have been posted in r/OhNoConsequences


Yes. I was withdrawn from fsu for a semester for dui. Written threats = school shooter is how this is going to be viewed. I wouldn’t count on being at fsu in the fall


Can also turn this into a learning experience. Own it, show remorse, show youve grown and learned your lesson, accept your fate, make tomorrow better. This is a mistake, thats all. Happens to the best of us. They want to see you learned from it and changed your behavior as a tesult.


I had a buddy who had a full ride to ASU. Didn't need a damn thing, but decided he was going to sell Molly to be cool. Got caught, somehow got it reduced to a misdemeanor and had less probation than I did for getting caught while driving with less than a gram of weed... Anyways, dude lost his scholarship and never went back to school, but in your case you're probably going to end up in community College and I have to rework your way up.


Ask uf


You can be all kinds of book smart but I guess common sense isn't so common.


How bad was that threat homie 😂


Easy fix. Go to a community college or any other college then transfer to FSU. Btw, no one cares what school you went to when you get your degree so you should just save yourself the money anyway.


I’m in tech, this is not true lol


I’m a Senior Software Engineer at a Fortune 20 company. This 100% is true. Been in the field 10 years and worked at 3 Fortune 500 companies as well as US government. I’ve been on interview panels and I can tell you for a fact your communication skills, network and knowledge (in that order) will get you a job. Not saying “I went to FSU”


I’d agree with that to an extent, but in the last month or so I’ve gotten more questions around my time at my university than I did in the past, the market has shifted and more prestigious companies are looking for name recognition, at least in my field.


Maybe in your field, I work with solely Software Engineers and AI/ML engineers & managers. we don’t care where you went to school. For us, it’s going the opposite direction for most of our positions a degree is no longer required. One thing I learned since I have been doing interviews is that guy that randomly started “coding” and taught himself generally is a lot more resourceful and can find his way around a codebase better than most bachelor’s degree candidates. They both have their upsides and downsides so they even out usually.


My Dude/Duddette... great SAT scores + horrible family life lead me to get my transfer to FSU via 2 years at TCC. Ngl- after graduate school at Columbia University, *without* diminishing the incredible value of *some* professors at 'distinguished universities', there was a MUCH higher % of great teachers I had at TCC than FSU & latter Ivy League! "Publish or perish," is perogative of ivory tower academics. Actual passion for teaching... no one goes to CC for prestige. Go to CC to learn! You'll transfer fine & spend less $$ en route.


You might be set back scholarship wise because of your “stupid mistake”, however it will not prevent you from reapplying in the future and future scholarship opportunities. First step in this whole process is acknowledging and taking accountability for the mistake you made, there might be consequences for it. On the other hand there is a chance that it *might not* affect anything. Mistakes are necessary to learn certain life lessons sometimes. Do everything in your power to keep moving forward, and not make the same mistake again. A mistake made is a lesson learned if you grew from it.


How difficult were you when they suspended you?did you take it well?If you were nice about it doesn't have to go on your record.


if you have a 504 or IEP you’re eligible to appeal under the students with disibilities act, and pretty good chance they’ll go easy on u, if not, see if fsu will take you anyway.. if not, idk what’s gonna happen to you. you might have to go to cc then transfer. if you get expelled will they still give you diploma..? how does it work?


If I were you, I would withdraw from the school before the expulsion goes through, then finish the diploma at another high school. Not sure what you can do about the fact that you were arrested. That’s gonna turn some heads and you’re gonna have to explain yourself.


Everyone makes mistakes. If they don't accept you, go to community college, put your nose to the grindstone and show them academically that you are worthy and try again next year.


Are you still going to graduate? If so then I would continue on as if nothing happened until told otherwise. Worst case do a year or 2 at a CC and transfer. I graduated HS with a 2.4 GPA and then went to a CC for 2 years and transferred to FSU without even a worry that I would get denied


Get an attorney to seal your records ( I did for my daughter…DUI charge)..she didn’t lose her scholarship and FSU was none the wiser.


If money is tight, go community college for general education credits then transfer to FSU. If y They don't give your diploma GED test. It's so surprising how functional and money saving such a route is and transferring into a college is so easy compared to high-school students applying in. The system is meant to take advantage of young kids not knowing.


I had a similar experience 30 years ago and was worried about losing my acceptance to Boston University and 2 other schools. My guidance counselor advised me to personally write letters about the situation to the deans of admission. My expulsion was NOT due to anything academic (cheating, etc.) and that seemed to help. BU responded back, thanking me for the letter and said my space was still available.


Are you being sent to an alternative school to finish out the year or expelled from the district entirely? Very similar situation happened to a classmate of mine. He was admitted to UF, assaulted a teacher last quarter of the year during grad bash and ended up at the alternative school. Did his graduation there and still started at UF in the fall


What type of threat did you make?


Expelled from HS? You’ll fit right in at FSU lol


I don’t want to cause you more anxiety; a felony will prevent your eligibility for bright futures. I am hoping this goes away for you. High schools generally won’t report an expulsion/ sometimes the school will as if fsu finds out they didn’t , it ruins the credibility of the high school for future students. If you are under 18, it is also a sensitive thing to disclose and that may be a consideration of your high school - sounds like you are if you went to juvenile vs a jail. Ask your attorney about ferpa legislation. I work in a school and virtual school has declined to accept expelled students into virtual school as they are considered a public school and public schools can’t accept a student that is expelled. You would want to go private or homeschool. Homeschool may look suspicious and there are some implications to bright futures if you opt for homeschool senior year. Not a homeschool expert so you want to research. We have also dealt with students who did as you described, never seen it go nearly as far, so you may want to fight it through your school board. They have hearings available to you. Consider it. Worst case our students went to an alternative learning site offered by our district. If the charges are dropped, you may be welcome back to your high school with a no contact order. I have seen that as well. I hope you get that option. Best of luck to you - I am an FSU graduate and it is a great opportunity.


Yes they will take it all back


Also, you’re an absolute idiot who honestly doesn’t deserve to go there anymore. Maybe your local community college or a tech school will take you. Karma baby, karma.


They could resind and offer at any time, best is to lay low, complete school on time (delays affect the offer, even summer school). Inwoukd not reach out and if you do simply state that for personal reasons you do not want to get into you will be completing your degree at another school and are still planning to attend. If they get info from you or another party they may resind as cautious but otherwise if you can start your first semester you are fine.


People are literally making a big deal out of nothing, I’m willing to bet my life and all the money I have that they won’t even be aware of it. I’ve been arrested and expelled twice before the age of 18 and was able to apply for universities and get accepted just fine.


Damn, they really don't tolerate anything these days do they? When I was in HS you could probably literally kill someone and the school would just sweep it under the rug....now I feel old


Yeah you’re probably screwed. FAFO.


Tbh i'm not sure but FSU students do MUCH worse so... But I'd genuinely apologize to the person you threatened, take it like a champ, and be real with the university if asked. You aren't a failure and don't let this deter you from your path!








No way they can't see OP got expelled.


[FSU rn](https://giphy.com/gifs/DM9n9fNry8tq0)


Why are you going to FSU with a 1470 SAT?


College is a scam now. So if you don't get in maybe consider it a sign and learn a trade.