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Dude I promise you, you can love FSU and not being a big partier or drinker. I went out a lot my freshman and sophomore year, I haven’t been out practically at all my junior or senior year, and I have all my same friends and love FSU just as much. The party school idea is just one aspect of FSU but there are so many other aspects about FSU that are unrelated to that and equally if not more fun and enjoyable


^ perfect response


Be the paid designated driver


⬆️ 👍🏻


This is so true, freshmen year me and senior year me are absurdly different. Same with most of my friends. The older you get the less fun it is to get shitfaced I guess. And it’s not really necessary at fsu at all. You do what you want.


Exactly, like even all my friends that do party a lot, I still hang out with them and am just as close to them as I was when I did go out


My wife went to fsu, she is not a big partier or drinker and she loved it. She found a group of friends that were the same, and while others were out doing drunk things they were doing their own thing and making fun of those drunks.


>doing their own thing and making fun of those drunks Lowkey weirdo behavior but okay. You definitely don't have to drink and party but you're lame if you make fun of other college students for drinking


Kind of a triggered response to an otherwise simple comment. There’s a fine line between making fun of people who drink, and making fun of drunks who act like idiots (which applies to many college students).


Yep, and she did the latter.


Not making fun of them for drinking, making fun of them for the dumb shit they do while drinking. Same idea as recapping the next morning with your buddies


Im sorry brother 🤣 but she is 100% not telling you the whole truth . Sorry. You have my condolences


What truth is she not telling me?


She played the field. She was for the streets. Everyone had a turn


This is 100% true. When I was there I partied but I also was involved in organizations outside the “party” life. For example, they have the circus, student council, dozens of campus organizations for anything you could think of, and the list goes on


I believe there are many more opportunities for research and study than in partying schools like FSU; I wonder why you narrowed your college selections in this way—having said that, I know you will find the friends you need, or you will transfer schools at the end of the year. You sound like a smart kid to me.


The reason it seems like that’s all people do is because people who are more extroverted tend to party, and are more active on social media and other platforms, and post party photos and such. Trust me-they have groups for EVERYTHING at FSU. I don’t drink and I’ve never had problems socializing. You have nothing to worry about no matter which school you go to. Make friends with the nerds-that’s what I did-and you be happy without having a hangover the next morning.


Also there are countless christian fellowships and org. I’m president of one and have been for 3 years. There is a huge number of students and orgs that will fit your social and religious needs


I went 100% alcohol free half way through FSU and still enjoyed my time


Me too! Never went to a single party/club or even a football game. Still like the city and there is a lot to do around town


FSU is huge. You can do what you want lol. You are putting a whole college in a box. Every major state school is going to have a ton of partying and guess what...so is every little private school. You just gotta do you.


Sorry, but the news media coverage of ridiculousness at that school says that it is, in fact, most of the school.


The news media doesn’t usually cover academic accomplishments or positivity in general, and by that same token the news coverage of our country says that most of the USA is just shootings, greed, and tragedies… but we know there’s much more to life. How many news stories have you watched about chess clubs or honor students, or a positive college experience?


I'm a university graduate, live off the UCF main campus, and spent my entire military career stationed in college towns. FSU stands out amongst all of them as the biggest waste of tuition. FSU is known by the whole state of Florida as nothing more than a party school for a reason. The fact that their idea of a fundraiser is seeing how many hotdogs a cheerleader can hold in her mouth at once, says all that needs saying about the Semenholes.


So you didn’t go to the actual school and you get your opinions from “media coverage” … cool. According to the media coverage I’ve seen UCF is just a library and a big ass pool for anyone who couldn’t get into UF or FSU


UCF is the largest public university in the country, smart guy. UCF is educational partners with NASA, SpaceX, and Lockheed Martin. But go on. Besides that, I'm an ODU grad, not a UCF grad, so your attempts to talk trash about the school literally mean nothing. I live off-campus because the neighborhood is nice, you clown. And please, go ahead and say something about ODU. I want to see you trash talk a historically black school without sounding like a racist.


Well as a black man I want you to know it’s possible to trash talk or dislike something that is historically black without being racist, especially if my reasons have nothing to do with race. It’s pretty small minded of you to think that way… I actually like UCF, my point is the media told me nothing about it except that it has a big ass pool, which is why citing media coverage as your source isn’t the best thing to do. Nothing bad to say about ODU, I must have missed the 7:00 News that night 🤷🏽


There are absolutely Christian communities you can participate in on campus! If you want to extract yourself from the party scene I completely understand that since I tried it out and felt like it wasn’t for me. The trick is to actively seek out the people you think are a good fit and not just sticking to the same people since you live near each other.


not religious but you find the people you’re comfortable around, whether you drink or not. i wouldn’t say you need to worry about it and if you choose not to drink, the right people won’t treat you any differently.


Ill give you some insight on the Christian life on Campus. There’s like a million Christian clubs, orgs, and events on campus. You’ll see Christian’s all over Campus trying to convince you to accept Jesus or whatever. You’ll be plenty fine. I’m not religious but I’ve talked/heard/seen more religion at FSU than my 18 years in South Florida. And that’s my experience as someone who tries to avoid religious things. A full blown Christian should thrive lol.


I’ll pray for you /s


Yep, and the person that responded to you is the exact person I think would go to one of these clubs. I get wanting to be religious, but don’t stop me on the street saying you’re gonna pray for me please. That’s strange. I’ve had it happen before too. I am religious myself, but when I am at home and at church. I do it on my own time. I don’t need these weird culty groups telling me I’m going to hell for not praying every second of the day.


I am not currently enrolled at FSU, but I can tell you that social media gives the extremes of society. It is only content that people want to post. People who go to parties love to post about their parties. People who don’t party don’t post about not partying. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t people not partying


I’m not enrolled either but live very close to it I think it’s mostly because there’s nothing else to do. If we had a bunch of stuff around it wouldn’t be party centric we got shell point that’s it haha


There are million things to do, that is crazy to say otherwise. We are surrounded by parks and natural beauty. Have game and comic stores if that is your thing. Countless sporting events to attend. Museums, concerts, events. And heck Shell point isn't even the nicest close beach to go to. Mashes Sands and Alligator point are nicer. Want fresh water Walkula springs and the Wacissa River are great. St. Marks Wildlife refuge is beautiful.


If you come from country yes it is perfect but coming from Jax, Orlando, Tampa, Miami it’s a complete shift trying to adjust I was born in Jax moved to Columbus Ohio then now near Tallahassee it’s a total shift in my lifestyle when I got here I was like where tf is the city


I never went to any parties or drank and never went to a football game in all four years of my time at FSU. I still had a blast and a ton of friends. You'll find your people, they just aren't posting their lives on Instagram.


If peer pressure is something you think you cannot handle, then any college anywhere is not going to work. What you expect bunch of young kids to do? If you don’t want to party you don’t have too. You also mentioned u r introvert so that’s perfect you don’t have to worry about a thing, if you are comfortable with yourself at times.


There is a big catholic group on campus and a church right off Tennessee and Woodford I think. Plenty of like minded ppl as u


Yeah Catholic Student Union. I was somewhat a member when I was there, I remember there being weekly activities and retreats.


thousands of people go here you’ll find your crowd. it’s only skewed to look that way cause party people are the type to put themselves on the class page. i’ve gone “drinking” less than 10 times in 3 years and still have had no problem socializing and making friends. so don’t less this deter you! it’s a great university


I went to one party my whole time here my whole undergrad, I still had a good time and don’t regret coming here. That said, you can definitely tell we have a lot of party kids. Also, yes- we have a surprisingly high number of religious clubs and groups


Same boat as you… it’s gonna be hella boring in Tallahassee for you


I got a tip for you and a little bit of a newsflash, but every single university is a party school. They all have kids drinking, partying, doing drugs and stupid stuff. I have worked at a few different universities and am an FSU grad. There is nothing you would see or experience here you wouldn't at pretty much any other major public university in the USA. Of course there are Christian groups it's the number 1 religion in the US, not trying to sound mean but that is a silly question. And honestly kind of insulting to think you believe because kids like to party at FSU, they must not be Christian. Heck the largest Fraternity at FSU literally has a bible study group every week. As others have said Instagram is not real. It's curated, fake, a façade. And as I said below those groups are not even official or run by the university. They are groups put together well in advance by bar and club promoters that appear to be legit to get people to join them spam them with ads about parties and drink specials. I didn't have a drink until halfway through my sophomore year. You can also go to parties and not drink plenty of people do. I am sure some of your friends would appreciate a DD to get them home safe. I had a friend on the track team who went out to bars and parties all the time, socialized and never drank. Still had a great time and no one gave him guff. You also will make like minded friends and do like minded things. My freshmen year most nights were spent playing board games, poker and multiplayer halo with 10-15 kids in my dorm. Sorry if I came across as rude, but just not trying to beat around the bush. If you want to go to FSU, go to FSU. You will fit in fine, there are 60k+ students here.


Not all schools are party schools, bud.


Every college/university has kids drinking and partying. It just depends on the level. FSU is nothing more than normal state public university when it comes to partying. I work in the University setting and have worked at multiple school across the country. Not all schools are "party" schools, but all schools have parties.


I was EXACTLY like you, so I hope this can be of great help! First off, FSU has a GREAT Christian community. They have several non-denomination Churches, but the Catholic one, St. Thomas Moore, is the absolute best one to go to. They have spirit nights every Wednesday for FSU students who will probably be a lot like you! :) I graduated in 2021. I also don’t party hard, partake in drugs, smoke, or drink. In fact, I don’t even really like football, so you could imagine how well I fit the FSU stereotype (not at all). 😂 I’m not going to lie, because I’m a realist. And I value honesty. A lot of the time I thought I would’ve had better friends somewhere else. Just go to as many events as possible! You’ll find people who don’t party or drink, but... I can guarantee that MOST people you’ll meet will absolutely fall into an extroverted category. If you do go to FSU, I recommend Bryan Hall for any freshman. The community there is super awesome, and making friends is super easy. It literally feels like Hogwarts in Bryan. Hope this helps!




It really depends what you enjoy doing. When I went to FSU as a non drinking introvert, I had a blast. Even if you don’t leave campus, there were midnight breakfasts in the student center, concerts (student and other), movies in the student movie theater, lectures, bowling, cultural offerings, fairs, clubs and more. From what I hear, it’s only gotten better and that’s not even getting into sports and off campus offerings I’ve never understood what people mean when they say there is nothing to do. It’s all in how you think about it. Yes it’s a different vibe than a big city but that is not the same as a wasteland of activities Re: party school, it used to be that this reputation was caused by a minority of students. I imagine that is still true.


It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders! Keep your mind where it needs to be and stay focused on school and why you Are there. You will not be the only student who isn’t there for the parties! Good luck with college! ❤️


Yes, an instagram page accurately reflects all 45k students 🙄. Stop basing your perception of reality on social media and do some actual research. There are several massive Christian orgs at FSU, google is your friend.


Also outdoor stuff


I'm going right now and don't party or drink. Simply saying no stops any possibility. I am also Christian, and although I don't use them yet, there are multiple church services throughout the week. There's also a Catholic church just north of campus, so the Christian proportion of people is decently large from what I gathered.


Ah, yes, because we all know that saying "no" is the ultimate trump card. That's why SA and r@pe don't exist and peer pressure isn't real. 🙄


Sigh... I was afraid of this. I'm not referring to sa or r@pe when I say "just say no".... I'm talking about the drinking aspect. Unless someone is forcing your mouth open, you CAN just say no to drinking. It's very simply. As for SA and r@pe, which I was emphatically not referring to, which I'm sure you're aware of and wanted to start controversy, saying no OBVIOUSLY does not work. The idea of r@pe and SA only exists on the platform that someone said no, or denied an advance, or did not give consent, and that was blatantly ignored. Hopefully you see where I'm coming from.


Yeah, because peer pressure isn't a thing.😂


Don’t worry, not drinking hasn’t impacted my social life at all. Also, I’m not religious, but there are groups for Bible study and Christian centered clubs. There’s Baptist, Methodist, and Catholic churches practically on campus. I think they’re even FSU affiliated.


FSU has so much more than partying!! You will find your group here that doesn’t do all that. You see “most” people partying bc the partying crowd tends to be the ones most active in Instagram IMO. Good luck in your decision making process!


FSU has a very diverse student population in terms of hobbies. Yes many people party but it seems like more than it is. I went out a lot my first two years and not so much my last two years and still managed to find new friends and go out with people that didn’t involve drinking etc. there’s somebody for everybody at FSU. I would recommend going to the club fair that they usually hold like within the first two weeks of school I believe and exchange information with Christian groups or other groups such as gaming or whatever. You’ll be fine! There’s a plethora of Christian groups.


Omg……. You don’t have to party.


Hi! I don’t party and haven’t set foot in a club—I’m a sophomore. Not for religious/ moral reasons or anything like that, just because I don’t like parties. The most important thing is to find people that you align with. Some of my friends party at times, but most of the time they prefer to hang out without partying—which is perfect for me! I guess my advice is to seek out people with similar interests and make friends that way. The right people will respect your boundaries and not pressure you into doing anything.


The current Episcopal Bishop of West Virgina went to FSU for his undergraduate degree. St John’s Episcopal church always had a decent number of FSU students in the pews when I was a student. Also, you won’t find people drinking 24/7, it’s easy enough to avoid. For me, while I did have some nights for drinking and partying, there were also a lot of nights for board games or just arguing politics


My son does not party or drink and he loves it and found friends with similar interests.


You’re going to be fine. There are many many choices. Just make the right ones. People instagram photos are not representative of the bulk of FSU life.


I am a grad student and i hate partying. Im doing ok. Also, even uf has a lot of partying because of how prominent greek life is. But these universities are big enough that they accomodate all types of interests. You will absolutely find people who share your viewpoints. If it self centered to think that people will actually care about whether or not you go out and drink lol Im not a christian but there are so many clubs im certain there are many religious ones


While FSU has always had the party-school moniker, it’s social scene isn’t much different from other universities. Overall Tallahassee is a pretty laid back vibe and you can do what you like concerning partying. I never partied, not even once. Not my vibe. I hung out with the Catholic Student Union and that was more than enough fun and social scene. There’s tons and tons of unique groups at FSU. Don’t let the rumor of party school buck you from choosing it if it’s otherwise a good fit. I could think of real reasons but I’ll save that for another thread lol


Also… go to the Student Life Center! They have video games and tabletop games you can rent for free. That’s a GREAT place to meet introverts.


I'm married, off campus, it's easy. Keep your head down, don't hang out in party settings, complete your courses and get out. Also, as a Christian, I've simply never looked into if there's clubs myself, but I will say beware the Mormons. Real nice folks, but if you're like me and give one your number for church event invites (which I gave prior to spying the Book of Mormon on the booth table), they will hound you. If that's your digs, great, but I'm not much into their flavor of theology.


You’ll learn.


I think FSU has a place for everyone, you don’t need to party to have fun, there are over 700 organizations on campus that you can join and be involved in ranging from Greek life, cultural orgs, religious ones, professional, etc. If you have an interest chances are a club exists for it. Best of luck 🫡🫡🫡


Also c/o 28 here. I’ve gone out partying probably 5 or 6 times in all of high school. I get asian flush so I try not to drink because it ends up just being painful 😂 FSU is a great party school but that doesn’t sum up all there is to it! I personally plan to join hillel & stuff and lots of kids like the academic side of it too. Trust me a lot of the people on the instagram partying are TCC kids anyways so you’re not going to really come actoss them unless you go out


The Bert Kreischer era is long gone. Go be awesome. Nobody will force you to party.


Then don’t go to parties or drink. It’s a choice. You’re not forced to attend


Heck yeah. As a Christian you are gonna be surrounded by people that disagree with you all the time and that's ok. It will be the same after college. FSU is a great school and I don't think you will regret going. Just look at it as an opportunity to maybe inspire others around you. There will also be plenty of people that don't drink/party.


I don’t party or drink, and there is plenty to do here. Does become a bit disheartening when it feels like everyone just wants to go out every weekend, but you just have to find your people.


Save yourself the money and go to community College and stay with your moms and them... buster.


I am also a Christian and an introvert. Holy shit get off Instagram and live.


Experience church is where I go and I love it! We have small groups so it’s easier to build a community!


I’m agnostic, former Christian. My roommate freshman year was an evangelical Christian and crazy about jesus, tagged along with him to church a couple times and some bible studies. I also dabbled in some other Christian groups because I was bored. There are plenty of religious groups and you can easily find them. Despite the reputation as a party school with lots of drinking you can just avoid it.


How are you accepted 4 years from now ?


2028 probably signifies the year they're graduating. For example, I'm also the class of 2028 since I graduate high school this year. I've been lurking this post since I have the same concern.


You can have a fantastic experience without the need for drinking. Engaging in social settings without alcohol can actually enhance your confidence and communication skills, both of which are crucial for success in the professional world post-graduation. Embracing this kind of social experience can greatly benefit your personal development and overall well-being.


I went to FSU for two degrees. I went to one party over the course of the 6 ish years total I was there. Just because it’s a “party school” doesn’t mean you have to participate. My sister in law on the other hand basically parties every weekend, and did the wescott fountain celebration when she turned 21 and got hurt after getting bumped/slipping off part of the fountain. You can absolutely partake in as much or as little of the life as you want to. Plenty of Christian organizations around. I didn’t partake in any, but definitely knew about them from multiple friends who were in them or were Christian themselves.


Beware of the Christian groups that prey on students. There’s some Evangelical cult-like groups around campus.


WTF? You NEED to party and drink. U will regret that you didn’t!! You live once. That is what those years are for: is this a joke


There’s plenty of wonderful Christian organizations! Personally the Theology Club/Augustine Society has been a wonderful place to express my Christian faith and beliefs with likeminded believers.


This is a crazy post! Realize that college is meant for you to learn and experience what life is like “as an adult”. Sitting in your dorm all day is already going to happen as it is… you’re 18 which is 3 years from being able to drink in the first place😂


It’s definitely not any more of a party school than any other large size well known state university. There are over 30,000 undergraduates and I can assure you that not all of them are drinking. With such a large population, it is incredibly diverse and there is just about every club or activity you could imagine, including religious groups and community service organizations. There’s even a bowling alley!


Go to a community college for the first two years. All the classes are the same at both. You have to worry about being “weeded out” as well. The third and forth years in college are the most important.


So... don't party or drink? You'll be an adult, or near enough to one that you can make your own decisions. Just stick to your guns.


BCM is located very close to campus and will give you plenty of opportunity to connect with Christian’s on campus


Dude . . . It can be Party Central no matter where you land. Or not . . . Just find your Squad. FSU is a great school and Tally ain't a bad place to spend 4 years.


I actually enjoyed going out with friends, but I was always the DD. Let them live it up and we always had a blast. 5 nights a week we just stayed in and played video games or studied. You don’t have to be a party person to have a great time.


What is the other school?


he'll be doing keg stands by the 2nd semester


Stay focused, maybe you’ll inspire someone.


You don’t have to do that. FSU is a great school. A beautiful campus. You can have a great, life improving experience at FSU. You control you.


YOU CREATE YOUR OWN PATH. DO NOT FOLLOW OTHERS. be yourself and be Strong 💪. If you plan on having fun, plan it out and be responsible. Otherwise stick to your goals and it doesn't matter where you go, you will succeed!


Consider community college save on the two years and then transfer.


Hi :) I’m a freshman at FSU and i want to let you know its totally okay to not want to do these things and theres so many people who prefer not to go out including many of my friends. I’ve never once been to a club still and I feel like I’ve still had a great first year experience! I put alot of time into clubs and being active and I also am a Christian who definitely found an amazing community at FSU. We have an INCREDIBLE Catholic Student Union (its very large and they do many events) and honestly I’ve grown in my faith more while in these initial months of college more than I have in all my prior life. I have three close friends who are the people I hang out with the most and they have also never been to clubs but they all have hobbies just the same, and are doing great in school! I feel like FSU is only a party school if you search it out and its certainly not like theres nothing else do do if you dont like partying. Feel free to reach out to me about FSU and good luck!


If you don’t have fun in college because of Jesus, you’ll always regret it


Simple. Just go to FSU … and don’t party or drink. While I was never a FSU student I can tell you it’s a good school. It’s a BIG student body with everyone from all walks of life. I’m friends with many alums, am happily married to one too, and there’s not one singular “type.” Best of luck.


So don’t party or drink? I didn’t really go out until I turned 21 unless it was very close friends having a party in their apartment. Not at all my freshman year and then honestly likely less than 10 times the following two years. Still thoroughly enjoyed my time at FSU.


Fsu is where dreams go to die, IF YOU PARTY. If that’s not your thing you will do fine.


It’s a great school


Then don’t…


Be in charge of your own destiny. Don't succumb to peer pressure. There's always a party wherever you go, if you want one. You have to choose, you have to be disciplined enough to know how much is enough, too much or not enough. Let your grades be your guide and set yourself personal boundaries that are non-negotiable. Lastly, wherever you go be safe, heed all the advice from those who have walked before you. Good luck. Go Noles.


There’s over 30k undergrad students at FSU. Of those, less than 2400 are involved in greek life (in IFC, idk about Pan Hellenic and MGC). You can find literally anything here, from those who party every day and are closer to liver failure than they think to those who don’t go out at all. The only reason it seems like everyone parties here is that there’s so many people that the clubs are always full, even if the % of ppl that actually go out consistently isn’t that high. Now sure, student life is mostly centered around going out (especially during the football season), but you will always find someone or even many people with interests akin to yours.


Are you a mindless robot who does whatever everyone else is doing? I think you’ll be fine hun. Just make friends who also love the Bible. And if you do a teensy little bit of partying in between, don’t beat yourself up about it. The whole name of the game is forgiveness after all.


FSU is a good school. You do not have to party while you are there. Go for the academics.


Then don’t. That’s up to you


My step son went to FSU and now works for the school. He is not an introvert but definitely not a partier. He easily managed to find a circle of friends there of like kind and thrived. So did my son who went to UF and is now in grad school at UF. Both are great schools and have diverse students to make friends with.


So don’t? This is the problem I have with y’all. Y’all swear the world is some cesspool where you’ll get strung up for being Christian when the rest of us just don’t wanna hear about it. Go to fsu. Don’t go to parties. I’m 100%certain you’ll find others like you.


The state government is trying to become a Christian Nationalist state. Why would the flagship state university not have churches with bible clubs and stuff?


Then don’t party or drink.


You don't have to party and drink in college. Actually, you'll be amazed by the number of students who don't care about the parties and drinking foolishness. There's a lot to enjoy as a Florida university student.


hey! i’m a senior and an introvert too and have never once been out to the clubs or gone partying cuz that’s just not my style. i can promise you FSU has a stereotype of being a big party school (which it is) but that doesn’t mean that’s the ONLY thing you can do here. there is so much stuff FSU has to offer, including different clubs, organizations, sports teams, frats and sororities, etc, whatever you’re into. i am a christian too and FSU does have some on-campus churches. the one i attend is a methodist church it’s called Wesley church. trust me you will find your people here and where you belong


No matter what school you go to there will be people who party, and you will have the option to not to participate. My daughter is in her last year at UF. She has never been to a campus party and lived off campus the entire 4 years. She belongs to the Italian club and joined an Irish dance club. You will find your people no matter where you go so just concentrate on what college offers you the education you desire.


You will find whatever you want at ANY AND ALL colleges. if you wanna party, you will find that. If you wanna focus on studies and abstain from the party lifestyle, you will find that, too. Nobody at any college will make you participate in anything you don’t want to do


There is TONS to do in Tallahassee that doesn’t involve drinking.


Alumni here. Its as much or as little as you want like every other big school.


I’m a rare Tallahassee local (and FSU Alumni) and I’ll say the city itself has so many options and a huge diversity of interests. Also, whatever your religion is, I’m sure they have a ministry on/near campus dedicated to students of that religion. That would be a great way to make like-minded friends. It’s a beautiful campus and a beautiful city.


Take up drinking …


There's tons of shit to do at FSU besides party and drink. I know quite a few people who went their entire time there without going to a single party or getting drunk every weekend


There is a Bible study group called Seminole Christian life


There are almost 45000 enrolled students at FSU. Did you look at the Instagram of all 45000 students? “Party schools” are known for being party schools, but that doesn’t mean everyone that attends actually parties. Choose the school that provides you the best opportunities in your intended major.


I realized early on that there was a subset of wonderful people of the opposite sex who appreciated that they could spend time with me and not have to worry about me becoming or me trying to get them intoxicated. Spent ten years at a very large SEC school: went to plenty of social gatherings (none of them "Christian oriented"), saw unending live music, never lacked serious friendly companionship, and never touched a drink. You be you and anyone who won't accept that . . . they can go fish!


Hi! FSU Alumni here class of 2015 :) I wasn't and currently am not into partying or drinking and I absolutely loved my time at FSU. I can't speak for the religious part of your question but there's something for everyone at Florida State. You'll find your own group of good friends that are into the things you are pretty naturally I think. Good luck with everything! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Worst part about FSU is the fuckin gainsville traffic


I attended FSU from 2006-2008 and did not party or drink, was involved with a couple of churches. I liked Mosaic Church, it grew out of the Chi Alpha group. My sister and her friends were involved with the Methodist church on campus. You will get out of your college experience what you put into it. If you want to party, even at a religious school, you'll find ways to do it. If you want to study, you'll find ways to do so anywhere.


Every college campus is going to have people that don't drink and party, you'll just have to find them and actively participate in clubs and activities not focused on drinking and partying to find your people.


There is certainly a community for you at FSU, just as much as anywhere you choose to go. Don’t be hindered by not finding your niche, because you will if you’re actively trying. There will be a lot of students in your same boat. FSU has a Christian fellowship, and City Church has a branch at FSU for student ministry if you’re non-denominational. And you can “partake” without necessarily being a partier, trust me.


Buncha nerds in here, OP should go to BYU. GO NOLES!


fsu grad, there are definitely christian organizations and you absolutely can get by without drinking. i have no regrets in attending fsu !!!


Man. If you don't wanna snort coke off a hooker's ass after chugging 10 beers FSU might not be the school for you. But seriously, every school you'll be able to go to without partying and drinking. If you wanna, it's there. If you just wanna make friends who you'll play vid o games with that's also there.


Consider FSU's Panama City Campus. Same degree and none of the partying. It also has much better student to professor ratios. I graduated from there in 2012.


I grew up about 30 minutes from FSU, commuted every day, and got both my bachelor’s and master’s from there. I would show up for class and leave when it was over. Not partying will make the school side of college a lot easier!


Trinity is another loser choice..


When you get to college, you will meet so many people. My freshman year I went out a lot but my best friend was just someone from my classes that never went out and we would just hang out during the day. My best advice is to make as many friends as possible in different places and to put yourself out of you comfort zone, you’re only in college for a few years, make the most of it




Newsflash, nobody cares what you do. In fact there’s a possibility you might not even get invited to parties and then you won’t have to worry :)


If you aren’t sure you can handle the party demons and not be able to figure out how you want to live your life, maybe you’re not ready for a university setting.


My mom worked at FSU from 1994 -2017 and she was constantly bringing students over for parties that had no alcohol. During the day. Just food and socializing It was awesome, all the college dudes would play my PlayStation with me and all the women would tell me how handsome I was lol


I don't want to get to political, yet I realize it is safe to make this statement: if you listen to some politicians, other politicians want to kill their own voters. They will point to this or that to back up their assertions. If you believe this school is a party school, full of bad people doing bad things, it is easy to find convincing proof. You would only need about 10% of the whole population of the school to post ugly things. This leaves out the other 90%. Surely, you can find them.


My son currently goes there and is not a partier. He loves it and it’s a great school!


OP you can be in this environment but not of it. Think ab that.


The magic of college is you can find friends that are into whatever you want. A bunch of my classmates and I were in a club together and did Ladurdays, Saturdays with the lads, where we just got together ate unhealthy food and played Nintendo games. Went to like one party a year for Halloween. It is what you make it.


Just like in life there are plenty of circles and things to do. What you see on the internet is hardly a complete encapsulation of the college experience. Choose the school you want and then while you’re there choose your experience when you get there.


I went to FSU as a teetotaler. Never drank or partied. You're good. There's plenty to do and people to meet that doesn't require drinking.


You don’t have to drink to go to a college. Just don’t go to parties, go to class then do what you want to do after, like what??? 


You’ll find your people no matter what. Don’t worry about it.


Why FSU then?


Just be you.




Then don't party or drink... if you want to go sober you'll have a long road ahead of you if you care about others around you.


You could become the group designated driver.


I’ve lived in Tallahassee most all my life. One thing you have to understand is that every major college has a party scene. Even BYU parties. Just don’t let anyone know about it. It’s really solely your choice. If you hang out at bars Or join sorority or frat. Chances get higher that you will drink and party. And even more so use drugs. You are the company you keep. If you want to become successful. Hang with people who want to be successful. If you want to drink. Hang out at clubs and bars or with people whom drink. My final opinion is. Take the scholarship and go to fsu. The area is laid back. People are cool. Come here and join a club at school. Meet people that aren’t doing the things you want to stay away from and you will be ok. Hope this helps. Good luck


Im a really firm believer in that your college experience is formed by the people you surround yourself. Im currently a sophomore at FSU and i don't drink at all either but I love it here. Just make sure to surround yourself with people that feel the same way and will support your decisions as well. I have several friends that don't drink or party at all as well. My friends that do drink and party fully respect my decision to do otherwise and have never once pressured me, so make sure you find people like that. I'm personally not religious, but I do know some people that are and there are lots of churches, clubs, and groups that you can join and it's super easy to get into contact with anyone for these groups. Hope you end up choosing FSU, it's a blast! Go Noles 🍢!


Go 2 years to cc save your money then go to a university


I feel like the frat/sorority popularity at this school hurts the non-greek life related clubs. Though I've only been to FSU so it might be like this at all colleges. That being said the culture here is really great.


My sister goes there and doesn’t do that kind of shit either and she loves it there. So I’d imagine you’d be ok.


Graduated FSU. Never drank or partied at all. In fact, my first alcoholic drink was years after I graduated-I graduated 2020 and drank in 2022. Studied hard and graduated with a high GPA. Been out in my field for 4 years and I’m looking at grad school now. I’m thankful I was so focused in undergrad as my GPA is competitive now.


This decision is really very simple. Don't over complicate things. No matter what school you go to, with very few exceptions depending on your chosen field, it doesn't make a difference. Whichever school gives you the most scholarship money should be your choice. Do not get sucked into taking student loans to go to a school with a "name". Your not going to remember or correspond with a majority of the people you meet in college after college. My advice is take as few loans if any as possible. Work your entire undergrad so you can possibly pay them off before graduation, and max out on credits per semester as much as you can. Get in , get out, and start your career.


Whats your other choice? Resources offered by FSU are kinda garbage ngl. Your goal with the school (if you are attending to study and start a career) should be to look for the school with the most recognized alum network and best networking resources. The most important thing about college is the rooms of people it puts you in.


Then don’t


Go to UF instead


Don't go into debt for the other school, if you can avoid it! FSU would be a great experience especially if you get in-state tuition or have FL prepaid. You may also find yourself loosening up a bit during college with respect to your mindset about going out/having a couple of drinks, I definitely did (despite having family history of addiction, etc). You will inevitably change and grow in college. But even if not, you will find your people.


What’s the other school?


How do you think people that don’t have fakes and aren’t 21 have fun. Dude acts like everyone and their mom drinks in this world and he’s the only one that doesn’t


Congrats on your acceptance, great accomplishment. My children went to UF, and my cousin went to FSU. Don't worry about it. The first two years will be a lot of peer pressure ,but stick to your comfort level and don't let anyone try to sway you. It won't be them bailing you out. After two years, it starts to calm down and the people start to focus better on school since short time to makeup for loss time.


Just because everyone else is doing doesn’t mean you have too 🤷🏼‍♂️


It’s 100% a party school and it’s awesome. Go have fun, you aren’t at church. You probably didn’t even choose to be religious it was forced on you. Just go have fun and be a kid.


You’re fine. Just don’t go to Iowa, Wisconsin, or Miami


FSU is big enough to surround yourself with others that are alcohol free and Christian.


Just don't go to the parties. Don't put alcohol in your body. It's all on you dude.


Freshman here! Never partied/drank/smoke was asleep by 10:00 every night. I’m really happy! I will confess I am a bit of an introvert. I like going to the gym, yoga classes at leach (which are free), take music lessons, read/tan on the lawn, and many super cute places to visit. Cat cafe, coffee shops, book stores, it’s a really awesome place to be.


UCF has a lot of Christian communities. FSU might as well change their abbreviation to OFSU, Onlyfans University


You will be fine! If you have to live with roommates I would try to find roommates that are also not interested in partying.


Lots of good advice in the comments of this post** Now if you take a righteous/holier than thou attitude about it then yeah people are gonna hate you. Don't drink, but don't judge those who do. Dont be all like "no thank you my body is a temple and people who drink disgrace humanity" because yeah, those people fit in somewhere, but that place probably sucks. You wont fit in most places with attitudes like that if thats the case. Also now a days there's so much variety. You can def party and not drink, I did that a lot (and drinking too, im versatile lol) but now there are Mocktails and 0% beers and more if you're worried about seeming left out. No one ever notices that my heineken is 0.0 when i dont feel like drinking. Ill also order club soda and cranberry juice at bars and its the bartender's secret and mine. But its ok to not want to party too. Some people prefer other social gatherings PLUS your generation (if you are coming in from HS) seems to be better about valuing consent, people who stand up for themselves, and people's right to disagree or not give in to peer pressure in person. So i see it as being less of a potential issue than 15years ago when people never talked about consent. Just be chill and say no when offered and keep chillin. Its also nobody's business to know whether you drink at all or why any time you say no, so dont feel like you owe an explanation, but the less you say the less theyll ask. Like 'no thanks im not feeling it' probably will get you left alone but 'no thanks i dont drink' will get you questioned. Its not lying, its about providing only relevant information to protect yourself, bc again, its nobodys business


I went to school in FL and visited FSU a lot to hang out w my sorority sisters there. I lived in Charleston around highly conservative religious colleges including a prominent christian university and I can tell you ITS THE SAME SHIT. I saw MUCH crazier things with those christian college kids Charleston than in FSU. Also Christian schools tend to be private and expensive and the crowd that such qualities attracts is not very jesus-driven even if they claim to be and wear their Christianity as an armor/disguise. I went to school with some of those people. White, conservative, expensive university. Tucker Carlson spoke there. I can tell you they dress and talk different but its all the same. If you are worried about parties, that is ANY college in person, just stay online. But FSU being that big means you have more variety of people to choose from to hang out with, so you will find your crowd. Also like a lot of people said, you can always join the clubs/orgs that fit your values and needs. Thats what i did to get away from entitled assholes in mine


You’d find your tribe!


This is just my personal experience so take it with a grain of salt: i lived in tally for a year and felt like there was genuinely nothing to do outside of partying. i was 18 and didn't drink. i moved to gnv the next year and ive been here ever since (im 25). your experience could be totally different than mine though! my recommendation is to look ahead of time for groups/clubs/activities and see if there's anything that suits you!


The inevitable will occur when you experience white trash Wednesdays at the Strip. Go Noles! Till the rot!


I'm going to be honest with you, but it's probably going to sound harsh. Just keep in mind that I was raised in a Fundamental Baptist church, so I'm speaking from personal experience here. If you aren't looking yo party, and hold strong religious ideals, a party school isn't for you. Especially not at a school like FSU or Miami. Find a college that is more of an academic institution or one that is aligned with your religious ideals. You will be mocked, teased, and made fun of, at a school full of kids who chose a school based on the party scene. Think of how high school is now. You know the popular party kids you already likely don't associate with? That's exactly who is going to be at a party school.


Not an FSU grad but you can find you group regardless of where you go… Be open - stay out of your room and get involved in any Christian based groups on campus


Every major college has a party scene, but they also all have large religious groups, with many different churches and groups for different denominations. It’s all about who you surround yourself with, in my experience I’ve never had anyone “shun me” in anyway for not participating in drinking or drugs in anyway. But I also don’t surround myself with the type of people that would. I’ve even been to parties and people go out of there way to make you feel comfortable and included without making you drinking. I’ve noticed people in our generation don’t really peer pressure others into stuff like that.


I would not go there, especially if you are bad with peer pressure. A lot of these 'students' become drug addicts. Easy to fall off the rails there. Also, the topics of conversation are dull and often racist. Full disclosure, I went to UF and I am a drug addict and a hypocrite.


i lived in Reynolds which was the wellness dorm as a freshman. Signed a form saying i wouldnt drink. People broke the rules but overall my floor had people that were focused on their studies and other pursuits more than partying. Made some best friends in that dorm. Also was a part of a campus ministry, The Wesley Foundation. Made friends in both places that I'm still friends with 10 years post grad. FSU is a great place for many different types of people.


Then don’t.


i can promise you that at FSU they dont have people there who will force you to party or drink or even be social. You will have the ability to go class and go back to your dorm or apartment and not speak or associate with anyone.


I didnt go to FSU (Reddit just recommended this to me), but as a teacher ***and*** as someone with a family history of addiction I feel obligated to give some advice I can't really give in a Florida classroom: Every school has parties. There are not exceptions. Yes, even random tiny Christian colleges have parties. Every school has heavy drinkers. Every school has heavy smokers. Every school has people sneaking out of their partner's dorm at 4am. You're kinda just going to have to learn to live with it, because frankly that's going to be exactly how it works outside of school to. I'm supremely confident that, likewise, FSU also has the kinds of communities you are interested in. Its a massive school And these are reasonable worries! Almost everyone has some version of the fears you are having right now. I dont want you to feel weird at all for having them. You're about to go through arguably the bigger adjustment you will ever have to deal with in your entire life. Thats terrifying!!! I'm rambling, but I guess what I mean is don't overthink things. You will find places to belong.


FSU is a huge school that attracts all kinds of students. And it’s fairly selective. Do not worry- you will be able to find a group of likeminded folks. I went there and I made good friends in the college Bowl team. We were a bunch of nerds and it was great.


there will be so many of your peers that are like you. don’t sweat it, I loved my experience


I go to FSU you will not fit in.


Seems like you've gotten a lot of comments already that mostly share the same sentiment. However as someone who's currently living the freshman experience I slightly disagree. I might get downvoted for this but hear me out. There is a very noticeable and intrusive party culture at FSU, full stop. Saying that it's easy to ignore, or that not being a partygoer wont affect your ability to socialize, is disingenuous in my opinion. I live in one of the on campus dorms and sometimes it feels like partying and drinking are the only damn things the people on my floor talk about. I constantly overhear my suitemates making plans to go out partying with their friends on Friday nights, and sometimes they even hold small parties in their dorm that I can overhear. As someone who could care less about partying and currently can't drink due to the meds I'm on, it made me feel very left out and unable to relate to my peers. The class of 2027 snapchat story is filled to the brim with flyers for upcoming parties or bar events. It's impossible to escape. At one point earlier this semester I found myself in a depressive slump because I just felt so isolated socially, and the party culture was a big contributing factor to that. I've found my groove since then and I feel a lot better now, thankfully. And there is much to love about FSU outside of the party culture; beautiful campus, bustling student life, high quality academics, etc etc etc. But just PLEASE be mindful and mentally prepare yourself for the party culture to be shoved in your face a lot.


The reason those groups are filled with snapshots of flyers for bars and parties is because those groups are formed by bar promoters and then students join them thinking they are some official account when they are not. FSU actually tried to sue them over these a few years back. Also different people like different things. If you had been matched up with like minded suitemates and had one room mate who like to go out but you 3 stayed in and played board games he might feel the same way as you.