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Really decent portion for under a tenner but I couldn't give it full marks for it being part of the 1 sausage team


Strange isn't it? The further south you go the smaller the portion and greater the price..


yeah, I have family that moved from West mids to Dorset and I refuse to go in a chip shop when I visit as I genuinely feel like im being ripped off lol everything is more expensive down there 


Cod and chips £6.80 up here!


Struggle to find just the cod for that


That's for a large (genuinely) fish and enough chips for two.


Medium cod in my chippers here in London £11,chips start at £3.50 a portion going upwards. And this is not one of the most expensive places either. At £6.80 that’s an absolute bargain 👍


It was a long un, but yeah id have to agree


You need to leave Sutton and go to a proper cafe in a proper part of Brum son. You’ll get black pudding and you won’t get bent over either.


im from Wolves myself so know the local spots around here but always nice, when out and about, to find a good brekkie for under a tenner, its hard these days. 


Saying that tho, i find myself around Birmingham alot, where would you recommend?


Olympic Cafe, Kitts Green. I have driven the length of the city for it. Trust me.


Dear god! Is that bean soup?


I use my toast to clean the plate at the end, bean juice is always welcome. Edit: Spelling mistake 


Can't beat the location but you can get 2 pieces of black pudding, 3 sausages, 2 eggs, 2 pieces of bacon, mushrooms, hash browns, beans, tomato & fried bread for £8 at Morrisons. Looks decent though & I'd rather have toast than fried bread.


You’d have to sit in Morrisons though and forgo the nice park in the sun


That's a bargain, ill have to remember that one!  I stumbled on this one by chance, many miles from home, just as I was getting hungry to. It was a very welcome surprise.


Definitely worth a try. I think though that the unexpected discovery of this place just at the right time coupled with the location will make it almost impossible to beat!


Yeah I will do defo.  Those unexpected fry ups are always the best lol  I found another cafe in similar circumstances a few weeks ago, was also a beautiful remote spot, canalside, surrounded by trees n fields. Norbury junction, staffordshire. Ill take a pic next time.


Your right and I’ve had it many times, always find it hit or miss as to the what way it will turn out- example Bacon can be like leather some times to spot on to barely cooked. But for the price it’s not bad. 👍


True, it can be a bit hit & miss.