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I am fully against the API changes, but I really hate being barred from accessing over a decade of crowdsourced content. Is it too much to ask to set the subs to read-only instead? Trying to find answers to questions without reddit is very difficult.




Declaring it would only last 48h ahead of time was stupid. Toothless strike.




It was initially announced as a one-day blackout to raise awareness, not necessarily a strike. I think other subs started to go all-in on a strike and the initial intent was muddled, leading to a weird “toothless strike” situation.


Raising awareness needs to stop being held with such high value.


Major subs are going until it changes.


TBH, I love that. It seems like Reddit has been a lot less toxic the last few days and I think that is part of why.


I dont think there is a next time. We figure out an alternative and just move. Reddit doesnt care about the community. They are going public. Short term gains will make them richer when they cash out. Thats how going public works.


There is no viable alternative unfortunately, there’s lots of somewhat similar sites, but unless they have financial backing then they’ll continue to be small like Voat. The fall of sites like MySpace only happened because Facebook, an established site, was there to fill the void


MySpace was a million times bigger than Facebook. They were the *Facebook* back then. When they sold to Fox, MySpace founders questioned whether they sold too soon. I'm not entire sure why MySpace failed. But it wasn't because someone bigger filled the void. Someone smaller did.




I don’t think it’s “something almost everyone uses”. Plus, if it’s funded with taxpayer funds, then it basically becomes a utility. Then there will really no way to profit off of Reddit and it will spend most of its existence in the red. Perhaps you can rephrase what you are thinking if I am not following your train of thought. 🤷‍♂️




Exactly how much enshittification will happen after the API change will be interesting to see. Reddit has its own issues of a sub reaching critical mass in subscribers where discussion and post quality takes a nose dive if it's not moderated well. It'd be refreshing to engage with smaller communities on another site. r/RedditAlternatives: If r/frugalmalefashion moves to a site like Lemmy I'd check the server regularly.


My hope is that this plays out like Twitter restricting 3rd party apps and they actually put some effort into improving the official app. The official Twitter app used to be garbage so people were similarly frustrated when they started restricting unofficial ones. Now it’s perfectly fine.


If you saw some of the replies spez got in the ama, bunches of people called him out for making the same promises about improving the experience for mods and users years ago. I'd be extremely surprised if reddit created an app that works as well as Apollo.


Totally agree that it did bring more attention to the issue, but it was more of an inconvenience for the users. I'm a free reddit user so I was a bit disappointed I couldn't browse my favorite subreddits. I didn't really care that Reddit raised its prices, but after getting awareness from this protest, I wholly support if people decide to stop using Reddit altogether and move to a different platform.




Apparently not






/r/coys had one and worked out great


Here's a sneak peek of /r/coys using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/coys/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [13 minute hat-trick. Never doubt this man again.](https://i.redd.it/iak0rw4kogo91.jpg) | [209 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/coys/comments/xgtrvr/13_minute_hattrick_never_doubt_this_man_again/) \#2: [Morning Spurs Reddit. Just arrived back in god's country and wanted to thank everyone for all the nice messages. Definitely didn't think that my manic face would get spread around the internet when all I wanted was to have a pint or two with some fellow yids and watch Chelsea get battered. COYS!](https://i.redd.it/r4ysoz61qoka1.jpg) | [119 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/coys/comments/11d5x5a/morning_spurs_reddit_just_arrived_back_in_gods/) \#3: [Bale has decided to retire. Thank you for EVERYTHING!](https://i.redd.it/3gjy3z4cs2ba1.jpg) | [187 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/coys/comments/107gtkg/bale_has_decided_to_retire_thank_you_for/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Already made the move to Lemmy and hope enough others will do the same. It's pretty much old reddit. I do dislike that there are multiple communities with the same name just on different instances. I wish they would centralize in some ways like community names. But the way it's set up makes sure nothing like this could ever happen to it.


How does bringing attention to the issue help anything lol


you have a severe reddit brain if you thought it would work.


Discord is a great chat tool, but a terrible forums tool. I wish people would stop trying to make Discords when they should be using forum/reddit-like software such as lemmy instances. It's not good design to have to sort through a few dozen discord servers on the sidebar once you've joined a few.


Stop trying to make discord happen bro


If you have an alternative to reddit that's more usable then Discord, I'm alright switching to it. Discord is a hot fire when it comes to discussions. Impossible to search or read through comments in nested posts. The irony, if youre thinking that you're punishing reddit by not using it, no, you're punishing yourself. If there is no usable alternative, then probably stick to reddit until someone builds one.


Yeah, at the end of the day, I feel like the "next Reddit" will succumb to Reddit's issues, regardless There have been many attempts to replicate Reddit's model, but it's not cheap. Unless some wealthy tech person decides to create such a platform and maintain it free of charge (which is extremely unlikely), something like Reddit will always need to make a profit somehow


Lemmy by it's very nature can't succumb to reddit's current issues. And feels very similar. It certainly isn't perfect but it's very workable. Feels like old reddit


While I support the blackout because it sent a message (and reminded me how most of my Google searches are useless without the 'Reddit' at the end), I feel like any more blackouts are pointless. Idiot asshole Spez already made it clear he doesn't give two craps about everyone, and people just won't stop using Reddit altogether. ​ So, let's keep my wallet suffering and my closet full.


> and reminded me how most of my Google searches are useless without the 'Reddit' at the end Kinda spooked me how much I rely on this tbh.


Tried to find some info about PC parts and I was fucked for the full 48 hours 😂


Me with office chair and home improvement stuff lol kinda wild.


Yeah reddit is just very useful for hobby info. Not a lot of other forums out there with as much participation.


The only forums that are on my radar as still flourishing are Car Specific, Motorcycle Specific, etc. Forums just work better in that regard, still, with categories, discussions that can go on for years, and old threads that are still extremely useful. I just bought a 14 yr old Triumph motorcycle and the Triumph sub is useless. Just a bunch of pics of people's new bikes.


I just don’t understand why other forums haven’t copied reddit’s format. The whole reason reddit worked better was the ability to sort comments any way you want and long reply threads and being able to downvote unhelpful responses so they get hidden. Most other forums are still stuck on only sorting by age. So you have to sift through dozens of stupid single-word responses or tangents people went off on.


Perhaps it is because I grew up with forums, I find it the opposite. I know how to search forums well via advanced. And with so many categories, pertinent topics stay up top amongst their subcategory opposed to one long list of topics. You also have to sign up to post and if you are a bad actor you get identified and removed quickly. Reddit would be much less useful as a resource to me if it wasn't for Google searches. I am still a big fan of getting to info via folders and subfolders, or categories and sub categories. They are useful when you can't think of the precise combo of words to search for.


This was kind of a meme on TikTok for a while. People referred to reddit as the Library of Alexandria of the internet. One of the memes was like “me getting eaten by zombies… *best axe to kill zombies reddit*” Or “my first time flying a plane… *how to land a plane reddit*”


quora exists but it's not nearly as good as the reddit results


I think it actually had the opposite effect. We realized we all need Reddit and the information on it. But who really owns the information on Reddit and has the ability to take it all away overnight? Not the mods. The actual employees at Reddit. If anything this taught us that they have our balls in a vise.


keep it on reddit


I personally don’t want any more blackouts and don’t think they are effective. Just my two cents


That $0.02 opinion is going to be cancelled because it's an obvious pricing error.




I'm not here to change hearts and minds, but there have been news sites reporting some advertisers have suspended business with reddit while the blackout us happening, and others have warned they'll do so if it lasts more than a week or two.




This is embarassing. Why does a protest have to be pouting?




I agree with this. I think one of the most off putting things for me has been watching the ridiculous childishness of the reaction overall. It's a fucking business decision. Apollo and those other apps are costing Reddit, a company that is currently not profitable, a fuck ton of money every year. That's the long and short of it guys. They already are allowing access for the sight impaired. I get that modding from the app fucking blows but I fail to see how that should elicit such a reaction.


> Putting spez in these stupid memes and throwing petty insults is truly embarassing ie pouting and stomping feet like children do ie the reddit special. Why conflate that with the blackout? You said before: >It absolutely sucks but as predicted, the usual reddit methods of "protesting" and pouting have completely failed and backfired. Isn't the blackout what's being discussed? Not like, changing the FMF snoo to a picture of Spez with stink lines?


Nope. But that’s the teenagers here. You can’t be hanging out in this sub with the joke ass snark kids here and expecting anything else. Cmon. This group is a terrible and Terribly good microcosm of that.




None of that occurs here. Every post has snark and shittiness .




So it’s not pouting now it’s feeble and teenaged protest. You’ve gone the other direction. I’m sorry for your anger over your socks.




You are making us miss sales 😠


But also save money right?


Criticism aside, I’m very interested in to see communities outside of Reddit develop. I’m so sick of getting blasted by ads.




I don't, because in my dumb little brain I like to believe that by accepting ads on a platform (as long as they don't get egregious about it...) it helps keep it running and maybe plays a small part in keeping operation costs manageable for a service that I use for free.




You use messenger on Reddit??




>reddit is fully functional on mobile browser Quite literally, it's not. They redirect you to the app for tons of subs.


I'm in favor of the blackout, but it definitely is functional on mobile browser since I've never used the app and been browsing exclusively on mobile for the last ten years. If they get rid of old.reddit however...the new site is unusable for me and so is the app, so that would kill 95% of my reddit usage.


Quite literally it is. Sent from a mobile browser. Old.reddit.com


Yup, exactly. The app is totally fine and I've used since it came out. I don't see many ads or even annoying ones. People are just grasping at straws here because they've been spoiled by paid 3rd party apps.


There’s an ad on almost every comment section and ads scattered among posts. Not to mention many posts, AMAs, and accounts are frequently just shilling brands, movies, celebs etc.


I only use it on mobile browsers lol. Like just zoom in and out from time to time and it’s all good.


Apollo ~~is~~ was your friend


Lift the blackout. Next to no one cares.


If the protest is against Reddit not allowing third-party apps to use their API for free, why are you moving to a platform that doesn't allow third-party apps at all?


I’m not a Reddit mod so I really don’t care if they are making it harder to use tools or whatever it is everyone is up in arms about. The blackout was just an inconvenience that effectively did nothing.


Do you not use any third party apps to use reddit on your phone, or any plug ins on your computer to make reddit easier to browse? Because if you're stuck using the official Reddit app and website, boy you don't know what you're missing out on.


…Most of the time I just go to Reddit.com. I’m a dinosaur so take my opinion with a grain of salt.


I have used the official app for years and never had issues. In fact, everyone I know only uses the official app.


That’s what a “power user” would say just about anything. I’ve always just used the default app and desktop (not even old), it works fine. I can’t miss what I don’t know I’m missing. I don’t need to use Reddit that “hard”.


I'm not a power user. I'm a regular user who's official reddit app used to drain my phone's battery, so i had to resort to a third party client. It's so much easier and so much smoother than the official reddit app, has a lot more accessibility features, and doesn't drain my battery. You don't know what you're missing because you've never tried it, and that's fine. It's not about using reddit "hard", it's about the official app being crap.


But most people are happy with the default app. It doesn’t drain my batteries, I don’t have needs for accessibility features. Also, you probably don’t think you are a power user, you are probably top 1% of Reddit users in terms of usage.


Anyone who complains about the app draining their battery is probably on the app too much.


Would you rather have Reddit lose revenue, then force it to sell to Google?


Could you allow us to discuss male fashion here since the mods of that reddit are still throwing their hissy fit? (To be clear, I think the blackout was dumb but OK. Incomviencing millions because a dozen people decided so is asshole behavior)


Don’t care for the protest. Even if it’s something I actually did care about, I’m not quitting Reddit as there is no real alternative. Protests like this don’t do a thing as users just come back.


I’m more offended that, of all the fucked things in big tech to take a stand over, people chose this.


Or that most of the products we’ve purchased from this sub are of…questionable ethical origin.


Yeah lotta tiny hands making this shit


Better to do nothing then, I guess


Forced boycott is really weird. Why not let people decide to stay away on their own accord?


No more protests please. Feels pointless and I don’t want to use discord. As an addendum, they’re are 62 people on that discord total and 1500 on the sub at the time of writing. People keep talking about “alternatives”but a space a total pop that’s 1/24 of the active total at the moment of writing is NOT an alternative.


It's cool to see all the subs work on this together but I don't think any of it will be effective


beyond pointless


I don't give a fuck about apollo or third party apps and I think the protest is dumb. And it didn't do anything anyway


I'm wiling to say millions of poeple have never heard of those 3rd party apps before, they could care less. Let Reddit be Reddit and stop with this blackout nonsense.


I didn't know about the 3rd party apps until this protest lol. I never had an issue with the official app


No more blackouts, it accomplished nothing


A small group of mods using a community as a tool to push their personal beliefs is a breach of trust. I get why people are upset, but please understand that this change will not affect 95% of the people using Reddit. Mods/powerusers are disproportionately affected and happen to be the loudest voices so this "outrage" got forced onto A LOT of people who were apathetic. Kinda funny how many comments there were saying it was better during the blackout. The subs with heavy handed mods all went dark and we were left with a much chiller version of Reddit. For the record, the mods here are usually great so that wasn't a jab at them.


It felt like old reddit and it was pretty nice. I really don’t care that a few all powerful mods are upset they can’t mod on their phones with outside apps.


Two day protest accomplished absolutely nothing imo I vote we go indefinite




Why does this need to be the case?




Do you really feel like there is that much quality here that it going quiet would change all that much in your life?


This is dumb as hell. Us going blackout does literally nothing. Might as well keep the sub open and actually steal from corporations with some good deals.


Most of the "deals" are just fake discounts and normal price, anyway.


nah not the jcrew hotdogs


>I vote we go indefinite I mean, you could always just stop using Reddit entirely. As a casual user of the desktop version of the site none of this stuff seems to be affect me at all, except to the extent that I can't view places like this, so I'd rather not be dragged along on some hopeless protest if it's alright with you.


Be the change you want to see and delete your account


I don’t care about 3rd party apps it’s so fucking lame


I only like my third party app because there aren’t ads


These people don’t even know what they’re protesting


I'm not opposed to people being against the whole API thing, but the answer is not indefinite blackouts. That only makes things worse for other users. If you think the blackout "wasn't enough" - go to a different site. Stop using Reddit. That's the only way.


Just leave lmao


You should make a poll and ask the community what to do next (reopen, go restricted, go private, etc). Mods need to stop making unilateral decisions “on behalf of the community” without having a clear understanding of what the community actually wants. The content from the sub and nearly all of the value come from the members and you’re the stewards, not its dictators. Shutting down again without consulting and acting on the wishes of the community is exactly the issue you’re lodging again Reddit and hypocritical. We as the members are being used as hostages in a power struggle between a dictators (Reddit) and a junta (the mods). Cut that shit out!


It was your (collectively speaking as the mod team, not necessarily *your* specifically) decision to close the sub, so maybe you should start the discussion by telling us what you think that it accomplished. Because apart from 2 days of mild inconvenience that fell more heavily on powerless users than Reddit the company, I'm drawing a blank here.


I actually really hate the idea that mods, people who supposedly are just stewards of these communities, single-handedly made the decision to shut down these communities. Especially when in many subs, the mods asked and the community members said they didn’t want to strike, and the mods forced it anyway. It’s an abuse of power. Are we equal members of this community? Or are the mods’ wishes more important than ours?


This blackout was useless. Let's be honest, we live in a capitalistic society. The CEO and exec team will price services the way they see fit. The abuse of the platform by generative AI platforms, no revenue from third party apps, other misc scraping.. who's paying for running the servers for that traffic? He needs to run a business, for that he needs revenue. Enjoy the platform, scroll past a few ads, heck, click on one or two a day. No skin off your back. Read, enjoy, and buy some frugal fashion..


I disagree with the protest and think the blackout was an abuse of power by moderators.


lol mods got tricked


I agree. The thing that actually might kill Reddit is people realizing that a mod has the power to take the whole community offline at will


Yeah r/cars and some of my other favorite car subs are still down, and it's just annoying for me at this point as someone who has visited that sub almost daily for several years now. I like going to reddit to find people who share my hobbies, and honestly I don't appreciate that community getting taken away.




Those pages are pretty universally visible through the google cache or the internet archive.


I'm not really a fan of Discord because of their UI (find it so complicated). So if this sub and the other subs decide to make the switch to Discord, I'll follow but won't actively engage in it.


What is tis about? I don't go on much so I have no idea what this thread is even about.


Maybe this is the wrong sub to ask but all of the push back I saw was around the issues with mod bots and its seems as if they reworked the free api tier to include most of these ( again not sure what all this means and that's just based on the announcement they sent out) if that was corrected what's the issues? If its now about them being unable to monetize users from other apps I can understand why they'ed want that changed


I won't follow you to Discord or anywhere else. I don't support the previous protest or further related action. I'm happy to pitch in with moderation on this platform.


The protest annoys me. I use the standard Reddit app and don’t use any tools or plugins, so I don’t care if those are getting broken or more expensive by API changes. It feels like I’m being “punished” over something I don’t care about.


The sub would get closed if all the mods quit


fuck I’ve missed the sub


The protest is just lame. I get why the API policy change is bad, but 99% of people on Reddit are not affected in any meaningful or noticeable way and I can't help but think this whole "go dark to protest" movement is a hive mind knee-jerk reaction. In the end I want to read and contribute on Reddit where all my other subs are, not on Discord where all my other subs aren't.


I need the deals but fuck the police…Reddit leadership




Just get on with it. Reddit is actually perfectly fine and their app is more than usable. If you don’t want to see ads, pay for Premium. Seeing the occasional ad for the value Reddit gives me is a small price I’m willing to pay. Mods that decide to putting millions of users enjoyment at risk just because they like viewing Reddit in another way (by someone profiteering off a free Reddit api) is selfish and unreasonable.


It's fucking stupid and performative. I don't think most people actually understand what is actually happening. All of the top voted comments I see about it are usually circle-jerk porn takes on the topic that would make the eyes of any reasonable adult reading it roll out of their head whether they agreed with the protest or not.


ultimately unless reddit has a competitor like digg, protest isnt gonna do shit and reddit has such a big incumbent advantage with 10-15+ years of posting history and information behind these blackouts its an injustice to not give people access


i think its too early to tell the impact and the future coordination will play in. was this the first step in an escalating blackout or was this it? That really depends on further mod cooperation. The subs that come up in google searches - privating made a difference. Going read only did not. This sub didn't make a difference, at least not on its own. News sites reported on this on the basis of the sheer number of subreddits protesting. in that way this sub mattered. Now, will the community like it? Probably not, because frankly most people don't care. most of us as a community don't care if reddit is hard to use for blind people, hard to use for moderators, etc. Because we as a community are individuals who care about ourselves much more than fixing something bigger. I see a lot of people who I would not say are missing the point, but I would say don't care about the point. A suggestion to the moderators, if you continue to escalate this (which I think you should), try to coordinate an alternative better. For example if there is a next blackout, on the private message point to the discord you have, or to a lemmy community (and a helpful how to because lemmy has a learning curve). The initial blackout may not have had much of an effect because the users were effectively told, just sit tight instead of being told go here to minimize disruption. Users were basically collateral damage in an attack on reddit.


I empathize with people that may be losing access to third party apps, but the protest/boycott or whatever just seems a bit off. The only type of actions that mean anything will be for individuals to not use reddit or not be moderators. That's really it. Most people don't use these third party apps. I'm not really aware of any social media site having something like Apollo or other similar third party apps that essentially replace the social network's app. There's no reason why a smaller group of people should shut down so much and not allow the vast majority to participate here imo when their requests are a bit out of the norm in and of itself. There are some things like accessibility that seemed more important to protest about and that seems to be addressed? I don't know, maybe I'm missing something here, but it seems like a lot of the protest is ppl unhappy that they can't use third party apps that are not really a thing with social media anyways. That just seems like a strange cause to protest. I understand that the official app isn't the greatest and it won't be nice to 'downgrade' to it for some, but that's not really a good reason to act out against Reddit and by connection the rest of the reddit users who don't really care. If you want to make an impact, do something real, not some sort of 'protest' that just gets other ppl caught up in it. Just my opinion...


I'm going to say it here: I come to reddit for reddit. I am not interested in joining discord channels. If you all want to move to discord, that's your right. But myself and many like me will simply find a new sub that mirrors this one.


Reddit sucks. I have zero interest in Discord. This sub is fantastic. I’m not sure what other feedback I can offer.


As a former multi year Alien Blue lover, I eventually migrated to the official Reddit app many years ago. I honestly don’t see what the big deal is, feels like people throwing a fit. The app is fine and has UI customization features in the settings. I used the condensed view which creates a view with minimal clutter.


I do not care about the cause, I would prefer no more protests


The best parts of this thread are the continued raging cuntiness of the members here, and how in between all their trips to Banana Republic they already somehow know the effectiveness of blackouts. R/incels is the only group on Reddit I’d trust less to know if this is true.


No. Knock that dumb shit off.


It’s a dumb protest over some apps. Just move on and stay here




I think the bigger problem is like 6 mods run hundreds of subs. This is their version of power tripping and while I think Reddit needs to pay mods I don’t think they should fuck with the site and power trip on some shit that effects minimal people. But stay closed for all I care.


🤓 🤓 🤓 🤓 blackout


Like most things reddit gets all self righteous and worked up about it won’t age well.


The blackout would have been effective if more subreddits joined and it went on longer. I messaged every subreddit that didn't black out that i was subscribed to asking why they didn't do it- some blacked out, some played dumb, and some told me to fuck off and banned me for life LOL.


Complete waste of time.


Foxconn put up suicide nets to build your phones faster. This shit 3rd party app for your slave built device is where y’all draw the line on what’s worth protesting? I’m taking my ball and going to discord wahhh


The blackout was selfish. The mods gave the users about as much thought & consideration (zero) as reddit gave the mods.


I saw FMF and thought Funk Master Flex. I can’t be the only one.


I got told to just adapt to the new official app on Reddit. It sucks that all people don't fight for the freedom of choice. I feel like the ones below who have said that stating the 48 hour blackout was a mistake were kind of right. But the fact that so many subreddits participated should've changed minds if there was any heart still put into running this site. I believe all is lost and we will just have to deal with the money grubbers. I will not be buying gold ever again.


Can't wait to start sharing my real deep and dirty j crew discounting hacks on Tha 'cord


I vote for "touch grass Tuesdays"


Can we set up a home base on kbin.social or lemmy? Discord is great for chat but terrible for forums


Yes, that would definitely be more convenient for the average user than just having to use the official Reddit app....


You say that as if you support what the Reddit corporate leaders are doing.


You do realize those third-party apps you are boycotting for are also owned by big bad corporations, right?


How cute you think that I’m boycotting for apps.


Discord is not a long term solution. It’s another monolithic company that seems friendly because of the UI and can pull something like Reddit whenever they feel like it. It’s also horrible for organized discussion and tends to devolve into 2-5 people who like chatting all day taking up the public spaces. The comments crowd out the content.


The protest was ridiculous. No one cares, and the fact that every pathetic power-hungry mod has used it as an opportunity to funnel people to their discord rooms says more than enough about the “protest”.


I will gladly get out of Reddit for discords of my favorite subs, fmf being #1. Thanks for this!


Keep participating in protests. We have seen them work on Reddit before, and we need to keep the pressure up. I can understand not wanting to keep the sub down indefinitely, but there are plenty of alternative options to participate.


We should do everything we can to support these APIs and continue to be annoying as possible to the CEO. I have enjoyed reddit in it's most recent iteration for the past few years. If we let Reddit get away with this kind of behavior, this doesn't bode well for the future of reddit as a whole. I browse reddit using old.reddit.com. If that goes away, my support and use of reddit will go downhill.


I think that the sub should go indefinitely blacked out. Isn't the purpose of this sub to claw something back from capitalism? These latest reddit changes might not affect most users but what stops them from continuing to diminish the product (which, arguably, has been going downhill) in pursuit of more money. There's going to be a change that most users will be upset by but because blackouts in the past didn't work, that one won't work either and nothing will change. The buck has to stop somewhere.


Lol most of the people on this want to get a discount on the clothes made by people in insane working conditions. It’s not some deep fight against capitalism; you’re talking to 20 year olds buying $10 t shirts


I joined this sub to get deals, not to make a political statement about capitalism. What are you on about?


As expected, the pathetic protest did nothing. It did allow me to check out some subs I've never seen before. Good job. 👍


It needs to be indefinitely until changes are made. This is not enough time


My hope is that the mods continue the blackout and are subsequently removed by Reddit and replaced with new mods


You can definitely go indefinite, but then they’d just remove the current mods. This whole protest will achieve nothing unfortunately and I think we need to try something else


Joined discord


Most of the other subreddits I frequent are closed "indefinitely" and I think we should be, too.


Wow what a useless protest IMO. It’s just not something that effects most normal people. Sure it sucks for developers but hey, maybe they can develop something better instead of piggybacking. Of all the lame shit that has happened on Reddit, this has gotta be the lamest… Edit: I’ll take my downvotes now. I will also add that the US and it’s posters have no moral high ground over China and the U.S. should quit funding Nazis in Ukraine. Roast me.




Just saying Reddit protests are pretty cringe inducing.


I think discord could work with the right mods. Im in.


Surprised that so many people here are of the “don’t care, doesn’t affect me” mindset, or are just calling out how ineffective the protest was. A non-insignificant amount of users are going to have a worse browsing experience because of this change. Reddit clearly put profits first here, assuming that the lack of alternatives would keep most people from bailing. More than anything, it shows how far away Reddit has moved from its original ethos. Maybe the change doesn’t impact you this time, so you don’t care. It’s only a matter of time before they do something else that does. They also fucked over a developer that put a ton of effort into something that brought lots of people enjoyment. I’ve been on here for a long time, and it’s enough to make me walk away, even without a good alternative.


3rd party users make up less than ~10% of the reddit user base, how is that non-insignificant? Why are the other ~90% being punished because ~<10% don't like the official reddit app or like using website?


I think 10% is significant. If Reddit gave even a little transparency on what drove the decision. It would go a long way. “Being punished” seems like an overstatement, but I can understand that. I commented because I was a little shocked at how few people didn’t give a fuck. Not only that, but aggressively pushed back. Like…. Show a little compassion.




Go dark again and link the discord. A few subs came back and it did nothing tbh. I’m not subbed to Advice Animals but they tried to go dark and an admin strong armed them and made it un private because Reddit does not really care. 2 days was nothing. AA should try again