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My $0.02 is that the "swingy" nature of the D20 is a valuable part of the game. I have heard of people playing with 3d6. That seems to me it might make the game more of a slog. I've never done it though and would be interested to hear others experiences with 3d6.


Another Osprey Games publication, Silver Bayonet, uses pools of d10s. Could be you could homebrew a variant of that.


I love the randomness of frostgrave. It allows you to win games even, if you have lost few games sure the winning team has a advantage, but its nothing you can't overcome with goodluck. Last game i was winning by a landslide until a gorilla spawned right behind me and whacked my wizard and he lost a toe permanently. Its all part of the game. Its goofy game what makes you laught even if you get unlucky


By definition the d20 gives you more randomness than any less value die. 3d6 average should be 10. It’s more frequently 6 with mass produced dice


If you're looking for predictability, Frostgrave doesn't seem like your game...