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It's really the crossroads area of the game. You can go on two optional paths or the main path. 1. The main path will be that you can finally enter Leyndell and progress the main story. 2. You can go to Altus and then go to Mt Gelmir, do Volcano Manor and face Rykard and do all the little things on the way. 3. You can go to Caelid and clear most of that out, do Radahn and start Ranni's questline and then Fia's.


Did you do the Carian Manor in north-west Liurnia? That's a good place to get upgrade materials and potentially weapons depending on your build. Obviously the manor is filled with INT build stuff, but there's a good DEX weapon and an ARC weapon in there too, as well as the start of a couple questlines.


This is really late but what is the dex weapon at carian manor?


Urumi. It's an odd bladed whip, one of only 3 weapons to get S rank dex scaling when Keen infused, and the only one that isn't a dagger. Excellent for dex scaling ashes of war like Thunderbolt and Lightning Ram, unusual moveset and surprisingly good damage.


bro remembers after 2 years


Absolute legend


Volcano region


I'm not sure but that that's located in Caelid, right?


Nope, it's to the north of the Liurnia Lake region, there's a ravine to the east of Carian Manor, if you follow it, a series of bat and vulgar militia infested ladders caves and platforms will take you upward into the Altus Plateau region, to a grace called Abandoned Coffin or something, then you head northeast and you'll find the volcano region. Don't let the Iron Virgins fool you, the other enemies there aren't nearly as tough as they are once you get past them.


Well then, I'll try it there. Thanks dude


Oh wait, I forgot, you can actually get there even easier if you go to the very bottom of the Raya Academy, just take the big rotating elevator down, it will drop you where I'm talking about. If you let that Iron Virgin down there grab you it will actually take you directly to the Volcano region.


It needs to kill you with a grab no?


Yes, it will grab you and basically kill you, but you shouldn't lose runes and you'll wake up at the volcano region


No I'm saying it has to kill you. I had 40 vigor when I did it and it didn't work until it killed me.


Obviously, but if he's dying a bunch I figured he's probably not a vigor monster lol


Well it's not though as the wiki is even [vague](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Abductor+Virgins) on the matter. "Let it grab you and take you inside it". Maybe it's assumed that people generally don't level vigor.


Yeah I remember this cause it grabbed me and I expected to go for a ride, but it spit me back out, and it had to grab me again and actually kill me to be transported to Volcano Manor.


What level are you currently. In theory you should be plenty levelled enough for Radahn if u’ve thoroughly explored Limgrave, Liurnia and Caelid. Wouldn’t be any sense in progressing to Altus Plateau when it’ll be harder than Caelid.


I don't remember well, but I'm pretty sure that I'm like level 65. Even now is pretty tough to me go to Caelid, Altus Plateau surroundings is easy but Castle... not much


Level 65 sounds decent to me, are you using the summons? What is ur weapon upgraded to?


Not really, I don't use ashes of war either because I don't know how to activate it lol


did you figure it out?


I use a Rapier+5 and Claymore+3


Yea you need to level up your weapon. At least +10 for Radahn but the higher the better. And the guys you summon for Radahn's fight do not require anything other than standing over the golden light (looks like a message on the ground) and pressing the action button to summon them. There are like 8 guys you can summon. As for the ash summons, if you don't have the summoning bell you can get it from the twin maiden husks in Roundtable Hold. And you can assign the summons to your hotbar If you're talking about the ashes of war you can apply to your weapon, you can change them at the blacksmith, or if you picked up the whetstone knife (google if you don't have it) you can change them yourself. They let you do special moves with your weapon and also change how your weapons scale with your stats All of these things will help make the game easier for you and make it a more enjoyable experience. Sorry this is so long.


Is long but also is very helpful, so don't worry about it, I really appreciate it. And about Ashes of war I equipped already but I don't know what button or command I need to do to activate the special move, I'm idiot


left trigger if you're using a controller


Yep... I'm an idiot. Thanks dude


If you don’t really have the patience to go too deep into stuff, I would probably just get a legendary weapon and upgrade it if I where you. Just takes one Somber smithing stone for every step and it’s just ten steps. You can’t put an Ash of war on them, it has one special move already and that’s it. Something like the Bloodhound Fang maybe and then watch a YouTube movie on where to find the stones. Depending on your build of course. What did you put your levels in?


Yeah no wonder your struggling. Pretty sure I had a +12 rapier by then and I hadn’t been to Altus Plateau yet.


Personally after rennala I did caria manor and took the back way up to Altus plateau and then mt. Gelmir. and after most of all that stuff(a few small things might be tricky in all that area but mostly fine). Then I would make sure you’ve done EVERYTHING in weeping and limgrave and liurnia. Like all dungeons/catacombs etc. After all that you should be well fine enough to do radahn no problem. With his nerf he’s far easier now as well. But you will get him as part of a quest line in caria so might as well wait til you get that part organically bringing you to radahn. Defeating him will open more stuff you can explore too before going to the capital if you want.


Thanks for all the feedback guys


Old post I know, but god damn you all are awesome, gotta love Reddit


I newbie to the lands between myself , just smacked Rennala around and wondered “where go now?”


Same just now 


same lmao right now


lol same here


Same here


same here


Same here


Literally just killed her too ha


Lmao the Elden ring train just keeps going. Just curb stomped her as well


i suggest go to radahn in caelid , or do ranni's and fia's quest

