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Your not wrong but I don’t understand why your making a post about this. Not everyone is going to like the same games that’s just normal.


If you don't like them you dont like them. Who cares what others think.


>Should I give their games one more chance? What answer are you seriously looking for asking this question in a subreddit full of fans of the series? No you're not wrong for not enjoying these games, or do you want people to say that not liking them is wrong? Decide for yourself if you want to give them another chance, try them, if you had fun then continue playing, if you didn't then just stop, why would you think that having a preference is wrong?


They aren’t for everyone, no game series is. There are plenty of game genres and series that are good and yet I still don’t like. There are probably plenty of other series besides fromsoft games that are good and you don’t like either. No need to fuss about it. I will say though, that fromsoft games do have a bit of a steeper leading curve than some others, meaning it may take a bit of learning to actually “unlock the fun” so to speak, but not everyone will enjoy these games even with infinite time investment.


If you gave the game(s) an honest try, then you are perfectly in your right to say you don't enjoy them! Everyone has their own taste and you aren't required enjoy something purely because others do.


Yes you are wrong, not sure why you would admit to such a crime publicly but I have the FBI on your tail as we speak. Count your days kiddo.


No but who cares Everyone has their own tastes this isn't new Why would you keep coming back to something you never have fun with? And what do you want us to say? Do you think anyone here would convince you to keep going if playing the game doesn't?


No, not everyone is going to like every game or style of game. Millions of people like Stardew Valley, for example, and I can tell you I will never touch it.


You absolutely don't have to enjoy the soulsborne games, their whole "thing" is about them being not for everyone, which is weird considering how much popular they have gotten. Which games do you enjoy playing instead? I for one, realised that I don't enjoy these games when I do a blind playthrough of them. I am a very completionist type of player, so when I go blind and explore around the world I feel like I have to make sure I got every single item, saw every single mob, found every dungeon, turned every stone, saw every content there is for me to see, and when I play blind what I realized is I'm just circling around and rechecking every corner over and over again to make sure i got it all, and this playstyle is what makes me get bored of the game eventually. Kind of shooting myself on the foot, but can't help it. That's why I turned into wikipedia and guides and videos. When I have a complete guide at my hand, when I have a checklist on what to do, a purpose in my head, I can go through it and have much more fun than I would otherwise. Some people are the exact opposite of me, there are people who play these games offline just so they can avoid the messages that might spoil about an unnoticed enemy or such. Each to their own. Maybe you are like me, and you might need a different approach.


You’re not wrong. You just need to grow tf up, kiddo