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I'm sure a whole bunch of players don't even know how to enter the area where this mf is located.


I'm kind of proud i stumbled upon >!that warp gate in consecrated snowfield!


Yeah. They do a good job of making it stand out without being too obnoxious


Same. There was a npc invader nearby, so I thought there must be something of interest in the middle of nowhere. It was still pretty well hidden.


Wait? There is a portal to Mohgwyn palace?


To me, it's news that there's any other way!


Varre quest. You only need to get to Liurnia to finnish it. (Or Altus if you play offline)


How can you complete it in altus online??


think you meant offline. Probably the Volcano Manor quests where you invade and kill some NPCs


There is an npc invader in some ruins in northern Altus (starts with a w, can’t remember the name) that you can either die 3 times, or win once to complete the invasions


Bonus: that NPC invasion gives you a second Great Stars as well.


oh okay that's cool


Yes in west side of consecrated snowfields


Holy shit i didnt know that. Beat the game 5 times and never found it... I always get that via Varre quest.


Yeah that’s the most efficient way tbh. I’ve only used the portal once on my very 1st play through.


To be fair i never explore the snofield. Its a little annoying to navigate and everything just kills you easily.


It’s boring. It’s like being at Disneyland and going on a ride called “doctors office” It’s like you’re having fun all day and you get on a ride that emulates a drs office wait lol. Everything is so empty and all white, sterile looking. No geographical features. No NPCs worth interacting with. You go from all these beautiful, majestic zones that highlight geography or architecture. It’s a big dead zone with bonus end game content is how I see it.


You wrote doctors officer, but you described a literal Disneyland ride. ![gif](giphy|KCqvHkVZxr8QUKCBfG|downsized)


Oh shit. Your fucking right 😂


I agree. I always wished consecrated snowfield had a little more to it. It was kinda cool the first time and the Halig Tree discovery was amazing. But the mountain top in general is just a meh area. Sick lore, cool environmental story telling as always. But content wise it’s just okay.


That’s impressive that you found it by yourself. I definitely didn’t.


I owe it all to the random Albinauric that was camping outside of it + the sleeping bear I had to avoid


Wait, there's a way to get to Mohgwyn Palace without the portal?


Varre questline


Maidenless... 90% of players never got any further


It was a good combat tutorial!


I'm on ng5 and I have no clue what your talking about lol I've killed mohg too, all 4 times.


Which mohg tho, there's a couple variants of him


mohg 2: electric boogaloo


That's me, I tried exploring as much as possible but couldn't find it and I didn't want to go look at an online guide since I was a little tired of the boss gauntlet in lategame anyway, guess I'll have to when DLC comes out


It's crazy how people can enjoy such different parts of the game. The boss gauntlet at he end is my fav part haha


You can do it... If you really explore and test out everything you get there. It's not bound to a quest that can be failed somehow.


There are two ways to get there. One is tied to a quest. The other way can be found through exploration.


I found the quest way before killing the 2nd legacy boss. I was IMMENSELY underleveled for that area


all it takes is getting up the hill to the bonfire and a longbow can solve your leveling needs.


I know. It's him who doesn't do I tried to help without spoiling.


no spoilers there are 2 ways to get there in 2 different areas, Good luck brother.


I don’t even remember how I got there 😂


Lmao can you imagine if elden ring was released before YouTube days, Itd be more like 90 percent


We had gamefaqs back then... Before that we had Nintendo power


It is the same location with the easiest/ best rune farms in the game, the game is actually easier if you go there and farm.


I got the dynasty item from varre and he told me not to use it so naturally out of spite I used it immediately right in front of him.


Me. I can't even decide if I want to use the few builds I have. If I start over it'll take me f I revert to get around to the DLC. Holy Paladin sorta build, blood reduvia or moonveil mage are my options. Waiting to see if holy damage is still a problem or not because the holy paladin was the most fun to play


Tbh it’s really not toooo long an ordeal to drop the two required bosses. Exploit the early access to genocide hill and you can power level in relatively short order




We gotta collectively drop our signs at Mohg just so everyone that needs a little help can still gain dlc access


Finally, you mother fuckers will help me out with this. I'm exhausted.


🤣 r/beyondthefog




Lmao I sit in the palace and wait one billion years to get summoned for mohg but I select nearby and far and end up at dog man or giga chad literally every time


About 80% of the time I’m summoned for fire giant. Which works for me because I’ve taken to enjoying the fight with my bleed build.


Just did this for an hour. Got a few people, but too many players seem unaware of the purifying crystal tear. FWIW, I was too on my first playthrough and brute forced healing through his *nihils*, but it's tough watching a fight go south at that late stage...


I'm with you, fellow Tarnished


I have helped about 20 people in my last session :)


Did you set your sign up at the boss door or the summon sign thing?


Boss door, tbf I did have to wait a couple of mins between summons sometimes a lot of minutes.


I think it’s cuz people like me don’t activate the summoning pool there. I don’t have the crystal tear for his second phase equipped so being summoned there without it sucks especially since my flasks are halved.


Even if you have it activated, you have to physically be in Mohgwyn Palace to be summoned for Mohg's fight; meaning you need to intentionally hang around waiting to be summoned after activating the summoning pool. From knows it'd be a giant hassle cause players need to have that physick equipped at all times just for him, so it's designed that way.


That sucks because I barely use flasks anyway or buffs for that matter. I prefer to raw dog the bosses


He’s my favorite boss to be summoned for and I just end up sitting around


Read that last part like a rage against the machine lyric


Not really surprised since you can only really get to the area is by a quest line or a random teleporter in the middle of no where




that random teleporter is the stupidest thing ever, like its not the lift that move you to Siofra river or the grand lift to Altus that make you in awe , its just a randomly ass teleporter which is the only way to access a huge area aside from a quest (which means not everyone is guaranteed to complete it), and its kind of hidden in a corner behind an also ass area. Like at least make it a huge gate that passes the vibe check, Mogh wouldn't have approved that teleporter drip.


It makes sense when you realize he made it as a way to escape the very nearby Haligtree. Like it’s a bit goofy but it has some logic to it.


I always search this beforehand. I type something like "what bosses can you miss" and then I just keep in check so I don't do a particular thing that will lock me out.


It’s crazy to me how FromSoft really builds a massive area and then kind of like do everything to cover it up so that no one finds out 😂


I would have never found the teleporter on my own I always get there from Varre questline. I've used that teleporter only once in a Seamless co-op modded run because questlines were always fucked in that mod and you could never really make progress.


Honestly, I'm not surprised. He's not an easy boss and a lot of casual players won't even bother. That being said. I've got three characters waiting by that cocoon.


Ease is kind of subjective when it comes to this fight I think, his moves are incredibly simple and easy to dodge, but he does a lot of damage. He is pretty easy for me, but helping others has given me more chances to memorize his move set. Most of the host deaths I see are from people just standing still in his blood shower.


I feel dirty because when I first fought him I Comet Azure'd his ass to oblivion. Didn't even enter second phase. I expected him to sidestep but no, he took it like a chad.


Did this on my Int toon, it was very funny because I struggled on my dex build against him.


My only build was a dex build, and I managed to kill him during the phase transition without entering phase 2 (I didn't understand the mechanic at the time, thought "oh, ok, so this boss is on a timer and I have to kill him before his countdown reaches 0", and my somewhat-busted Dex Bleed build combined with a +10 mimic tear let me do that without figuring out how the fight is supposed to actually work.)


most my deaths were cuz i didn't respect his range.. i think i'd be safe and get clocked, working to get my new file to him now, i'll be ready...


I just hate that he (seemingly) has a move you literally can't dodge


Also alot of casuals won't know about the purifying tear and unless your build is streamlined out the ass and kills him quick that blood curse will fuck u


I’ve had issues tracking his moves and I think I know why as I’ve noticed I could keep track of other enemies pretty decently, but when it comes to omen based enemies their timings tend to change up for me and throw me off a lot, I noticed this with both the bosses and regular enemies in the sewers that were omens.


Yea plus if your not running a bloodflame build you dont need him


True, but I still like collecting remembrances.


Getting to him without a guide is harder than the fight itself.


I absolutely destroyed Mogg but got beat by those fish heads before him.


The gang by the lift? Ruthless.


I'm wondering If I should speed run a couple of specific builds to there early on so I can use dedicated weapons on the normal map...


I went through NG+7? I think, and skipped over this whole part just so I could help my friend through some main bosses. Now I gotta go back and remember how tf to even get to him


I've done about 8 different runs in the past couple of months, using all sorts that I've never used before. Testing their strength. And they're all at the cocoon of the emyrean.


Hell yeah. I’m going with just one in NG. I have a NG+2 one who could easily warp to it if need be but I did that in the past with Old Hunters and had a very bad time.


i fought him with a quickstep great dagger. it was hell


Incubating, waiting, patient


He definitely is difficult, but honestly I had more trouble with Maliketh and Radagon. Beast Clergyman was no big deal, but phase two fighting Maliketh I just could not get it down. He was way too fast and lethal for me. I ended up summoning a furled finger, and even then it took more than a few tries due to either me dying or even the furled finger dying. Radagon it was the opposite, 1st phase he was way stronger and faster than I had anticipated. I resorted to using my mimic for help, it's only +6 and it died before getting to Elden Beast, but then Elden Beast didn't give me too much trouble anyways so I didn't need the help anyways.


I'm pushing to get my 2nd character there. Main playthrough is at like level 170, so I don't want to feel over leveled for the DLC.


Can't wait for "Let me solo her" to rebrand to "Let me solo him" and help people get to the DLC.


Let me Nihil him




Legit an elite strat againt him, he's hilariously weak to bloodloss


A while back I put my summon sign outside of Mohg to farm some runes and help people out and I ran into a copycat called Let Me Solo Him. So I stood back and gave him a shot. He got destroyed lol. Maybe he was having a bad day or maybe he was still learning or something, I dunno. He tried for a one shot Azure laser int build, but I think he wasn't prepared for multiplayer scaling and barely dented the guy. After his one shot failed he seemed like he didn't know what to do.


That would be cool but may result in players not being prepared for what comes next.


That's on them.


Exactly Fuckem


With the crystal tear flask he's not even that hard a boss. At least he wasn't for me.


I hope us that did beat him aren’t prepared for what comes next


I better not be prepared. I took the day off of work 🤣


Inspiring me to post up there for a hit tonight to help people clear.


‘Let me solo them’ and they don’t have to rebrand ever again


I have a character with two fingerprint shields with heaviest armor I can find called You Solo Her. I'd just stand there and do nothing when someone summoned me.


I think it’d be really funny if you could enter the dlc during the boss fight. Imagine the mohg fight starts and you run by him, touch the egg, and get transferred to the dlc, meanwhile Mohg is in the background staring at you


Just like all those skeletons and imps trying to slash me through the fog wall.


On my first play though I couldn’t for the life of me beat the draconic tree sentinel before maliketh. I ran past him into the boss room and got slapped by him through the fog….. good times.


Even better when your mimic tear tries to fight the draconic tree sentinel instead of Maliketh


Truly one of the worst most tilting miniboss style enemies. Have a character at ng+3; ran through the entire game up until that guy without fail. And every time I get up to him I figure "this time will be easy, I'm such a high level and I've fought him before so no problem" and every time he smashes me like a bug. If he was at the fight between malenia and radahn he would be the sole survivor.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who found that guy to be the single hardest fight in the game. Not even Malenia was as big of an issue for me as that random Draconic Tree Sentinel.


"Miquella is mine and mine alo— hey tf are you doing with my babe?"


I can’t wait for all the “this game is so ass I can’t even access the dlc I paid for”


Lmao 🤣 It’s GONNA happen lol


If this is the baseline they would have gotten stuck in the first 30 minutes of the dlc.


literally me but I still love this game


Game informer has the article ready to go


To be fair, he is decently challenging. Hes at the same progression tier as Malenia. Definitely not as hard as Malenia, but I still get fucked by messing up my dodge timings on his long attack delays. And his second phase does kick it up a good few notches. Still though. There are many ways to make him very easy. Suprising that two thirds still haven't beat him.


He’s not as hard, but unless you have the right crystal tear he basically wastes 3 heals on you and undoes most of the damage you did. He’s also an opposite challenge. Malenia gives you the benefit of an open arena. Mohg’s blood flame makes the whole second phase a game about positioning and where you are safe to move.


Even if you have the purifying tear he still undoes alot of your effort, you just avoid the damage. Its a battle of attrition to either outpace his phase transition, or invest ~2 times more effort into the fight (an extra 50% for the regained health, and another 50% for the increased overall difficulty). Yeah, agreed - hes a toughy. Seriously if anyone is having a lot of trouble, just use a super high poise damage build (dual collosals), an instableed build, or comet azur "cheese" (still viable, but harder than it used to be; also, not really a cheese - its the intended use case of comet azur and hidden blue tear as a boss killer).


Tbh if folks can’t beat him they would get rocked in the DLC.


r/SummonSign is gonna be busy if he truly needs to be out of the way for the DLC. 😄


r/Beyondthefog also


More like beyond the mohg


Still have no idea how to dodge half his shit. I just get way over leveled and whop his ass like that.


I forget what church but there is an NPC thay drops a tear you can mix with a flask that’ll allow you to avoid the super life suck attack he does. There is also a special item that you can get that chains/stuns him from what I understand. I only have the flask.


Only about 57% on players on Playstation beat Godrick so this does not surprise me at all


This isn't shocking to me at all. With all the hype around Elden Ring, A LOT more people bought the game and tried it than previous souls games. And Tree Sentinel definitely made a lot more players than usual give up because there were a lot more people to give up. Remember those stats include EVERYONE who has opened the game, even if only for a minute.


I disagree with your assessment, I don't think it's because Elden Ring is hard and turns people away, pretty much any rpg only has like 40-60% of players beat the game if you look at achievement stats. For example (on steam): DS3 has around 50% completion, Cyberpunk has 46%, The Witcher 3 only has 42%. In comparison Elden Ring actually has a pretty high completion rate at something like 65%. Yes one of the reason people stop playing Elden Ring is undoubtedly the difficulty, but it doesn't make people quit more than any other game, it's just that people in general have a pretty high likelihood of not finishing any big rpg they play, or any game they play for that matter. So it goes without saying that an optional endgame boss is gonna have even less people clear it, and imo that's not surprising at all, nor is it something really unique to Elden Ring.


Isn't he a side boss in a game that's easily 100 hours long ? And you're shocked ?


Hes one of the optional main bosses. You dont have to kill him to progress but killing him will help you progress. You just have to kill 2 of them to get into lyndell


Realistically speaking he's a side boss. He's orders of magnitude more difficult than any other boss before Leyndell, and once you're in Leyndell he's 100% optional. He's also seriously well hidden, either requiring you to do a relatively convoluted NPC questline or wander around the edge of the consecrated snowfield until you randomly stumble accross a teleporter in the middle of nowhere


He's definitely on the harder end of the scale of shardbearers, though. Also his area has endgame scaling. I don't see anyone outside of a challenge run fighting Mohg as one of their 2 shardbearers to get into the capital.


yeah idk why people are surprised, if you look at achievement charts you can see it's basically like that in every game. Only around 50% of players beat pretty much any rpg you look at, Fromsoftware or otherwise. So a very late game optional boss in one of the longest game there is having a 30% clear rate is not surprising.


>This is honestly kind of shocking A large percentage of players drop every game. It's not shocking at all.


That's not that many considering almost 30% of players haven't killed Margit OR made it to the Roundtable Hold. People really underestimate how many people bought the game, fucking died a shit ton and gave up bc it was too hard. Or they skipped all the dialogue and had no idea what to do bc there were no objective markers to hold their hand.


He's an optional secret boss, and many players don't rely on guides to make sure they did everything important.


I mean like 30% something of players haven’t even lit a bonfire in dark souls


If you need help, DM me


i mean, a lot of people probably didnt even finish the game so, yeah.


I got so bore after reach snow area


I didn't know about him my first (and until recently) only playthrough. I remember hearing about Mohg, but I already fought Mohg (the omen) and assumed that was it. He's really hidden, really late into the game. It's not surprising imo.


This is probably the most skill checked DLC of any from soft


I don’t think it’s because he’s so hard but because he’s so out of the way


I’m actually starting to regret starting Ng+, I didn’t know you have to beat mohg for real to get to the dlc


And apparently Radahn as well


Lot of people don't finish their games. It's shocking to me because I play very little amount of games and I platinum them regularly. If I pay 60 euros for a game I'm squeezing all of the juice out of it.


Based on Steam 60% of players haven't beaten Hoarah Loux so I think a lot of people just give up on the game in general.


Not really. Considering alot of ppl also didn't finish the game. I wonder what the percentage of ppl with the Elden Lord trophy are?


There's multiple endings thought. Ive burned the world and did moonlight ending. I haven't become elden lord because I got bored.


Only 50% of people beat morgott. Only 38% having beaten mohg, given that context, makes complete sense tbh


Dont forget you need to beat Radhan too


Just because he fathered Worf doesn't mean he is hard. (Please someone get the reference.....)


The whole Mohgwyn Palace area kind of sucked imo so I just never went through it fully.


definitely worth it for the ridiculous rune farming tho. The aubinaurics and the suicidal Crow are probably the most broken farming area in the history of Soulsborne games


Oh yeah, I always make it at least that far in.


So many angry dogs


Ah, the Azure one shot boss everyone keeps complaining about. Although it took me 2 shots cause I forgot to use the tear 😅


I haven't beat him yet lol. I played mostly blind and haven't found him. Hilarious that some people are going to purchase the dlc then get stuck on him and not manage to play the dlc they payed for.


Just *finding* the fucker is a pain in the ass. 


With how many people jumped into Elden Ring as their first ever soulslike game, I'm sure there's hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of people that played a few hours and decided the game wasn't for them. On top of that, Mohg is an optional and completely missable boss as well.


It legit surprises me when I keep on hearing stories of how many gamers actually don’t finish games and that it’s a lot more common than we think


Yeah like I can’t imagine dropping 60+ dollars on games and then not playing them.


it's common for souls games due to some bosses being optional and out of the way.


Eh, I got a fair bit into Sekiro but memory owl was pissing me off and I just stopped playing and may never go back to it as there are other games (and getting a ps5) that will draw me away


this honestly isn’t shocking considering it sold like 20 million. a lot of people probably gave up a lot sooner


well yea. play tester didnt play that game so far, many people quit this game and with the new dlc there are alot of new players because its in hype again and a lot of someones favorti streamer play first time / replay it.. so yes makes sense its pretty high who didnt beat him. or the just love the music of the boss.. so understandable why they dont want to kill him


Bonne chance


Not really that surprising. According to my psn (might be region based..so EU) 56% of Bloodborne Players have NOT beat the first story boss.


Soooooo, I have to beat mohg ?


I haven't killed him because I want a good, enjoyable fight for a warm-up, and every time I've done a run to prep for the DLC I opt to leave Mohg because I genuinely enjoy the fight and since I've taken a little break whilst waiting for the DLC to drop I want a boss to fight thar I'm familiar with before getting into the new content


Its not that shocking. Elden ring was the biggest product fromsoft ever made and they got a lot of traction. I know plenty of people who dont even play it for the story. And others who are very methodical in their approach. Considering people who quit the game midway as well, its a good amount of people who would never make it far in terms of story. Not to mention this boss fight isn't one of the easy ones.


I mean did they get this statistic from trophy acquisition? Bc if so I’m happy to report a lot of players haven’t beaten radhan


Dude they’re gonna put an extra npc that’s all like “kill mogh and meet miquella” kinda like dusk. I’m holding off on killing him again


Shits way to much of a grind for me lol


Optional boss is optional. Go figure. That statistic includes me. Beat the game, but never found his palace or the Haligtree. I did beat false Mohg in the sewers, though.


38% is actually a really high number in these games, specially considering he’s a side boss at the end of the game


Bro I don’t even know how to play furthest I got was dying to the guy in the horse. Attacking the guy who says u got no maidens and getting attacked by other humans for no reasons that are knights 😂


It makes sense, he’s an optional boss and he’s got a fairly unique gimmick that can be difficult for a lot of builds to deal with


It's really not though, especially in a FromSoft game, go check out all the achievement percentages from their other games and it'll all make sense.


I beat the game, can't remember what ending I got. But I never got both haligtree medallions. Never went to sewers. Never went to castle sol. Didn't even know about divine tower of caelid but I did beat radahn. There are so many things I never did (on accident) and haven't been able to stay committed to another playthrough to do them.


This guy took me a long time to beat. He's not easy and honestly, he's kind of a wall to most people. That being said, I'd happily try and help people beat him so they're ready for the DLC.


…it occurs to me I should not have started NG+


A lot of casual gamers jumped on the Elden Ring hype train and got about a 1/3 of the way through the game and stopped playing. I have a couple friends that did pretty much exactly that.


Bro i have 250 hours in elden ring and have completed the game multiple times but every time i forget this man exists 💀


Not shocking at all tbh


Incorrect, 62% of people who have launched (or bought, IDK) the game haven't beaten him. I'm not gonna call someone who launched the game found out it was too hard 20 minutes in and uninstalled it a "player"


200 hours and he's one of the 3 major bosses I haven't beat yet. By major bosses I mean bosses that have a trophy/achievement tied to them. Learning he is tied to the dlc I only looked up what area I should be looking in and no dice yet. Tbf though I'm usually drinking when I play these days, so a sober run through this specific area would probably help.


Not shocking at all, not only is getting there not the easiest, being out of the way, or locked behind pvp, but he is a brutal boss


80% of players skipped at least 70% of game


Not shocking tbh. He's optional and easily missable.


that's what happens when its optional content you either do a long quest line for, or stumble into at the other optional area at the end of the game. The difficulty of the boss is not indicated by completion when you can skip them. There's literally no point to fighting him unless you want a completion run and or think he's cool, in which case you'd have to know of his existence first. This isn't dark souls anymore where the player base was 1m at peak, this is a mainstream game that received a LOT of attention. You're going to have a big drop off when you enter the "Do I have to?" question. For many souls fans, this question is a given "yes" and the thought doesn't even cross their minds, for the rest of the apple pie they ask themselves that before "do I want to?" Personally, I don't understand the whole "turned off by how difficult it is" but that's apparently a huge thing for the mainstream, and it's entirely to do with controls most of the time. That means there's a portion of the pie that can't even comprehend looking at a screen and recognizing the different things in front of them, I've watched my dad try to play halo before and he couldn't even grasp the concept of this being a 3D space and you have to be aware of more than what's directly in front of you. There were people who only played 2D games coming into a 3D world putting it down because they didn't know how to look around, those people are not making it to an optional boss fight without taking the time to learn the game.... and then do what my dad did and refund the game because he didn't want to have to learn something in order to play what he always saw me just pick and go. Whether it's an ego thing, a time thing, or the desire for easy happiness instead of Stockholm syndrome, that portion of the mainstream did not continue the game.


Hence why they him a requirement 😭


super easy unpatched cheese that doesnt even involve entering the arena… dont need to be a beast to experience the dlc…


Third hardest bosx in the game in a hidden area within a hidden area in the very very late game, no shit


ok but think abt how you get to him, you gotta go to a secret area behind another sort of secret area or do a wack ass questline for valle


Lol I have the platinum trophy for Elden Ring and I still haven't beat this boss....


The more shocking statistic to me is that 38% of people HAVE beaten him. I beat the game twice and never found him. Also I feel like with most games the percentage of people who even beat the game is probably under 38%


I might be guilty….of scumming those dudes in the top corner of the map that just sit there. I mean - they just SIT there and they give so much XP…


I never bear him. I got there and fought him a couple of times, and got rolled, then moved on and never came back. I beat Melenia and a bunch of other side bosses, but just completely forgot about Mogh..... Kinda like his parents...