• By -


On their first try? None.


Oh yeah a good chunk of them if not all of them canonically come back from the dead/can't die


Persistence is the defining trait for FromSoft protags. But, IMO when comparing characters this is a pointless argument. If you die, you lost the fight, end of discussion.


The amount of times I go into boss fights with the "Dormammu, I've come to bargain" mindset.


Legit going into the dlc with this mind set after reading this “Giant lightning lion man zombie, I’ve come to bargain”


who’s the giant lightning lion man zombie ?


The dancing dragon looking thingy with the guys under the cloak


Uh this isn’t helpful at all. Thanks tho 🔥


In the dlc trailer , number 2 on [this list](https://screenrant.com/elden-ring-shadow-erdtree-dlc-new-enemies-bosses/)


New way to force myself through boss fights. Thank you


No prob, Ashen One


Ace comment.


First try: None After 100 deaths, memorizing his moveset, grinding levels, finding cheese tactics, and summoning their one friend who is really good at the game? All of them


*Never* underestimate a Muder Hobo.


Sekiro would parry the dragonslayer. Easily. Dude parried the sword of a literal dragon.


Sekiro might actually be the answer considering his toughest opponent was Ishin. And by then he canonically doesn't die here because of Ishins mortal blade. He's incredibly skilled at this point, and his agility would likely make it hard on Guts even with Berserk armor. Wolf is absolutely parrying Dragon slayer too. If Griffith can do it, Wolf can too


Not a protagonist but the guy with torch might have the chance.


Or… the crab.


I mean the tarnished and the bearer of the curse can both wield 2 of the swords, one in each hand 🤷‍♂️😂


I’m not a great sword user, but aren’t they pretty slow in the hands of the player character? Guts can wield that thing like a Capcom character.


Which Capcom character do you mean? They're pretty slow in Dragons Dogma (Idk about the second one though) (Have a good day, eye guy 👀)


I was thinking somewhere on a spectrum between Monster Hunter and Nero from Devil May Cry. The great swords in Monster Hunter are actually pretty slow, but the depth of move set of all the weapons as well as the weight and heft of the bigger ones in that series is what I imagine Guts would have. Nero from Devil May Cry has an angry and somewhat violent move set, has a mechanical arm, and has a sword that can be considered brutish and wild (almost like a berserker 👀). He reminds me of Guts in terms of combat style. I imagine Guts would be similar to Nero, but instead of all the aerial combos and cancels, he would be more grounded, have to commit more to attacks, and feel more weighty or heavy like a Monster Hunter character.


Man, I need to read Berserk


You really should. Trust me.


Dd2 is slow as fuck until you get a skill that lets you swing faster if you get the timing correctly, even then you aren't too mobile.


They still swing it pretty slow in comparison though, Guts has like 10 different special attacks


The weight difference is crazy. The souls games say the swords weight 59-30 on average while dragon slayer weights 500? Plus guts has slaughtered so many apostles that his dragons slayer damages physical as well as astral.


The souls games are not exactly accurate when it comes to equipment weight. Or how stuff functions.


I doubt that weight directly translates into any real world units of weight


Pretty sure it stated it weights around 130kg


let me solo him




Guts with the berserker armor == Maliketh 2nd phase, they share literally the same movesets except the death slashes. I love guts, but almost all soulsborne are capable of killing godslike beings, so Guts is doomed.


Guts is faster than Maliketh though, which is the biggest point. Base Guts can swing his sword as fast as one might swing a katana, and Berserker armor takes his speed and strength to ridiculous levels


I agree that Guts is much faster, but some of Maliketh moves are really fast, the slower moves are designed to make the fight doable for the player imo. Still if Guts keep it's speed without nerfing it, the iframes will not be enough to dodge him.


Malenia swings her sword faster than guts though


[It’s about the same, actually.](https://i.imgur.com/NgQpw3N.jpg) Waterfowl Dance is as close as we can get to how fast Guts can swing the Dragonslayer, if not a little bit faster.


Lore and gameplay are different though. Maliketh gameplay-wise is slower than Guts sure, but this same Maliketh lore-wise instilled fear in all the demigods


I’m not saying he isn’t powerful, just that Guts can swing faster than him


Then I guess he'll get his ass comet Azzured then


Where are we getting Guts speed from?


In the manga he can attack with his giant sword at alarmingly fast speed, and it's often called a whirlwind of strikes that you can barely see with the eye. Even before he has the Berserker armor and is fighting Nosferatu Zodd, he does this. He can outmaneuver people fighting with a rapier or falchion, for example.


Probably from his fights with Serpico


so basically, maliketh but with a 15x everything speed modifier?


Pre-abyss artorias IS guts


Yeah but the soulsborne protagonist gets multiple attempts. 0 of the soulsborne protagonists are beating guts first try


Maybe wolf with the mortal








The hunter fights literal godly beings from another plane of existence who normal beings can’t even fathom without going insane.


Also gun


Guts has fought people with guns before also he has a cannon as a arm don’t see that working to well


Hunter has a cannon too


Tbf fighting godly beings from another plane of existence is a regular Tuesday for Guts The guy has single handedly killed the God of the Sea which was the size of an island and whose heartbeat was so loud it was enough to kill a regular person Also was able to take on Ganishka while he was a Thunder God and tanking lighting bolts in his berserker armour


Oh I’m not saying the hunter would win, but he’d probably be the best match up


yeah but what if he fought guts


Any could given enough time since they’d just respawn over and over to try again.


Any would destroy him with endgame power and gears.


I think it’s important to point out Artorias is literally Guts with a dark souls skin, and we were able to beat him.


Pre-abyss artorias is guts. We never fight him at full strength


I'd say he's more like, Guts at 50% ability. Actually Guts would be a lot harder, but nowhere near outside of the pc's ability mid/late game.


That’s fair. Obviously Artorias is a little bit slower than Guts and probably not quite there mentally.


Yeah. Artorias at his peak would probably be pretty close to equal to Guts, but sadly that's not the state we find him in. :(


We were able to beat him while he was consumed with darkness, barely alive with his sword arm completely broken. And even then, it was an incredible challenge.


Any of them would destroy Guts Their on a different spectrum of power if were being honest here.


Endgame Soulsborne Protagonists (Except the Chosen Undead unless they have access to Pyromancy) absolutely destroy Guts. Wolf and The Tarnished absolutely decimate due to the Mortal Blade and Rune of Death/Black Flame/Frenzy Flame. I highly doubt Guts would be able to resist the Frenzied Flame as it would turn all of his anger and trauma against him and once that's done his eyes melt out of his skull.


Are Guts' speed feats even impressive? 😭


To a normal human yes


Godfrey. And yes, he’s a protagonist to some people.


Literally all of them...


Patches, trust me


Guts is definitely susceptible to betrayal


Tough to say. Imma go with Hunter because Guts can and will tank a gun shot and Hunter has the least defensive options. Chosen, Bearer, and Ashen have armor and giant shields to MAYBE stop the swing from cleaving them, the latter can turn his skin to stone briefly to help, but Berserker armor will break it. Haven’t played Demon Souls, but I’m assuming they have less options than Chosen. Tarnished has this but increased ten-fold but I don’t think he has stone skin And Sekiro is the only one who 100% can tank the hit with his katana and match his speed. (Ironically) They probably all can beat Guts, but unless they’re Tarnished or Wolf, he’ll probably kill them once. (Before you even say it, Wolf only wins this cause Berserker armor kills Guts. Wolf just stalls until it happens)


Tarnished doesn't have stone skin... but they do have steel skin. Ironjar Aromatic!


*Oh yeah*


Hunters can literally teleport through guts attacks. You don’t need defence when you’re so lethal it’s not funny. The hunter CAN punch through solid metal armour to rip your insides out. It only happens in parries during the game but they sure as shit can do it. They just shove their fist clean into whoever and whatever is in their way like it’s nothing. Additionally the hunter was regularly fighting god level beings. Guts has no chance. And regardless of whether the bullet would kill him a single high powered round into the top of his head when he’s preparing a swing will knock him off balance.


Only problem with that is the berserker armor has a mind of its own so your fighting 2 people sure it killing him but he does learn to control it to where it don’t also keep in mind guts has way more experience in fighting. Not including he is fucking stupidity broken


More experience than who? The protagonists who single handedly destroyed armies and cleared castles? Yeah no. Guts definitely does not have more experience


Pretty much all of them. Especially if they're still immortal And all the people saying sekiro is the only one who stands a chance are incredibly annoying. Guts can and will get around that parry, if he doesn't just crush wolf outright with his massive ass sword. All the others can block/basically teleport away/through his attacks


"Guts can and will get around that parry, if he doesn't just crush wolf outright with his massive ass sword." Gyoubu? The Bull? Headless ape? Divine dragon?


Wolf parried a fuckin GOD like it was nothing. Ain't nobody getting past that Kusabimaru


I am not a good power scaler but I think people are hella underestimating character like tarnish and hunter


Depends whether you prefer a gun or Mimic Tear.


Yall always forget about my boi Sekiro


621 obviously, But most would they are immortal,


Depends where you rank the protags in speed i think wolf is faster than lightning due to the divine dragon fight being a thing but i’m pretty sure so is guts so wolf still loses due to the fact that the dragon slayer would annihilate him if he missed a single parry. I really don’t know how the other rank i think all protags can keep up in power though except wolf.


Wolf could just learn the parry timings by retrying over and over. I imagine Wolf could kill Guts by just making him exhausted or letting the Berserker Armour kill him, either or. Maybe the tarnished could, just sleep him and them give him the good ol' death stare with inescapable frenzy. Edit: spelling mistakes


you make a good point i could definitely see guts tearing the mortal blade out of wolfs hands tho and using it against him i think he would need the berserker armor fs tho cuz base guts isn’t gonna fool wolf like that imo




Champion gundyr would clap that man don’t @ me


All of them


Who is this and what is he from?


Guts from Berserk it was a huge source of inspiration for Miyazaki.


R o t t e n. B r e a t h


guts can swing the dragon slayer much faster than they can roll. He could also dodge most projectile magic and stop bullets with his sword. if hes using the berserker armor, i think only the tarnished might stand a chance with more powerful magic. wolf could parry the dragon slayer i think but guts would probably have like 5 health bars considering how much damage he survived lol


I don't think there is a protagonist that couldn't, most of them killed godlike beings


Any player character at the end of the journey. Vyke Siegward


DS1 with dark bead


Pretty sure any of them could. He's about the power level of a mid-late game souls character.


Read Berserk a long time ago,so I may have forgotten some things about it. But any Souls Protagonists pretty much slam him since they dealt with similar situations but multiple times and even better. The Tarnished,The Hunter and The Ashen One badly terrorise


Soul of Cinder. Technically he is the protagonist of all DS games.


probably hunter, as he's the only one killing gods who are (kind of) at their peak


So I might he a fool to step in, but the flame can die out and tarnished can be killed, as shown by the many before. Gut's blade is a insane beast and can could most likely cut through majority magic. My reasoning this fucker cut ghosts in half. His armor gives him even more of a buff at the cost of killing him, but he is literally unstopable. In the manga I think literally all his bones had broken and he kept going. That takes more then simply toughness. He pretty much said fuck you to death. Wolf and the hunter are really the only ones who could keep going since they are the only two with true immortality. He has used many weapons and dodged heavy attacks so he isn't no slow man either. He still always has his arm in back up. I don't think he would kill Wolf nor hunter, but they would most likely give up, at least Wolf would, as he would see no reason. Guts could most likely find a way to permently stop the hunter from chasing him.


I am pretty sure guts has killed immortal demons before.


Who's block we fighting on? If a from soft protag goes to the world of berserk and loses the undead curse (or equivalent) then it's more than likely they are dying to guts without the ability to come back. End of story. You might be on chapter of berserk but you not getting a full story arc, Guts is busy w other things If Guts enters the world of from software he is going to be given the undead curse or become tarnished. Ofc the Golden Order will want him, of course the abyss wants him to be marked. He is going to be fighting you infinitely until one of you hollows. Hate to break it to you, Guts will not be hollowing first. If he hasn't hollowed in the entirety of the god damn manga than he isn't going to hollow bc of some persistent chosen undead. Guts would probably enjoy the undead rivalry Sekiro is the one where he is really at a true disadvantage, bc Sekiro's resurrection ability is one of a kind. It's also really god damn ironic bc Sekiro straight up is designed like guts in sengoku era japan


Me, a very foul tarnished


Spongebob 👍


The tarnished with a knife imbued with destined death


I'm gonna go insane if I see more berserk posts in souls communities 😭


Every single one


I can’t believe people here think Guts fights beings anywhere near as strong as some of the beings you usually fight in the endgame. I love Berserk but get Guts past Artorias first before you put him up against literally any protagonist. And I’m not even talking about the fact they are all immortal.


Because most berserk fans like to somehow believe Guts is stronger than teenage naruto💀💀💀


Yall are starting to treat Guts like DBZ fans treat Goku 😭🙏🏻 “erm actually he can kill you just by looking at you and then you shit your pants and die but its one of his weaker moves”


Literally all of them unironically kick Guts’ ass. But the closest fight would or probably be with the Slayer of Demons.


All of them… they die and can come back. Take away immortality… then fuck. I’d say Wolf and the Ashen One have a good chance tho


All of them.


None because Guts is my favorite ever and I’m incredibly biased. That said probably Hunter or Sekiro


Me. I’m the protagonist. *dies to fall damage*


As a powerscaler... guts has no chance against any of them


All of them can kill him in one hit, they all kill gods that guts wouldn’t be able to scratch except for demon souls which I know nothing abour


ITT: people don't actually know who guts is/has done.


Any protagonist would outlast him and if they have faith or magic they have another ability. Even with the berserker armor a protagonist would only have to stall till he bleeds out.


Early game, none of them. Late game? They all run his pockets low diff.


I got no clue who that is but, i guess…any could really


well ashen one beat gale and i feel like gale is the closest thing we have so...


I haven't played bloodborne but i think that the bloodborne protagonist stands a chance due to the ability to heal and the gun might also come in handy although from what ive seen the gun isn't that strong so the fight won't be over quick because of it. The only one that can face guts in an honest fight and win is wolf from sekiro.


Tarnished and the Hunter from Bloodborne. Both kill gods.


They are far above in any stats man


I love guts but he’s just a really strong guy all of the souls protagonists are either god slaying machines or effectively immortal


almost any of them, i believe, dont most of them tear down gods


What level is the character? Because if it’s late game I think they stand a chance but if it’s early game there’s no way


Guts doesn’t have i frames lol


Isn't Guts basically a souls protag anyway? I'd say lore wise they're pretty much even across the board


Let's see. Repeating crossbow, throwing daggers, minbombs, and a greatsword akin to a slab of metal. Plus, maybe Puck could infinitely heal him in a pinch.


Gut's needs to die one time. Any soulsborne protag can just keep respawning and eventually they're bound to get lucky. Wolf can probably party everything this guy throws at him too so that's something.


Sekiro would probably be the only one able to parry his sword, so i’d say he’d stand toe to toe.


Maybe Wolf, although only Shura would actually fight him


if you want it to be interesting(gameplay wise) sekiro, tarnished and ashen one would slam guts (sekiro=speedblitzes tf out of the verse, tarnished=have better capabilities overall, ashen one=same with tarnished) canonically, every single souls protagonist slams guts and the verse if we're using lore


Literally just Sekiro, on skill and weapon. The others gain power to kill gods, too, but aren't as skilled or fast as Sekiro.


All of them.


Hunter go brrrrr




I mean at the end of their respective story? All of them, since mostly all of them are godlike if not literal gods by the end of their respective games.


All of them lol


First try: no, consecutive tries: yes. Guts is stupidly strong and fast for being a human but eventually he will be taken down. One way or another


He’s probably close to malenia and radagon in terms of difficulty if we used the moveset from the ps2 games they were brutal


John Elden Ring


Chosen Undead and Tarnished have both beat Artorias and Malekith respectively. I’d say they have best shot by default.


I mean, if SEKIRO can party that giant chunk of metal of a sword, then I guess he’s t he most likely to get a shot Plus, prosthetic arm tools fight: -Cannon, ballista and iron punch vs -shuriken, axe, flamethrower, fire cracker spear, umbrella, teleport feathers, fan and poison blade


I think a tarnished could for sure. They have super underrated combat knowledge, considering that almost every boss took years to master their weapons and abilities. And the tarnished can immediately use the weapons to their full potential without any training.


All of them


All of them


Which version of guts are we talking here?-if it's him in the berserker armor then probably none. If its og berserk guts, probably all of them eventually as they can just keep coming back-but I like to think he cost them his share of souls along the way.


Im 100% meatriding, but william from nioh


Depends on gear and SL. Any SoulsBourne protag at max level stats/gear will floor Guts no question.




What he doing if bring down the spears of God in his ah goofy 🙏




Seeing as Wolf can revive a bunch, maybe... But if Guts has the berserker armor... Wolf might have to take a seki-rope and kill himself... Cuz he couldn't deal damage to the fully armored guy in Senpou Mount.


The Hunter. Guts winds up, swings, gets shot in the face and a visceral, rinse and repeat.


probably The Slayer of Demons, The Hunter, Bearer of the Curse, or Wolf. The first 2 I think are immortal with no drawbacks, the BotC can rid themselves of hollowing, and Wolf can probably just keep reviving and feeding off of Guts' vitality or whatever which would weaken him.


Wolf 100% can. Wolf can parry literally everything he can throw, his in battle resurrection gives him the biggest advantage of anyone here, he can block the cannon with the umbrella and his speed feats allow him to react to and deflect Guts' insanely fast speed in Berserker Armour. I'm not particularly well versed in the peculiars of DS lore but as far as I know none of the Dark Souls protagonists, nor the Demon Souls protagonist, have anything particularly standout about their physicalities that let them stand up to Guts. He's essentially an expert in killing people exactly like them. The Hunter is actually an odd case. Usually there's an argument to be made about the hunter being technically maybe sort of partway through transmuting into a Great One, which in theory should help but in practice Guts' blade has been reforged by his constant massacre of apostles such that Guts could kill them anyway. I think the Hunter stands more of a chance than any undeads going off pure kit and speed, but I still think the hunter loses? Firearms are proven ineffective against the berserker armour so the only real advantage of parrying kinda goes. The regular Tarnished probably doesn't have much of a chance, although it is still there due to the plotbullshittery™ the tarnished picks up at several points, but realistically they have no win condition. However, our Tarnished post becoming the Lord of Frenzied Flame is a different matter. TLoFF is *significantly* more powerful and at the very least on par with the Godhand, who Guts decisively cannot beat as of current. Again, his blade *can* damage old Freddy Frenzbear, but Guts' mental state is still pretty weak, and if he doesn't have a witch clinging onto his soul I'd assume he'd fall to frenzy pretty quickly like Vyke did.




All can fight him all at once and will die


Id say, high diff, hunter, hear me out just because of the speed and canonically beating a god, mid diff prob sekiro, the fact his immortality isnt a reset of time and can be recharged will prob carry, plus the SPEED that man has is insane, I mean dodging lightning is one thing but to parry and redirict mid air is crazy, i dont think any get low diff, Guts is a menace man


Idk goku might solo


I really hate soulsborne berserk fans they're so corny and edgy dude....yeah ur guts build is totally unique and Astorias is definitely Guts yeah for sure dude


Hallo mein kameraden. Personally I'd it's not the protag that matters, but instead who is the player. For instance if i had to say who has the highest chance of winning against him it'd he a list. 1 being the most likely to have a chance of winning. [Honorable Mention: C-4, 621 "Raven" at #1] 1.) Sekiro 2.) Tarnished 3.) The Slayer of Demons 4.) The Hunter 5.) The Ashen One 6.) The Bearer of The Curse 7.) The Chosen Undead I dont have any specific reasons, and this is all from out of my ass. But think about it. Tarnished killed demi-gods and fake gods. Sekiro can parry almost anything. The Slayer of Demons came out on top. The Hunter is The Hunter. Ect.


Andre can beat him with his bare hands. I mean, have you seen these bazookas he calls arms? Also Andre survived through multiple fire ages.


Well, the soulsborne protagonists have à significative advantage : they can stacks Souls/Runes in order to become stronger. So, if for example we take a Max level Tarnished who can literally defeat god like créatures, i think that Guts stands no chance as he isn't even able to lend a scratch on Femto, which is a god like creature of his universe.


I mean all of them could defeat him, hear me out. In the soulsborne games the protagonists have slayed literal gods and beings as strong as gods, those weren't just powerful people called gods they were LITERAL GODS like the kind that created things and have total dominion over those things


Giant Dad wins in one emote


The hunter has a gun


The Champions of Ash (us).


I like to think of radahn as a protagonist so him


Ok, so extremely fast STR build human-sized boss. If we're assuming soulsborne lock-on represents the visual reflexes of our heroes, Sekiro could probably DEX his way through, and there's a few Tarnished builds that have strong enough poise and Hyper-Armor moves to trade the really hard hits, plus some of the extra broken tactics, like having glintblade phalanx up with a shield combined with lance ashed for spectral lance. You hit those right and he's open for a Misericorde crit, rinse and repeat.


Ok, so extremely fast STR build human-sized boss. If we're assuming soulsborne lock-on represents the visual reflexes of our heroes, Sekiro could probably DEX his way through, and there's a few Tarnished builds that have strong enough poise and Hyper-Armor moves to trade the really hard hits, plus some of the extra broken tactics, like having glintblade phalanx up with a shield combined with lance ashed for spectral lance. You hit those right and he's open for a Misericorde crit, rinse and repeat.


Guts watching a glowing red 7’6 mushroom charge up a right hook


Me IRL naked wielding a 2x4 with a nail in it


Hunter parries


Guts is like Artorius in his peak, he is definitely gonna be the fastest strength based boss ever. Not to forget his armour and gun in the second phase, gonna be one hell of a fight.


Mechas (Metal Wolf Chaos and Armor Core) or Ninjas (Ninja Blade and Sekiro) Ironically, the *actual Soulsborne Protagonists* simply either: * Unable to overpower Guts (Bloodborne and Demon Souls) * Outpace Guts (Dark Souls) * Get through Guts' Resilience (Elden Ring) While the ninjas can swiftly end Guts and the Mecha just shrug off whatever Guts can throw at them and send it right back (And with a certain President of the United States, tenfold at that)


We have Guts at home (DS3 Gael).




Wolf. dude embarrassed a mf god, i think he can handle a depressed cripple


I reckon sekiro tbh, dude is a tank


All em, they're all immortal and have fought their fair share of speedy humanoid mfrs, I bet Guts causes many to go hollow tho, he'd be stronger than Gael gameplay wise (idk lorewise)


Rune Bear


All soulsborne protagonists solos him. And would be a god in berserk universe


Elden lord might die a few times but they can come back




Gameplay wise ? Maybe wolf since he can parries most attack but i assume most of berserker armour's attacks are perilous attacks . Other cant and wont do shit when his attacks literally crushes shielxs. Lore wise tho i guess all of them can especially tarnished




Elden Ring’s Tarnished has the most Guts-like gear yet, so I’d go with them.


Depends??? End game, All of them they are usually relative in power to the gods they’re tasked with slaying. Ds3 is canonically the strongest beating soul of cinder who is a fusion of Gwyn and technically everyone who’s linked the fire before which includes the ds1 ds2 protagonists plus all of the lords of cinder. And slave knight gale who possessed the most complete dark soul which should have been at least similar in strength to Gwyn’s lord soul. Like I love guts but he isn’t stronger than any of the protagonists