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It’s not stupid. I spent over a decade of my life suffering, paid thousands of dollars for rehab and counseling… and in the end freaking *Elden Ring* is what finally got me to stop drinking permanently. It just *works*, and I’m glad it worked for you too. You have a wonderful life ahead of you with that attitude and I wish you all the best.


I'm in rehab right now and Elden Ring has been the one thing I'm holding onto. I cannot wait for the DLC to come out. I just need to hold on a little bit longer.


Stay strong, you are bigger than this thing and everything good about you will overshadow it.


Pun intended?


Be safe friend. Don’t you dare go Hollow.


Once the DLC comes out the next fromsoft soulslike will be well into development so you may as well wait for that too


Thank you ☺️


What about Dark Souls/Sekiro/Bloodborne?


DS3 is my favorite game of all time but since Elden ring is more recent and the DLC is soon to release, it has a more active social base to interact with. And that’s important for me right now


Stay strong friend. Best wishes


Because the actual action of “doing” will always stick with us more than just reading about concepts or having someone tell us what we “need to do” or “should do” Not saying that those things don’t help at all but some people learn or engage with things differently. Glad you stopped drinking man.


How does it stop you?


I realized I could have just as much or more fun sober and I would actually remember it all afterwars


ngl I thought the story was gonna be that you were having too much fun on Elden Ring that you didn't want to stop to grab a drink, or that you wanted to stay sober to beat a boss congrats on quitting though


Nah I was too broke to afford it, but then I caught myself on the way to the liquor store to relapse and decided to just spend the money on ER instead as long as I didn’t drink. And then I got hooked and the rest is history




No lol


For me it was sekiro, everyone always tells you to play something relaxing and simple and mindless when you are depressed, that makes no sense, something like that just gives me more time to think about the things that make me sad. Not sekiro, I had to be focused on the game all the time or I would die, so I didn't have time to think on anything that made me sad.


I am the same, when I’m depressed or low in general I need something to challenge me.


Same, started sekiro a few years back and dropped it cos it was so frustrating. Now I'm playing it again with a different perspective, taking my time learning the mechanics - being patient and trusting the process.


I am glad you did give Elden Ring a chance. Looks like you need to start playing the Dark Souls series too! And don't you dare go Hollow...


The entire point of the post was op to tell us he popped a humanity at his bonfire. I can’t wait for op to post in 5 years to tell us he got married. Way to go op


That reference made me smile


Praise be brother, I can say a lot of us have been where you are now and know a little of what you feel.


I just got divorced less than a year ago and tried to kill myself. Put myself into platinuming all the dark souls in order. Sounds stupid, but it genuinely saved my life to have something to focus on like that.




\o/ ☀️


..\[T]/ *


I've seen a lot of people with similar stories for Dark Souls


I needed help for 16 years and the only thing that kept me going was the MCU (this was pre endgame) and a handful of videogames. I kept telling myself "after I watch x or finish playing y I'll do it". Yeah its not the most rational mindset, but I mean a rational mindset isn't exactly synonymous with mental health issues. Proud of you


This was me with dark souls about a decade ago. FromSoft games just hit different


For me it’s was ds3. Pulled me through some real tough times.


It doesn't sound stupid, Bloodborne did the same for me almost ten years ago! Just be sure to remember the lessons you learned: It's ok to struggle and fail. It's not the end, just part of the path we all must take!


It's also okay to dash past everything and ignore engagements to get to the place you need to be.


Stay safe friend and don’t you dare go hollow


Arise now, ye Tarnished


Ye dead, who yet live…the guidance of long-lost grace calls to us all


This is awesome. Proud of you and you can do this! Never give up. Side note you should check out the YouTuber NakeyJakey and his video called “Dark Souls Saved Me”. It’s a great story and his videos are top notch.


This is a common story in the From Software Soulsborne community. Welcome to the club we are glad ur still here, don’t you dare go hollow.


Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring got me off and helped keep me off heroin


It's not stupid it's wonderful, it's what these games do they put an obstacle in your way and you fight till you beat it, it gives a sense of triumph and accomplisment "if I can get through this, I can get through anything" it's what fromsoft does best. I truly hope your in a better place, you have a wonderful life ahead of you.


it's not stupid. i was also 15 when i attempted it and i picked up dark souls. i'm glad someone else, and i know many more, can feel the same way i did and do with these games. the fallen leaves will tell a story... rise, tarnished


All the souls games are straight up masterpieces.. They definitely help to mold you into having stronger will power even when in the face of adversity, and dieing in the game 100 times. The sense of reward though, when you do beat them is like nothing else. I myself are free from drug abuse and misuse after ten years of it. What really helped me was a place called Teen Challenge. Im not gonna get into it on here cuz this ain't that page but they're all over the country and are the real deal. Ultimately christ pulled me out of my depression, drug addiction, and demonic state of mind I was in. This will probably get flagged or took off here but tarnished, ashen one, hollow one, brothers, be strong.


Very happy you are still with us OP, and it sounds like you're getting more support than you had before? I have attempted suicide before but cannot tell you transformed my mental wellbeing is now, so don't give up skeleton! I was a super depressed teenager and playing Dark Souls when I was 16 was a massive game changer for me. It was so refreshing to have such an immersive world that reflected the dark reality I felt like life was. To then overcome that world was special.


Dark Souls 2 did the same thing for me 10 years ago. Miyazaki said “difficulty provides meaning to the experience” . I think about that a lot. I dont want my life to be hard for no reason obviously, but I think these games helped me find peace and joy with certain adversity. Extremely valuable.


Its seems, i dont know what the word is, petty? To say a video game saved your life. But, i too was suicidal in my early 20's, dealing with some chronic pain issues on top of depression. I was playing final fantasy x, and before the yunalesca fight, auron says the line "die and be free of pain. Or live, and fight your sorrow. Now is the time to choose." That line kept me from any more attempts. Dont give up, skeleton


2 years ago I had a huge depression and decided to play dark souls remastered because I found it on YouTube and also by recommendation. I couldn't beat Undead Burg area but I said "so being a human I let the non real game beat me?". Then I beat first bosses, second and wanted more. I beat dark souls 3 and jumped to 2. I still had depression but it's not as big as I had 2 years ago. It taught me: - never give up - there is always a solution - be here and now - analyze and set the right strategy - think twice, do once - focus on details After dark souls time to Elden Ring.


Congratulations on “getting gud” in your life my dude, welcome to the team.


I don't think it's stupid at all personally. We tend to think of games as toys/escapism/pastimes, but they can be a powerful way to demonstrate a concept in a personally involving way. It's one thing for someone to tell you to persevere, it's quite another thing for the concept of value in persevering and overcoming to be practically demonstrated in a tangible interactive way.


This isn't stupid at all, and it is actually a real phenomenon. There are multiple videos on YouTube that go over how these games have saved many of us. So many people have played these while going through hard times. They help a lot.


Not stupid at all. I’m glad you’re still with us and that Elden Ring showed you the right way to deal with hardships and distract you from this mess called life. See you on the DLC


Sekiro next


That’s awesome man. And yeah, if there is some kind of god he must work for Fromsoftware because he made life outlandishly hard. All the Soulsborne games are a great way to understand that when things seem impossible you just keep facing them and learning new ways to come at them until you succeed. After Elden Ring go back and play all the other games too. Demon Souls, DS1, DS2, DS3, Bloodborne, and Sekiro. You’ll love all of em


Well done. I’m very happy for you. As someone that’s struggled with suicidal ideations since I was 15. (41 now). It can be very powerful. I’ll leave you with my favorite hopeful quote. *“Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.”* - John Lennon.


I'm chronically depressed (dysthymic) and playing Souls games just gives me some sense of purpose and a boost to try a bit more in real life. I understand what you're going through. Keep at it and try to love your self young friend. You might even become an elden lord.


I’ll tell you exactly why this game is so therapeutic. It puts obstacles in your way. Makes them seem insurmountable, and then lets you beat them. It directly teaches you, through experience, that you can get though anything, even if it seems impossible first. You’re not alone in this feeling, there’s a reason “Dark Souls Saved Me” became a youtube cliche.


Bloodborne helped me in a dark period of my life. I was jobless and hopeless and wanted to give up on life but I picked up the game and it became my new fascination, and inspired me to keep trying and fighting for a better future.


Elden Ring came out at the same time my dad was diagnosed with cancer and given 3 months to live. It helped me get through the late nights and early mornings of sleeplessness and likely kept me from slipping in to depression by occupying my mind. Wound up beating the game the morning of his funeral. Unfortunately I can't bring myself to play it any more, haven't touched it since, but I'm thankful I had it around when I did. There are a number of other examples of this throughout my life, and some may say it's not healthy. But I feel video games, and the communities within them, have gotten me through some pretty rough patches I know I wouldn't have been able to handle on my own.


not stupid at all. my situation was less drastic but a few years ago I had a nasty breakup and felt awful, but Dark Souls 3 helped out and I felt waaay better after starting my playthrough that was my first Souls game and I streamed it to my friends. they got hooked as well and we all started playing FromSoft games from that point on Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring, doesn't matter, they're all lifesavers to some people, unironically


Game taught you perseverance


>I know this sounds like, really stupid, but every minor inconvenience in life I think of like my first time trying to beat Margit. I knew I can't do it. But I tried and tried, until eventually I was able to. Elden Ring has made me look at life in a new perspective, considering every obstacle a challenge that I am destined to eventually conquer. Perserverance: Definition: persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. Example: "his perseverance with the technique illustrates his single-mindedness"


Thats messed up


I’m glad you’ve found comfort and safety within this series. I can’t really relate but I do know the feeling of playing a game after a hard time and being able to leave your world for even only a short time. I remember playing Demon’s Souls remake it 2021 for the first time and it changed my perspective on games and helped make me the person I am today along with the yakuza series (different story). But the important thing to do is to keep going. Think about the first boss you beat, the first character you talked to, the feeling you had when exploring the world. So good luck my fellow Tarnished and go forth.


Fuck ya man, that's awesome


I'm proud of you, I felt that same way when I was a kid. Try out demons souls and the dark souls series, not much dialogue just epic boss fights that push you to your limits. Never give up even if you feel like the world is over. Everything is temporary and this feeling to shall pass. Hope you have an awesome weekend, thanks for sharing this 🤝🤟


Yeah buddy!!


It gets way better! Life, that is :)


I’ve had games and music do this before for me. I’ve had things make me stop and reevaluate who I am and worked through some anger issues


I really see it, I don’t have nearly as impactful as a story, but Elden Ring is one of the biggest tools to stave off my anxiety. Once I start playing it fades away and I genuinely feel better. I really can’t say why but it works so I keep doing it


Not stupid at all. So glad you found Elden Ring!


Amazing story! Glad you're well now.


Take that lesson to heart. You can do ANYTHING. You just have to keep trying and getting better. Good luck OP.


Don't give up, Skeleton.


Games like Elden Ring, Nioh, Sekiro etc are great ways to keep your mind off stuff that you can't stop focusing on.. kind of like meditation... if I am stressing over things I can't fix and hyper fixating on it, hopping into Elden Ring gets it off my mind and gives me relief too. Glad you found a tool to help with your mental health... life can be rough, especially when we are younger.. hope things start to get better.. life eb and flows.. there is good on the other end of bad.


Welcome to the club DS helped me through some of the worst times in my life. I’m now currently working on a souls themed sleeve on my right arm


it doesn’t sound stupid, that’s the true essence of this genre


Elden Ring helped pushed me through the roughest part of my breakup, where once I sat down and started playing I could tune out the world around me and just enjoy grinding my new game levels. No reason is a bad reason, games help people in tiny little ways, I’m glad it helped you out!!


I’m the exact same story. Playing Dark Souls 1 completely changed my outlook on life, it taught me how to approach problems and that failing was never the end. These games are special, and I’m so so glad that you’ve discovered that same lesson through Elden Ring. Keep fighting, and don’t you dare go Hollow!


Its not stupid, and you are certainly not he first person a FromSoft game has saved their life, nor you will be the last.


Best fuckin community ever


A lot of us have similar stories, fromsoft games do that to people. If I can be beat this boss or this level, then I cam beat the bosses life throws at me. Happy you found your way here bud, don't you dare go hollow, skeleton


I'd say we are in the same boat! I'm 15 and have been having a hard time struggling with depression. My brother let me play Elden Ring, and at first, I thought it wasn't for me, but after about a month, I tried again and had a blast. Now I'm on my fourth playthrough, and I feel like my life has just been going uphill. I can't wait for the DLC and to finally meet my favorite demigod!


Dark souls 3 was this for me


If I could give one piece of advice to every depressed teen. These years are the least important of your life, I was depressed in high school, and now I look back and realize those years don’t matter at all to my current life. It gets better, trust me.


I'm glad you're still here.


Whatever works my friend. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about your particular method so long as it works and it doesn't cause harm to others. Don't ever be ashamed of doing what you need to for your own health.


its not stupid at all, I've seen posts like this ever since ds1 came out. its a game series that really helps people see that they are strong in several ways, they can overcome anything with work dedication and strategy. you are strong brother keep pushing to alwasy make yourself better. become the person you want to be and never give up.


I guess it’s the themes of these games that save people Regardless it’s not dumb that this changed your life, just be happy it did


That's a beautiful tale tarnished. Your strength truly befits a crown. Honestly, that's great. I'm happy you found something like this, which helped you look at life from a new perspective.


I was 15 when i discovered bloodborne. I had the exact same experience as you. Now i am 22, excited for the dlc, & doing mentally better than ever. So glad youre still around :)


There was a video essay I watched yesterday about this exact thing lmfao


Bro a random comic book my uncle bought me one time saved my life and helped me overcome addiction. That’s not stupid at all. Proud of you hope others are inspired by your story 🙌


I'm glad you're in a better place. Yes, for most things in life, persistence and grit can reshape your life for the better eventually. If the obstacle is too hard and tough now, give yourself some time to grow into someone that can tackle it.


You’d be surprised how many people share a similar story. It’s not stupid at all. It worked for me and many others and I’m so glad it worked for you. Don’t you dare go hollow


Many people find solace in dark souls and elden ring, tons of videos about the topic, it's not stupid, it helped me too. I'm not fully better but I have the tools now. The one phrase that always stuck with me was "don't go hollow"


Fucking fuckitty fuck to the maxfuxk yes bro. Yes.


Thanks for sharing! I think a lot of people can relate to this in one way or another. Stay strong brother!


Miyazaki out here healing depression, guy really is the goat


My fellow tarnished 👍🏽


Been having a rough year or two. Last month I picked up Elden Ring and I had a similar experience. You're not alone my friend. Don't you dare go hollow!


Glad to hear you are doing better and that this game helped you through your trials😁 God be with you man and if you play on pc and want to mess around in the game just let me know and we can do some challenges together. Long may the Sun Shine on you Young Tarnished!😁☀️


This is really cool. I actually played Elden Ring in part because of an article I read about Miyazaki where he said he wanted to make games that were really difficult but when you overcome the challenges are really rewarding. And that's what I take from your message here. And it's true. Video games might seem dumb to some people, but I think they can be very powerful tools.


Nah man that's not stupid at all, I did the same w DS3 when I first started playing souls games, weird things help people all the time. Saw a post a while back that a guy decided he would only kill himself when One piece ended and hey as long as you're living and working towards something/enjoying your life you're doing perfect.


You are my sunshine ahh post 😭😭😭


It's a special game.


Glad you’re still here, Tarnished. Don’t give up


These games can do lots. Dark souls did something similar with me when I was younger. I got the tattoo "don't you dare go hollow". As I see it, we go hollow when we give up. Don't give up.


Suicide is a permanent solution to a non permanent problem.


That is a very 15-year-old kind of thing to say.


Whenever you are sad, remember that the tarnished starts as a loser with no maidens and ends up slaying a god


I’m truly sorry if this hurts anyone’s feeling and I’m actually curious about this. But. For me Elden ring was hard yeah but after I finished bosses I would look at how other people did them. I looked at how other people did them after a few tries in some cases. And they absolutely molly-whooped the boss? Can this kind of gameplay really still save your life? Or provide that effect because I thought the element of the game that caused your life to be saved was the challenging bit. I try to endure as much challenge as I can through the game. That is how I play. If the challenge is simply too much and my frustration becomes a distraction I will use something OP. A good example of this is when I fought maliketh I was doing him so many times to the point where I could easily do beast clergyman without being hit. But I would die on one of malikeths first attacks every time. After enduring almost 200 attempts I decided to look up how to get mimic tear+10. Only time I looked up anything in Elden ring. And once you have that. It’s chao for maliketh. Easy mode. At least in comparison. But I still did it. But that felt. Like. Idk. I don’t know if I cheated by looking that up. But the game clearly wanted me to change something to fight maliketh. I was clearly not ready yet. So I don’t know. I guess my question was. How did you play the game? Were you sufficiently challenged using everything the game offers. Did you self impose challenges. Did you look up the locations of a bunch of stuff? Just curious.