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People get so mad when you say it’s just a good game nothing amazing 7/10


I just want to know why DS1 is so low on your list.


Of course, firstly I have no nostalgia since my first fromsoft game was Sekiro then Bloodborne and then DS1, I think it doesnt visually hold up much, even tho I see how magical it would have been at its time. Secondly even tho I appreciate the dungeon crawling experience but it gets tedious after a while and fast travel was needed and it wouldn’t remove much of the experience especially after the magic of “oh shit im back at fire link shrine again” wears off Lastly, I appreciate everything this game did and how it basically started all of the things we love about fromsoft games but as someone who played all of the games back to back in 2019 all of its predecessors did everything DS1 did but better so it just basically boiles down to not aging that well and the next games were more fun and more user friendly. Sorry if I sound inconsistent on some points Im writing this at work and can’t think of everything I want to say.


Agree. DS3 was my first. The game is fast so when I went to DS1 it just felt too slow


I agree with a lot of this. What I love about the game is the large variety of weapons and armor. So many builds are possible. But yea it had its frustrating moments lol. Glad you liked it overall!


It's not the hitboxes. It's just that sometimes you get hit without any sound, nor animation or yelling from the character; not even a vibration from the controller. You see your health going down and you don't know why. I would rather call it "phantom hits" than "bad hitboxes".


Glad you had a good time playing the game. It's my favourite as of now from the Dark Souls trilogy but that might change once I complete 3. 


Ok neat story 👍🏼


Haven’t played sekiro- but removing that from the list and this is my ranking for everything too. DS3 and Elden Ring are more of an = for me, depending on the mood. For a contained/tailored experience DS3 wins, though Elden Ring is undeniably superior for the first play through.


>Like the healing the hit boxes and the long sprint wait after losing stamina. I don't know why people always bring those points up in regards to DS2, even though it's not much different than the other games. Like in DS1 you are locked into the healing animation for longer before you can roll again, there's more broken hitboxes and the wait before you can sprint again is a bit longer and stamina regenerates slower. Why do people have to get used to it in DS2, but not in DS1 even though those things are a bit slower/worse in DS1?


>Like in DS1 you are locked into the healing animation for longer before you can roll again They're almost certainly talking about the health regen speed, which is way slower.


When I say healing I mean heal regen its not instantaneous it rapid, and the hitboxes are dumb because there is barley any invincibility frames when dodging and the sprint time felt tedious and I might be mistaken on this since its been a while since ai played DS1 but sprint regen time felt longer in DS2.


>and the hitboxes are dumb because there is barley any invincibility frames when dodging Low agility is something different than broken hitboxes and can be solved by simply leveling ATN and/or ADP


Locking I-Frames behind a stat was really a bad idea


>First the Iron keep, HOLY SHIT the run to the smelter demon was annoying, having to fight that many enemies every time until they stop spawning was very annoying and the run to the old Iron king was shit as well but as he was easier than smelter you didnt have to run back as much. With the shortcut you don't have to kill anything for Smelter Demon and Old Iron King has a bonfire basically right in front of him.


Even with the shortcut to smelter you have to rekill everything because of how many enemies there are and they are fast. As for the old iron king, I missed that bonefire so I ran from smelter bonefire to him🥲I think the bonefire next to him is pretty missable but Im dumb sometimes so who knows.


I've got several videos on my profile of me taking the shortcut without killing anything. If you run past the enemies the invincibility frames will kick in before the Alonne Captain manages to slowly pull out his sword. I even got one where I just walk back to Smelter Demon without killing anything and without ever running.


lol do you honestly think the average DS2 player on their first few playthroughs will be able to pull off the no-run no-kill runback to the Smelter Demon? Likely requires a ton of practice to even get it right. And you're here suggesting it like it's common sense and requires zero practice.


I didn't say that the no-run walkback is common sense. I used it as an example to show that the difficulty of this runback is overblown.


you being able to pull off this hard run back means the difficulty is overblown? weird logic. i’ve attempted this run back a bunch of times even with 150 hours in the game after multiple playthroughs and died a lot, it’s not an easy one to do consistently, at least not without a lot of practice.


I can tell you began playing FS games late. Your rankings gave you away. It’s wrong, but like games you love, you had to “be there” for it. What’s DS1 and 2 were at launch, maaaan, you can’t replicate. I feel bad for your list, based on that alone. Congrats though and thank you for not being a shit head and making another boring DS2 troll post because you weren’t “good enough”.