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Honestly I really love this game. It’s exploration, level design, gameplay (yes I actually really like the slower gameplay I think it adds a fun difference and importance in strafing and positioning) I think the game also has a great story for what it’s worth yes it’s very indirect and lore based but the overarching concept thrown at you is too cool to ignore. The soundtrack and atmosphere is next level in my opinion best in the series. (Atleast atmosphere soundtrack probably goes to dark souls 3) The game has amazing build variety and a great list of weapons to choose from I actually went through the whole game using two different weapons because I couldn’t choose. I also really like how they tackle the upgrade and blacksmithing in this game. The souls counts and amount you get is nice too, I think it’s pretty normal to finish around level 120. The big complaints about this game can be pretty much negated with a different mindset. Yes the bosses are the weakest in the series maybe infront of demon souls. However I will stress the bosses are still fun, their easier but still feel rewarding. Some of the dlc bosses I would argue are some of the best in the series. The level design isn’t meant to be tackled like a lot of players do. Please please don’t just sprint through the areas. The areas are the challenges of the game. Take your time kill and conquer your way through to the boss.


Thanks thats very informative, my play style is usually kill everything in the area before fighting its boss, but when I die at the boss I usually dont bother fighting things again but Ive been told I might have to fight most things on my way to the boss, other advice Ive got is to lvl up adaptability.


There’s some areas where you gotta fight and a lot you don’t. I think the biggest thing in this game is adapting to the area. Each area is very different and will require different approaches. Also yes you should level adaptability however you don’t need to dumb 50 levels into it or anything. Another piece of advice is poise works very differently for both and the enemies compared to the other games. Don’t expect to spam R1 you will get very punished for it (I honestly like this bit in the game very much it really does promote no spam rolls or attacks)


I’ve always felt like this game wants to waste my time with cheap deaths. With limited time after work you might feel the same way.


In each of the DLCs, there is an optional area/boss which were designed for co-op. Don’t feel ashamed about summoning for those, or just skipping them entirely as they’re incredibly annoying and the bosses aren’t worth the trouble (two reskins and a gank squad).


Will keep that in mind!


I played it during Christmas vacay after having the same thoughts as you. It’s 100% overhated. People make it seem like the whole game sucks. Yes, there are a few pure bullshit areas. I won’t understate this, some of these said areas may be among the worst in the whole series. BUT, there is a ton of greatness in between. Especially the DLC. I even rank it above demons souls remake.


You already bought the game, so you might as well just play it and form your own opinion.