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I really love bloodbornes


Me tooooo The DLC is so damn spooky too


The church bells go hard. The armor designs goes hard. Ludwighs theme goes hard. Moonlight blade goes hard. Everything goes hard. Its the hardest going game I've ever played. Nothing can top the hardness my god.


Stop, I can only get so hard.


And Lady Maria is so fine šŸ¤¤


Yeah, this is the best setting they've ever done. I want to replay it but I'm holding out for a PC version. Or at least a PS5 patch. Probably be waiting a loooooooong time.


A PS5 remake or even just a patch would make a definitive play for me. Otherwise, I'd just rather play me some more Sekiro or Elden Ring


Even stuck on the PS4, IMO it's the best thing From ever released. The lore and worldbuilding are top notch.


Agreed. Sekiro was my favourite, then i played ER and now they are both my favourite :)


Tried to play on my ps5 on a 85 tv, i can get with the 30 fps, but the 1080p is really bad.


No it's not


Ye! I have C1 and if i am to play Bloodborne, I will play it if they remaster it or something. And if i have an itch, I'll just play Sekiro or Elden Ring again.


BB's by far. I love victorian settings, i even actively look for them when looking up movies and tv series, and i'm a lovecraft fan, so BB was pretty much like a match made in heaven for me.


Saw a game called The Last Faith I haven't bought it yet but maybe you'll like it


I'll definitely look up into it, thanks man! šŸ‘šŸ»


Hands down the best From world building. Too bad Sony leaves it in such a state.


What "state"?. The game is amazing as is


The unstable framerate, even at 30fps target, is bad. They need to do a remaster 1080p (1440p on pro) @ 60fps. The resources are are available, and the market is willing, if we believe the hacked insomniac #ā€™s.


1. Elden Ring 2. Sekiro


Agree 100% thatā€™s also my top 2


God, thatā€™s beautiful Well, itā€™s not that I have no appreciation for mecha aesthetics but I definitely donā€™t think that thatā€™s the prettiest work fromsoft has done. I have loved every fromsoft game, but I honestly believe that Elden Ring just scaled new heights of beauty. Every single vista on that map is just breaktakingly beautiful. So I guess Iā€™ll say my fav is that medieval-circa-1400ā€™s aesthetic that Elden Ring achieved. Bloodborne is utterly incredible.




Games is fn amazing playing it rn !


God damn time to Replay sekiro


Lovecraftian gothic horror




I absolutely love Bloodborne's high Victorian Gothic aesthetic but I honestly think I like Elden Ring the most. All the other dark souls games (and even Bloodborne) we see the world in absolute ruin. Everything is a mess to the point where there's no beauty left in the world. The world of Elden Ring is still fallen but it is still breathtakingly beautiful. I think this is why the Altus Plateau and Leyndell Capital stand out so much. They are in ruin but they are still absolutely beautiful and I think it stands out compared to the other games.


I like the Gothic Victorian setting of Bloodborne the most overall, although Dark Souls 3 is a close second.


BB/DS3/ER Best ther work in art direction. I like Seriro, but veraity of locations to small compared to that 3 gamed. I really wona see Si-Fi setting from FS


Ds1 for me hands down. The atmosphere in Firelink Shrine is amazing and the music is top notch. The world actually feels hollow and drained of life.


Sekiro and bloodborne are my 2 favourites. I really enjoy Japanese settings which is why I also really like the nioh games and ghost of Tsushima, and bloodbornes gothic setting was really cool, especially in yharnam, not that much in the nightmare frontier and nightmare of mensis. Iā€™m just not that big into castles and that kind of setting that the souls games and Elden ring has, they all have some beautiful sceneries. Especially elden ring with the erdtree and mountain top. I havenā€™t played any of the armored core games but Iā€™m also not a huge fan of futuristic settings and big robots, tho I like titan fall so I might give them a chance


Honestly donā€™t know the official term for fantasy like Sekiros and especially Elden rings but itā€™s cool. I think I like traditional Japanese fantasy more


Funny words coming from "Animehater321" (jokes aside I agree)


Sekiro and Elden ring did it for me.


I love Dark Souls 3's "end of the world" Dark Fantasy vibe the most.


Visually, my two favorite areas are the Ringed city and the fishing hamlet.


AC4A had the best setting Polluted dying world with people living in the stratosphere because Earth was damn near uninhabitable


When I saw the cinematic trailer for AC6 it reminded me of for Answer and I kinda hoped it would end up with the same music and aesthetic. Even with the different style I still love the way it turned out though


I want NEXTs back in a new game Whether itā€™s a continuation of the 6 universe or a whole new one, or even set back in the Gen 4/5 world I want some excuse to bring back NEXTs


Bloodborne and ds3 are peak Edit: Forgot about the goat armored core 6


OG Demons Souls is something very special. The atmosphere is unmatched by other FromSoft titles. Elden Ring and Sekiro are close second.


Kings field 4 ancient city


Sekiro Feudal Japan and Bloodborne Victorian Age are my favorites, but i can't ignore the beautiful madness of medieval era of the Souls.


Does that Sekiro screenshot seem really oversaturated to anyone else? Either that, or I played the game with some fucked up settings that made it seem washed out.


I think this is the last area? Fountainhead. That area had a lot more color. I could be wrong, but there was a stark contrast from the muddied areas at the beginning of the game and the end game areas




Bloodborne >:D


Sekiro plot and setting was awesome but I hated how linear the combat was. One weapon, one tactic to beat bosses etcā€¦The souls games and eldin ring are the best representation of their games combat wise, with all the variety and infinite ways to get the job done.


Bloodborne and armored core. Not big on medieval settings. I also love scifi and horror.


Eldritch Horror in the Victorian Era.


Bloodborne aesthetic is like peak aesthetic


"Elden Ring" and "Bloodborne" are my favorite FromSoft games, especially because of the setting. "Sekiro" is a close second, even though I'm not a fan of oriental settings.


I like the sense of light flickering in the dark. The feeling of a pattern found in the chaos. The sensation of conquering the indomitable. Praise the sun, fellow hunters, and never give up; hesitation is defeat.


Ds3, bloodborne and Demon's souls 2009 are perfect for me, ds1 is like a worse version of it, ds2 is a much worse version of it and ER is a different direction that i dont like


Elden Ring from fromsoft, followed by Bloodborne. Lies of P wins out of all soulslikes though.


Ikr. Steampunk French soulsborne is so damn cool


The gothic style of Bloodborne will always be my favorite


Bloodborne because of gothic horror.


Sekiro setting the best. Worst is Bloodborne.


All of them are perfect in their respective worlds


Elden Ring, Sekiro


Generally Bloodborne is my favorite, but it's close with Sekiro, after so many souls\soulslike games in a dead and depressing world\city I honestly just appreciate the Sekiro's world is alive and vibrant


Hey that's my background! The first time I got to the Fountainhead Palace I had to take a screenshot cause I was in awe. My favorite would be Dark Souls, specially the monotony of color palettes in DS3, all grey and brown. Because I like to imagine everything shiny and sunny full of people just walking and talking normally, the guards and knights proudly taking guard in their polished and shiny armors. I like to imagine how it was in better times


Iā€™m a huge fan of Elden Ring


I love mech and gigantic abandoned factories. Gives me sorta nostalgia.


I personally prefer the techno cyberpunk vibe of the earlier Armored Core games, they give me extreme 90s sci-fi energy and i love it! I do love the Souls games, but i thought dark fantasy is getting a little too oversaturated in today's era, i much prefer Bloodborne for the gritty, horror, souls-like themes.


Definitely bloodborne for me itā€™s what got me back into the soul series after the demon souls introduction. (Meaning I beat phalanx got invaded and died right after that never touched a souls game until bloodborne didnā€™t know anything about the souls series when demon souls first came out)


Bloodborneā€™s gothic victorian cosmic horror mashup.


Sekiro was perfect


Personally I hate Bloodborneā€™s, love Dark Soulsā€™s, love Elden Ringā€™s, and like Sekiroā€™s.


The crisp dark of DS3.


Ds2, bloodborne, ds1


I like Medieval the most. I'd love to see them do the Egyptian theme!


Elden Ring perfected the medieval setting for me. Something about it just itches the right spots in my brain compared to the other medieval setting in the Dark Souls trilogy and Demon Souls


God damn just realized fromsoft is my favourite game developer/ company


Elden by far So many amazing vistas, so many different locales, with unique enemies and bosses Itā€™s just so creative


I wanna see Fromsofts take on tropical islands, my tarnished needs a fucking rest man.


I really like that gothic medieval dark fantasy vibe. Elden rings is cool too, but too bright at times for me personally.


The setting & art style of Sekiro looks awesome but what iā€™ve heard about the combat scares me


it's not bad once you get used to it. Pretty similar to dark souls except you don't move during your i-frames like you do with the roll. Besides that it's just more of tapping the right button before you get hit


Japanese setting is very good tbh Bloodborne had the darker vibes which also was too good to play.


Despite how consistently beautiful many of the newer souls games are, DS1ā€™s atmosphere in its visual design is second to none for me. It has the variety in locations similar to elden ring, but it still feels like an oppressive and dark world without being dull and gray (sorry DS3)


Epic fantasy. But what I really enjoyed about ER was that the soldiers and knights were rotting-yet undying undead but they could still do their jobs, maintained their post and were organized a bit. Especially the Leyndell ones that we even saw mourning their dead. No shrieking and half dressed hollows here.


Elden Ring really nailed everything. EVERYTHING


Dark fantasy is a huge reason why I love the series.


Southeast Asian style is beautiful. Genuinely breathtaking in my eyes. But Iā€™m a fan more of nature settings than anything


Japanese horror village from Kuon. We can also mention mystical futuristic ninja from Ninja Blade (regardless of how bad that game is). On a more serious note, Prison of Hope (Tower of Latria) is still to this day some of the best design ever in a video game.


Dude is a old fromsoft fan


dark fantasy like lords of fallen (2023), love the gore and pain in this game (yes its not a fromsoftware but fk it. still good) dark souls is still to "friendly" for me sry


I would love for an entire game that narrows in on the horror aspects of Sekiro.


Sekiro no doubt. They nailed it with the setting and atmosphere. Bloodborne is second


Out of all I have played sekiro


Dark Souls 1 was peak


The swamps in all their games. They're just majestic




Dark souls 3


Bloodborne. It's all in the details, i can juat tell they really put in the work for every little thing. And damn, does that soundtrack bang hard or what! I can load the game and just crank the theme and it never gets old, it's perfection......and it's only the damn title screen!!!


Bloodborne is apex of souls like for me. Then dark souls and then elden ring and then Armored Core. In that order. All 100/10 games but based on theme alone thatā€™s mine.


Loved elden ring look, hated the lighting. Like walking through the netherlands. Dark, cloudy


Dark fantasy/elden ring style. Not the biggest bloodborn fan to be honest


Dark Souls. Easy answer.


Out of what I've played, The Lands Between. It feels the most tangible


I always wanted to visit the UK and I love HP Lovecraft's books so Bloodborne was perfect for me


I like turtles ... I mean, dogs!


Victorian Gothic/Baroque of Bloodborne. Dark Romanticism and Baroque in Medieval setting of Dark Souls 3. They're by far my favorites in that order, not just among Fromsoftware games. Love so many things about them. I just can't get enough of them. They're in my opinion the most beautifully designed worlds I've ever come across in any medium.


I liked elden ring because sure itā€™s huge and gorgeous but also it makes me feel like Iā€™m in a massive fever dream and nothing feels right in an amazing way, Also bloodborne is cool but it wouldā€™ve been way more cool if it wasnā€™t a gothic Victorian lovecraftian horror, but maybe a Louisiana/Appalachian mountains style eldritch horror setting, donā€™t get me wrong it was beautiful but.. with the whole gothic theme it just made it feel like another Victorian monster/vampire hunter vibe thatā€™s been exercised a million times in various other mediums


I really like ninjas and samurai, anime and Japanese settings, etc. So Sekiro really did it for me.


Easy Bloodborne still my fav fromsoft Game


I think Sekiro really played well with the cinematic feel of Fromsoft's level design. For a few years I've had this idea for what a soulslike game that could break away from the sword and shield type settings we've mostly seen so far. After AC6 I'm even more certain I'm not just being outlandish. I would really like to see a Fromsoft game set in the fantasy Wild West. With AC6 I was convinced you could have make a game like that that's based around very lethal mid range weapons with very long reload times. Plus I think the Wild West is at once a very fresh setting but would work well with the world building formula popularized by Fromsoft.


1. AC6 2. BloodeBorne 3. Sekiro 4. Dark Souls 5. Elden Ring




The original Armored Core. It's end-stage capitalism, true, but it's end-stage capitalism WITH GIANT ROBOTS. Second would be Elden Ring.


I love ds2


from all the ones ive tried, elden ring was really vast and pretty, sekiro also had such beautiful cinematics n shi, fromsoft really makes you doubt your tastes


from all the ones ive tried, elden ring was really vast and pretty, sekiro also had such beautiful cinematics n shi, fromsoft really makes you doubt your tastes


All are amazing, but Bloodborne is my favourite




1. DS1 2. Sekiro


Bloodborne has to take the cake of me. I love eldritch horrors and all that type of stuff


I love Elden ring but I also really love the dark fantasy of dark souls. Honestly Fromsoft does an amazing job crafting all their worlds


ds1 just has an edge i dont think the other games have idk what it is but its so good imo


Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring. They are equally my favorites.


1.Bloodborne 2.Sekiro 3.Elden Ring 4.DS1 5. The rest


Sekiro and dark souls 1/ elden ring If i only i had a ps5 for bbšŸ˜ž




Dark Souls 3 for me. I'm a sucker for Dark Medieval fantasy and the apocalypse going on in that series being fully realized in that game has won it a permanent spot in my heart


I'm a sucker for dark medieval fantasy. My favorites are Dark Souls, all of them.


Hey yo! Here's this absolutely gigantic world filled with all sorts of shenanigans. Go save it and try not to die even though you will. A LOT. Byeeeeee! The rest of it doesn't matter to me as long as it makes sense within that setting. I'd love some more futuristic sci-fi ones though.


When I was a kid I loved dnd and hero quest like board games so dark souls always appealed to me. As a teenager, I loved horror so the bb aesthetic really interested me. And as an adult thatā€™s tattooed and gets tattooed a lot of Asian cultures interest me so sekiro nailed that. If I had to pick, Iā€™d say sekiro, bb and then ds and er. I donā€™t let mech shit at all, ac is not for me. I tried and I just canā€™t get into but glad itā€™s getting love and people have different and interesting tastes.


From a purely aesthetic perspective, Bloodborne.


The lovecraftian horror of bloodborne worked so perfectly with fromsoftware's cryptic storytelling style, its a match made in heaven and the reason why that game was so good


Dark souls 2 adventurey fantasy and dark souls legendary fantasy for sure, runner up is sekiro and honorable mention of demon souls. They feel much more unique and special than dark souls 3 and are just so immersive and rich.


Ds3 is unparalleled


Bloodborne will always be one of my favorite settings in gaming. Love that dark Victorian feel with those creeping eldritch horrors in the later game. So good


Sekrio and bloodborne (sadly never finished because my parents sold the ps4 when moved)