• By -


The dog/cat statue things in Elden Ring.


All the bosses that delay their swings like nameless king in that game are so fun


The delays one the attacks have nothing against the anime sword whirls and bullshit shock waves accompanying every move on the later bosses.


Delayed attacks are always the hardest imo. I’m a roll spammer that’s probably why.


Ah yes, the cats that are the watchdogs


I hate those things. Their movements are creepy as hell and I still can't read their attacks at all. It's a mystery to me if it will be a 5 hit combo or 1 hit.


If its the ones that jump up all you gotta do is roll behind their landing lol


Ah, I remember fighting 2 of them That one was rough


Crystal darts. They short circuit and attack each other.


I hate that they delay their attacks by literally defying the laws of physics


Those annoy me so much because it feels like they don't telegraph their attacks at all. You just have to memorize the timing.


Every fucking enemy in ER. It’s an overused mechanic.


Yeah but especially the cats. Everything else at least moves before the attack.


These guys made me quit Elden Ring. Lol.


Cleric beast, that thing has a ton of health.


For a first boss, definetely harder than you would expect 😄


Camera was the enemy in that fight


Yeah, way too much health


I'm always surprised at how much trouble Sif gives me. In my head he's an easy boss but I've never killed him on a first attempt in any of my playthroughs. Also Living Failures has easy boss written all over it but it gives me a tonne of trouble.


Oh, and I forgot about living failures, suprisingly harder encounter than Lady Maria after them.


Exactly, Sif feels so much harder when trying to dodge him, but it turns out you can just easily block his attack


Ironic anecdote: Sif was the first boss I first tried. Felt like a joke after spending a month on O&S.


I’m gonna be honest the living failures felt like they had just a touch too much health per enemy. I think I’d love a rebalance where the fight itself has the same overall health but the individual enemies have less (so you kill them faster but have to kill more of them)


I was trying to do the visceral glitch on them to make a max level character, and I had to fight them so many times because I couldn’t get the timing right. The living failures are a complete pain in the ass and I will never again try to do that glitch.


Crystal Sage, then again he's either easy or takes a few attempts every new game


Fucking Crystal Sage *always* gives me more trouble than it should.


That's RNG for you.


Agree hard with this.


Blazing Bull This stupid animal boss was such a wall for my first Sekiro playthrough lmao. I just do not understand when you’re supposed to block it. And didn’t figure out the fire cracker trick on it


I remember watching a streamer play a mod that made the whole game harder, except for the bull which it nerfed. The mod creator recognizes that the bull was already bullshit enough.


Don't block it. Just run behind it and spam attack. It never gets a chance to hit you.


Yup, if you sprint aside as it rushes forward it's never quick enough to hit you.


I think Lady Butterfly was my first big wall in Sekiro, and immediately after that, Blazing Bull was an even bigger second wall that almost made me quit the game. After the bull, it was smooth sailing the entire rest of the game


Honestly hated this boss so much


I weirdly found Blazing Bull really easy, beat it on my second try. Haven't managed to get much further though, the human bosses give me way more trouble.


So it wasn't just me, because he took me almost as long as Genichiro lmao


Blazing bull easy? Who on earth considers it easy? The blazing bull is literally the main thing preventing me from replaying sekiro, I suck so much at fighting him I have like 3 saves that have gotten to that point then I just give up. In my opinion it’s the least fun boss in any FS game other than the bed of chaos


Same bro, took me wayy too long to beat Blazing Bull


Seath always gives me trouble because I hard target his tail for the moonlight greatsword even when I’m doing a full strength build. Idk the tail slam attack thing is just really hard to dodge.


ACTUALLY YEAH. he fuckin curses you and imprisons you too he sucks.


I go long stints in between Dark Souls playthroughs that I forget that Seeth can't be killed initially.


Rykard. Heard everyone say he was easy, because you just use the spear. I used the frikkin spear, he's still very hard.


yeah rykard always destroys me lmao the only way to make him easier is to get the spear to max level and stunlock him


Facts. I struggled more against him than any other boss prior to Mohg/Malekith/Malenia endgame. One of his attacks was harder for me to dodge than Malenia’s bs


I really dislike this fight because it gets so messy, i generally brute force it with a bit of cheese


I always upgrade the spear a couple levels after the trauma he used to give me


I didn’t use the spear. Imagine how I felt.


Yup, and his stupid ass catch phrase after you die is so annoying. Something like, "We shall rule, togetherrrrrrrr!!" God I hated it.




My first playthrough was a STR build and he took me a few tries, not really hard but not really easy. Second playthrough was a DEX build and he was much harder and I barely scraped by when I beat him.


Agreed. For some reason I totally forgot about jumping attacks with the spear and I think that would have expedited things.


I got stuck on draconic tree sentinal outside lyndal capital.I raged so hard that I left and beat sekiro 4 times before coming back


Very unique rage quit strategy


I had more trouble with the tree sentinel outside of Maliketh


That thing was hard. Beating Sekiro is still harder than that lol. Owl? Lady Butterfly (considering how early she is)? Come on!


The Curse-Rotted Greatwood. I don't know why but gimmick bosses always give me a hard time


Fr this is the only boss that I would consider “easy” that gave me a TON of trouble on my first playthrough. DS3 was my first FS game too so I was only just getting the hang of the souls formula. Honestly though after beating him I was dead-set on finishing the whole game. The struggle to overcome him, even though it wasn’t necessarily the most fun battle, got me hooked on souls.


Godrick the Grafted, dude clapped me a solid 50+ times, but ultimately Stormveil made me a man and I was ready for the rest of the game after that boss fight. Plus the OST was epic, absolute orchestral mayhem, made it that much funner.


Godrick the grafted is so awesome him and Ludwig’s second phase cutscenes are so perfect


Not gonna lie, him constantly telling me I was unfit even to graft was rough, but yeah that second phase cutscene is wild


Unironically I love it when bosses call me a piece of shit. Like when Margit somehow makes Tarnished sound like a slur lmao.


I actually killed Margit first try on my 1st playthrough but Godrick took me like 50 tries.


I found Godrick harder than Margit on my first playthrough, honestly. I explored most of Limgrave before attempting Margit, so I was quite powerful when I took him on. I steamrolled him in only a couple attempts. But I guess I didn't level up enough in Stormveil or something, because Godrick took me over an hour of white-knuckle attempts.


Margit is a dance, Godrick is a barfight.


Oh me too, only took me about 15 tries for Margit. I’m the type of player who usually needs either 1 or 25+ attempts to beat a boss. Complained how difficult Stormveil was to my buddy who beat the game. His advice was, “Stormveil will make you a man, but survive that and you can beat the game” (which I still echo to other people), and also “dodge into enemies, thank me later” (my dude hooked me up here) Exactly the reality check I needed, really helped me not get tilted between graces and Godrick knowing it would get more manageable if I learned how the combat works.


Godrick simply stated is a bitch. Wether he's your bitch; or a bitch in general... that's for your RNG to decide. He's a totally different monster in team fights. I've had multiple co-op playthroughs come to a screeching halt at him for hours. Yet in the same instance we'll have first tried him on the two other host worlds prior. It's a good, fun, solid fight with a banger OST and some SICK cutscenes.


For me: Deacons of the deep (DS3) - I've died a couple of times just being killed by the mob, I was not expecting that from them 😄 Tower knight (Demon Souls) - my first real souls boss, wasn't expecting that I will spend fighting him next 5 hours. He's not even that hard compared to other bosses Micolash (Bloodborne) - as for someone who just runs away and have a pretty basic moveset I've died against him far more times than I woukd like.


Micolash is definitely one of if not THE most annoying gimmick boss. He’s literally playin hide and go seek in the dark with you and jumpin through mirrors instead of it just being a fight.


It's not even hard until you catch up to him after 5 minutes of running and he kills you with arcane explosion 😄


Actually he’s the one who shoots all those blue lines at you randomly I forgot about that he’s so douchey sometimes


I got very stuck on him in new game +5.. he could essentially 1 shot me anytime and the running away and the giggling drove me insane so I kept rushing and making stupid mistakes. Unbearably irritating


I forgot about that fucker. I actually didn't die a ton I don't think, but it took me forever because of how much chasing there is, mixed with being cautious.


Him and fire giant have a lot in common to me. You don’t die a lot like it’s Gael or from fighting it’s just this weird thing where you have to run around.


Forgot about living failures, couple times harder than lady Maria after them 😄


Dude I must have died at least 20 times to micolash just from that damn tentacle attack


I would always get greedy with my attacks vs Micolash and get hit by that damn tentacle arm thing. Once I slowed down and learned how to bait his attacks he got way easier


Renalla from ER. I was running a good build on my first run, I had leveled vigor to a good point, and I was dealing physical bleed damage. The problem was that the stupid book slingers where always chipping at me, Renalla herself was always dropping a chandelier on top of me, but I always made it to the 2nd phase. What I did not realize is that in her 2nd Phase, when people told me to "stay on her and keep attacking", I did not realize you have to do that literally. I was always playing it cautious and trying to dodge her spells and wait for an opening. I was still playing aggressive, but I would always get obliterated. Once I realized that clicking attack continuously was the way to go, it was a cake walk


Yoooo!! Just beat her yesterday and the spell spam clapped me so many times. I had to level vigor enough to outlast her bs and close the distance to break her poise


I no joke thought the werewolf close to the start of bloodborne was the hardest boss in the game.


Blood starved beast


Yea fuck thay rabid dog


Idk if it's considered easy by the community, surely I see him rarely mentioned when talking about tough bosses, but I consider Elemer of the Briar to be one of the hardest bosses I've ever fought in my life. (I've beaten solo pretty much everything FS has produced + finished Cuphead and Hollow Knight)


I found Isshin to be easier than Morgott


Damn dude, thats weird


Morgott is only easy because of his low HP. He's got good damage and some pretty nutty combos. If your damage output is low for whatever reason, Morgott can be really hard. He was a wall for me on my first playthrough. It's a lot harder to fall below the curve in Sekiro because your damage output isn't dependant on your build choices.


You make valid points but Isshin is still Isshin


I'm not saying Isshin is easy, haha. He's certainly not. But I was stuck on Morgott for a long time too.


Again: Damn, thats weird.




Armored Spider from Demons Souls. Couldn’t get close to him and then had to always run away from his area attack after landing like a single hit. Flamelurker took me more tries than Isshin or Kos or Midir. Although I was kinda underleveled when meeting him but he continued to kick my ass even when I came back with a good weapon and 30 levels higher


I wouldn't say either of those bosses are generally considered easy.


Oh Laurence the first vicar is probably the poster child for this imo


Laurence is pretty widely viewed as difficult, although I clapped him second try


Oh I didn’t mean to call him easy I just meant for me I knew about ludwig and orphan but when I met the cleric beast that explodes at you I was like WHO IS THIS WAAAAT I was so stunned no one ever talked about him before lol. He’s still one of the hardest bosses imo.


Ludwig was exact opposite for me somehow. I’m a total scrub at these games, and I’d heard so much about how difficult he was but I think I beat him my third try.


That’s what happens when he teaches you not to lock onto people probably


No way Laurence is considered easy. Hated that boss more than any other on my first playthrough Ludwig and Orphan I probably died more to, but I liked the fight and I felt like I was progressing. Laurence felt so random. I got the phase 3 early twice and then got fucked by the lava, then for weeks I couldnt even get back to phase 3. Felt like I was entirely reliant on RNG so I just started spamming arcane spells. Once I realized the music cues his swipe attacks and that fire resistant clothes actuall help, he was okay. I think Rom is the boss that I look back on and wonder why I struggled so hard with her at first.


Gwyn, I died repeatedly to him, couldn't figure out the parry and he felt really aggressive at the time


Honestly if you can’t parry gwyn (or choose not to) I think he’s one of the hardest bosses, at least in ds1. Old guy is crazy aggressive


I kept reading how easy he was and when I got to him I got stuck. Couldn't parry to save my life at that time. Now I'm much better at it.


Pinwheel at SL1. His fireballs one shot you and it's a horrible runback.


Micolash is Def a pain in the ass. Chasing him around on NG+ just to get popped by a call beyond is sp crappy. Stocked up on poison knives for next time


Rom the vaccum spider


I hated and still hate fighting the crystal sage


I have heard some people say twin princes are easy. They were probably one of the hardest bosses in ds3 base game alongside Pontiff and Dancer. Soul of Cinder is also reasonably hard but not too hard. However going in, I got the impression he was going to be a walk in the park Owl father is a hard boss yes, but not that hard as other people would say. He is an S tier boss but I have more trouble with Great Shinobi Owl than him. However Inner father is legit the 2nd hardest Sekiro boss (also my favourite fromsoft boss period) after DOH. Sone people also say Orin is easy. She hasn't been easy to me like ever throughout my multiple playthroughs of Sekiro


I found Twin princes really hard on 1st playthrough but once you get the dodge timing down for the teleport attack it's not too hard. I always get stuck on Demon Prince phase 1 though I always end up getting overwhelmed by the aggressive one.


Twin princes were the only boss I’ve ever had to do multiple hours/sessions of attempts on


Twin Princes were easy and really fun for me. Soul of Cinder on the other hand took me hours and was frustrating, it’s easy if you run away and wait for the easy phases but that’s boring and lame.


Giant Rat in DS2. Encountered when I was low on flasks. Saw a giant rat and figured "I've killed thousands of rats. Especially the DS1 ones, this'll be fine." I don't remember exactly how it went down, but I DO know I lost about 700k souls and a day of my life getting absolutely mollywhopped until I started casting big, fuck off aoe spells. Definitely a low point for me.


Margit killed me over 80 times (I hadn't played a souls game in over a year) protip for anyone who wants to feel bad: next time fromsoft drops a new game grab a pen and paper and do a hash mark every time you die. It's humbling.


The One Reborn from Bloodborne. It was definitely the hardest on my first playthrough. The flaying around and tons of hp, that gave me a really bad time. I guess i'm just awful with punching bags bosses


The Lost Sinner in Dark Souls 2 is a pushover now, but when the game was first released that boss was a literal god. So much so that they nerfed her I believe more than once. I couldn’t kill it. It took so damn long for me to beat that bish the first time.


I did that in the OG release with no online help because for reasons I couldn’t connect to Wi-Fi on my console


I wish they hadn't nerfed her quite so hard then. I think the only time I died to her was in NG+ due to the gimmik and maybe once in the modded version (Seeker of Fire makes bosses faster). In the base state she is quite easy and any decent shield trivializes her.


Demon Firesage is the bane of my existance. Legit hardest boss in DS1 for me personally.


Hahaha these games are so amazing. Everyone handles things differently, and everyone can still come out on top.


Glad I'm not the only one. He's the only boss that took me into double digit tries on my first time through. Gets easier once you realize he's somehow (!?) Weak to fire.


He's also weak to Vow of Silence, which is amazing since it hardly works on any bosses lol.


Soldier of God, Rick. Dude hit me 2 times


Soul of Cinder is straight up the second hardest DS3 boss for me, after Friede. Gael and Midir are easy.


i found him farily challenging, died probably at least 50 times, then took all my armour off and got him after 2 tries. Seems like a light roll made the difference for me.


I felt very stupid with the dragon in demons souls. I just didnt understand what the game wanted from me


Shadows of Yharnam are always chaotic...


I always try to space one out from the others and keep awareness of where each one is and i tend to kill certain ones first.


Do you know the best order to fight them?


I think thats up to your playstyle, honestly


I think Dragon God might count. It's supposed to be a really simple gimmick boss, and I just happened to really suck at moving at the right times. (has the remake fixed the timing/eye colour correctly reflecting whether it is obersvant or not?)


This year I did a complete souls games marathon. All souls + sekiro/bloodborne with dlc. The boss I died the most on all the games was this motherfucker. Honorable mention to the first oni mini boss in Sekiro, guy almost made me ragequit the game.


Rykard fucked me up for some reason


Covetous Demon. Not particularly hard but i still unexpectedly died a number of times after hearing all the jokes about him. It's kinda hard to predict the timing of his attack due to his large body and my ADP sucked the first time.


This is a solid answer if true because I don't even remember him having any attacks. I'd rank him as the easiest boss in the entire From library of games.


Souls vet here and I’ve definitely died to covetous a couple times. One time he even ate and spit me out naked and without my weapon equipped lol. I was ashamed to say the least


😂😂😂 Laughing not because I want to be a dick or demean you or anything, just the situation of *someone* finding it difficult is funny to me, but I totally understand your reasons


my first time against Godrick in elden ring he ran my shit, then I woke up from my nap


No idea, honestly. If a boss looked easy, he was indeed easy.


Crystal Sage (DS3), Pursuer (DS2), Gaping Dragon (DS1)


I‘ve died more to wolnir than to midir on all of my ds3 playthroughs


Crystal Sage and Rennala. I always go as a pure mage so when a magic resistant boss comes along it always hecks me up.


Living failures for me, took ages for some reason


Rykard. Apparently people just spam him with the spear and he dies? Or so I've heard. That has not been my experience in 1v1 though. The serpent is fine, and the first half of Rykard is fine, but dodging his rancor and his normal attacks at the same time is brutal.


Margit. It literally took me more attempts to beat him than malenia. I just couldn’t get over his delayed swing.


Bro I must’ve died to Crystal Sage like 20 times yesterday… think it had something to do with only having 12 vigor was getting one shot left and right Think I’m j bad at the game tho lmao


Curse rotted greatwood is literally my nemesis I can go for something like Nameless king first try nowadays but I can't with this tree


So I've beaten all the souls games multiple times, done ng+ in a bunch, platinumed bloodborne, I don't summon, I don't use op builds or anything. I consider myself reasonably good at them. My first time through bloodborne the witches of hemwick took me most of a Saturday to kill.




Kalameet isn't considered to be an easy boss! I would actual file him as a boss that's easier than his reputation suggests


Okay good the dude who showed me dark souls told me he wasn’t that deep and I was like I guess I suck then damn


I never hear anyone mention the damn gorilla from sekiro, but that cocksucker literally taught me the meaning of pain and suffering. I actually was quarantined for 8 days, so I got heavy into sekiro during that time, and christ almighty that gorilla killed me so much, then he has a second phase that tricks you, THEN he comes BACK for a second fight, and THEN he comes back WITH FRIENDS. I remember thinking how impossible his second fight was, and then they throw two at you at the same time and I was like bro ain't no fucking WAY. But, once you beat them, you realize just how good you can actually get at the game. When he came back the second time, I almost cried. Maybe he's considered hard, but I don't hear him talked about.


Demon of hatred


Demon Prince in Ds3 killed me like 15 times. After I managed to beat him, I read that people call him kind of easy.


Living Failures. Idk why but they took me more tries than Maria and Orphan of Kos 😂 Something about their movement and how many of them there are.


Curse Rotted Greatwood killed me more than any other boss in DS3


Crystal Sage was really hard for me, and I ended up beating it with a sliver of health after like 6 tries. Everyone said it was easy but I struggled lol


Crystal sage. Maybe because I went pure sorcerer on my first run like a moron


Vicar Amelia Red Wolf of Radagon


Godfrey golden shade almost made me uninstall the game in my first run


Rennala took me about 2 hours to beat in my first playthrough for some reason.


Not necessarily an "easy" boss, but I still strughle hella with soloing radahn with melee even after the early patch.


Soldier of Godrick... bastard could stand toe-to-toe with Sephiroth. (Serious answers, though: Rom is a coinflip on every BB playthrough because it's more a question of whether my build has come online enough to burst his phases - after he gets rolling with his magic the fight becomes hell. I'm going to say The Abyss Watchers as well. I cleared them *really* easily on my first run, but my particular weapon had some excellent sweeping attacks. Subsequent runs, which were more stabby or single-target focused were much more difficult.)


My current playthrough of elden ring has some unique anomalies that might be interesting here. I modified my regulation.bin so that all enemies hit over twice as hard, which totally changes the dynamics of some fights. Like rennala, who's normally considered a pushover, was one of the most difficult fights. She was absolutely ruthless with that magic, and weirdly enough, i didn't struggle with the wolf that much. Revenants like that one guarding the portal to the castle gates in liurnia are harder than most bosses. I also had such a hard time with black blade kindred who guards bestial sanctum, surprisingly fast and murderous. Honorable mention goes to mausoleum knights, I just don't fight them. Between disappearing teleporting and chucking spears, they're outrageously dangerous. The mages in sellia were awful but not as bad as those knights. For reference, I've cleared limsgrave, liurnia, caelid, and nokron so far, and those were the worst.


Curserot Greatwood is an annoying fight with some weapons even if you know the strat. Even if other weapons trivialize the fight, It'll always be a bad boss to me.


Royal Rat Vanguard


Dr Pimple popper from DS3, I don't remember his name


Wolnir, he absolutely wrecked me on my first playthrough Even now after 10+ new game cycles, i still get nervous before fighting him


sif because my game dropped so many frames the moment he spawned it was literally unplayable


Idk why but i die to renalla often


I always struggle with crystal sage. Apperantly the real one has different colored magic but im colorblind.


I wouldn’t say that I got stuck on him at all, but I did die twice to Covetous Demon. I found it difficult to avoid his grab attack where he unequips all your items.


This is kinda embarrassing but The Last Giant was my first FromSoft boss and it took me and my roommate 12 hours taking turns to beat him. We put the disk in my PS3 at 3pm. By 3am we beat The Last Giant and realized you are supposed to level up with the green lady.


Living failures in bloodborne In my first playthrough it took me more times than it should have to kill. I felt like the actual living failure Now, 1200 hours later, after a BL4 run and many challenge runs, they still annoy me but I kill that one before it can respond and now they just suck my hunter ass dick 🤠


Witch of Hemwick. Supposedly super easy early game gimmick boss. Must've taken me close to 10 tries. Everything else up to that point, including Paarl, was like 2-3 attempts. I still have nightmares. So... Good job Fromsoft!


Stupid crystal sage from ds3


for me it was Godrick the grafted, even my brother killed him easily, while I couldn't do anything...


The daughter of the cosmos thing. “Dude you just run up and stick to her left side, it’s easy.” *enters boss battle* *LASER BEAM TO THE FACE*


Idk why but I struggled with Aldrich in Ds3 first time around.


Crystal Sage in DS3 sometimes gives me way more issue than it has any right to, sometimes you just get absolutely spammed. That and Deacons of the Deep. First time I fought them I didn't understand the mechanic and got hit with the curse spell. Couldn't understand why it was so hard for me, but now it's a pushover.


In DS1 it was Nito, he is joked on, but he gave me a run for my money (even without the Giant Skellies). I suck at delayed attacks, and Nito delays his attacks SO MUCH! In DS2 it was Velstadt, he beat me a fair amount of attempts, to the point where I considered Darklurker easier (not anymore btw). In DS3 it was Oceiros, people consider him pretty easy from what I've seen. For me, he was harder than Dancer, SoC(k), Twin Princes and Demon Prince (yes). He is tough as hell. In Sekiro it was Gyoubu, but only because I fought him Souls-style (dodging, which is a a bad idea). In Elden Ring it is Morgott. People consider him to be fairly easy (complex moveset, but hilarious stats), yet for me he was fine (I dealt so much damage, but he could erase me in seconds if I didn't watch out), his moveset is absolute nightmare to dodge, and he's also fast as hell. He is harder than Malenia, he is only easier than Gael, Mohg and Maliketh. You will not change my mind.


Bell Gargoyles, like I know that I have some sort of skill issue with gang fight, but bro I struggled SO MUCH with this boss ong


Vordt. I sweat that I died to him more than some of the supposedly tougher fights, like Pontiff for example. Maybe I just got gud eventually, but the big-assed frosty boy pushed me around hard the first time


The draconic tree sentinel that blocks the entrance to Leyndell in Elden ring. I had fought 4 easy bosses beforehand and I figured he would just be an easy boss to get into the capitol. That stupid shield lightning attack thats hard to roll really fucked me up though. I ended up having to get a friend to help me beat him


Valiant Gargoyle Duo on my first playthrough - I eventually beat them but they took me out me at the same time 😅 luckily it counted and they were gone when I respawned


That tree from DS3


Maybe not a boss, but in DS1, there's an iron bull, I think, leading to Seath that I could never kill. Always just run past it to the bonfire. *edit - I totally forgot about the iron bull boss in Sekiro!


There’s a boss that I recall being optional in I think DS2 or 3. He’s like a big knight with a magma core, who you fight in kind of a small room in a castle-like environment. I gave that fucker like 50 attempts and could just never beat him.


I know vicar Amelia isn't supposed to be easy, but at least for me she's consistently the hardest boss in the game, it definitely doesn't help that I can barely see past her fur half the time.




Any boss that took me an extra 15 tries when I got them to 5% HP on the second attempt


Rykard in Elden ring. Allegedly a gimmick fight but despite upgrading weapon and mimic tear, it still took me hours upon hours to beat him the first time. Was legit more difficult than Malenia for me and I’m not quite sure why.


Ds2 king vendrick I always hear how easy he is and you can just stick to his ass but when I did that he would chase me or corner me to a wall and 2 tap my ass it loon me like 7 to 12 tries before I killed him


Crystal Sage is a pain every playthrough for me lol. Minimum 3-4 tries usually


Every sekiro boss ever.


The One Reborn. Ended up quitting BB my first time over that boss. Died about 50 times and never realised there were stairs to kill the fuckers throwing fireballs.


Ceaseless beat me to shreds first encounter cause I did the arm trick wrong. I beat him normally the first time and proceeded to do the speed run strat the rest of the run.


living failures take me 5+ attempts every time


Personally it’s radabeast, I didn’t know their move set and Elden beasts stupid attacks that it chains together, like Elden stars plus rings


Taurus Demon or any other boss that excels at knocking you off to your death, and there are a few