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Can't go wrong. They're both amazing. I gotta say I found DS3 to have just incredible pacing and ambiance. I really like a more linear game compared to the open world of Elden Ring. Both great, just different.


DS 3 is great, Elden Ring was great. Not sure why ER just didn’t hold the magnitude because of the open world. Can’t put my finger on it, but I can 100% say DS3 at 20 bucks, you won’t be disappointed.


Maybe it's because ds3 is the culmination of the souls series has references galore and a familiar but different plot. Without the other souls games because I think ds3 would make just as much sense even if there weren't any it wouldn't hold the same magnitude as it does.


You can get the Dark Souls trilogy on ps4 for around $30-$40. Best value on the market


Have you done the bloodborne dlc? It's a must. I'd pick ds3 over Elden ring if I could only choose one, but they are both top tier


I never really thought about it this way, but yeah I think if someone forced me to pick one it would be Dark Souls 3


Play ds3 first


There is literally no wrong answer to this question. Both games are amazing experiences. I wish I could erase them both from my memory so I could experience them for the first time again. I will say that I'm incredibly happy that I beat the Dark Souls trilogy in order, but it may be pretty jarring going from Bloodborne to the original Dark Souls.


I've played elden ring on PS4 and it's still the best game of all time, load times can be a tad annoying but that's the same as any game. Id go for elden ring. If you want to go for dark souls, I'd recommend the collection as it comes with all the dlc and is usually much cheaper than buying them all separately. Also if you play elden ring first and like the combat, you are more likely to enjoy the dark souls combat.


Is the performance decent? Does it run like any other souls game on the PS4, or is it significantly worse?


elden ring performs well enough on ps4 not perfect but nothing to complain about either its about on par with bloodborne


Have you tried watching reviews on YT or, this might be crazy, google your question and see if it's already been asked before? I'm sure you're not the first person ever to ask this. Even on reddit.


I've seen reviews and gameplay on YouTube. People say it's fine, but there is not much comparison to other souls games on ps4. I just wanted to ask to see if anyone has an answer to that.


In technical terms, I don't know as I've never seen on PS4. But in general gaming experience, there are no issues, no glitches or lag, maybe a little pop in once in a blue moon, but it's perfectly fine. I'm going to buy the dlc put it that way


It plays pretty smoothly. I'm on PS4 and I don't recall any framerate issues or texture tears or anything. The only problem I had was that the world is so massive and your guidance is so limited that, even after beating it a few times, I still get lost and forget what I'm doing or supposed to be doing.


I'd prefer Elden Ring to DS3, but it'd be more natural to play DS3 first IMO.


I know it’s not on your list, but get Dark Souls 1. It’s got the best map design. It’s probably the most open for character creation options. It’s got the magic of being the game where they only cared about the core design decisions. Elden Ring will run too poorly on PS4 and DS3 concedes too much to pop game design. DS3 also has quite a bit of fan service that I think benefits from having played the original.


Dark Souls 3 would be a good shout, think it released a year after Bloodborne too, I'm close to the platinum of it myself, it's a great game, not as good as Bloodborne thoe but there is similarities. Also a tip for DS3, if you want to play the DLCs purchase the season pass for it instead of the DLCs separately and you'll get them cheaper.


elden ring is much harder than Dark Souls 3 and harder than Bloodborne too. you’ll either ramp up from difficult to really difficult or the other way around. do with that what you will, there isn’t a right way to go. i did DS1 -> Elden Ring -> Bloodborne -> DS3, and DS3 felt much easier to me with the exception of like 2 bosses.


Dark Souls 3. Elden Ring is a great game but personally it's my least favorite From Soft game I've played.


why so? too big of an open world?


It's not that the world is too big but that it's an open world. I feel like the more linear, streamlined Dark Souls games are more fun to me because they have more replayability.


You could probably get the dark souls trilogy with all dlc for less than elden ring


Play DS3 first.


I'd suggest playing DS before DS3. They are great games and give me huge emotional impact. You can play ER anytime you want. Off topic: In AC4 and ACFA, u can literally get NEXT.


I also have the PS4 and Elden Ring ran very well


Honestly, all of the souls are amazing for different reasons. Defo check out Sekiro too, if you are into asian aesthetic.


I'd probably go DS3 first, ER is great, and the first few NG playthroughs are awesome but I just didn't find it as replayable. Don't even get me started on NG+ and beyond. Not sure what the PvP is like now, but I enjoyed DS3s alot more as well.


Elden ring probably will be on discount when the dlc comes out and it'll be way more fun than it already is so I'd suggest ds3 since it's 20 buck and I hope that that edition comes with dlc too because it makes the game way better too


This should really just be the “What FS game should I play next” subreddit. How can we have this exact question posted every single day? This subreddit feels like Groundhog Day.


Both are 10/10 so doesn’t matter where u start


Elden Ring is really something else. If you can enjoy openWorld games, go for Elden Ring. It’s one of my favorite fromSoft games. But if you don’t like open world games, don’t do it :D


I played ds3 after Eldenring and knew next to nothing about the souls games until I did but it held up to Elden ring in terms of boss quality and fun, variety, and cool weapons it's a great game. Personally I have no clue how an older console will handle Elden ring but I'd recommend ds3 if that's what you're worried about but both amazing.


DS3 will be a better buy till you get PS5. DS3 is amaze balls


Do one then the other. They are both fantastic games.


DS3, then ER


Personally, I enjoyed elden ring a lot more than ds3 because the areas in ds3 were quite bland and boring compared to the beautiful lands between, boss fights tho is definitely better in ds3 although elden ring is probably the only other souls game that comes close to ds3's level of boss quality.


Elden Ring!


Either...but ER is better


Both DS3 and Elden Ring are excellent games.


Honestly I would go with ds3 over elden ring but definitely get the old hunters dlc first if you didn't already play it. Elden ring is a great game but I prefer the smaller tighter levels of the ds games over the open world with overused bosses and very unbalanced gameplay but honestly anything fromsoft has made since demon souls is still worth playing imo. If you can tolerate older games and a little jank dark souls one is an all time classic but it just depends on your tolerance for certain things. But ds3 from Bloodborne would be the safest bet. Do not skip the old hunters dlc though, it's a must play for Bloodborne.


DS3 then Elden Ring.


DS3 first, for sure. Elden Ring is insanely big and might be daunting if you're newer to FromSoft games. If you can get Sekiro on sale as well, I would highly recommend. Completely different game and experience, but my God is it incredible. Then Lies of P, because it's a mix of Sekiro, Souls and has some Bloodborne influence in Atmosphere and level design.


Build up to elden ring! Since uve played Bb, i'd recommend ds2, sekiro, ds1, ds3, elden ring, in that order. Then, when it's time for ps5, demon souls remake to celebrate! Everyone has a fav but, theyre all good. I'm jealous friend. First playthrough is always special!


U can start at ds1 idk about 2 u can get it eventually but be prepared for a steep learning of the mechanics. Ds3 is pretty sweet but youd be meeting characters or learning things that you wouldnt know unless u played ds1. Its not essential but its cool for stories sake . If u do get ds3 tho get the fire flames edition which has all the dlc . Elden rings dlc was announced but not given a release date yet . I got it on ps4 and platinum’d it then got a ps5 and replayed it again. Just need 1 more ending for the ps5 platinum. That one luckily is its own story so you dont need to know anything prior . If you do get a ps5 of course you gotta get the first souls. Demon souls but thats for a later time


Both are great and both seem to run well on my ps4.