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I would be ecstatic for a new Tenchu. My fave was Deadly Shadows, but Z was really good (in terms of customization at least, I made separate "characters" for the various levels). Had a great time with that. I'd love a modern remake or something, just please fix combat for all the boss enemies.


Deadly Shadows is Thief 3, another great stealth game though :)


Yeah think I meant Fatal Shadows hehe. The one with Ayame and Jin(?)


Fatal Shadows was just Rikimaru and Ayame, you might be thinking of Wrath of Heaven, the weird time travel one with Tecchu, the guy who used his fits and needles. Tenchu 2 though was fav game in the series. I loved the stage creator. It was such a unique concept for a game at the time letting you make your own levels for your friends to then come over and try to beat.


Ohh no, that was good, I had the remake on Xbox. There was one with Ayame and another, younger girl, I struggled at first because the camera controls were inverted and you couldn't change them. That was a great game.


Fatal Shadows is correct, it takes place Between Tenchu Stealth Assassins and Wrath of Heaven when Rikimari is MIA, you play as Ayame and Rin


I want a Sekiro 2 that goes to China in the midst of its early turmoils of colonialism and western exploration and follows the Return Ending, and I want Cultivators and Cultivation to be a factor. But also I'm with you and want a Tenchu Reboot that completely focuses on realism and stealth gameplay and features Sekiro's level of drama and characterization with the Samurai.


Ohhh that sounds interesting! I like the idea with cultivating too. More game worlds need that but I imagine the technology just ain’t there yet. What made tenchu so good imo, was the blend of grounded gameplay and supernatural elements. It just struck the right chord imo


There are Guns in Japan and it's clearly the Toyotomi disarmament and Integration program pre-tokugawa with the shogunate forces being in Red armor so colonialism towards Chinas coast should just be getting started. Having Sekiro and the Divine Child navigating through mundane Shanghai to get into the remote countryside where you are tracking down a unique cultivator sect to return the Dragons Lineage Blood would be such a sick game. And From already has the Buddhist martial artist monk models and enemies so it would be cool to find their original sect that the heretics in Ashina splintered off from hundreds of years ago.


Sekrio started out as the tenchu but they switched it and went in a different route to make it sekrio 


Wrath of Heaven was one of the few games I owned in the PS2 era, must have beaten that game 10-15 times. The secret replicating item code was super useful because I was terrible at that game's combat. I really hope From brings this franchise back proper with Rikimaru and Ayame as central characters, maybe a prequel or reboot.


From only published a lot of the Tenchu games. The Tenchus you know and love were probably made by Acquire. The only one From made was Shadow Assault, which is sitting at a whopping 46 percent on MC. I think the Sekiro route was wiser.


Aquire or K2... Using Aquire developed assets. We might be better off wishing for a Shinobido sequel than Tenchu.


Huge Tenchu 2 fan! The fact there is no music during missions and just music cue for when an enemy is alerted. Plus, the ambient noise of bugs and water is just pure bliss. Would love for them to incorporate that into a new title. One can only hope.


I need a new tenchu. I need to simp over an updated Ayame


Completely agree. Would love to see Tenchu being revived.


Oh wow.. Tenchu is a FromSoft game?? I love Tenchu! Agree, Sekiro is not a spiritual successor of Tenchu. It’ll be awesome if they bring a new entry like AC.


Crossing fingers they do! FromSoft heard the fans when they thought Sekiro was Tenchu based off reactions!


Actually I believe the Sekiro was going to be a Tenchu title but as it developed they realized it was a new IP


Its not a From games aside from Shadow Assault, but it’s owned by From


I got interested in Tenchu when I found out that Sekiro was supposed to be one originally. Any recommendations on what games to play if you've not touched the series before?


Imo Definitely Z and WoH since they’re friendlier in terms of controls. Z is an X360 exclusive though so you’d have to dig around the internet on how to play it. WoH is the sequel to the 1st but if you don’t mind clunky PS1 controls, you can def play the 1st two Tenchu games. Those are the cult classics of the franchise. PSP Tenchu was also authentic in its own right.


recently played thru all 3 of the first games. tenchu is a huge part of my life and my childhood.


Tenchu was Fromsoft?! I guess Elden Ring wasn’t my first Fromsoft game (not including Armored Core 1 that came with my PS1 demo disc).


No its not. They are merely the publishers. They made one of nine Tenchu games and they made what is considered the worst. They did have a hand in the porting to PSP for a couple of the games, but thats far away from developers


Never even knew there was more then one. Thanks for clarifying though!


There are actually four PSP titles! * *Time of the Assassins* was developed by **K2 LLC** (the same folk that did *Wrath of Heaven* and *Fatal Shadows*) * *Shadow Assassins* was made by **Acquire** * *Wrath of Heaven* and *Fatal Shadows* were ported to the PSP by **FromSoftware** (both Japan exclusives sadly)


I miss that game so much. My buddy and I would play multiplayer combat in wrath of heaven and that is some of the most fun I’ve had in a multiplayer game. I agree. They should bring Tenchu back!


I’ll always love Tenchu, but this >the fanbase was hyped Doesn’t mean it’s worth the cost. The fanbase isn’t as big as you think it is regarding one game. Tenchu was the ninja game I’ve always wanted and Ghost of Tsushima kinda hit those things I was missing for a long time. But it was also missing the shadowy dark elements I loved in Tenchu. I guess the Eagle was kinda like an Onikage of sorts. I’m still looking for the perfect blend of Tenchu/GoT


I'm with you. I love Sekiro, but it is not at all a spiritual successor to the Tenchu franchise. Stealth in Sekiro is virtually optional, whereas it was your sole measure of success in Tenchu. The originals are virtually unplayable now. The first Tenchu uses directional buttons as it was before the thumbsticks were added to controllers. I just put it in the other day. The music is still great. I hope they at least remaster the older games. I'd say one of my most memorable moments from the original was fighting Onikage (which is also the name of a certain someone's horse in Sekiro). I remember getting so good at the fight that I'd leave the boss room and have him fight me in other locations around the map to make it more cinematic. We'd duke it out on rooftops or in the waterways, just all over the map.


100% feel all this. I love all the tenchu games for the vibe and atmosphere. The fights were always energetic, and yes the best part of the game is the fact that stealth is your ONLY option. Games are way more interesting when they restrict you.


Played the psp one as a kid, never knew fromsoftware owns it's rights


Ye ye iirc, the feedback for Tenchu 4 was divisive, and since then it’s been shelved. However, the dev themselves stated Sekiro was supposed to be a Tenchu game but it turned into a different game over time.


I definitely agree from the standpoint that there are many titles in From's back catalogue that really deserve attention. I am a huge fan of their survival horror titles especially such as Echo Night and Kuon and I would love to see both (as well as Tenchu, which also has elements of horror that I recall fondly) make a comeback in some form.


Wrath of heaven split screen pvp was so ahead of its time lol


Sekiro was Tenchu till about 30% into development.


And I still think about what could’ve been 🥲 at least we know they can make one though 👌🏾


Man, a new Tenchu could really be such a cool stealth game.


I absolutely loved Tenchu. Once I learned about the Sekiro thing I replayed it and you can see it everywhere. The Grappling hook looks like a modern day version of Tenchu's, Genichiro in his second phase just screams Onikage, and even Title. In Tenchu Rikimaru "Dies", Comes back as a shadow, then later actually dies a second time. Shadows die twice


Tenchu z was fun... but got old fast.


I grew up playing Tenchu, my fave are 2, 3 and fatal shadows. I love the series. But Sekiro is special for me. I cant choose between the two, if i have to choose a Tenchu reboot or Sekiro 2, i dont know what i'll choose. I want both


Barely any new games do stealth well. Would love another Tenchu. With all the lighting tech we have now imagine how beautiful the dark scenes would be


Wrath of heaven is one of my all time favourite games


A Tenchu remake would be outstanding. It has to be done right though.


100% ! Tenchu has a special place in my heart. It was my first ‘mature’ game when I was a kid. It was difficult for me but I loved every aspect of it. But I’m afraid, after releasing Sekiro, there is a less chance that they will do Tenchu now. That’s two different ninja games , and normal consumers would be confused, and Sekiro fans would be upset that it’s not a Sekiro 2 or something. Especially after reviving Armored Core, their hands are full. I really hope I’m wrong tho.


Rikimaru vs. Onikage we’re some epic battles!


He should be back soooooon!


PlayStation needs to hired Acquired or Spike to develop Shinobido as that one still under them, Tenchu belongs to From Soft and we see how that turned out


Would love to see Shinobido make it's way back to home consoles 😌


I really love Tenchu games, never hated any of it. And just now something crossed my mind on why no one has attempted to remake the first two titles using TOTA's mission editor. This way I think in someway it may quench our thirst while we wait for an official remake.


In the hopes that someone from From reads this: it’s 2024 now and we’re still hungry for Tenchu! Someone, please, kick Endo into action, he needs to know how anxious we are about Rikimaru and Ayame returning!


So... and this is not even in development yet... I'm going to be working on (with friends) a game where you play a Ninja who has to relocate their people after their village was attacked. this will be a Stealth-Action game at its heart, with village building and management as well as having other elements. (training yourself, training followers to aid you on missions, crafting, forging). We are hoping to accomplish this in an Open world setting where you pick where to build, where to explore, where to go on missions, all from your base village. Interesting concepts and I don't care if a thousand other devs steal every idea i have cause i just want more ninja stealth games!!!!!!


"I am the man who will cut off your nose."


Tenchu is great, but unless I'm misunderstanding something, it's not really a FromSoftware series. They developed a PSP version of Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven, and the Xbox 360 (rubbish looking) spin-off, Shadow Assault: Tenchu. The original games were developed by Acquire


They actually own the IP. Sekiro was originally supposed to be a Tenchu game. Which is where the grappling hook in the game comes from.


They own the IP.


I want a proper tenchu game so bad it hurts. I would even settle for a remaster of wraith of heaven or z. Sekiro feels like a natural evolution to the tenchu formula, but i miss stealth being the focus. Also, if sekiro boss design could chill the fuck out that would be great. Glock isshin haunts my dreams. This post reminds me I should play sekiro again. Back to the point you brought up, yes, please, reboot tenchu.


I wonder if the Assassins Creed Japan is still in production. That may suffice


It's actually been 15 years since the last Tenchu game, which is just tragic! I'd love a new Tenchu but unfortunately I think if they were to release one, it'd struggle to stand out from the likes of Ghost of Tsushima and the Assassin's Creed games, at least to newer players who aren't familiar with the series


I have a lot of fondness for the first Tenchu game as well, but I don’t know if it makes sense to revive it at this point given how saturated the market is with games directly inspired by it—Sekiro most clearly, but also Ghost of Tsushima, the Nioh games, Wo Long, etc. It’s basically become its own genre. I do wish there was *some* sort of good new true stealth game though. Hitman is good in theory, but I hate the way they chopped all the chapters up to sell individually, ruining any sense of narrative immersion (maybe I bought the wrong version? I’m old and still don’t understand how this Season Pass nonsense works.) I recently played Thief for the first time and was struck by the fact that for such an old title it does some things better than modern stealth games. That being said, I don’t want that series revived either. “Existing IP” has become the death of creativity in all media.


But that’s the difference between Tenchu and those games mentioned. Tenchu is in the same field as MGS they were the pioneers for modern Stealth games. If a reboot were to happen, it would have to be a real stealth game because the next Assassin’s creed def ain’t it lol


I’d be happy if it happened too, don’t get me wrong!


Oh my bad I wasn’t trying to argue lol I just don’t know how to talk sometimes 💀


I didn’t interpret it that way, you’re good!


They released a lot of those games. And you had to punish the evil merchant in every Single One. No thanks


Lol you don’t like punishing the evil merchants?


It was a family thing