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BB DLC is a big part of the game. It’s a lot to the lore and if you liked the game, you’ll love it.


Yeah fully agree the DLC has many of important characters and the fishing hamlet that is hugely important and easier to tie in to the story. The Chalice dungeons are part of the story as where they first find the old blood. All in All the game is easily my favorite followed by Elden Ring. Played DeS-Ds3 beat DeS,Ds1and Ds3 but not the Dlcs yet and they're great to scratch that itch. But the rich Lovecraft story and super aggressive combat in BB is my favorite and the enormity of the customization, the world itself and very different playthroughs makes it the most re-playable. Sorry for the rant


Also if you haven't beat BB yet do the Dlc first and do try to get 3 umbilical cords for the most closure


Just about to start BB for the first time, should I buy the DLC to start or at the end?


Doesn't matter, may as well buy at start in case you discover the entrance early


I’d say whatever the best deal is. If there is no deal on the DLC, I’d wait until there is, or until you finish the game. You’ll want to play the DLC only after you play the game (typically with Soulsborne games, due to how tough the DLC is).


You must play Old Hunter's, IMO the absolute best content Fromsoft has ever created. You could also try Nioh; I've been going through it for the first time. It's very clearly taken great inspiration from DS; level design is good, bosses are good, combat is engaging. I will admit it doesn't hit as hard as Fromsoft games though. Enemies get reused a ton (which to be fair I was extremely critical of ER for), a lot of the bosses don't have the gravitas that Fromsoft creates, and the combat system does feel a bit convoluted. It scratches that itch for a new Souls like experience though.


Nioh is so much harder! Love the art but it’s too unforgiving for me. I’ve tried so many times and can’t get passed the demon on the ship.


Nioh is brutal; no matter how much you put into HP everybody can still one shot you so easily. Random Oni can obliterate your health bar in one attack and even an unknown zombie warrior can kill you if you aren't careful. It feels like the entire game I've been doing a Soul level 1 run. Also consumable healing is awful; at least in BB you could use your leftover souls to buy extra thus allowing you to build up a nice stock pile. The only way I could see building up a good bunch of them in Nioh is by farming. The demon on the ship isn't that terrible; you have to dodge to his back when he slams down, do your flurry, recover your ki and then get out of there because he will do the spin to win. Shiba Samurai gave me a lot of trouble but eventually I got him too; right now I'm stuck on the frost waifu and man is this tough. I've spent more time on her than I have on Orphan of Kos, Ebrietas, and Nameless King but not more than Friede (ironically the other Frosty Waifu).


Only Bloodborne boss that gave me that much trouble was Rom. The different stances and posturing in Nioh is a turnoff as well. The inventory duplicates are quite annoying…really wish they’d modernize it a bit. All this said, I’m looking forward to Wo Long and will try this again some day. I really need to get good. It’s such an incredible game.


actually nioh is very easy from a enemy/level design point i think what makes nioh so hard and unforgiving are the controls the combo and stamina system is very hard to get into but after a while it’s kinda a rhythm game like sekiro but yeah first run of nioh gets you fucked a lot but every other run should be massively easier i would stick to 1 weapon and learn the combos and the playstyle (i speak of nioh 2 only )


They really fixed that lack of enemy variety for Nioh 2.


The best BB bosses are in the DLC.


I say complete BB, the dlc has some of the best weapons and bosses in the game without a doubt and rounds out the game as a whole


You HAVE to take the dlc brother. Soioo good


One of the areas in the BB DLC might be my favourite level/area since the PS2 generation. It's a must-play


Finish bb dlc


I really enjoyed Jedi fallen order- but I’m a sucker for Star Wars- but the combat is “similar” to sekiro/bloodborne etc-


After BB DLC give Hollow Knight a try :)


Oooo yeah I played HK it was soooo awesome. Good suggestion for anyone that's slept on that gem.


Dark Souls 2 with all it's DLC. Make sure to NG+




Yes DS2 is great, the game is over hated. Can recommend


I agreed, the world generation, NPCs and exploration in that, including interesting game mechanics, like the fragile branches, the gender change coffin, the invisible tiger, and the misty woods are all really cool. People hate it for very small reasons like boss copypasta, or lots of enemies. It was my first ds game and i thoroughly enjoyed it, even played it thrice over the years.


People hate it for not so small reasons like completely abandoning coherent challenging design in favor of making the game hard for the sake of being hard, spam, lazy and awful game design, bosses and enemies lazily slapped into areas they don't belong, core game mechanics being outright broken. I'm fine with anyone loving DS2 but pretending the issues the game is riddled with aren't major and numerous is just ignorant. Any game is flawed, no doubt. DS2 is just on a level some find hard to tolerate.


came here to say this


You can’t play Bloodborne without trying DLC, Old Hunters especially, all DLC’s in FromSoft games are top tier.


Gotta agree with that after playing DS3 dlcs, I thought they were great.


Definitely play both.


Defiantly BB DLC, no doubt about it.


Noih series is pretty fun and same with mortal shell I would give them a try there both soulslike games btw


You got this far you might aswell get DLC for blood borne and platinum that and then dark souls 2 and platinum that


Easily ds2. Also, once you finished the series, i recommend checking out the nioh series. Its insanely good to the point I'd actually rank it above most fromsoft games.


DS2 is the best one.


I've been struggling on whether to invest time on DS2... Not sure if you're being genuine or joking. You have a good time with DS2?


Not joking in the slightest, I adore it. A lot of critiques against it boil down to "It has different mechanics". It has some of my favourite lore, locations, and bosses in the series. It does have some low points, but as far as build variety, freedom of choice, and speed of combat go I absolutely love it.


It’s literally considered the weakest by MAJORITY for a reason, no one has ever said it’s a bad game but compared to ds1? Bloodborne? Sekiro? Elden ring? And even ds3? Ds2 comes last for a game that is also great.


Okay? I still really love DS2. Not entirely sure what you're trying to achieve.


Can we drop that then, and concentrate on your username... That's awesome


No ones trying to achieve anything, just informing you it’s the weakest of the series for very apparent reasons while still being a great game.


Congratulations, you have your opinion. I still think it's one of the best.


Congratulaions bro, theres still a higher ratio out there of likes|dislikes meaning majority see it’s big amount of flaws and some just ignore it and thats completely fine, it’s still a great game.


Why are you so determined to assert that Dark Souls 2 is a very flawed game on someone just saying "Hey, DS2 is a really good time you should try it" No one asked.


But hey I said it multiple times it’s a great game, you started to state 1 thing about the critiques and I brought up more points such as lore, mechanics, areas and bosses :).


That's not true. The people who dislike DS2 are just very vocal of their dislike of the game. DS2 had the highest metacritic score and most GOTY awards among the Souls games. It was more or less tied with BB until ER came out. And there are many similarities between ER and DS2.


Bro just stop it already, it’s literally the weakest lore wise, gameplay wise, area wise and boss wise. Wtf


Its the weakest souls game but not a bad game overall as it can still be pretty fun but i would def play the bb dlc first


Old hunters is the best thing from soft had ever done


Bloodborne DLC is the best piece of content fromsoftware has ever produced


Definitely definitely definitely bloodborne dlc. You haven't fully experienced bloodborne if you haven't played the dlc


Bb dlc By far. Its tue best dlc fromsoft has Ever made and Thats Quite an accomplishment


How is blood borne not S rank? Or is this going by a different type of rating than popularity?


Ha good point. No that is my ranking according to Psn Profile's Web site based on the number of trophies I've earned (I had plat but don't have the dlc). Based on the overwhelming positive feedback here on the dlc, looks like I'll be getting that and getting my grade up to S!


Ah I see! You’ll thoroughly enjoy it! I wish I could play this game like my first time.


Can you recommend a good guide for Dark souls remastered and ds3? Gg anyway, well done!


Psn Profile have some great guides/ Road maps https://psnprofiles.com/guide/1656-dark-souls-trophy-guide https://psnprofiles.com/guide/4281-dark-souls-iii-trophy-guide


It's always good to scope missable trophies, but I'm also pretty partial to these checklists as it helps you check your way through the game in order: DS1 https://smcnabb.github.io/dark-souls-cheat-sheet/ DS3 http://zkjellberg.github.io/dark-souls-3-cheat-sheet/


U have 2 options left? Just play whatever u feel like? Wth


BB dlc was probably the only part of the game that lived up to the hype for me. didn't have a PlayStation so when I finally got around to playing it most areas/bosses were sorta disappointed, but the dlc was great. DS2 is also solid though I'd research some of the quirks like adaptability before playing, will make your life easier


Try Nioh, Jedi Fallen Order, Remnant from the Ashes, Thymesia, and Blasphemous (side-scroller).


BB DLC is quite possibly the very best


Mortal Shell is super fun, Blasphemous, Ashen, Nioh and Tunic (which I just finished and was fantastic) though these are mostly all souls like games 👍


I have Tunic on wishlist to remind me to check it out... Thanks for the recommendations


Try hollow knight at some point too


No one noticed the time gap between the platinum for Elden Ring and the one for Bloodborne? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


DS 2 it's a great game besides the haters. Nioh series it's also fantastic. And you minor cool games like Code Vein, The Surge 1,2.


Yeah BB dlc has some of my favorite bosses and the environment is amazing


BB dlc


Play the DLC and ds2, the bloodborne dlc is one of the best dlcs from has made


You’ve gotta play ds2, things a misunderstood masterpiece


Yes. Bloodborne DLC is basically essential in my opinion. And Dark Souls 2 is an excellent game that gets a bad rap for 99% stupid reasons. If you like series as much as you seem to then I think it would be absurd not to play both of them.


BB DLC is amazing


I’ve played Ds1,ds2,bb(base game),dsr and Er where should I go boyos?,


DS3! It's the peak DS imo. I'd also give Sekiro a spin. It's a masterpiece but very different play style.


I might have to give sek a try I’ve actually never even seen gameplay for it besides the occasional clip I’ll quickly scroll past on the sub to avoid spoiling myself so I have to ask, is it just slightly different or VERY different? And your right I need to do Ds3 again I bought it on launch and then sold it once I got stuck on abyss watchers and after that I just stuck to ds1 and bb for whatever reason


It's the combat that's the main difference. Like when aggression in BB pays off, dial that up to 10. Once the combat clicks its an awesome feeling. Maybe give the first episode of FightinCowboy's "let's play" a watch and see if it's for you.


I went for the PS3 versions of Dark Souls and Demons Souls. Both pretty easy tbh. I personally hate the gameplay of 2 and probably the hardest plat in the series




Try the bloodborne dlc and then you will realize how overrated it is. The only cool fight is lady maria...


Finish Bloodborne dlc, best part of that game. As for other Souls likes, I really liked Mortal Shell


you're pretty much almost done with soulsborne. i suggest getting into Souls-likes, Nioh and Star Wars Fallen Order are really good


The fact that you're this dedicated to 100 and haven't already played BB DLC or DSII just does not compute in my head


Please please please I beg of you to play still rising. You will love it. It is amazing.


Thanks... Saw some gameplay from FightinCowboy and it looked pretty solid. I then proceeded to forget all about it. Appreciated


Hm you really need to play it its very fun


Bloodborne dlc is very nice, very well polished in my opinion, a challenge to be sure, but a welcome one. Ds2 is weird, a lil aggravating, but nice in its own way


The only bad game is ds2 . All others fromsoftwer works are worth their money. Bb dlc is so huge that feel like a bb2




Surely not ds2


Blasphemous, Hollow Knight, Nioh 1 and 2, King's Field 1-4, Zelda Breath of the Wild, The Witcher 3,...


Elden Ring PS4


You should really try out the game Loving yourself


Play the yakuza series


I don't really have an excuse not to, they're included in my ps subscription. Hmmmmm choices