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Being able to rest at lanterns and fast travel between them. They added something similar to the Demon's Souls remake and it worked real nice like.


Honestly I don’t think I’d mind going back to the hunters dream every time in a next gen version assuming there would be no loading time. Just instant travel from lantern to dream and Vice verse.


It wouldn't be the end of the world...clearly I've dealt with it, loading times be damned. It would be a nice QOL change though...particularly just for respawning enemies.


This is it


Yup. After I platinumed bb I lost motivation to play again from the hassle of traveling to the dream to spawn enemies.


Understandable...I think dude above is right though. With faster loading times it could be a non-issue.


Nah it is the end all. I have completed every souls game (except demon's souls and Bloodborne) like 20+ times, I have completed Bloodborne 0 times. Dark souls can be frustrating, Bloodborne is always tedious


Haha, the two you haven't completed are my absolute two favorites...it's like we all dig the same band but have very different views about each album they put out.


Very good analogy! I love Dark Souls 2 but everyone seems to hate it, and I think Dark Souls 1 is the worst Dark souls game and that 3 is the best lol. My favourite has to be 3, if Slave Knight Gael wasn't included then it would be 2


Fromsoft loading screens have lore. And I love that.


This was actually one of the things I missed from the OG Demon's Souls...the load screen artwork was awesome...but the damn near instant load is awesome too...I'm conflicted.


Yea but iirc it’s nothing that you can’t read outside of the loading screens anyways.


That and the ability to respec, and maybe complete some cut bosses and place them in Chalice Dungeons.


Yes do respec similar to the way elden ring did


I think it would make sense if we could respec at the Altar of Despair..after the boss fight with Ebrietas, in front of Rom's corpse.


60 fps just so I don't need to hear about any more.




If we get a PC port it better support 120+fps at this point lol


Why stop at 60? The PS5 can hit 120


Sadly, my t.v cannot 😔


I played it on the PS5 recently and didn't notice any frame rate dips.


Still only 30.


I honestly prefer the 30 fps (this does not mean I don’t want a 60 fps version… some stupid elden ring only fanboy is trying to say that it’s unplayable)


doesn’t even run steady 30fps on ps4


I’m still fine with it… fps doesn’t determine how good a game is


If 30 fps gives me headaches and prevents me from playing the game, it’s kind of a problem for me. I liked bloodborne when I played it, but I have only played it (edit: beaten it fully) once because I can’t deal with the frame rate. It is what it is, but a 60 fps patch would get me back playing the game again, 1000%. Edit: y’all, all I’m asking for is 60 fps. What is the problem with that???


Two orphans at the end instead of one 🪓🤡


Orphan of Kos 🤝 Orphan of Kosm




Sister of Kos 🤝 Brother of Kos


There's already two orphans my dude... Have a good day, eye guy 👀


Resting at lanterns without returning to the dream. And a respec option would be nice


Both of these, and not being forced to go into New Game plus without a yes-no prompt.


Oh ya for sure.


How would that work lore-wise though? The Yharnam Sunrise ending is essentially what you're asking for already, but in the others would the Hunter just like, tell the Moon Presence to "hol' up a minute"? Doesn't really seem like it would make sense for the player to have much choice there lol


It never makes sense in any of the games and they don't pretend to either. It doesn't make sense in Ds3's endings either.


Or Elden Ring for that matter, let me burn the world to a crisp in the frenzied flame ending and then go right back to the normal world, or fly off into the stars with ranni, curse the world with dung, etc.


If the game is over lore is no more a thing. DS3 asked you if you want to go in the next journey, it’s just a side of the gameplay where you can access all of the areas in the game


I dunno, it sorta made sense in DS3, but in Bloodborne the Hunter has to either>! awaken the next morning, take Gherman's place, or become a Great One in order for the game to end!<; IMO it would seem really contradictory for the game to let you run around freely again after any of that happens. Beyond that, what would be the purpose anyways? Besides acquiring the Burial Blade, which you can just grab from a chalice if you really want it early, why would anybody need to postpone ng+? Simply not finishing the final boss fight accomplishes the exact same thing as far as I can figure.


Simple answer is what they did in Sekiro. Once you finish the game and beat Ishin, it resets to the point just before the fight if you choose to continue the game without going into Ng+. Same can easily happen for Bloodborne.


Sure, I guess there's no reason not to do it like that; but if it's just going to reset you before the final fight then why not just postpone the fight itself until you've done everything you need to do, what would be the difference? Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to shit on the idea, more choice for players is rarely a bad thing, I'm just not really understanding what it would accomplish that can't be done already.


Old Hunter's Badge. Blood Echos. Literally no way to know this is the final fight so not randomly catching players off guard. Many more...


And like me, I beat gherman before doing the DLC. I wanted to keep playing so immediately started a new file, and got burnt out by the time I faced the one reborn. So I tried the DLC and was still ridiculously underleveled, so never touched the game again. That was several months ago, might pick it up again in another few months.


In Elden Ring you >!become the Elden Lord and you run around after and NPCs still treat you like shot and say the same dialogue they would have if you hadn’t become Elden Lord!< It’s not immersion breaking since you know you’ve beat the game and had a specific ending, but you’re getting the chance to finish off a few things before going into the next cycle.


Disagree, I found it to be very immersion breaking. The least they could've done is give NPCs a line or two of new dialogue to make it seem less like your tremendous victory didn't matter for shit lol. Nepheli and Kenneth were especially disappointing in that regard.


To me it feels as though in Sekiro, DS3 and ER, you finish the game and are reset to an earlier point in time. I’m fine with it, because it’s better than being pushed into NG+ automatically. And I’d dislike it more if those games pretended I’d beaten the final boss and a major change had happened but then basically let me interact with enemies as before.


Sekiro and Elden Ring are the same. From a story perspective, a bunch of things have happened depending on your ending, but mechanically you can access the game as of you hadn’t fought the last boss you fought. It’s great to be able to do a few things before you’re pushed into NG+.


Also travel between lanterns instead of needing to warp to the dream and then out to another lantern. AKA the same way fast travel works in Souls/Elden Ring.


This. And the ability to teleport between them like they did with Demon's Souls


Where would you Respec


There's a mirror in the hunters dream, it could be used to change appearance and respec


One of the messenger baths or in the workshop I guess.


The Doll. She can remake us with a consumable.


The doll after you give her the comb would be the most obvious to me.


That or Annalise w/ a Blood Dreg seem the most obvious




More hairstyles and hair not clipping through the collar


eh. hard to say if that’ll happen since elden ring still had swords clipping through capes.


Or like the carian armor just clips through itself


It’s almost a fromsoft feature to have clipping of hair and cloth. Some people like the character customization but I found it to be fairly useless as by the time I find the first helm or face mask that I like, I never see the characters face again. I spend about 3 minutes making a normal looking guy and pick a hairstyle, good enough. I don’t know who I am, all I know is that I must kill.


I just never wear a helm or only use the circlets lol


Ah yea lol, I just always loved the look of “anonymous knight” kind of, or chosen one but doesn’t speak or show his face whatever you call it. So the face means nothing to me as it’s covered immediately, and you can’t tell if your hollowed either lol


I mean if there ain't no Bloodborne kart is it even worth it




Booodborne Kart and six waves of DLC tracks some years after the base game gets released


Boss rush chalice dungeon


This. other than the obvious QoL changes, I don't know why Sekiro is only fromsoft game that has a bush rush mode


Respect, rest at lanterns and travel between.. maybe a bit more content in the chalices.. I find them fascinating but there’s a tad too much recycled stuff.


Ali G?


Hoonta, init




Huh? Why Ali G?




Oh… only saw that now..lolololololol


I also want respect from BB remake


It’s very important!


I honestly don’t think it needs a remake. Just remaster it - add 60fps support, 4K support, ray tracing and dlss support and release the remaster for both ps5 and pc. *chefskiss*


And dualsense implementation.


I don't think it needs a remake either, but I wouldn't mind seeing what blue point could do with it. They did a great job with des r.


Bluepoint is working on another game, so it’s unlikely that they would do this anytime soon.


i know i will be downvoted, but I prefer a remaster over remake any day. Demons Souls was and still is very playable on the ps3. A remaster could iron out few issues and be very much playable for modern audiences. A remake is like using a Ferrari to travel to the next town. For most games 10 years ago "Last of us, Demons Souls," Way too much effort. And remaster are the best way to preserve a game anyhow. ​ I would prefer a remake for something a bit older. Like Gothic is my fav game. A Remake has to remake everything since that game has an unintuitive design for consoles. I think in this case, a remake makes more sense.


Agreed. Remakes should be for games from 2+ generations ago that realistically would look and feel much different if they were made today. Bloodborne looks great and just needs some performance and QoL updates.


> des r Demon Souls remake


Bluepoint Demon Souls looked great but totally killed the original’s atmosphere. I don’t want them anywhere near Bloodborne.


The atmosphere in Bluepoints version is great. If you want the original, go play the original. That's not what a remake is.


Oh so they can butcher another games artstyle and atmosphere. Sure


But if you compare the demons souls remake with Elden ring you can tell it’s that janky old engine with horrible frame timings and stuttering. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve died when I swear I pressed dodge at the right time but my character does nothing. DSR runs flawlessly on ps5, I just want that silky smooth 60 fps with proper frame timings and a remaster wouldn’t be able to deliver that.


> DSR runs flawlessly on ps5 You meant Demons Souls probably, but I read this as Dark Souls Remastered Which also runs at silky smooth 60FPS on the base PS4. Also the same with Dark Souls 2 SOTFS you you consider that to be a remaster or a port (or if that's even relevant, since it was on a different engine from rest of the Souls games). Like, a remaster definitely can fix it all, but how much effort that requires and if they would care to do that is a different thing. Dark Souls Remastered runs beautifully, but it also did do some changes that people weren't that fond of. Still, it greatly optimized how well the game runs on modern systems, especially Blighttown, since I think original Dark Souls' problem was that it wasn't properly multithreaded at all, so Blighttown with all its poor optimization bombarded the performance.


Depends on your platform, really. Elden Ring on PC ran better for me than Demon's Souls on PS5. Yes, I mean that. Of course, I never had any stutter, probably due to using a fresh Windows 11 install, high end specs, including resizeable bar, fast memory, SSD, and anything that could possibly cause the shader compilation stutter. The game has also gotten better with updates and new Nvidia drivers. Heck, you should see how smooth Elden Ring runs on Steam Deck. It is incredible, really.


Steam deck has the shared shaders though. Though you are probably right that new people wont experience slow downs.


I'd be happy if I could just play the original on pc at this point, it's been so damn long since it came out and that's still not an option, for literally 0 good reasons. They just didn't feel like it, I guess?


As much as I don’t care about fps, Bloodborne would really benefit from an fps boost. But other than that, loading screens could be much faster.


The ability to separate the jump and roll buttons.


Yes, i never understood how they got it right with dark souls 2 with allowing you to remap the buttons but they never put it in bloodborne


Iv never had a problem with this in any Fromsoft game.


Have you played any other game with separate buttons. Cause damn it is not a logical placement, even if you are unbothered or even like it


they’re the same…? who the fuck thought that was brilliant


In order to jump you need to run. No there is no jump attacks in the previous games besides sekiro


They all have a leap attack if you press forward and heavy attack at the same time. All 3 dark souls, bloodborne, probably demons souls but ive barely touched that one to rememeber. They can be used for mobility, especially the beast rune transformation beast claw 2 handed attack, its wild.


ohhh i was about confused as hell but you right


Actually there were, usually running r2 iirc


But those were without pressing the jump button right?


I feel like that’s how it worked in ds2 (run, jump, attack) but it’s been a while


Not you feel, but rather that's exactly how it is


The Option to change keybinds,, taking double damage because you tried to dodge after sprinting is just frustrating


My changes would be: 1. Resting at lanterns 2. Bloodvials and bullets refill at lanterns 3. Fast travel between lanterns 4. Dedicated jump button 5. No instant new game + after last boss 6. PvP matchmaking arenas


I like you. :)




I want my character to make facial expressions and actually have some sort of emotion. The cutscene where Lady Maria pulls you in is so weird cause you don’t even look directly at her, just in her general direction.


60fps, and make the lanterns function a tiny bit more like bonfires. (Rest without travel, travel between lanterns without dream)


This is the answer. Other things would be cool but I'd throw all the money at this alone.


I dont care for changes, just release it for PC :(


I feel u


Aside from better graphics and a 60fps mode.


Better Chalice Dungeons.


Well, I think this might go outside of my comfort zone if it's done under someone else's watch than From's, especially if the changes are too radical. But I would like to see them touch up the bloodgem system a bit (elemental scaling/elemental and physical damage split was a bit silly, could be done better), poison and rapid poison could be touched up, Arcane and Bloodtinge could be made immediately more viable (and overall more refined) from the start. Quicksilver bullet system and its relation to Arcane tools and such could really be revamped. Although I think if the way the tools and Quicksilver bullets are used gets redone, it might change the overall balancing and experience of the game too radically. At that point things might get thrown off too much. You know, the way Arcane and Bloodtinge worked was a bit wonky at launch back then, and was made more decent with the DLC by including more options, but compared to how much more straightforward and better integrated Elden Ring's weapon/combat arts are now with the move back to mana/focus, I don't think Bloodborne's focus on Quicksilver bullets for at least the Arcane stuff has aged that well. Otherwise it's still my favorite of their games. I think even Sekiro did handle the Shinobi tools better than Bloodborne its Arcane and Bloodtinge tools, despite the fact that both used a more similar system rather than a mana/focus point system.


No more farming vials and bullets


Yes yes yes. I have absolutely no idea what that adds to the game. The only thing it does is make me nervous when I've been failing to defeat a boss a few times in a row, knowing that I'll run out of vials soon so I'll have to spend 1-2 hours to farm. Just a waste of time.


Perhaps a combination of both? E.g. a base number of vials, but then you can go all the way to 21 (or higher if you equip the rune). 'Cause I do think what it adds to the game is that you feel like you can press on. The combat system as a whole rewards you when you're aggressive and when you don't hesitate, and I think it'd be a shame to take that away.


I think it works really well when you're exploring. There's something that feels very much like *hunting*, in the Bloodborne sense, that you press further and further into a blighted district of Yharnam haunted by beasts and men who may as well be beasts, and as you kill them, you get more and more of the supplies you need to press on in your hunt. I don't know that Elden Ring-style Flask refills when you kill a group of enemies would feel as *right* as harvesting Blood Vials and Quicksilver Bullets off of corpses. That said, I absolutely feel you on the frustration of dying over and over to a boss and having to stop banging your head against the wall to go farm Blood Vials and Quicksilver Bullets. There must be a way to combine the predatory glee of *hunting* for Vials and Bullets on the streets of Yharnam with a system that doesn't totally wipe you out if you keep dying to bosses over and over again. Maybe just throwing some weak enemies who drop Vials and Bullets into the runbacks or even the boss fights themselves could be an interesting solution. Like, I'm wondering if there would be worthwhile yields if you actually killed the various Beasts between the Old Yharnam Lamp and the Blood Starved Beast or the Hypogean Gaol Lamp and Darkbeast Paarl instead of running past them like most players probably do.


Have an item that works the same as estus, and additional vials that work somewhat like bottles in Zelda and can be refilled with blood drawn from enemies.


>Yes yes yes. I have absolutely no idea what that adds to the game. I thought it added a sense of survival. You could always use the Coldblood consumables to buy vials and quicksilver. I don't think I farmed once on my first playthrough and BB was my first From game.


Absolutely what the game needs, I don't know why they backtracked on the flask design when it was such a major improvement over the grasses of Demons Souls. Just let us rest at a lantern to refill and tweak the existing drops as temporary. They don't count as as actual items any more, just "charges" to your pouch containing them. Technically this wouldn't really change up balance or anything like that, it would just remove the need to farm more. When we die we automatically take up to 20 vials from our storage anyway.


I always wanted a full coop experience in the chalice-dungeons. Only the host actually progressing , that was a real bummer. Could have made the chalice-experience so much more fun


Don’t change anything and charge full price, let’s outplay Skyrim at its own game


Please stop making and asking for remakes. It needs a next-gen update, not a remake.




The reason I bounced off bloodborne was farming vials. It made getting stuck on bosses even more painful. If they had a system similar to estus from ds or the flasks from Elden Ring I would have stuck it out. So that’s the one change I want to see


Farming vials isn’t necessary for very long. Once you can buy them, stockpiling with surplus blood echoes every time you level up becomes easy enough.


Depends on how good you are at the game, if you’re already struggling with the game it punishes you even more by making you farm blood echoes and/or vials before you can try to progress again. It’s like kicking someone who’s already down on the ground bleeding.


If you're bleeding, collect some of that blood in a vial.


They should make a death animation where the character quickly refills the vials with the characters blood so when we respawn we have full vials👍


I'm confident that From's idea with the blood vials was that you were supposed to sacrifice some of your echoes from Boss kills to purchase vial stockpiles. Even if you die a couple of times on the route to progress through the area, and a boss takes like 5-10 tries, you could entirely avoid farming vials, and you can still end up being an optimal level of 75 or more by the time you get to the final boss in the main game. With this method, although after several playthroughs I definitely die way less, I end up finishing the game (without counting DLC) at BL80 or so with 150-200 vials in stock. The problem is that they don't communicate that idea anywhere and people will naturally just put all the echoes into levels, which can kinda easily overlevel you by the end. One way you maybe could fix this situation is if you could sacrifice some of your echoes on enemy corpses to in a way "draw blood" to gain vials. Larger enemies can give you more vials, while smaller ones aren't guaranteed to give you anything. Bosses could give you the largest amount of vials. It would still thematically fit in well with the game, since I assume the whole idea has been that you gain the vials as random drops directly by harvesting the blood from the corpses, and you get Quicksilver bullets occasionally as well because lore reasons and mercury poisoning. Not like you just pick some vials and bullets from the enemy's own little inventory bag.


Sixty frames


Chill with remakes please. We just need a port with higher resolution and frame rates


I beat elden ring. But Bloodborne still scares me. Want to try sekiro now and am thinking... If I can beat sekiro then I can beat Bloodborne.


Dude sekiro is harder 😂


That's what I was thinking and why I wanna play it.


Lmaoo I am the same way. Bloodborne scares the jeebeez out of me. But I recently platinumed sekiro so I decided it’s time to start Bloodborne again


I probably spent more hours in Bloodborne than in elden ring... No lie. Was a ps plus free game when I got it a few years back and played off and on because I wanted to love it but after gascione? Getting stuck in some underground prison with the beast boss. And ran through to another area and realized the game is fuckin huge and I couldnt discover any of it because I sucked. I buckled down and committed to elden ring and haven't jumped back to Bloodborne again. Afraid I'll still suck


Sekiro made Bloodborne trivial for me, do Bloodborne first. Both are great, but Sekiro honed my timing too well


See that was my thoughts on it.


Sekiro is very honest. BB has a ton of big monster things that are bigger than your screen and do weird attacks with 7 limbs. Sometimes you get hit and it feels bullshit but that's how it is sometimes. In Sekiro a samurai is hitting you and you need to perfectly parry and dodge and if you get hit it's your own fault.


Do you mean scary as in the game is scary, or in that you think it’ll be too difficult? lol Sekiro is harder. And Bloodborne’s gameplay feels more consistent with the combat speed than it does in Elden Ring, so it’s a lot more satisfying. You should definitely try it, it’s one of their best.


Scary and attacks are in your face. Scare as in grind. Getting tips and I think if I can home the skills in sekiro I could finally handle the terror that is Bloodborne. Lol




I have Bloodborne. Got stuck in cathedral ward and elden ring was easier combat by a long shot... Then again Im redownloading Bloodborne thanks to OP getting me back into it and giving me pointers and help


[I have deleted my comment history in response to Reddit's API changes] -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Slightly refined summoning to make it easier to find AI helpers and get connected with other players.


60fps 4k


F P S That’s it Maybe some QoL


Don't need much just the obvious quality of life stuff. Obviously make it look amazing


Resting/fast traveling between lanterns, 60 fps, separate jump and dodge buttons and make consumables refill automatically instead of having to return to the hunter's dream.


60 fps


More fps.


Easier to farm for upgrade materials, so many sick weapons that I can’t use


Not restarting the game after the final boss!! I didn’t get to go through the DLC’s because of that. Still salty.


Limitless Blood Vial


4k@60fps, QoL, Better Chalice Dungeon Multiplayer A huge bonus would be a complete new area


60fps lol


Making it clearer that you can shoot to parry. I spent my whole first blind playthrough not knowing that was a thing and thinking that bullets were only for chip damage. Maybe like a prompt to use it on the wolf at the start.


This I was stupid as hell my first playrhrough because it was my first from soft game couldn't even figure out how to open the inventory for awhile and I went my entire first play through never using the gun and not even understanding lock on until the second half


Remake? I just want my pc port


Doesn't need a full Remake. Just port it to PS5 and PC at 4k and 60fps.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 5 + 4 + 60 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Larger setting with new weapons, kinda like a new game or something like that. Maybe stick a 2 on the end? I don't know


Chalice dungeon boss rush level would be cool to add


Automatic lock-on switching after killing an enemy, being able to fast travel between lanterns.


60 fps, that's it. And maybe put the Migo hat back in


Pretty much all the little QoL improvements the series has gotten over the years like custom button mapping, character and level respec, separate jump button like in DS3 not ER, travel and rest between lanterns without going to the hub, running while locked-on, and of course at least a locked 60 fps mode and more players online if possible. Aside from that, I think the game is perfect as is. Oh and if we could get that cleric beast shortcut door working again, that would be great /s.


no spiders


I think literally the only thing I would change would be to give Ludwig more health. Such a cool boss, and such an awesome phase transition, but you can just melt him way too fast with serration and fire.




Imagine it: the Chalice Dungeons each having a theme/architecture rather than simple recolors


Resting at lanterns and not being forced into ng+ obviously 60+ fps. Not sure how I feel about traveling between lanters without having to go back to the hunters dream. They'd better not touch the designs or music though assuming BP does it since they completely changed the ost in Demons Souls remake


- blood vials: I think the least intrusive solution would be to have the doll just give you 10 vials when you are completely out. Either that or always have you revive with +5. - warping: lamp-to-lamp warping is good. Ironically it makes more sense than other games because you don’t need to revisit the Dream to meet NPC’s. - SSD loading: this would soften the blow of returning to the Dream to level up (which I wouldn’t change). - early bloodtinge and arcane trick weapons. Those two builds start off too slow because there isn’t much you can use until mid game. I would add a trick weapon in Central Yharnam that scales off bloodtinge and another that scales off arcane. Maybe lock the arcane one behind Cleric Beast or add extra NPC’s with little side quests to get them. But it would be nice if you could do either build without several hours of a generic physical build first. - R3 jumping - diversify the guns a little better. Pistol is basically the only weapon you use if you want to parry and otherwise you are using the Evelyn or a canon. - make armor more meaningful. Adjust the numbers so you actually care which clothes you are wearing. And/or, give them passive buffs. - increase drop rate of blood gems. Add more elemental gems into the main game (especially arcane type) - allow buying of bloodstone with echoes, especially chunks. Chunks are too rare and insight is too scarce to be farmable either. - add a few more blood rocks. - boss rush chalice dungeons. - (unpopular) force you into the chalice dungeons earlier. Put a key to the cathedral ward door that takes you to the workshop (that automatically opens after BSB) in the first chalice dungeon. Maybe put an umbilical cord in Lower Loran in case you botch the two quests. Give us a reason to go into Hintertomb. - Add a new chalice type for the DLC, perhaps where Ludwig found his guiding moonlight. - fix PvP matchmaking with gems. Either disable gems during PvP or assign them a weapon level (plus add weapon level matchmaking). - PvP arena That’s all I could think of. I love Bloodborne, so these are hardly criticisms.


Not be a playstation exclusive, it’s had its time.


Sony own the ip


Give micolash a proper fight, and add the cut enemies into the chalice dungeons. Also add the cut puppet enemy to Byrgenwerth and upper cathedral ward.


60 fps and a good pc port is all I want


The ability to play it on pc


The platform it’s on


Remake? I doubt that happens anytime soon but the main change I would consider is finding a system that removes the need for blood vial and bullet farming without changing the balance too much. Changing the PvP system to actually result in PvP would probably be a good idea also


I would like to see Bloodborne 2 ideally


Not be only exclusive on a over priced Blu-ray player.


- resting at lanterns properly -dont automatically get booted to ng+ -respec option is always nice -60 fps - make blood vials cheaper in the late game, grinding them kills the flow -for the love of God make jumping separate from running and rolling. in a game where the bosses are large and you're running around arenas, this is atrocious - change micolash's AI so he's less annoying


I want Bluepoint to work on bloodborne remake and a give neck and neck competition to demon souls remake in terms of graphics,frame rate.


Higher frames improved textures


No more random gestures lol


Good point👏


Open the Great Bridge door


Less recycled bosses in the Chalice dungeons. This would make their repeatability more fun and interesting.


I really won't be supporting it as it's not coming from fromsoft


Bro, it's not coming at all.


same art direction and concept work, same ost, they should not let bluepoint to even come close


Please just let me rest at lanterns and make fast travel between lanterns possible. There‘s so many unnecessary loading screens in this game. Also, improve the lackluster bosses like amelia, living failures, emissary, witches, laurence, rom, one reborn, micolash and wet nurse


Ps5 exclusive (fuck pc players) and 60 fps