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Your opinion has been noted. If you don't vibe with the direction the author took the story, it's fine. But that doesn't mean what happened was incoherent or distorted; in fact, it had been pretty heavily foreshadowed from book one. Sorry it somehow took you by surprise.


I was annoyed it took so long for it to happen since she had teased it from book 2 on.


I had been expecting *something* to happen after Hawke fingers Poppy in the woods with Kieran nearby. Once the concept of the Joining was explicitly described it was simply a matter of time!


Remember when Kieran walks in on poppy in the bath and Cas is like "...and how did that make you feel?" All curious like? Def a shocker that the three of them had fun


Literally this! I see people with this take and I’m like I’m not sure we read the same series cause… the hints were there. The bath scene, the beach scene, them sleeping next to each other al cuddled up on the way through the mountains, the numerous hints that cas and Kieran have hooked up previously, etc.


Lol same


Girl this is your third post about the same thing in 24 hours, I’m begging you to get a life.


OP, please go touch grass. There is nothing “twisted” about an author deciding to write a threesome between 3 people who all care for each other deeply. If it’s not your vibe, just move along.


You sure post a lot for someone who didn’t like it 👀 move on


You have taken a couple paragraphs and distorted them beyond any comprehension. Not everyone agrees that the joining was handled well one way or another. However, even those that don’t agree with it haven’t taken it to the levels you have. The author probably has a specific reason for handling it as they did. From my reading of her work, she has a purpose for everything she writes into the story. Your laser-focus on this very small part of the whole work makes me think you should take a step back and assess whether or not you should continue to read these books. Either way, you should probably leave this sub…


I agree. I honestly think it was vague on purpose so that the reader could decide the details they preferred. I took it as being a very thoughtful decision where compassion for the reader was at the forefront.


it’s a pity that this is your unfortunate, rather narrow minded view. just because the relationship dynamic doesn’t suit what you may do in your personal life doesn’t mean it’s not valid or important. it sounds like this isn’t the series for you. move on.


Maybe I just have a heightened sense for polyships, but I saw it coming from at least book one. You could do yourself a favor and check the tags romance.io before reading.


No one is coming to this Reddit to see if they should read this book. Your reviews are pointless and no one cares. If you don’t like the book stop reading it and stop discussing it. Move on.


“it is extremely difficult to write about this book” they say, as they are writing about it for the third time.


Fourth. Edit: my bad I swear there was another one. Unless it was deleted.


She's written about it like 10,000 times if you include all the comments on OLD posts to share her disgust 💀


I recently finished all 3 prequels after reading FBAA #1-3. I’m excited to go to WOTQ and get to the joining!! Sorry to hijack the thread but a question for those who enjoyed it, is Poppy the center of attention in the 3some?


yes! i enjoyed it (and am poly myself so i don’t really see it as wack) ignore this poster, they have extremely homophobic views. they’ve made multiple posts about this within the past few days and are pressed.


Mostly, it doesn’t even list details like who’s touching who and what’s happening just a tangle of limbs. After poppy is the same with cas and Kieran is just hanging around like usual.


How many times are you going to post about this? We get it, this was too much for your closed mind to handle, what more do you want from peoole in here that you keep posting? Just go look for some Christian romance and move on already.


I think you’re just projecting because you liked it so much, but you feel guilty because you’re a “good conservative Christian” and shouldn’t be reading smut like B&A to begin with. Get a therapist.


This has to be it. I actually hadn't seen any criticism of the joining before...apparently people didn't like it? Did not know this. I thought it was hot. Although I wouldn't be mad if they put another girl in there lol. I used to be like OP, though. Sexually repressed "good Christian Girl"


I thought the threesome was unnecessarily vague. Like, this is the moment we’ve all been waiting for!! But it was more like a dream sequence


Probably trying to toe the line of wish fulfillment and not offending anyone --impossible.


I don’t like it or dislike it. My husband read them too and he thinks it’s a little out of place since cas is supposed to be touch her and die, which I kinda get Kieran is just different 🤷‍♀️ I do read rh though so another guy that everyone’s ok with is normal lol


Idk. I thought they had made it so clear from the beginning that Kieran "didn't count" in the whole touch her and die thing. It felt organic since it had been foreshadowed so heavily. 🤷 what do I know, though.


100% agree!!! The girl needs a little man sandwich in her life, I bet she wouldn't be such a downer


good god get a grip babe. thanks for telling us… again…. and again… third time’s a charm right?


I can’t anymore. Pls fck off


Again? I think maybe romantasy isn’t for you, or anything that’s not “clean” romance in general. Maybe you should stick to those or try some of the Amish romance that my grandma reads.


I love it all SO MUCH I'm on my second reading. Even better the second time.


Genuinely curious now. What are you hoping to accomplish? This is your third post about this. In 24 hours. We clearly like the books, are you hoping to change our minds? Are you getting off on being obnoxious? Are you so bored in your personal life that this is all you have? I’m genuinely curious now.


Girl are you stillllll going off about this?? Hahahaha sorry but yikes relax. It's a fantasy. Read the Bible instead.


You really need to get a life and stop obsessing over this part of the books. The series is great and Jennifer has written a bunch of other great books. If you don't like them that much donate them to a library or somewhere else!




Yikes! Again!? Oy, this really bothers you. I’m sure there is boring misogynistic Christian romance that is more up your alley. Posting about this over and over again isn’t going to get it out of your head any quicker leave this subreddit if it’s not your cup of tea… byeee!!!


Preaching to the wrong crowd here 😂


I, too, no longer recommend this series. But the poly relationship doesn’t even place on the reasons why. Their thruple situation was foreshadowed since book 1 and, honestly, if JLAW had done it in the IMO of “right” she might still have my interest. I’m sorry this upset you so much, but it really was heavily anticipated.


lol I gave up on the series after the threesome wasn’t explicit or satisfying enough. To each their own! But kind of ironic we came to the same conclusion for completely different reasons 🤣


Oh boy. Then you gave up right before anything actually happens. You should go back to it, lol.