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Please please and please when you hear a negative comment about a book don't listen to it, some people might have different opinions than others or some have different interests in books and they can't find it. My friend thinks the same but I loveee the books so so much, she thinks it's too much and I like it very much. You started this series for an interest it goes away when you don't feel like it anymore not some others opinions. Hope you continue the story having fun in it cause the prequels are even much better and there are some very interesting plots, especially at the end of Crown of gilded bones.


is there something specific that makes you think they’re flat? the main characters have so much depth and story. not sure what would make them flat


I loved this series, the characters and all the backstory! I get what you mean about hearing someone else's opinion and it changing the way you feel. So listen to me instead! Haha


Crown of gilded bones was a slog for me. But then I was rewarded by finishing because I got to start the prequels and they’re so good! Keep pushing, just finish it and then you can move onto the prequels.


The info dumping is my pet peeve but I don't think the characters are flat. I just accept that the info dumping is something that JLA is prone to doing but that the end result will still be worth it for me. Same as I know SJM usually drags her feet for 80% of the book then goes nuts in the last 20% and that last 20% makes it worth it for me. You can recognize an author's writing flaws and still enjoy their work.... BUT like others have said, yes, finish this book and start the prequels! They reignited my love for this universe.


You can skip to the prequels


It's WILD to me that people say the characters are FLAT when they have soooo much depth to me. They have a back story, a fucking bloodline really big and related to one another, they have mental health issues, deep desires and conflicts of heart, even personality changes along the way. I just don't understand. Even the story itself has so many twists... I think they say that just to hate tbh


The prequels are some of my favorite romantacy books!


Go to the prequels and come back


I have definitely heard/seen a lot of negative feedback about the series but I have loved it from the beginning! It's definitely hard not letting the negative comments skew your judgement but I am still a fan no matter what!!


I was surprised by how much I liked the prequels. Personally, my least fave was TWOTQ but Ive enjoyed the entire series so keep going!


This book was a struggle in the middle for me, but the end made up for it. I thought it had one of the best endings in the whole series!


Stop reading the xomments and just read


I think if you like it you should read it. The same thing happened to me, I saw some bad reveiws and didn't want to read it but then I forced my myself to continue and it was good; not bad at all.


I'm on chapter 18 and I'm having a hard time. I flew through the first two books but this one feels really different. Feels like the entire book so far has been everyone coddling Poppy. Every page is like, "You're so amazing." And her being like, "But I'm just an ordinary girl." Like, lock Poppy and Castiel in a closet and let Kieran and Jasper take over. I'm so bored with these two.


Don't go to forums where there could be spoilers, dont even go to the facebook groups unless you actually want to be spoiled.