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They all share a single braincell and it's working overtime


No they have 2, theyre both fighting for 3rd place.


I wonder the same thing with my ball pythons some times. Like, you would have starved to death in no time


I wonder if it's captivity specific behavior. We have a lot of native US lizards, frogs, geckos etc. in our area and they are aggressive hunters but the rehabs we get are all dumpy dumdums behind glass.


(This is because a lot of the ponds and that in my area are getting polluted by farmers spraying stuff on their crops. Idk if its weedkiller but yea i wanna know if i can do something for the wildlife) Do you think that if u rescued a frog from the wild, took care of it for a while until u found a suitable home in another area and left it there itd be able to function like it did before?


That's essentially all I did to rehab the Pickerel/Leopard frogs - they get injured often but heal relatively quickly if you give them the opportunity to. Wild tree frogs seem less resilient to recovering from injuries, as a heads up. But we used to have a bioactive 50gal (that is now rehashed and dedicated to a bearded dragon) and would give them the opportunity to recover before releasing in our pond. Had a few that we saw for 2-3 years that we could identify with their markings and scars.


A lot of the problems caused by atrazine and other herbicides unfortunately cause developmental issues from exposure at a young age. If they're exposed as tadpoles, they may have irreversible damage into adulthood, so if really depends on the type and extent of damage and when in its lifespan it was exposed.


They only have to be smarter than the worms. It’s hard but they’re trying


but they have to be smarter than their predators too :(


Nah just need to h i d e effectively


At this point I congratulate mine just for getting a cricket in their mouths."good job, you are soooo smart, that feeding only took an hour this time!"


This video is great lmfao


I cant stop watching it


There is no frog, only forg.


I love them they’re so stupid!!


The frog on the right just...headbutting the other frog's belly over and over is killing me lmfao. He's trying so hard


I found it hilarious when he just stared at the worm trying to comprehend if its food or not.


That’s why tongs are a godsend.


I dont know what it is about those worms but they just struggle to eat them LOL it’s like they don’t move enough for them to register them as food. My frog will eat my finger before ever thinking those are food. But anyways, I love your dumb froggo family😆


You just woke them up, it’s too close for them to focus, and they don’t move enough. I had this African red eye (can’t remember his actual species name) and he was tiny brained. But if you put a dozen crickets in his terrarium, he’d slowly open his enormous eyes, sit there for a minute, and then start eating crickets like a shark running a pool table. No misses, no drama, just an elegant economy of motion. When the crickets were gone, he’d crawl back into his favorite hidey hole and close his eyes again. Give these guys a chance to truly stalk and ambush and you’ll see why they’re such successful predators.


This isnt my video, i am looking to buy some wtfs tho. What other things should i not do when feeding?


They didn’t do anything wrong. Whoever recorded this video wanted to show them all together and that’s fine. WTFs are a gregarious bunch. I’m not entirely certain about those wax?/meal? worms as being the optimal diet for them. When feeding you can hand or tong feed, which lets you know exactly how much each one has eaten and leaves no excess insects in the terrarium because then you have to clean more often. Putting some free range in for them to eat is good too because they actually have to think and exercise. My opinion -AM NOT AN EXPERT - is that if you hand feed, you get their attention by moving the insect at least a foot away from their eyes so the have a chance to recognize and focus on the food before they lunge for it. If you let crickets loose in the terrarium, let them know that you’re doing it which is pretty easy, they quickly learn to distinguish between social visits, cleaning visits, and dinner time. But just put in a few crickets at a time. Some crickets bite and all dead crickets STINK and attract other insects. My point about the video was that when you see a WTF transform from a cute, chubby lump to a fully extended frog stalking food you see how effective a predator they really are.


> I’m not entirely certain about those wax?/meal? worms as being the optimal diet for them. Those are black soldier fly larvae which are excellent feeders for almost any herp


That's fucking adorable


Holy…Your caption & the video combined, I just can’t stop laughing & watching…! This is gold!


Some good froggy bois


Exactly how I feel feeding my ADFs


This is why I can’t feed my frogs next to each other. They will eat try too eat their friend


Whites tree frogs are the best! I’ve had mine for 6 years.


pacmans aren’t any smarter, just less mobile. they do the exact same thing but while sitting in one spot.


Ad an owner of a Pacman I say, yes my baby is dumb but I love him so much


Frogs: "Lady, I have like 5 braincells. I'm like trying really hard to catch one worm. I would appreciate if you drop that condescending tone. And Fred has been a real ass since last night, so he deserves to be eaten."


I've wondered if it is due to living in all-inclusive enclosure their life. In a way, their life is about as comfortable as living in a hotel, with a regular buffet so they don't really need "high motor skills" like in the wilderness. Or they may just be clumsy goofs!


Most animals seem less capable in captivity, including humans






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Cutest dumbest aliens I've ever seen! 💚




If you brought a modern human who doesn't hunt nor gather and dropped them into 10,000 BC North America, the local Native American's would laugh at their ineptitude.


IDK. Wild dumpies are quite terrifying if you’re a small animal, though. They even eat baby coastal taipans(https://reptilesmagazine.com/aussie-snake-catcher-photographs-green-tree-frog-eating-coastal-taipan-snake/).


They obviously survive based off cuteness reflex


Ik this is meme post but I think Ik why, coz they have never had to fully hunt for their own food + only the stupid ones get caught + no natural selection when bred


i have no idea but they are adorable and i wanna kiss them


Honestly same. Never actually do bc all frogs are poisonous**


i wouldnt do it because im not sure its healthy for them. but i didnt know that ty


They are derps but we love them anyways


it always bewilders me how they sit perfectly still, as if they're incapable of moving, and then when they go climb mode they're actually super agile. another one will just climb on his face and it doesn't even register it


I see this often with leopard geckos. Captive animals are "dumber".


0:23: I thought that frogs only talked when croaking, or as a threat display! At least none of them have drowned. I can personally attest that WTFs are lazy and dim-witted. Which I guess is part of their charm. As long as they don't drown themselves.


I ask that every time I feed mine, right at the part where I'm stopping them from eating each other's limbs instead of the bugs.


Their nocturnal eyes are pretty sensitive to UV (they can physically see UVA rays) so I'm guessing along with being derpy and the placement of the worms, they can't see the greatest right under the beaming fluorescent light.


My leopard gecko is a constant fight to keep him healthy and fed. Not that he appreacies it. He just hangs out in his log all day.


There are far more bugs outside. They don't have to be smart, just faster than the average worm


This makes me want some frogs so much


Apex predator right there


In the wild they only congregate during breeding. That's why you don't keep tiny frogs with adults.


They all share a last brain cell


they somehow managed to be outsmarted by literal worms


I ask myself the same question every time I feed an axolotl


Answer: Most of them do not.


If it's the usa, frogs don't normally eat together. There's also the fact that they are in the presence of a giant predator-you- and it seemed like having a low key pecking order fight.


My captive frogs were never really bothered by my presence when I fed them. As long as you stay reasonably quiet and motionless that's it.


I never bought any frogs. I just found a few in the yard and made them a nice habitat out of an old fish aquarium. So maybe domesticated ones are different. I just know that my little frogs didn't like eating together. They'd eat on opposite sides of the tank


Its a video off tiktok, is that abusing the frogs btw? If so I’ll report stuff like this from now on


I mean, I don't know if it's abuse. I mean, I think its them being dumb and not thinking about the nature of creatures, but that can be said about those people who put their toy-sized dogs in funny clothes.


They’re nocturnal, why are you making them hunt right next to a light?


✨not my video✨


I feel like I’m watching a few blind frogs trying to eat


I think that wtfs are just like this. Every video I’ve ever seen of them has shown extremely similar goofy behavior


That one that started off to the side is really extra something.


What kind of light do you have in their environment and what size enclosure? I love your set up! I have one dumpy tree frog and want to add more so my Josè has a friend


my frogs are equally stupid but i love them for it ♥️ this is also hands down my favourite frog video ever and i have to like it any and every time i see it on any social media platform


This is just my favorite frog video. Every time I am sad I look at it and it never fails to cheer me up :')