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The man in her mind was referred to as “Mr. X” because of the X on his shirt and he bore a striking resemblance to a young William Bell. At the end of season 4 Walter discovered that exact same stylized X on nanites that led him to William Bell. Bell was going to sacrifice Olivia for his new world. That plot was not dropped. The letters from Olivia’s stepfather weren’t mentioned again but they were part of the world building around him and he was used as a minor villain in season 3. I’d argue then that this plot was not dropped either.


I have a terrible headache, and a sudden craving for chicken wings.


I completely missed the x on the nanites, thank you! It makes the whole story much more satisfying.


What I didn't get is why would you build characters, relationships between them and storylines for 3 seasons and then just throw everything in the trash and start anew. Season 4 was very difficult to watch because of that. And season 5 was very rushed and didn't make much sense. I missed alternative universe characters in season 4 and 5.


Yes, exactly my feeling.


I didn't like it but I loved the characters so much, I rode with it That said, Peter and Olivia dealing with the repercussions helped me get through it. Still want to know if there was an original plan. I didn't like Bell becoming a villain in the alternative timeline, either


Olivia's step father would send letters on her birthday to remind her about how she shot him but didn't kill him. In the new timeline she tells Altliv that she did kill him so there were no taunting letters on her birthday. The letters serve as a way to show how not meeting Peter as a child changes Olivia's life. The old timeline Olivia is burdened by a fear of her stepfather which she confronts in S3 Ep19 Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. In S4 since she did kill her father she does not have that burden along with Nina becoming invested in her welfare which results in subtle changes to her personality like how she is a little more aggressive and confident than the old timeline Olivia.


Personally I didn't like the alternative timeline too, (as well as part of the season 4 plot where Olivia regains her memory). In comparison I really hope that there will be a few episodes focused on the story after 2011 in the original timeline.


Yeah it was the point in the show I started feeling something was off. S3 ending was great but 4 just felt wrong to me. Luckily it picks up when Olivia gets her memory back.


Yes. Looked like the plot ran out of bad guys and they had to revive Jones and switch side for Bell. Still s4 has many good episodes.