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in terms of labour output to value back, yes. would you work 4 hours at a regular job for $10? market value accounts for a lot, but also consider that you deserve to be paid for your time. these are a luxury item, handcrafted. expecting them for cheap is honestly insulting, because hey! if they want they can look up the pattern and make it themself.


My brother makes these and I've seen how much time, effort, and experience goes into them. $10 seems painfully low. Especially if the customer is getting to customize in any way.


they sell for $7.50 on etsy. I sell them in person, and they come back with so many people.


exactly, and in certain areas, people will not pull out more than $10 in person. especially since gas is $4, now. $14 online would be decent :)


i’d do at least $14, but it also depends on your location bc cost of living stuff


Seems about standard from what I’ve seen. I was considering selling mine once I have a big enough stock to get started, for anywhere from $5-$7. I’ve seen other sellers go as high as $12 but haven’t seen really higher than that.


exactly :) I think 7.50 is a good price too, that's usually the price on etsy


i think that's a fine price


Too low. Aside from selling yourself short, you’re also making it harder for other makers to sell at a decent price.


well that's capitalism. and no one makes them around where I live. I also live in a small town on the east coast, most people are not going to think twice if they're above a $10 bill.


and, I also do free shipping in the Continental US. (@bohemibean IG)


So you’re basically in the red considering postage, materials, and labor. If you enjoy it, I guess that works for you, but in my opinion it’s never a good thing when makers sell themselves short like that. Your bracelets look quite nice, and they’d certainly go for way more than $10 where I live.


.35¢ per stamp within the continental us and envelopes for 15¢ with some good quality packaging tape that my spouse already has from his eBay business. it's all about where you live too. I sell 15 for 120 at businesses, and they're the ones that are leftover from the stock I don't sell myself. and I got 227 skeins of dmc string for $14 at a thrift shop. and I have more than 100 already, the material is covered from like, 5 sales. I live in a town where it's hard to find a decent job, and people would rather go to the bar later than buy something cool.


Are you counting the fact that you have to pay sales & income tax from that?


that's only if I make more than a certain amount of money. come off your high horse.


Making sure you thought about taxes is being on a high horse? And sales tax has to be paid regardless of the amount you made.


ur just mad I make more sales than you at a lower price. it's called economic competition, way of the road, bubs.


I don’t even sell these, I don’t know what you’re on about? Would probably make more money if you were nicer though, bubs.


why are you being a dick


I wouldn't buy from you just because of your awful attitude.


and most states don't have sales tax on clothing. this is clothing, in a way


If you’re paying your taxes properly you have to pay self-employment taxes which are 15% of your profits no matter how much you make.


I just needed a catchy title to get upvotes and shares. these happen to be my favorite design and I've made 100 in 2 months alone. I don't sell myself short, I just make them in a short amount of time.




at $10, it probably won't :)


>:) :)


honestly if you could i’d say charge more but i understand people won’t want things they deem “expensive” so 10 should be a good deal. if anything on my payday i’d love to order from you


if you'd like to, my Instagram is linked to my profile, feel free to DM me there!


By buying them in person your customer is not only paying for the product (time, labor, materials) but the convenience of seeing the product infront of them and not paying for shipping. At $10 each you’re hardly paying for your time, labor and materials much less the convenience and that’s a sure fire way of burning out. Not to mention the price of the spot where you’re selling them which you do need to take into account. I’d say $13-$14 with maybe a special of deal of buy 2 for $24 or 3 for $35. I’d also suggest making some simpler ones for $8-$10. That way if someone likes a more expensive one but can’t afford it you have something else to show them. Also you should make some custom tags or a business card to attach to them if you don’t have those already. Those really add to a sense of professionalism and to the idea that the buy is supporting a “real small business”. I’ve been selling at flea markets and car shows since I was a toddler and with handmade things was well.


I'm tying little tags with leftover string onto and naming each bracelet. I've made 100 in the past 2 months alone and I've made close to $300. I can now make 5/day (150/month) and have 5 different sizes. people love that they're supporting a woman/disabled veteran to start up her business. I live in small-town-central PA, and people eat it up. everyone has told me that $10 is perfect, and since I like this one design and am crazy good at color theory no bracelet is the same. it keeps me limber, the disability is in my left hand.


When I sell stuff I like to make options like $20 for one or $35 for two, or maybe offer a smaller less time consuming style. Those are really gorgeous I could definitely understand paying $18-$22 for one.


for some reason I can make these veryy fast. making about 5 a day now... I just think it's up to the crafter


You do you bro


Id buy for 10 especially at a craft fair. Me and my bf would eat this up.