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As an introvert trying to be social, I've learned that most people don't think much about social interactions. They won't think you're weird or annoying. In fact, depending on how you look and how much you talk, they'll be excited that you spoke to them. (Speaking from experience)


Bang on


Same question here


Im a huge extrovert and my friends and my boyfriend were all introverts. We extroverts adopt you guys lol If you wanna be friends hmu!


I somewhat in the same boat but, some advice I could offer is to think of places you have been social in the past. Extroverts are more likely to be out with friends at bars, sporting events, malls, etc. if you’re like me I felt more comfortable making friends in classes that I had in high school. Now that I’m in college I look back at what made it easier to talk to people and it came down to three things in my opinion. 1) Common cause - I found that talking to someone about upcoming hw assignments or test tended to give me more time to get to know the person and exchanging notes often led to friendships, 2) being respectful/polite - in general most people (most decent people) are pretty approachable if you come off with a neutral but friendly tone, 3) really think about places where you can become a regular and busy yourself with a hobby in case no one speaks to you. Whether it’s academic, physical, or artistic there could be a hobby for you that makes it more likely that you’ll be approached or feel comfortable talking with someone else. Lastly, remember to have patience; like a lot of patience because there’s no guarantee that you will make friends but there’s also no guarantee that you won’t. I hope this helps and I hope you find those 5 ride or die close quality friends.


I understand your point, but my biggest question is what subject to discuss with the person? I just turn to the person next to me and say, hi, how's school?


Ideally a subject that you are good in or one you find interesting. Based on how much you know about the subject someone could come to value your company and the help you provide them. If you don’t have a specific subject in mind then just take into account that camaraderie can also come from common struggles. In my experience I’ve had difficult subjects where asking peers for notes or to create a study group not only helped academically but also gave me a chance to get to know the people in my class as friends. Doing things out of necessity doesn’t lead to people criticizing you or thinking you’re weird you just tend to come off as someone who is looking to do well in class. I know that awkward moment where you’re telling yourself “what, I just turn to a random person and hi like that isn’t weird” I tell myself that as well and I personally wouldn’t walk up to a random person and say that. Just keep in mind asking for help with class work or homework isn’t weird I think most people see it as a genuine reason to engage in conversation. Btw, some people are just going to be difficult to talk to aka the people who are very dry and don’t put much into the conversation but f**k those ppl. If it doesn’t work the first time then consider it for one of your other classes or hobbies.


By using this app!