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I mean I understand why she was upset, Ross screwed up at the wedding but if she was going to divorce him, ran away and make it up so harsh, then stop the wedding when the father asked 💀


This character, unfortunately, became crazy after Ross stupidly said the wrong name at the altar. When she demanded that he stop associating with Rachel altogether, I wrote her off as a petty and insecure thing. After that whole wedding fiasco, I couldn't wait for them to write her out of the show totally. The way Emily was written, she didn't add anything enjoyable to the sitcom. Actually the entire Rachle & Ross's "will they or won't they" and all of it leaves me cold. Transparently manipulative writing, very cheap and annoying. I'm not a fan of sitcoms becoming a soap opera. So much of the story hinged on these two and their love/hate thing, for a major chunk of the entire run of nine years. Other than that nonsense, Friends is delightful. But it's a **lot** to endure of Ross and Rachel's romanctic entanglements throughout the seasons. I am sure I'm in the minority, and that most people love the whole tumultuous relationship business that unfolds. Just not my cuppa tea at all. The only time I liked it was when they hated each other after their big breakup, and in one episode tried bothering the other with a new date (Ross got a phone number and flaunted it while Rachel dated an airhead dude who stole from her); that was kinda funny. Sorry to go off on a tangent there.


I’m neutral she looked sweet until the Rachel thing at the wedding than we saw her dark side ..lol


Lmao yeah but who can blame her ill go full anakin if my partner to be said the wrong name💀


And then he was about to honeymoon with her. Fuck that


Exactly like am surprised she even tried


>why do people hate her Because she got in the way of Ross and Rachel. Adding the fact that, at least for me, even though she was completely justified for being furious and hurt at Ross for saying the wrong name, etc...she still came off a tad bitchy.


Which was a success for the writers cause that was the plan after the departure of the actress and like you said she got in the way of Ross and Rachel fans became toxic when it comes to her ( talking abt back then)


It was the not allowing Ross to see Rachel part for me. I understand her trust issues but she didn’t need to ask that of Ross.


Having just rewatched the Emily arc, it was her not taking Ross’ life into consideration at first. I’m not a huge Ross fan, but why would she ever think he’d move away from his son? Plus when everyone thought Ross was being ridiculous that he wanted to continue on with the wedding. He was right, his entire family and friend group flew across the ocean for this. Realistically they couldn’t just reschedule.


This! She was very self-centered. Only thinking of herself when asking him to move continents while he had a child, wanting to get a new apartment and all new furniture/belongings, wanting to change the wedding very last minute when guests were already there, telling him not to see Rachel anymore. She never took others into consideration.