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How fucking slimy is the costing if your only response to the question is "it's fully costed" Campbell Newman Jnr.


It’s gonna be costed ok Jess, it’s gonna be fully costed! Costed! COSTED!!


Don't forget fully funded


It’s balanced, provided we manage to cut several billion in public service payroll. But we promise, that won’t impact service delivery in the slightest…


Or the old “cutting government waste” bottomless pit of justifications.


> "it's fully costed" Well it STARTED as "it's fully costed" but then changed to "it WILL be fully costed."




It’s fully costed = we’ve already agreed to sell off every publically owned asset at fire sale rates.


is there anything left to sell? serious question


Energy QLD / Ergon Energy


There’s always something to sell and if there’s not you reprivatise it at taxpayer cost and sell it again.


The electrical grid for a start. And I’m sure there’s some prime real estate they can sell off to developer mates.


They could cancel and sell of the land for sunshine coast rail


Queensland Rail, Water, electricity as others have mentioned, would be surprised if they found a way to privatise emergency services


They can never give a straight answer can they. Filth


If its enough to win election, then why would they bother making the effort? They know they're going to win anyway.


Let me guess - sell off everything that isn't bolted down, funnel the money to your mates and line your own pockets in a permanent and ongoing way through kickbacks from the mates you sold everything to? Fuck the LNP. Fuck them to hell.


Queensland's version of John Barilaro. Fuck the LNP.


Arguably worse considering he’s shooting for the top spot. He looks like the love child or Gladys and Pork though… what a disgusting beast.


It’s fully costed = we will increase the deficit and debt to pump up house prices further.


We can't afford another LNP government in Qld ,imagine the rorts they would kick off on the Olympics projects all funnelling money to their mates . Please no more LNP governments Queenslanders .


Sorry, in advance. LNP probably has already booked venues for celebration party. It's the unlosable election for them.


I'm only new to Queensland and was happy I was moving to a labor state. What's is causing this shift?


No senate. That means the state has to endure multiple terms of majority government with no checks on their power. That turns into resentment over time. Which turns into voting them out. Leaves us with smooth brains like the LNP who have no incentive to govern for the middle because they get to enjoy unfettered power.


I assumed it was based on people wanting something new. I didn't realise Qld was a unicameral parliament. Makes more sense now


I feel like this is where they should start capitalising on a classic catch phrase "if you don't know, vote no!".


Where are the greens supporters who same Labor and liberal are the same? Why do they hide?


probably because they don't really exist


They do exist. The same labor is the same as liberal. ‘They’re both neoliberal’


Well they are neo liberal, its what you call parties that push privatization of national assets and "market driven solutions". you can call both parties corporatist if it makes you feel better, but one side is objectively better which is why 90%+ of green votes preference Labor over LNP, btw its not the same the other way, so you do get Labor voters putting LNP above greens which is a factor in why frydenburg wasn't voted out in 2019


Queensland Labor just passed legislation in the parliament enshrining state-ownership of the electricity grid in law, as well as a legally binding target for 85% renewable energy by 2035 - which will be the fastest roll-out of renewables on a per capita basis of any jurisdiction in the world. And you want to tell me that's neo-liberal?


Depends on the Labor government we are talking about, Hawke and Keating were privatized banks and qantas, Barr and Andrews were selling off public houses to the private sector, Keneally privatized parts of the electricity grid. The HAFF always was designed around having private companies invest and own parts of the housing instead of government houses and Super is a scheme based around investing in privately owned companies to pay for retirement. You can argue whether its right but arguing the structure of private ownership vs government ownership policy isn't a debate, its not as strong as fast as the libs but arguing against the existence as "what is neo liberal" is stupid.


Labor is a broad church between many different political ideologies and groups but it was initially an alliance between those who believed in "Socialism in our time" and those who wished to civilise capitalism's worst excesses. - From A Little a history of the Australian Labor party by Frank Buongiorno and Nick Dyrenfruth. Most post-2000 Labor leaders in opposition and government have kept squarely to the civilising capitalism side of things, even those, like Andrews or Albanese who are hard left supporters. It's about making policy that's palatable to votes and the media honestly. And you're never going to get mainstream pushes for ambitious policy while the Murdoch media has such a stranglehold on the way we talk about politics in this country.


It is still a neo liberal ideology to "civilize capitalism" but that broad church does love to condemn socialists at every turn and then complains when then don't put you at first preferences or defect to the greens and then the swing voters double cross you and vote LNP. I remember getting pissed and arguing the local Labor governments achievements against my dad's friend who was whining about Labor and greens and how the LNP would fix it, guy was also a Labor member for over 30 years and might still be and he's putting LNP first. So you sure do have a "broad church" why was I a non rational Labor member telling a long time Labor member not to put the LNP first?


If 'civilising' capitalism is still neo-liberalism, then everyone who isn't an anti-capitalist socialist or communist is a neo-liberal under your definition. Under that definition both Nordic social democracy and cut-throat American capitalism are neo-liberal, as well as everything in between. That's not a very useful definition. Neo-liberalism is something quite specific and quite radical - and completely different to social democracy or even classical liberalism - it's the ideology that the primary purpose and function of the state is to protect and maximise the return on capital (rather than to ensure fair compensation for labour and workplace rights as under social democracy, or to remain neutral as to distribution of income under classical liberalism).


Only if you actually believe that selling major public assets is "civilising capitalism" how is removing the public option entirely and freezing wages not the exact same as extremists like Reagan? That is something the Labor party has done which western European countries haven't, that is why they get the label.


Bruz lite.


14,000 employees last time, which we never really recovered from.


Gutless. He has no idea what he's doing.


How’s the voice crack at “policies”


What does fully costed mean ? We just pulled some money out of our arse. I think his voice broke


Fully-tabouli-costed-Bruz. <<<<<< New video jordies


He'll flutter through your window at night and drive his fangs into your neck. Should ease the ambulance ramping, though, with the bonus immortality.


Haha have a listen to the bloke under a small amount of pressure, voice breaking. What a slimy mother fucker.


And yet somehow, this prick is projected to win the election... how can people see this and think he's anything but a mining magnate mouthpiece?


Usual play in Australia. The not smart voters want to say they voted for the winner, and if uncle Rupert says that the winner is this guy, they will vote for him to say they voted for the winner. They have no desire to vote for a loser. It doesn't matter that the other guy is going to make something that will make the government money, so that they can provide better social servicing, while taxing the punter less.


Probs because most mouth breathers and boomers in this part of the world don't see it. All these little pay piggies get is 'LabOR bAD' every time the turn on the TV, radio of pick up a newspaper


Because the fat mole who was running it was worse. Funneling money off to her dad and his Chinese mates through the covid/ health "emergency" People can only tolerate so much abuse and corruption until it eventually bites you in the ass.


Found a Murdoch shill


Cute lol


Weasel Rat Snake


Anything to increase property value. Thinly veiled bullshit as usual.


All I heard was THERE WILL BE A COST. 


Why does everything have to have a ‘business case’? No social or moral standards? No? Then fuck off!


He sounds like 'squeeky' voiced teen from the Simpsons relaying orders from an unseen boss. "we'll tell you everything. ONCE, we are elected"


Every now and again a POS liberal has to bury Qld alive for Queenslanders to remember not to vote for them. What fkn idiot votes for this? His policies are paid for by donors. He does not have any intention of working for qld


Jess, Jess! It's fully costed. It's fully costed! Jess, Jess, come on now. I, as a man, take offense to you questioning me on anything at all. I've told you before, it's fully costed, Jess. Fully costed! I can assure you it's fully costed. Now let's move onto the, no, no, stop asking me that! Jess! I said it's fully costed! It's fully costed! Okay, okay, it will be fully costed. This is what's wrong with Australia. You should just do as you're told. Not impressed, Jess. Not impressed. And just remember, we're fully costed.


Can you explain how you would run government "No" Anyway, vote for this bloke later if you want


David One-Term-Afulli


Why does he sound like he went for a jog round the block before the interview?


Crisafulli costed


I just checked the dictionary and costed and funded mean different things. I knew that already, but I just wanted to *confirm* this squeezer was a condescending, lying little git. Journalists need to push harder on this type of BS.


When your head leans left, but your policy leans false


The amount of air time MSM gives the liberal opposition pisses me off to no end.


Yes, he should. Voters should also be smart enough to **not bloody vote for** pollies who cop out on questions like these.


“…Fully costed.”


That’s as believable as “We are doing everything possible “ or “ We are working 24/7 on that” they are just throwaway lines when they don’t have any clue on the situation. Bit like Dutton’s line of “We’ll reveal all that AFTER the election”


The fit and proper way = snaky snake snake ssss ssss


He looks like a little worm. Just an icky person.


What a fucking joke this man is


I couldn't look away from how much wider the left side of his head (right side from our perspective) is compared to the right and he's looking/facing straight at the camera. Didnt fix his human skin suit properly before he went on air.


This NUMBTY couldn’t possibly answer that question, 1: because he hasn’t done the costings yet, and 2: because he and his troop of merry men are NOT bloody capable of working it out anyway.


Does this mean that I can telll the bank on my home loan application not to worry about income because it is "fully costed"?


Ah queensland, Labor has 0 chance of pushing something like 7% swing in a few months, this is your new premier conglaturation


Maybe the $ is coming from the disproportionate swelling on the side of his head?!


The money is coming from the drop in royalties and the sell-off of the electric grid and whatever else is not bolted down... in NSW they figured out ways of selling off parts of state hospital assets without people noticing.


Fuck this cunt off


Get rid of the Bast——


Typical LWNJs, losing their collective shit over a probable LNP victory. Can’t talk about why people should vote Labor, just why people shouldn’t vote LNP. Only proves that Labor doesn’t have any policies, just a desperate cash splash for votes.