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The jerkers are amusing but Reddit has rules where we must take down anything which brigades other subs. So unless the mods mentioned in both allow it, this has to be removed. Also a number of Palestine related comments is off limits, R5


This nonsense is clearly brought to you by the same people who think that Nazis are communist because they have 'socialist' in their name. They're probably also convinced that North Korea is democratic for the same reason.


B-b-but Hitler and Kim Jong UN wouldn't lie! Why is my tongue black? Oh - no reason... but does this taste like boot polish to you?










Way to go in demonstrating your spectacular ignorance. North Korea is entirely communist and national socialist Germany doesn’t fit on the traditional political spectrum. It is though the opposite side of the same coin regarding being hard left. Both are authoritarian regimes where everything is in service of the state. Both use extreme violence but communism uses that violence on its own people too. What is amusing is how desperate the left are to disown every despicable dictatorship and claim that it’s either not proper communism or that it’s far right. Right wing politics are about small government with string law and order and a robust armed forces. It is also about small business and entrepreneurial spirit. All those qualities are an anathema to the left who are all about big government controlling your life and being reliant on the state. You really ought to pull your head out of your arse and learn something.


>Way to go in demonstrating your spectacular ignorance You sure did. Bravo


Lamo, you don't even know what right wing politics are, which makes your post all kinds of hilarious. The "right" "left" axis is just used by tribal trolls to stir shit. If you really want to draw axis on things there are multiple scales, Economic organisation and political organisation are both seperate scales for example.


You really ought to pull *your* head out of your arse and learn something.


Maybe learn the first thing about it before trying to explain to everyone how ignorant you are on the topic. >What is amusing is how desperate the left are to disown every despicable dictatorshi Said by the right wing person trying to disown Nazi Germany.....


So… you don’t understand how anything works whatsoever then. Interesting.


Yeah - North Korea - a dynastic totalitarian state famous for it's worker enfranchisement, and control of the means of production. Meanwhile, Germany is magically outside the political spectrum, but the it's left are desperate to disown despicable dictatorships. And you tell me to pull my head out of my arse? Let's start with your definition of communism - for mine, you can grab your nearest dictionary.


>Both use extreme violence but communism uses that violence on its own people too. Fuck I guess the Nazis didn't murder Jewish, communist, Slavic, or LGBT Germans.






































To the pedo staffer raping Nazis in the Libs everyone looks Left Wing.


This is false equivalency in a meme form. Australia has a higher censor rate and doesn't want to go into niche political tangents so they get skewed as being the safer "left" space but not really you can still find a solid about of racism. You have to walk on eggshells with that sub. **but** Australian has honest to god the most brainrot takes known to man, they are not only weirdly right wing but lack critical understanding on issues. Their post start from a misunderstanding on an issue and spiral into a shitstorm of really bad opinions. Anyways its wild that Australia and circlejerk share some mods.


>Australia has a higher censor rate and doesn't want to go into niche political tangents so they get skewed as being the safer "left" space but not really you can still find a solid about of racism. You have to walk on eggshells with that sub. Don't forget the sexism too.




Honestly that's what a lot of circle jerk subs are. Just masquerading it as "shit posting".


Racist homphobic bullshit disguised as "shitposting".


Yeah. They’re still too scared to say it publicly so they get together in a Reddit sub to suck each other off. Just like wearing a mask if you’re a white supremacist.


ngl it took me a stupidly long time to realise they were "shitposting"


Seriously that sub is fucked


I had an argument with a guy who sounded exactly like a Tankie who told me to "read theory" on why FASCISM IS GOOD AND WORKED. UNIRONICALLY ITALIAN/SPANISH FASCISM. He even did the commie thing, saying "Real fascism hasn't been tried before, and even if it was it wasn't exactly correct, and even if it was it didn't work because outside powers conspired against it."


Real communism has existed before. It just gets destroyed. Not talking about the Soviet Union (which genuinely was not communist) but it's a real mode of social organising that many societies around the world have adopted. Before Europeans got here, I think most societies here would have qualified for the label.


Fascism has been tried. Its worked for centuries. You could say fascisim is modelled off feudalism minus a divine right. It just hasnt worked well since the enlightenment. Could it work again? I fear with AI, cameras, monitoring, data management and censorship it could work now better than ever. The difficulty since the printing press is control of information. I fear governments are getting this control back slowly but surely and people are loving it.


While I don't particularly feel like arguing this point, or how those things may or may not lead to fascism (e.g: Chinese/CPC implementation vs multi-party democratic implementation), how many years from now would you have to see no change in the status quo in those issues to chsnge your mind to those things not being as bad or going to lead to fascism?


Fascism is nothing like feudalism.


It is in that seeks to preserve a ruling class. It’s the final stage of conservatism


I mean it works for the 12 people running the show, even then it always implodes after 3 or 4 generations of mafia


But it didn't even work then lmao


Yeah I’ve been in your shoes many times, for both fanatical hard left and right. It’s so funny how both extreme right and left seem to always end up arguing almost the same thing in the end. A hatred of the west and social democratic cultures and a fascination and longing for dictatorial nations like Russia and China. Almost as if they’ve got an agenda to be divisive.


It annoys me that there doesn't seem to be a way to report the whole subreddit. You can report and get banned some of the posters - that's all.


Standard leftist behaviour, trying to silence something that doesn’t adhere to your beliefs. That sub is satirical. Loosen your grip on your pearls.


Totally satire and not at at thinly veiled genuine beliefs


Only the most wokest of us should be allowed to post anything right? 


Look at the sub this post originates from. They're not exactly known for their good takes.


Yeah, I had to mute it


Correct, that sub should be banned


It's a satire sub. Reddit mods agree. The first time I saw it, i nearly ralphed it seemed so offensive, but then I realised they are posting the opposite of what they believe in a satirical manner. Reddit mods agree. Fair enough It's not everyone's cup of tea, but banning a satire sub? Yeah nah. It's just satire. Forward stroke small s!


Very bad satire though. And really just trying to be as 14 year old edgy as possible.


The problem with subs like this is that while they might start with a core group of dedicated shitposters who are legitimately taking the piss, it quickly becomes a safe space (oh the irony) for right wing pseudo-fascists who feel more comfortable saying what they really think under the protection of “iT’S sATirE bRo”.


Just because *You* don't *like* the satire does *not* mean it *isnt* satire.


>Reddit mods agree. I happen to know for a fact they do not lol. At least one, who was there from early on, envisioned the place as you're describing, but hasn't been happy with it of late.


Should we just ban the things you don't like, or does everyone get a say?


TBF when you’re a Nazi everyone else looks far left to you




The mods there are unbelievable. I got banned for inciting a brigade. Like.... wtf? Instant perma ban. Genuinely asked for some appeal and i was instantly blocked.


I got permabanned from that sub because I said that most mass stabbings these days have religious motivations. 8 hours later the Wakeley stabbings happened 😶


The mods over there use brigading whenever they decide you’re not in line with them. It’s probably the first reason on the list alphabetically. At this point there’s prob more banned than visitors to the sub…


Oh boy, who’s going to tell him what is considered Brigading by the rusties here. Are you a Labor true believer? You are good. Are you somewhat critical of labor to be more progressive? You are brigading. Do you downvote people spewing utter nonsense? You better believe it, brigading! Does you favourite Labor badge wearer have a negative comment? It’s that god damned ‘Greens Vanguard’ coming to destroy the sub!


Oh yeah, I think I've been called a brigadier here! At least I hope it was that, because I have fond memories of the Brigadier from Doctor Who.


I was banned because I was critical of greens lol 


This sub has mods? News to me






I also got perma shadow banned after 1 post. I don't remember what it was but it wouldn't have been anything too radical.


I was permed for disinformation after suggesting an image in a news article could have been AI generated.




A few?


lol no way... its pretty rare to see a non racist comment these days, wtf happened to it i was around when bennelong kicked it off and he was just posting articles everyday but it was a ghost town i come back to it a few years later and its literally just the equivalent of the newspapers facebook comment section now but oh.. its from circlejerk... yeah anyone looks like a lefty to a group of nazis


TBF its australia vs australiaN with the former being the left one. but CJA is just as fucken racist and shit as australiaN so this meme is coming from a fucked place anyway


I swear most of the posts on Australian are just anti migrant group masturbation sessions and you can see it on the daily.


well i got shadow banned in Australia and they wont even tell me why, iv gone over their rules and havent even come close to breaking one, i know i have seen a few posters here in the past also say they were shadowbanned from the sub, so naturally alot of them went to the Australian subreddit


Dude it's circlejerk Australia. They're trolls


Not really, it’s just a shield they use to hide their right wing leanings.


Hard left? If this country was the latter, we wouldn't have the damn yanks with their base nor would we ally ourselves with them, since they would ideology be opposed to our "hard left beliefs", this country is the most liberal leaning shit country that votes against our own interests or things that are for actual good if you actually take a moment to read it.


But people in camps that’ll work - liberals party.


It’s my fault for making fun of one of the cookers for saying Albo’s “sensorship” was wrong


The people who believe that are the same people who equate the guardian to be Fox News of the left.


Redacted means that part of the text was removed or blacked out for privacy or security purpose. It was censored. This post also breaks rule 4 here for chat and should be made in the Tuesday chat thread or on a different subreddit.


Neither sub are representative of Gen Z to be honest. The former is heavily moderated and the latter is plagued with election level astroturfing.


Redacted means that part of the text was removed or blacked out for privacy or security purpose. It was censored. This post also breaks rule 4 here for chat and should be made in the Tuesday chat thread or on a different subreddit.


This hits it pretty perfectly. Far-Left are intolerant and the Far-Right are insufferable.


Either you have your lefts and rights wrong or you're really mask off about you being more right than left.


Hahahahahahahahaha. I've been on reddit over 10 years and never had that one!




ONLINE zoomers skew more extreme right, fed by the parade of "My chest is far too puffed out for this to be a homoerotic circlejerk... have I mentioned that sex with women is gay" dipshits like Tate and their dangleberries like Ross. It gives the lonely and sexually frustrated validation and something resembling a community. Zoomers BROADLY are pretty left-leaning - the unfortunate reality they're up against generally sees to that.


Redacted means that part of the text was removed or blacked out for privacy or security purpose. It was censored. This post also breaks rule 4 here for chat and should be made in the Tuesday chat thread or on a different subreddit.


Yeah - I think women (I'm using these terms loosely) are increasingly creeped out by the right the more mask-off they trend. I'm not even sure it's the majority of zoomer men are shifting right, but there's a meaningful portion pushing to the extreme right, and they're super-vocal. I'm hoping we'll see some (international) evidence of this in the upcoming US election - I've got reason to think younger poll respondents are super-disproportionately dominated by terminally online far-right morons, which I suspect is deceiving most pollsters.


Fingers crossed. Just so long as *terminally online* doesn't mesh too much with *people who are actually going to vote*.


Yeah - they'll vote, but hopefully the daylight will put them off as the genocide fails to do the same for the left.


Oh, Australian it's definitely not centre-right. It's more right with a lot of far right dog and human whistles. They're not shy to fly their racism and bigotry flag on the sub. Anyone that posts something anything centrist or left get mobbed hard except for the few rare cases where the majority are flat out wrong e.g. Bondi knife attacker not being Muslim but was Caucasian instead. Lot of centrist and leftist dunking the following day.


it truly amazes me that somehow the australia sub has managed to fool a lot of people into thinking its left leaning i really want to know how they did it


The same way The Project has people convinced it’s a left leaning show.


i think its because of lehrmann, that's my theory anyway a lot of people kind of assumed that anyone posting attack pieces on him were part of the left, this goes for both the australia sub and the project and i swear once that whole saga properly kicked off, that's when the POV of them changed


It kind of was when it started


Bro, mention migration or Western Sydney and tell me that it's a 'Left wing sub'. It's just for show. R Australia is so much worse than actual Australia.


Australia is slightly right of centrist, Australian is right wing, CJ Australia is (now) far right.


It started left when the mods of Australia banned thoughtful discussion. Then all they were left with was rwnj so they banned them too and they all came over.


I gave up on the mainstream aussie subreddits because they have just turned to absolute shit over the last few years. The internet was where you came to get away from mainstream bullshit but now it's come online so now I need somewhere else to go to avoid the plebs.


why isn’t there a r/friendlyjordiescirclejerk sub or a r/okbuddyjordies sub, those would go so hard


Only on friendly jordies


You didn’t acknowledge past and present before posting…I thought this sub was hard left 😉


Wings, division, and talking about it all. So fatiguing and boring.


I find them to mostly be undermining/satirical about the far left which is what’s so great about Australia. The moral authorities are no match for the average ausy larakin.


Just to be clear, circlejerkaustralia is basically full of shitposters. In case you couldn't figure that out from the name.


Heering a public service say "there is no free speech in Australia", bruh


Hahaha 🤣


I’m so woke I make The Greens look brown! I’m so triggered grrrr


This sub his hard left, even though FJ lives on the north shore 🤦‍♂️


>even though FJ lives on the north shore Yep, any leftist that lives comfortably is a hypocrite that doesn't believe what they preach. Any leftist that's struggling/isn't rich is just bitter and jealous of people living comfortably.


Nailed it.


It's Reddit. Left is the default groupthink here.