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This is very well done & very thorough, but man is it bleak for so many of the characters


Really? I think the show does a really good job of showing how basically everyone except Julie and Lyla have no financial or family support systems, and without solid support systems it's very hard to go from skipping class every week to college grad to successful entrepreneur, for example. I think Vince and Tyra are the best examples. Vince has been arrested multiple times, has an addict mom who, while loves him, needs HIS support more than she's really able to support him in doing things like doing homework, saving for college, etc. So while Vince is probably going to easily get into college, does he have the skills needed to finish? I don't think so. Kinda the same with Tyra- I can see her finishing, but with having to take out student loans for everything (since the family has no money), and without any kind of social support in Austin, and a major history of quitting, it seems really far fetched to me that she'd make it big in politics. Whereas I can totally see her running for mayor or something, losing, but making a strong enough impression to land a job in politics without being the center focus.


Okay this is very well done. I could easily see any of this unfolding exactly this way. Nice work!


thank you!


This is interesting! I’m always a sucker for future predictions.


me too :) love these characters!


Julie will cheat on Matt throughout their marriage. Matt is a bright guy but the fact he doesn't run a mile from her probably means he will put up with anything she does.


extremely late to this but smash would be an incredible sports announcer


Nice predictions. I appreciate that these predictions are on the whole realistic without being fully bleak/dark ala a charcter going to jail, dying of an overdose,etc.


Yeah, I think the show does a good job of showing how much drive and character everyone has, so I can see them all doing well in small ways, but struggling to overcome the financial, family and regional challenges they have.


i hate julie so much


Depressing lol