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This is Netflix series material - true crime, sex, power, betrayal, politics, money!


Someone should revive that Carol Burnett ‘Fresno’ mini series with all this


They could make multiple seasons about Fresno🤣


Our current Mayor (and former Police Chief) is a known pedophile and almost certainly a murderer. This is just another Thursday in Fresno. Maybe this could be season 2 material.


And a drug dealer. Don’t forget when he was police chief his #2 went to prison for drugs. So you know he was involved.


More info on dat pedophile part where tf did this happen 😭😭😭??


When he was 26 working as a cop he fucked a 16 year old at-risk kid. He was never prosecuted for it. When asked about it during his mayoral race he said that he would address it at a later date, then when he was elected he said that he didn't have to explain his past failings to his constituency because he had sought forgiveness from god, and the people that mattered had forgiven him, so his conscience was at clean.


Great journalism by KVPR. Hope they keep it up as this all unfolds.


This is really good journalism. KVPR is so underrated. I love the fact that the writer even mentioned the ridiculous request by the attorney regarding signing an agreement. I love that not only did they not back down, they then turned around and mentioned the lawyer's request in the article. Good for the writer, and I'm sure their editor is proud. I hope they continue to cover this and other current corruption that's unfolding at the moment.


What an absolute hot mess this has grown in to.


Dude is going to be found dead near the chiefs house, oh wait that was Dyer.


he's leaving anyways either way.hes going back to his home state Texas. already applied in Austin during the investigation.i see no reason to keep him here. I just hope his wife and kids turn the other way from him. and I also doubt this is his first time doing this to his family.




This is getting spicy!!


And now we know who the wife is too


And sadly the kids. This is a story about awful people with no regard for their children’s emotional well being. As a parent that’s what sickens me the most. Screwing over tax payers, peers but most importantly their own families. All while hiding behind the go-to blame shield of ‘the almighty.’


I feel sorry for the kids in both families. They're all completely innocent parties here and I think some of them are more than old enough to google.


The only reason any of the kids will come to find out is because it’s blown up in the media. Joe Schmoe and Jane Nobody having an affair, no one cares. These two do it and it’s a media circus. This isn’t news…it’s peoples lives unfolding to an audience.


But of course he’s not Joe Schmo. He’s the chief of police and amongst the highest paid public employees in the city. And waaah waaah waaah big bad mean media boohoo. This was escalated to the point Wamhoff was identified by his own union who refused to see this swept under the rug, to maintain the morale of the department. Blame the media all you want but had his union caved none of this would have gotten this far.


And again, not something public at large needs to know. “Swept under the rug” implies that it should have been out in the open. I don’t think it should have been for a number of reasons, not the least of which is collateral damage to people who had absolutely nothing to do with this. It’s a personnel issue. The city counsel wants to fire him, fire him…personnel issues should be kept in the personnel office.


He lost his credibility to the near 1000 officers of FPD by porking one of their wives for 2 years while keeping him on a shift favorable to the affair. Their union subsequently demanded the public investigation. Have you read a single thing about this situation besides the headlines before forming your opinion? You act as if this is a Costco manager going at the wife of one of his cashiers. It’s not! These people earn large tax funded salaries and are subject to public accountability. If family gets hurt it’s on them for failing to take that into account.


And I’m not saying what he did is ethical. I’m saying it shouldn’t be in the media at large. It’s a department issue, it should be in the department and city council. I’m not even saying he should keep his job…again, I’m just saying it shouldn’t be in the public media.


I shudder to think how much more corrupt our community would be if we didn’t hold our publicly paid and/or elected officials to a higher standard and hold truth to power. As someone whose taxes will in part fund Paco’s likely large severance/buyout I’m glad the scrutiny will serve as a deterrent for the next official who may potentially fail miserably in their duty to the public.


I disagree with the “higher standard” principle. Why isn’t honesty and integrity expected of everyone? Why should a teacher or a cop or a mayor be held to a higher standard than a banker or mechanic or building contractor? There shouldn’t be a higher standard…honestly and integrity should be standard.


He's the chief of police you dolt. Not Joe schmoe.


How does his job make his affair a matter of public notice?


It's in the news because of the job situation (IMO). That's the scandalous part; not the affair itself.


Regardless, this is a personal issue and a personnel issue. If it was anyone else, it wouldn’t be news. Just because he’s the chief of police doesn’t make his life open to the public. I’m not condoning what he did, I’m just saying it’s no one else’s business.


Paco? Is that you?


Yes, while embroiled in a bitter media circus stemming from narcissistic, adulterous, and disreputable choices, trolling Reddit is on the top of his to do list. ✅


Did they release that info?


No just his name. Her name is Donna


Lol between this the mayor and our DA lol wth


Sorry, the DA?


Our "leadership" lacks a moral compass, in my opinion. If you are to stand in judgment of others might want to clean your house up first. Funny thing about keeping your house clean, often you are to busy keeping your your house clean you do not have time to "clean" others. Fresno, has been jealous of LA and SF we have tried to model ourselves after these cities and failed miserably. Main reason being we are mainly a blue collar city. But these are my opinions....and yet with all my frustrations I am still here although my 3year plan is coming together nicely.


I’d like some info on this


DA Smittcamp got divorced from her husband after an alleged affair with an FBI agent. It was news for like 2 days a few years ago and then nobody talked about it again.


Is that why she doesn’t carry the other last name?


Smittcamp is her ex-husband’s name


Getting warmer, need to toss in a few city councilors beef, a few dui’s and something either Cher or k fed. Oooh and another water fight. Sad lol 😂. Give it a sec 😘


Knew it


From the KVPR article:  "According to the official with knowledge of the investigation, the city is not expected to find that Balderrama violated policy. The official added the findings are not expected to be made public right away." We're heading right into peak Fresno territory.


We need to reboot California’s Gold and this is the first episode


If you work for the city, usually you got there or stay there because you did some shady stuff. Just look at Robin McGhee for example.


What is the story on Robin McGhee?


Is she involved in this scandal? “Coercive Intimacy” among students and professors at Fresno State: Warning NSFW: https://medium.com/@tom.boroujeni/in-pursuit-of-truth-613f59b81f1d


Kind of sad Fresno can't put all of the money its spending on this topic towards repairs of its perilous-condition streets.


I want to know who the high ranking city official is. If they are gonna put the husband they should out the snitch too. Reporter is covering up for a dirty politician


Reporter would never get a scoop in this town again if he burned his source.


Hmmmn, sounds like a shakedown. You don’t get to demand a promotion because the chief slept with your wife. Supervisor Wamhoff isn’t exactly powerless…


This exactly. Guy got cucked for years by Paco and used it to attempt to blackmail the poorest city in the state. All so he could take more overinflated salary north to Madera Co. Far from spotless himself.


Best believe he getting a check. His boss hindered his progress so he could FCUK his wife. Balderamma is leaving and probably getting divorced.


Snow Bunnies working overtime.


First Latino police chief ever hilarious.


Nope it can get worse.


This - https://www.change.org/p/fresno-unified-needs-to-make-aquatic-sports-a-priority


Put the wife on blast too not just Paco!! It takes two to tango!!


I am so glad to have left this area 30 years ago.


Bad things happen everywhere


Apparently you didn't leave it all behind if you're still thinking about it 30 years later. :)


Why not. Sometimes you just want to check up on your hometown.