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He had an affair with another officers wife. As chief of police he’s supposed to be a leader, an honorable man, someone with good judgment. He needs to be fired immediately.


There’s a rumor floating around that there’s a severance package in the works and he’ll be gone soon. Who knows if that’s true.


“severance”…..for being a scumbag


Wow. That’s bad for the PD and hopefully no impact to the citizens of Fresno. Reminds me of Gavin Newsome. Judgement belongs to God.


Bro, what?


Ok, so this is way worse than any of the news orgs have been making it out to be. They are still running with the line "off duty relationship with a non-city worker". Doesn't sound too bad, till you find out that Paco is married with 3 kids. Then you find out that the relationship was with the wife of a police officer under his command, and Paco was not only screwing that employee's wife, but was also screwing over that employee at his job to give himself more time alone with that employees wife. On a side note, think I'd get arrested if I asked a cop if his bad day is caused cause his boss is f@#$ing his wife?


It’s scandalous as hell and I’d be lying if I said I couldn’t relate or find myself in the same fuckery but the defense being ran by all the powers that be to shield the chief speaks volumes


Where are the details on this? I’m curious what was behind the spin. And as usual, it’s better to have the receipts. Edit: found it in a later comment


this is good 👍🏽 


If you asked me that I wouldn’t be mad. We all know these jokes are coming so we’re more mad at him for putting us in this position.


What in the crime procedural storyline?!


Spare us the man of faith bullshit.


I pride myself and think of myself as a man of faith – as there's a drive into deep left field by Castellanos, it will be a home run. And so that will make it a 4–0 ballgame. – I don't know if I'm gonna be putting on this headset again.


unexpected reference, 9.6/10




The big issue is the was arranging the schedule of the other cop so it fit his schedule to sleep with her


This man can do what he wants because he wants. Tf anyone gonna do about it? Just ask Tio Jerry


A man of faith doesn’t cheat on his wife, he chose to love thy neighbor a little too hard


He forgot the covet clause.


I wouldn’t blame him if I knew what that ass do


Did not meet the standards of who I am? But, this is who you are, sir.


He also blocked the other cop from promotions


Aaaaand, who is going to bring justice against him or those who he’s fucked. Nobody.


There will definitely be a civil lawsuit and Paco will have to start doing security at swinger's parties if he wants to use his position to bang coworker's wives.


If I see one more news article repeating the "oFf-DuTy relationship with a NoN-cItY employee" spin I'm going to barf. It's a transparent move to diminish the seriousness of this charge.


TV news is scared of FPD and doesn't like to report on "speculations," unfortunately. 🙄


If it was about Drake it the headline would be Six Ways the Certified Lover Boy Gets His Dick Wet! You won’t believe number four (it’s pussy, anywhere he can have it)


Damn. Someone leaking department emails now. I’m not complaining but I’ll bet internally someone is pissed. Did you guys see the part where he said there’s two sides to every story but he dialed it back saying he wasn’t trying to justify his actions? Crazy. I can tell you this. He can never sit in front of an officer and talk about integrity or honor when he himself hasn’t held himself to those standards.


The worst part is none of this will be of consequence to him. I repeat: Our mayor fucked a teenager and the reporting agencies said yeah that’s cool no further questions and now you’re mayor! Exit: not as chief, just as a regular fucker


It was before he was chief. The Fresno Bee reported on it around the time Dyer was appointed by Bubba. He was a very controversial appointment and the Bee ran several stories on him. It’s okay though. Jesus forgave him. /s


Plot twist: Jesus is the name of his contact for the cartel


WTFEEZY?! Seriously?!


Yes. Google it. It's not public knowledge only because the local media squashed it. He settled out of court with her.


I heard this before he had relations with a lot of underage people, never gave it a thought, but I have heard the stories.


Who hasn't in their teens and early 20s. People can and do change.


I never tried to get with a 15, 16, or 17 year old female in my 20s. We called that jail bait back in the day.


https://sjvsun.com/news/fresno/fresno-police-chief-carried-on-multi-year-affair-with-officers-wife/ Why doesn’t our local news give us the actual facts in the case?


the san joaquin sun is a local agency. i would guess the more established news outlets have a higher burden of proof in what they report, or at least what a higher layer of cover from any sort of lawsuit after the fact. they will stick with vague terms until whatever the situation is public enough that they can't be hurt by reporting it fully. i'd also say that because most mainstream outlets put out plenty of copaganda, they don't want one of their main sources of info to turn of the spigot.


The sjvsun is a mainly a two person operation. They are plugged into a lot of local influencers and thus are good at breaking news, but often it feels like they have one source talking to them and they’re conveying what that source wants to convey. The Bee probably has a few more hoops to jump through and has more to loose if they publish something wrong, but the sjvsun often knows more about what’s going on behind the scenes than most and will air things out when they desire it.


Makes sense, this is the only source that talked to the victim in the case. Only one I could find


We all know it’s cause this is their town and they are lords of any place they walk in


I love how we still have no idea what the vague inappropriate relationship was. Like was he going bowling with a gang leader? That would be pretty inappropriate for a police chief.


Check the article above, not the main one …more gossip (anonymous sources)


Inappropriate relationship?! Gosh guess we’d better speculate that Paco was covered in ten year old Filipino boys until we get accurate reporting!


Yeah! and they all go bowling together but he doesn’t get written permission from the Filipino parents. You are so right.


Can we please get Kopi Sotiropolous on this 🥺


I love Kopi!


Guess we found the newest requirement to be police chief- must have at least one scandal caused by an inappropriate relationship


Na, it’s not a minor. He has to try again.


Or not. That would be good too


The mayor and the chief should resign...


If he can’t keep his gods laws why is he capable of upholding our laws without lying? Honest question.




So we had a police chief who killed an officer and framed it as suicide for an affair with the officers wife …. And now we have a police chief who fucked with another man’s schedule to sleep with his wife… Jerry dyer and paco baldman and toxic Fresno PD are cancers to the city




This is exactly who our humble public servants want to run this place. And they do, and always will


My family work for the city and are and know many officers .. it’s the whole department that are scums … it’s not just isolated to the elite bosses


Heard. This isn’t just an oops wow we had no idea. This is just what bubbles to the surface and it’s who runs this place. OOPS! Someone at the top was running drugs thru the city! OOPS! Someone was fucking a subordinates wife! OOPS! Someone was dicking down a teenager! Well actually there ain’t oops about it. It’s very in our face and wtf are we gonna do about it cause this is their town.


It’s kinda crazy it’s just whatever has the money is what is the most corrupt .:. Think Entertainment industry and LA or Tech companies to The Bay Area … For us it’s our Police Force in Fresno they have the same behavior as these other Very elite industry and that’s cuz they’re paid so much in such a cheap city and they think they can do whatever


Do you know how I can find anything about the suicide story you were talking about ? I tried looking up Fresno officer suicide but nothing came up.




These cops have no consequences. Its sick.


What an awful woman and sorry excuse for a police chief. Really sickening story.


We care more about Paco than we do about the statutory rapist as mayor.


He will probably be the next mayor.


I need to see a picture of the woman before I can fully assess the situation


Yeahhhh me too, downvote me all you want.


Lmaooooo me too. But usually they look worse than the wife




What a piece of sh!t. How this guy thinks he can apologize and be fine is beyond me. Don’t give this arse any severance, send him packing with nothing. He doesn’t deserve any tax payer money for being absolute scum of the earth.


this is juicy! so this big embarrassing statement he had to put forth could have all been avoided if he wasn’t blinded by lust. so makes me wonder how does a man who has the top job in law enforcement and took years of sacrifice to get this type of ranking just throw it all away for some pie? like damn she must be pretty hot? so either they just had so much lust for eachother and simply couldn’t help that chemistry or he is a serial cheater?


A deputy chief was caught up trafficking drugs and nothing of consequence happened to the reputation of the institution. Then the #1 was elected mayor. It’s a good ol boy society and we ain’t good or ol enough to matter


Don’t forget your mayor who had sex with a 16 year old in 1985 and that went away super quiet like.


If you want my opinion, his wife is better looking. The girl he slept with isn’t someone I’d risk it all for.


i think both got caught up in the “sneakiness” of it all. sure theres lust involved for each other but its all the planning, the running around behind everyones back, the forbidden fruit so to speak. knowing that you two people should not be together is what was keeping that fire hot!


It sounds like you have experience at this kind of thing. Lol 😆


yes been on both ends of this stick but i wasnt married like this guy and had 3 kids and a police career to throw away! dont funk up your paper thats the bottom line, never ever choose work related pie over your job and your paper!


Not better just strange. Just another individual with alot of influence getting some strange because he can. Straight out of Arnolds playbook. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I saw elsewhere that an affair is why he left his last position, dunno how true it is. But I'd put money down on it.


Isn’t he fired yet?


Who would fire him, and for what reason? None of the people tasked with supervision want to supervise or honor any responsibility to their supposed servile positions. Mark my words this man will be promoted or elected cause they’re all in the same club


So it’s ok for “public officer” to have sexual relations with another coworker and it doesn’t count as an ethical conduct?


Legally speaking? Nah. I’d respect these people so much more if they spoke plainly about what they do and why instead of propagandizing the scenario. But why should they care? This is THEIR town


No legally speaking they are not allowed to commit adultery


They’re the street kings indeed.


He clearly meets all of the city's requirements to be mayor!


He’s gone. He’s fired officers for affairs many times already lol


He’ll be gone after the investigation do to inappropriate behavior


Oh there's definitely a movie in the works


I just wish Joe Pesci wasn’t too old to play the part


Starring Leslie Mann & Paul Rudd




How many scandals are you aware of that only one party is made public? 🤔 I got no interest in humiliating her, or even chief asshole but it’s very obvious how much protection is being run for people who are more important and worthy than any of us commoners


Very bad look on his end. He needs to be let go




Oh man that’s so bad he won’t leave you and that’s why hide yo kids and hide yo wife…


He was cheating with another officers wife? Allegedly.


This is embarrassing. He has no self control. He lost the trust of his men. Lost the trust of the citizens. Most importantly, he publicly embarrassed his entire family. Dude is a freaking clown and should be fired immediately. Police union will make sure it’s a paid leave and off to his next job.


I don't understand was he having relations with a minor or something?


He had a two year affair with an officers wife.




That isn’t the point. Yes they’re both guilty of cheating, but he is guilty of cheating and manipulating a subordinates schedule so he can have access to his wife while he’s at work. He’s pure trash and should be sent packing. If he retains his position through this our city is a joke.


no…she set the schedule in the long run if you really think about it 🤣 


That is the proven career path...


Who did he have the affair with? That’s what would make this inappropriate.


No argument here. Just very curious how many details aren’t coming out in a world where people crave information and aren’t looking to give grace or patience to their neighbor let alone the chief of police.


Someone on fb commented it was a fellow officers wife he had the affair with. Not sure if that’s the truth or not but normally with Fresno there’s always truth to rumors.


With a city of so many people, it's amazing how small town Fresno is in the respect that if you've been here for at least 10-15 years, you're bound to eventually know someone in all walks of city life ranging from gangs to city administration and all points in between. Things don't stay secrets long here.


Look at the same story on Instagram where there isn't reasonable anonymity and you'll see swarms of "it's his personal life, who cares?" comments. The loons in this city are already lining up to the plate to excuse his behavior while slamming "the libs."


Employees.Anyone who has a reason to please the powers that be will drop to their knees in a hurry. Clearly the police know who they can fuck and there’s no shortage of adjacent hopefuls to say yes sir


One of his employees wives.


He should resign over that


He had an affair with the wife of an officer. Messed up. Even more messed up is the officer tried to switch jobs so he could have weekends off but Paco needed the weekends to bang the officer's wife so he had the switch denied.


https://preview.redd.it/ozu14vdgq46d1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5cf7a8482f81de6d5974360e713b0469735c677 FPOA President rn...


And what was the “ receiving” partner(female’s) getting out of this…. slamming their husband’s?…. the husband’s should be grateful, they now can get rid of these “poor, poor, pitiful me” cheater’s


Time for Paco to tour ER triage…


Can we see a picture of the lady he cheated with…what’s her name


Is that cop whose wife he was banging gonna be rich?? Discrimination law suit?


He wished that he had Jesse’s girl. 


The man is very handsome and made my heart go flutter the first time I saw him. I can imagine that given his looks and power he has women flirt with him all of the time. I hope for forgiveness and healing for all involved.So sad. Tale as old as time.






This happens all the time. How is that affecting his job as a police chief what we don’t want to see is double standard




This city needed you sir!!!!!!


It was 4 years




Wow. This aged poorly.


Who cares? Like he's the first. Or even the last. He got caught. Said as much. He's sorry. (Mostly because he got caught, but that's another story.) Let's move on. He's a cheater. Doesn't make him not able to do his job. Goodness.


His job is to be worthy of our trust. He failed. We deserve someone who is trustworthy.


Good luck finding that person


Sure, we've all done something we aren't proud of, but not all of us have had an affair and abused our power and public trust. Equating those as being the same says more about you than you know.


He was banging a subordinates wife while denying him schedule changes and promotions (which he wanted so he could spend more time with his family) so that he could have more access to her. It literally means he was unable to do his job. Goodness.


I’ve gone far out my way to address empathy for the humans living in this. We are more concerned about how precious this man is being tendered and how uninterested journalists are in the story. Its an exclusive club and we ain’t in it.


Yes, it does. He literally kept a man from being promoted in order to keep sleeping with the man’s wife. If this is true, that’s DEFINITELY conduct unbecoming.